package Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis; import java.util.*; import IR.State; import IR.SymbolTable; import IR.ClassDescriptor; import IR.TaskDescriptor; import; import; import; import Util.Edge; public class ExecutionGraph { private TaskAnalysis taskanalysis; private State state; private Hashtable executiongraph; private HashSet marked; private HashSet processed; public ExecutionGraph(State state, TaskAnalysis ta) { this.taskanalysis=ta; this.state=state; this.executiongraph = new Hashtable(); this.marked=new HashSet(); this.processed=new HashSet(); } public Hashtable getExecutionGraph() { return executiongraph; } public void createExecutionGraph() throws { //Cycle through classes Enumeration e=taskanalysis.flagstates.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) { ClassDescriptor cdtemp=(ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement(); HashSet graph=exploreGraph(cdtemp); adapt(cdtemp,graph); } printDOTFile(); } private HashSet exploreGraph(ClassDescriptor cd) { LinkedList fifo = new LinkedList(); HashSet nodes=new HashSet(); Hashtable map=new Hashtable(); // Go through nodes Iterator it = taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd).iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { FlagState fs =; if(fs.isSourceNode()) { for (Iterator allocit = ((Vector)fs.getAllocatingTasks()).iterator(); allocit.hasNext();) { TaskDescriptor alloctask=(TaskDescriptor); EGTaskNode srcnode=new EGTaskNode(alloctask.getSymbol(),alloctask, fs); nodes.add(srcnode); srcnode.setSource(); for (Iterator edges = fs.edges(); edges.hasNext();){ FEdge edge = (FEdge); EGTaskNode targetnode=getNode(edge, map, nodes); EGEdge newedge=new EGEdge(fs, targetnode); srcnode.addEdge(newedge); } } } for(Iterator init=fs.inedges(); init.hasNext();) { FEdge inedge=(FEdge); EGTaskNode srcnode=getNode(inedge, map, nodes); for(Iterator outit=fs.edges(); outit.hasNext();) { FEdge outedge=(FEdge); EGTaskNode dstnode=getNode(outedge, map, nodes); EGEdge newedge=new EGEdge(fs,dstnode); srcnode.addEdge(newedge); } } } return nodes; } private EGTaskNode getNode(FEdge fedge, Hashtable map, HashSet nodes) { if (map.containsKey(fedge)) return map.get(fedge); EGTaskNode egnode=new EGTaskNode(fedge.getLabel(), (FlagState) fedge.getSource(), fedge.getTask(), fedge.getIndex(), (FlagState) fedge.getTarget()); map.put(fedge, egnode); nodes.add(egnode); return egnode; } //put the graph into executiongraph private void adapt(ClassDescriptor cd, HashSet nodes) { HashSet tasknodes = new HashSet(); tasknodes.addAll(nodes); executiongraph.put(cd,tasknodes); } //print the contain of graph private void test(Hashtable graph) { System.out.println("\nGraph contains :"); Collection c = graph.values(); for ( Iterator it = c.iterator(); it.hasNext();){ EGTaskNode tn = (EGTaskNode); System.out.println(tn.getTextLabel()+" ID "+tn.getLabel()+" FS "+tn.getFSName()); } } //create dot files private void printDOTFile() throws { Enumeration e = executiongraph.keys(); while (e.hasMoreElements()){ createDOTFile((ClassDescriptor)e.nextElement()); } } private void createDOTFile(ClassDescriptor cd) throws { Set s = (Set)executiongraph.get(cd); output; File dotfile_flagstates= new File("execution"+cd.getSymbol()+".dot"); FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(dotfile_flagstates,false); output = new, true); output.println("digraph dotvisitor {"); output.println("\tnode [fontsize=10,height=\"0.1\", width=\"0.1\"];"); output.println("\tedge [fontsize=6];"); traverse(output, s); output.println("}\n"); } private void traverse( output, Set v) { EGTaskNode tn; for(Iterator it1 = v.iterator(); it1.hasNext();){ tn = (EGTaskNode); output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" [label=\""+tn.getTextLabel()+"\""); if (tn.isMultipleParams()) output.println(", color=blue"); output.println("];"); for(Iterator it2 = tn.edges(); it2.hasNext();){ output.println("\t"+tn.getLabel()+" -> "+((EGTaskNode)((EGEdge)";"); } } } }