/*===-- FileLexer.l - Scanner for TableGen Files ----------------*- C++ -*-===// // // //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=*/ %option prefix="File" %option yylineno %option nostdinit %option never-interactive %option batch %option noyywrap %option nodefault %option 8bit %option outfile="Lexer.cpp" %option ecs %option noreject %option noyymore %{ #include "Record.h" typedef std::pair*> SubClassRefTy; #include "FileParser.h" // ParseInt - This has to handle the special case of binary numbers 0b0101 static int ParseInt(const char *Str) { if (Str[0] == '0' && Str[1] == 'b') return strtol(Str+2, 0, 2); return strtol(Str, 0, 0); } %} Comment \/\/.* Identifier [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]* Integer [-+]?[0-9]+|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+|0b[01]+ StringVal \"[^"]*\" %% {Comment} { /* Ignore comments */ } int { return INT; } bit { return BIT; } bits { return BITS; } string { return STRING; } list { return LIST; } class { return CLASS; } def { return DEF; } field { return FIELD; } set { return SET; } in { return IN; } {Identifier} { Filelval.StrVal = new std::string(yytext, yytext+yyleng); return ID; } {StringVal} { Filelval.StrVal = new std::string(yytext+1, yytext+yyleng-1); return STRVAL; } {Integer} { Filelval.IntVal = ParseInt(Filetext); return INTVAL; } [ \t\n]+ { /* Ignore whitespace */ } . { return Filetext[0]; } %%