//===-- FileParser.y - Parser for TableGen files ----------------*- C++ -*-===// // // This file implements the bison parser for Table Generator files... // //===------------------------------------------------------------------------=// %{ #include "Record.h" #include "Support/StringExtras.h" #include #include #define YYERROR_VERBOSE 1 int yyerror(const char *ErrorMsg); int yylex(); extern int Filelineno; static Record *CurRec = 0; typedef std::pair*> SubClassRefTy; struct LetRecord { std::string Name; std::vector Bits; Init *Value; bool HasBits; LetRecord(const std::string &N, std::vector *B, Init *V) : Name(N), Value(V), HasBits(B != 0) { if (HasBits) Bits = *B; } }; static std::vector > LetStack; extern std::ostream &err(); static void addValue(const RecordVal &RV) { if (RecordVal *ERV = CurRec->getValue(RV.getName())) { // The value already exists in the class, treat this as a set... if (ERV->setValue(RV.getValue())) { err() << "New definition of '" << RV.getName() << "' of type '" << *RV.getType() << "' is incompatible with previous " << "definition of type '" << *ERV->getType() << "'!\n"; abort(); } } else { CurRec->addValue(RV); } } static void addSuperClass(Record *SC) { if (CurRec->isSubClassOf(SC)) { err() << "Already subclass of '" << SC->getName() << "'!\n"; abort(); } CurRec->addSuperClass(SC); } static void setValue(const std::string &ValName, std::vector *BitList, Init *V) { if (!V) return ; RecordVal *RV = CurRec->getValue(ValName); if (RV == 0) { err() << "Value '" << ValName << "' unknown!\n"; abort(); } // If we are assigning to a subset of the bits in the value... then we must be // assigning to a field of BitsRecTy, which must have a BitsInit // initializer... // if (BitList) { BitsInit *CurVal = dynamic_cast(RV->getValue()); if (CurVal == 0) { err() << "Value '" << ValName << "' is not a bits type!\n"; abort(); } // Convert the incoming value to a bits type of the appropriate size... Init *BI = V->convertInitializerTo(new BitsRecTy(BitList->size())); if (BI == 0) { V->convertInitializerTo(new BitsRecTy(BitList->size())); err() << "Initializer '" << *V << "' not compatible with bit range!\n"; abort(); } // We should have a BitsInit type now... assert(dynamic_cast(BI) != 0 || &(std::cerr << *BI) == 0); BitsInit *BInit = (BitsInit*)BI; BitsInit *NewVal = new BitsInit(CurVal->getNumBits()); // Loop over bits, assigning values as appropriate... for (unsigned i = 0, e = BitList->size(); i != e; ++i) { unsigned Bit = (*BitList)[i]; if (NewVal->getBit(Bit)) { err() << "Cannot set bit #" << Bit << " of value '" << ValName << "' more than once!\n"; abort(); } NewVal->setBit(Bit, BInit->getBit(i)); } for (unsigned i = 0, e = CurVal->getNumBits(); i != e; ++i) if (NewVal->getBit(i) == 0) NewVal->setBit(i, CurVal->getBit(i)); V = NewVal; } if (RV->setValue(V)) { err() << "Value '" << ValName << "' of type '" << *RV->getType() << "' is incompatible with initializer '" << *V << "'!\n"; abort(); } } static void addSubClass(Record *SC, const std::vector &TemplateArgs) { // Add all of the values in the subclass into the current class... const std::vector &Vals = SC->getValues(); for (unsigned i = 0, e = Vals.size(); i != e; ++i) addValue(Vals[i]); const std::vector &TArgs = SC->getTemplateArgs(); // Ensure that an appropriate number of template arguments are specified... if (TArgs.size() < TemplateArgs.size()) { err() << "ERROR: More template args specified than expected!\n"; abort(); } else { // This class expects template arguments... // Loop over all of the template arguments, setting them to the specified // value or leaving them as the default as neccesary. for (unsigned i = 0, e = TArgs.size(); i != e; ++i) { if (i < TemplateArgs.size()) { // A value is specified for this temp-arg? // Set it now. setValue(TArgs[i], 0, TemplateArgs[i]); } else if (!CurRec->getValue(TArgs[i])->getValue()->isComplete()) { err() << "ERROR: Value not specified for template argument #" << i << " (" << TArgs[i] << ") of subclass '" << SC->getName() << "'!\n"; abort(); } } } // Since everything went well, we can now set the "superclass" list for the // current record. const std::vector &SCs = SC->getSuperClasses(); for (unsigned i = 0, e = SCs.size(); i != e; ++i) addSuperClass(SCs[i]); addSuperClass(SC); } %} %union { std::string *StrVal; int IntVal; RecTy *Ty; Init *Initializer; std::vector *FieldList; std::vector*BitList; Record *Rec; SubClassRefTy *SubClassRef; std::vector *SubClassList; std::vector > *DagValueList; }; %token INT BIT STRING BITS LIST CODE DAG CLASS DEF FIELD LET IN %token INTVAL %token ID VARNAME STRVAL CODEFRAGMENT %type Type %type ClassInst DefInst Object ObjectBody ClassID %type SubClassRef %type ClassList ClassListNE %type OptPrefix %type Value OptValue %type DagArgList DagArgListNE %type ValueList ValueListNE %type BitList OptBitList RBitList %type Declaration OptID OptVarName %start File %% ClassID : ID { $$ = Records.getClass(*$1); if ($$ == 0) { err() << "Couldn't find class '" << *$1 << "'!\n"; abort(); } delete $1; }; // TableGen types... Type : STRING { // string type $$ = new StringRecTy(); } | BIT { // bit type $$ = new BitRecTy(); } | BITS '<' INTVAL '>' { // bits type $$ = new BitsRecTy($3); } | INT { // int type $$ = new IntRecTy(); } | LIST '<' Type '>' { // list type $$ = new ListRecTy($3); } | CODE { // code type $$ = new CodeRecTy(); } | DAG { // dag type $$ = new DagRecTy(); } | ClassID { // Record Type $$ = new RecordRecTy($1); }; OptPrefix : /*empty*/ { $$ = 0; } | FIELD { $$ = 1; }; OptValue : /*empty*/ { $$ = 0; } | '=' Value { $$ = $2; }; Value : INTVAL { $$ = new IntInit($1); } | STRVAL { $$ = new StringInit(*$1); delete $1; } | CODEFRAGMENT { $$ = new CodeInit(*$1); delete $1; } | '?' { $$ = new UnsetInit(); } | '{' ValueList '}' { BitsInit *Init = new BitsInit($2->size()); for (unsigned i = 0, e = $2->size(); i != e; ++i) { struct Init *Bit = (*$2)[i]->convertInitializerTo(new BitRecTy()); if (Bit == 0) { err() << "Element #" << i << " (" << *(*$2)[i] << ") is not convertable to a bit!\n"; abort(); } Init->setBit($2->size()-i-1, Bit); } $$ = Init; delete $2; } | ID { if (const RecordVal *RV = (CurRec ? CurRec->getValue(*$1) : 0)) { $$ = new VarInit(*$1, RV->getType()); } else if (Record *D = Records.getDef(*$1)) { $$ = new DefInit(D); } else { err() << "Variable not defined: '" << *$1 << "'!\n"; abort(); } delete $1; } | Value '{' BitList '}' { $$ = $1->convertInitializerBitRange(*$3); if ($$ == 0) { err() << "Invalid bit range for value '" << *$1 << "'!\n"; abort(); } delete $3; } | '[' ValueList ']' { $$ = new ListInit(*$2); delete $2; } | Value '.' ID { if (!$1->getFieldType(*$3)) { err() << "Cannot access field '" << *$3 << "' of value '" << *$1 << "!\n"; abort(); } $$ = new FieldInit($1, *$3); delete $3; } | '(' ID DagArgList ')' { Record *D = Records.getDef(*$2); if (D == 0) { err() << "Invalid def '" << *$2 << "'!\n"; abort(); } $$ = new DagInit(D, *$3); delete $2; delete $3; }; OptVarName : /* empty */ { $$ = new std::string(); } | ':' VARNAME { $$ = $2; }; DagArgListNE : Value OptVarName { $$ = new std::vector >(); $$->push_back(std::make_pair($1, *$2)); delete $2; } | DagArgListNE ',' Value OptVarName { $1->push_back(std::make_pair($3, *$4)); delete $4; $$ = $1; }; DagArgList : /*empty*/ { $$ = new std::vector >(); } | DagArgListNE { $$ = $1; }; RBitList : INTVAL { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back($1); } | INTVAL '-' INTVAL { if ($1 < $3 || $1 < 0 || $3 < 0) { err() << "Invalid bit range: " << $1 << "-" << $3 << "!\n"; abort(); } $$ = new std::vector(); for (int i = $1; i >= $3; --i) $$->push_back(i); } | INTVAL INTVAL { $2 = -$2; if ($1 < $2 || $1 < 0 || $2 < 0) { err() << "Invalid bit range: " << $1 << "-" << $2 << "!\n"; abort(); } $$ = new std::vector(); for (int i = $1; i >= $2; --i) $$->push_back(i); } | RBitList ',' INTVAL { ($$=$1)->push_back($3); } | RBitList ',' INTVAL '-' INTVAL { if ($3 < $5 || $3 < 0 || $5 < 0) { err() << "Invalid bit range: " << $3 << "-" << $5 << "!\n"; abort(); } $$ = $1; for (int i = $3; i >= $5; --i) $$->push_back(i); } | RBitList ',' INTVAL INTVAL { $4 = -$4; if ($3 < $4 || $3 < 0 || $4 < 0) { err() << "Invalid bit range: " << $3 << "-" << $4 << "!\n"; abort(); } $$ = $1; for (int i = $3; i >= $4; --i) $$->push_back(i); }; BitList : RBitList { $$ = $1; std::reverse($1->begin(), $1->end()); }; OptBitList : /*empty*/ { $$ = 0; } | '{' BitList '}' { $$ = $2; }; ValueList : /*empty*/ { $$ = new std::vector(); } | ValueListNE { $$ = $1; }; ValueListNE : Value { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back($1); } | ValueListNE ',' Value { ($$ = $1)->push_back($3); }; Declaration : OptPrefix Type ID OptValue { addValue(RecordVal(*$3, $2, $1)); setValue(*$3, 0, $4); $$ = $3; }; BodyItem : Declaration ';' { delete $1; } | LET ID OptBitList '=' Value ';' { setValue(*$2, $3, $5); delete $2; delete $3; }; BodyList : /*empty*/ | BodyList BodyItem; Body : ';' | '{' BodyList '}'; SubClassRef : ClassID { $$ = new SubClassRefTy($1, new std::vector()); } | ClassID '<' ValueListNE '>' { $$ = new SubClassRefTy($1, $3); }; ClassListNE : SubClassRef { $$ = new std::vector(); $$->push_back(*$1); delete $1; } | ClassListNE ',' SubClassRef { ($$=$1)->push_back(*$3); delete $3; }; ClassList : /*empty */ { $$ = new std::vector(); } | ':' ClassListNE { $$ = $2; }; DeclListNE : Declaration { CurRec->addTemplateArg(*$1); delete $1; } | DeclListNE ',' Declaration { CurRec->addTemplateArg(*$3); delete $3; }; TemplateArgList : '<' DeclListNE '>' {}; OptTemplateArgList : /*empty*/ | TemplateArgList; OptID : ID { $$ = $1; } | /*empty*/ { $$ = new std::string(); }; ObjectBody : OptID { static unsigned AnonCounter = 0; if ($1->empty()) *$1 = "anonymous."+utostr(AnonCounter++); CurRec = new Record(*$1); delete $1; } OptTemplateArgList ClassList { for (unsigned i = 0, e = $4->size(); i != e; ++i) { addSubClass((*$4)[i].first, *(*$4)[i].second); // Delete the template arg values for the class delete (*$4)[i].second; } // Process any variables on the set stack... for (unsigned i = 0, e = LetStack.size(); i != e; ++i) for (unsigned j = 0, e = LetStack[i].size(); j != e; ++j) setValue(LetStack[i][j].Name, LetStack[i][j].HasBits ? &LetStack[i][j].Bits : 0, LetStack[i][j].Value); } Body { CurRec->resolveReferences(); // Now that all of the references have been resolved, we can delete template // arguments for superclasses, so they don't pollute our record, and so that // their names won't conflict with later uses of the name... for (unsigned i = 0, e = $4->size(); i != e; ++i) { Record *SuperClass = (*$4)[i].first; for (unsigned i = 0, e = SuperClass->getTemplateArgs().size(); i != e; ++i) CurRec->removeValue(SuperClass->getTemplateArgs()[i]); } delete $4; // Delete the class list... $$ = CurRec; CurRec = 0; }; ClassInst : CLASS ObjectBody { if (Records.getClass($2->getName())) { err() << "Class '" << $2->getName() << "' already defined!\n"; abort(); } Records.addClass($$ = $2); }; DefInst : DEF ObjectBody { if (!$2->getTemplateArgs().empty()) { err() << "Def '" << $2->getName() << "' is not permitted to have template arguments!\n"; abort(); } // If ObjectBody has template arguments, it's an error. if (Records.getDef($2->getName())) { err() << "Def '" << $2->getName() << "' already defined!\n"; abort(); } Records.addDef($$ = $2); }; Object : ClassInst | DefInst; LETItem : ID OptBitList '=' Value { LetStack.back().push_back(LetRecord(*$1, $2, $4)); delete $1; delete $2; }; LETList : LETItem | LETList ',' LETItem; // LETCommand - A 'LET' statement start... LETCommand : LET { LetStack.push_back(std::vector()); } LETList IN; // Support Set commands wrapping objects... both with and without braces. Object : LETCommand '{' ObjectList '}' { LetStack.pop_back(); } | LETCommand Object { LetStack.pop_back(); }; ObjectList : Object {} | ObjectList Object {}; File : ObjectList {}; %% int yyerror(const char *ErrorMsg) { err() << "Error parsing: " << ErrorMsg << "\n"; abort(); }