; This test makes sure that these instructions are properly eliminated. ; ; RUN: if as < %s | opt -instcombine -dce | dis | grep set ; RUN: then exit 1 ; RUN: else exit 0 ; RUN: fi %X = uninitialized global int bool "test1"(int %A) { %B = seteq int %A, %A %C = seteq int* %X, null ; Never true %D = and bool %B, %C ret bool %D } bool "test2"(int %A) { %B = setne int %A, %A %C = setne int* %X, null ; Never false %D = or bool %B, %C ret bool %D } bool "test3"(int %A) { %B = setlt int %A, %A ret bool %B } bool "test4"(int %A) { %B = setgt int %A, %A ret bool %B } bool "test5"(int %A) { %B = setle int %A, %A ret bool %B } bool "test6"(int %A) { %B = setge int %A, %A ret bool %B }