; This test makes sure that these instructions are properly eliminated. ; ; RUN: opt < %s -instcombine -S | FileCheck %s target datalayout = "e-p:64:64:64-i1:8:8-i8:8:8-i16:16:16-i32:32:32-i64:64:64-f32:32:32-f64:64:64-v64:64:64-v128:128:128-a0:0:64-s0:64:64-f80:128:128:n8:16:32:64" define i32 @test1(i32 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: br i1 %b, label %BB1, label %BB2 BB1: ; Combine away one argument PHI nodes %B = phi i32 [ %A, %BB0 ] ret i32 %B BB2: ret i32 %A ; CHECK: @test1 ; CHECK: BB1: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %A } define i32 @test2(i32 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: br i1 %b, label %BB1, label %BB2 BB1: br label %BB2 BB2: ; Combine away PHI nodes with same values %B = phi i32 [ %A, %BB0 ], [ %A, %BB1 ] ret i32 %B ; CHECK: @test2 ; CHECK: BB2: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %A } define i32 @test3(i32 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: br label %Loop Loop: ; PHI has same value always. %B = phi i32 [ %A, %BB0 ], [ %B, %Loop ] br i1 %b, label %Loop, label %Exit Exit: ret i32 %B ; CHECK: @test3 ; CHECK: Exit: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %A } define i32 @test4(i1 %b) { BB0: ; Loop is unreachable ret i32 7 Loop: ; preds = %L2, %Loop ; PHI has same value always. %B = phi i32 [ %B, %L2 ], [ %B, %Loop ] br i1 %b, label %L2, label %Loop L2: ; preds = %Loop br label %Loop ; CHECK: @test4 ; CHECK: Loop: ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %b } define i32 @test5(i32 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: br label %Loop Loop: ; preds = %Loop, %BB0 ; PHI has same value always. %B = phi i32 [ %A, %BB0 ], [ undef, %Loop ] br i1 %b, label %Loop, label %Exit Exit: ; preds = %Loop ret i32 %B ; CHECK: @test5 ; CHECK: Loop: ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %b ; CHECK: Exit: ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %A } define i32 @test6(i16 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: %X = zext i16 %A to i32 br i1 %b, label %BB1, label %BB2 BB1: %Y = zext i16 %A to i32 br label %BB2 BB2: ;; Suck casts into phi %B = phi i32 [ %X, %BB0 ], [ %Y, %BB1 ] ret i32 %B ; CHECK: @test6 ; CHECK: BB2: ; CHECK: zext i16 %A to i32 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 } define i32 @test7(i32 %A, i1 %b) { BB0: br label %Loop Loop: ; preds = %Loop, %BB0 ; PHI is dead. %B = phi i32 [ %A, %BB0 ], [ %C, %Loop ] %C = add i32 %B, 123 br i1 %b, label %Loop, label %Exit Exit: ; preds = %Loop ret i32 0 ; CHECK: @test7 ; CHECK: Loop: ; CHECK-NEXT: br i1 %b } define i32* @test8({ i32, i32 } *%A, i1 %b) { BB0: %X = getelementptr { i32, i32 } *%A, i32 0, i32 1 br i1 %b, label %BB1, label %BB2 BB1: %Y = getelementptr { i32, i32 } *%A, i32 0, i32 1 br label %BB2 BB2: ;; Suck GEPs into phi %B = phi i32* [ %X, %BB0 ], [ %Y, %BB1 ] ret i32* %B ; CHECK: @test8 ; CHECK-NOT: phi ; CHECK: BB2: ; CHECK-NEXT: %B = getelementptr ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32* %B } define i32 @test9(i32* %A, i32* %B) { entry: %c = icmp eq i32* %A, null br i1 %c, label %bb1, label %bb bb: %C = load i32* %B, align 1 br label %bb2 bb1: %D = load i32* %A, align 1 br label %bb2 bb2: %E = phi i32 [ %C, %bb ], [ %D, %bb1 ] ret i32 %E ; CHECK: @test9 ; CHECK: bb2: ; CHECK-NEXT: phi i32* [ %B, %bb ], [ %A, %bb1 ] ; CHECK-NEXT: %E = load i32* %{{[^,]*}}, align 1 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %E } define i32 @test10(i32* %A, i32* %B) { entry: %c = icmp eq i32* %A, null br i1 %c, label %bb1, label %bb bb: %C = load i32* %B, align 16 br label %bb2 bb1: %D = load i32* %A, align 32 br label %bb2 bb2: %E = phi i32 [ %C, %bb ], [ %D, %bb1 ] ret i32 %E ; CHECK: @test10 ; CHECK: bb2: ; CHECK-NEXT: phi i32* [ %B, %bb ], [ %A, %bb1 ] ; CHECK-NEXT: %E = load i32* %{{[^,]*}}, align 16 ; CHECK-NEXT: ret i32 %E } ; PR1777 declare i1 @test11a() define i1 @test11() { entry: %a = alloca i32 %i = ptrtoint i32* %a to i32 %b = call i1 @test11a() br i1 %b, label %one, label %two one: %x = phi i32 [%i, %entry], [%y, %two] %c = call i1 @test11a() br i1 %c, label %two, label %end two: %y = phi i32 [%i, %entry], [%x, %one] %d = call i1 @test11a() br i1 %d, label %one, label %end end: %f = phi i32 [ %x, %one], [%y, %two] ; Change the %f to %i, and the optimizer suddenly becomes a lot smarter ; even though %f must equal %i at this point %g = inttoptr i32 %f to i32* store i32 10, i32* %g %z = call i1 @test11a() ret i1 %z ; CHECK: @test11 ; CHECK-NOT: phi i32 ; CHECK: ret i1 %z } define i64 @test12(i1 %cond, i8* %Ptr, i64 %Val) { entry: %tmp41 = ptrtoint i8* %Ptr to i64 %tmp42 = zext i64 %tmp41 to i128 br i1 %cond, label %end, label %two two: %tmp36 = zext i64 %Val to i128 ; [#uses=1] %tmp37 = shl i128 %tmp36, 64 ; [#uses=1] %ins39 = or i128 %tmp42, %tmp37 ; [#uses=1] br label %end end: %tmp869.0 = phi i128 [ %tmp42, %entry ], [ %ins39, %two ] %tmp32 = trunc i128 %tmp869.0 to i64 ; [#uses=1] %tmp29 = lshr i128 %tmp869.0, 64 ; [#uses=1] %tmp30 = trunc i128 %tmp29 to i64 ; [#uses=1] %tmp2 = add i64 %tmp32, %tmp30 ret i64 %tmp2 ; HECK: @test12 ; HECK-NOT: zext ; HECK: end: ; HECK-NEXT: phi i64 [ 0, %entry ], [ %Val, %two ] ; HECK-NOT: phi ; HECK: ret i64 } declare void @test13f(double, i32) define void @test13(i1 %cond, i32 %V1, double %Vald) { entry: %tmp42 = zext i32 %V1 to i128 br i1 %cond, label %end, label %two two: %Val = bitcast double %Vald to i64 %tmp36 = zext i64 %Val to i128 ; [#uses=1] %tmp37 = shl i128 %tmp36, 64 ; [#uses=1] %ins39 = or i128 %tmp42, %tmp37 ; [#uses=1] br label %end end: %tmp869.0 = phi i128 [ %tmp42, %entry ], [ %ins39, %two ] %tmp32 = trunc i128 %tmp869.0 to i32 %tmp29 = lshr i128 %tmp869.0, 64 ; [#uses=1] %tmp30 = trunc i128 %tmp29 to i64 ; [#uses=1] %tmp31 = bitcast i64 %tmp30 to double call void @test13f(double %tmp31, i32 %tmp32) ret void ; HECK: @test13 ; HECK-NOT: zext ; HECK: end: ; HECK-NEXT: phi double [ 0.000000e+00, %entry ], [ %Vald, %two ] ; HECK-NEXT: call void @test13f(double {{[^,]*}}, i32 %V1) ; HECK: ret void }