; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -loop-reduce | llvm-dis | not grep 'cast uint 1 to uint' ; The setlt wants to use a value that is incremented one more than the dominant ; IV. Don't insert the 1 outside the loop, preventing folding it into the add. implementation ; Functions: void %test([700 x int]* %nbeaux_.0__558, int* %i_.16574) { then.0: br label %no_exit.2 no_exit.2: ; preds = %no_exit.2, %then.0 %indvar630 = phi uint [ 0, %then.0 ], [ %indvar.next631, %no_exit.2 ] ; [#uses=3] %indvar630 = cast uint %indvar630 to int ; [#uses=1] %tmp.38 = getelementptr [700 x int]* %nbeaux_.0__558, int 0, uint %indvar630 ; [#uses=1] store int 0, int* %tmp.38 %inc.2 = add int %indvar630, 2 ; [#uses=2] %tmp.34 = setlt int %inc.2, 701 ; [#uses=1] %indvar.next631 = add uint %indvar630, 1 ; [#uses=1] br bool %tmp.34, label %no_exit.2, label %loopexit.2.loopexit loopexit.2.loopexit: ; preds = %no_exit.2 store int %inc.2, int* %i_.16574 ret void }