package IR.Flat; import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.FlagState; import IR.ClassDescriptor; import IR.FlagDescriptor; import IR.TagDescriptor; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Vector; public class FlatFlagActionNode extends FlatNode { Hashtable tempflagpairs; Hashtable temptagpairs; int taskexit; public static final int NEWOBJECT=0; public static final int PRE=1; public static final int TASKEXIT=2; Hashtable> cd2initfs; Hashtable> cd2fs4new; Hashtable> fs2fs; int m_taskexitindex; public FlatFlagActionNode(int taskexit) { tempflagpairs=new Hashtable(); temptagpairs=new Hashtable(); this.taskexit=taskexit; this.cd2initfs = null; this.cd2fs4new = null; this.fs2fs = null; this.m_taskexitindex = 0; } public int getTaskExitIndex() { return m_taskexitindex; } public void setTaskExitIndex(int taskexitindex) { this.m_taskexitindex = taskexitindex; } public int getTaskType() { return taskexit; } public Vector getInitFStates(ClassDescriptor cd) { if(this.cd2initfs == null) { this.cd2initfs = new Hashtable>(); } if(this.cd2initfs.get(cd) == null) { this.cd2initfs.put(cd, new Vector()); } return this.cd2initfs.get(cd); } public Vector getTargetFStates4NewObj(ClassDescriptor cd) { if(this.cd2fs4new == null) { this.cd2fs4new = new Hashtable>(); } if(this.cd2fs4new.get(cd) == null) { this.cd2fs4new.put(cd, new Vector()); } return this.cd2fs4new.get(cd); } public Vector getTargetFStates(FlagState fs) { if(this.fs2fs == null) { this.fs2fs = new Hashtable>(); } if(this.fs2fs.get(fs) == null) { this.fs2fs.put(fs, new Vector()); } return this.fs2fs.get(fs); } public void addFlagAction(TempDescriptor td, FlagDescriptor fd, boolean status) { TempFlagPair tfp=new TempFlagPair(td,fd); if (tempflagpairs.containsKey(tfp)) { throw new Error("Temp/Flag combination used twice: "+tfp); } tempflagpairs.put(tfp, new Boolean(status)); } public void addTagAction(TempDescriptor td, TagDescriptor tagd, TempDescriptor tagt, boolean status) { TempTagPair ttp=new TempTagPair(td,tagd, tagt); if (temptagpairs.containsKey(ttp)) { throw new Error("Temp/Tag combination used twice: "+ttp); } temptagpairs.put(ttp, new Boolean(status)); } public int kind() { return FKind.FlatFlagActionNode; } /** This method returns an iterator over the Temp/Flag pairs. */ public Iterator getTempFlagPairs() { return tempflagpairs.keySet().iterator(); } public Iterator getTempTagPairs() { return temptagpairs.keySet().iterator(); } public boolean getFlagChange(TempFlagPair tfp) { return ((Boolean)tempflagpairs.get(tfp)).booleanValue(); } public boolean getTagChange(TempTagPair ttp) { return ((Boolean)temptagpairs.get(ttp)).booleanValue(); } public TempDescriptor [] readsTemps() { if (tempflagpairs.size()==0) return new TempDescriptor [0]; else { HashSet temps=new HashSet(); for(Iterator it=tempflagpairs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TempFlagPair tfp=(TempFlagPair); temps.add(tfp.getTemp()); } for(Iterator it=temptagpairs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair); temps.add(ttp.getTemp()); temps.add(ttp.getTagTemp()); } return (TempDescriptor[])temps.toArray(new TempDescriptor [temps.size()]); } } public int getFFANType() { throw new Error("Use getTaskType() instead and remove this method"); } public String toString() { String st="FlatFlagActionNode_"; for(Iterator it=tempflagpairs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TempFlagPair tfp=(TempFlagPair); st+=getFlagChange(tfp) ? "" : "!"; st+=tfp.getTemp()+" "+tfp.getFlag()+","; } for(Iterator it=temptagpairs.keySet().iterator(); it.hasNext();) { TempTagPair ttp=(TempTagPair); st+=getTagChange(ttp) ? "" : "!"; st+=ttp.getTemp()+" "+ttp.getTag()+"("+ttp.getTagTemp()+"),"; } return st; } }