; Test promotion of loads that use the result of a select instruction. This ; should be simplified by the instcombine pass. ; RUN: llvm-as < %s | opt -instcombine -mem2reg | llvm-dis | not grep alloca int %main() { %mem_tmp.0 = alloca int ; [#uses=3] %mem_tmp.1 = alloca int ; [#uses=3] store int 0, int* %mem_tmp.0 store int 1, int* %mem_tmp.1 %tmp.1.i = load int* %mem_tmp.1 ; [#uses=1] %tmp.3.i = load int* %mem_tmp.0 ; [#uses=1] %tmp.4.i = setle int %tmp.1.i, %tmp.3.i ; [#uses=1] %mem_tmp.i.0 = select bool %tmp.4.i, int* %mem_tmp.1, int* %mem_tmp.0 ; [#uses=1] %tmp.3 = load int* %mem_tmp.i.0 ; [#uses=1] ret int %tmp.3 }