; RUN: opt -S -simplifycfg < %s | FileCheck %s declare void @Personality() declare void @f() ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test1() define void @test1() personality i8* bitcast (void ()* @Personality to i8*) { entry: ; CHECK: call void @f() invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %unreachable.unwind exit: ret void unreachable.unwind: cleanuppad within none [] unreachable } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test2() define void @test2() personality i8* bitcast (void ()* @Personality to i8*) { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %catch.pad catch.pad: %cs1 = catchswitch within none [label %catch.body] unwind label %unreachable.unwind ; CHECK: catch.pad: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchswitch within none [label %catch.body] unwind to caller catch.body: ; CHECK: catch.body: ; CHECK-NEXT: catchpad within %cs1 ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable %catch = catchpad within %cs1 [] call void @f() catchret from %catch to label %unreachable exit: ret void unreachable.unwind: cleanuppad within none [] unreachable unreachable: unreachable } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test3() define void @test3() personality i8* bitcast (void ()* @Personality to i8*) { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %cleanup.pad cleanup.pad: ; CHECK: %cleanup = cleanuppad within none [] ; CHECK-NEXT: call void @f() ; CHECK-NEXT: unreachable %cleanup = cleanuppad within none [] invoke void @f() to label %cleanup.ret unwind label %unreachable.unwind cleanup.ret: ; This cleanupret should be rewritten to unreachable, ; and merged into the pred block. cleanupret from %cleanup unwind label %unreachable.unwind exit: ret void unreachable.unwind: cleanuppad within none [] unreachable } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test4() define void @test4() personality i8* bitcast (void ()* @Personality to i8*) { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %terminate.pad terminate.pad: ; CHECK: terminatepad within none [] unwind to caller terminatepad within none [] unwind label %unreachable.unwind exit: ret void unreachable.unwind: cleanuppad within none [] unreachable } ; CHECK-LABEL: define void @test5() define void @test5() personality i8* bitcast (void ()* @Personality to i8*) { entry: invoke void @f() to label %exit unwind label %catch.pad catch.pad: %cs1 = catchswitch within none [label %catch.body] unwind to caller catch.body: %catch = catchpad within %cs1 [] catchret from %catch to label %exit exit: unreachable }