AsyncFileWriter writer{std::move(writePipe)};
// Write a message
- writer.writeMessage(std::string{"test message"});
+ writer.writeMessage("test message: " + std::string(200, 'x'));
// Call flush(). Use a separate thread, since this should block until we
// consume data from the pipe.
auto flushFunction = [&] { writer.flush(); };
std::thread flushThread{
[&]() { promise.setTry(makeTryWith(flushFunction)); }};
+ // Detach the flush thread now rather than joining it at the end of the
+ // function. This way if something goes wrong during the test we will fail
+ // with the real error, rather than crashing due to the std::thread
+ // destructor running on a still-joinable thread.
+ flushThread.detach();
// Sleep briefly, and make sure flush() still hasn't completed.
+ // If it has completed this doesn't necessarily indicate a bug in
+ // AsyncFileWriter, but instead indicates that our test code failed to
+ // successfully cause a blocking write.
/* sleep override */
// Make sure flush completes successfully now
- flushThread.join();