; Don't reduce the byte access to P[i], at least not on targets that ; support an efficient 'mem[r1+r2]' addressing mode. ; RUN: llvm-upgrade < %s | llvm-as | opt -loop-reduce -disable-output declare bool %pred(int) void %test(sbyte* %PTR) { br label %Loop Loop: %INDVAR = phi int [0, %0], [%INDVAR2, %Loop] %STRRED = getelementptr sbyte* %PTR, int %INDVAR store sbyte 0, sbyte* %STRRED %INDVAR2 = add int %INDVAR, 1 %cond = call bool %pred(int %INDVAR2) ;; cannot eliminate indvar br bool %cond, label %Loop, label %Out Out: ret void }