public class RuntimeConflictResolver {
public static final boolean generalDebug = true;
-//Prints out effects and data structure used to steer RCR traversals
+ public static final boolean cSideDebug = false;
+ //Prints out effects and data structure used to steer RCR traversals
public static final boolean printEffectsAndEffectsTable = false;
-//Prints steps taken to build internal representation of pruned reach graph
+ //Prints steps taken to build internal representation of pruned reach graph
public static final boolean traceDataStructureBuild = false;
- public static final boolean cSideDebug = false;
private PrintWriter cFile;
private PrintWriter headerFile;
if(!created.isEmpty()) {
for(Iterator<ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> it=created.values().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
ConcreteRuntimeObjNode obj=it.next();
- if (obj.hasPrimitiveConflicts()||obj.decendantsConflict()||obj.hasDirectObjConflict) {
+ if (obj.hasPrimitiveConflicts() ||
+ obj.decendantsConflict() ||
+ obj.hasDirectObjConflict ) {
public String removeInvalidChars(String in) {
StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(in);
for(int i = 0; i < s.length(); i++) {
- if(s.charAt(i) == ' ' || s.charAt(i) == '.' || s.charAt(i) == '='||s.charAt(i)=='['||s.charAt(i)==']') {
+ if(s.charAt(i) == ' ' ||
+ s.charAt(i) == '.' ||
+ s.charAt(i) == '=' ||
+ s.charAt(i) == '[' ||
+ s.charAt(i) == ']' ) {
private void runAllTraversals() {
for(TraversalInfo t: toTraverse) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, "Running Traversal a traversal on " + t.f);
+ printDebug(generalDebug, "Running Traversal on " + t.f);
if(t.f instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode) {
traverseSESEBlock((FlatSESEEnterNode)t.f, t.rg);
headerFile.println("\nint tasktraverse(SESEcommon * record);");
cFile.println("\nint tasktraverse(SESEcommon * record) {");
cFile.println(" if(!CAS(&record->rcrstatus,1,2)) {");
//release traverser reference...no traversal necessary
cFile.println("#ifndef OOO_DISABLE_TASKMEMPOOL");
cFile.println(" RELEASE_REFERENCE_TO(record);");
cFile.println(" return;");
cFile.println(" }");
cFile.println(" switch(record->classID) {");
TempDescriptor tmp=invars.get(i);
// FIX IT LATER! Right now, we assume that there is only one parent
+ // JCJ ask yong hun what we should do in the multi-parent future!
FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getSESEParent().iterator().next();
- ConflictGraph graph=oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
- String id = tmp + "_sese" + fsen.getPrettyIdentifier();
- ConflictNode node = graph.getId2cn().get(id);
+ ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
+ // JCJ should ConflictGraph create this id string properly for this code?
+ String id = tmp + "_sese" + fsen.getPrettyIdentifier();
+ ConflictNode node = graph.getId2cn().get(id);
if (i!=0) {
cFile.println(" if (record->rcrstatus!=0)");
if(t.isRBlockTaint()) {
cFile.println(" " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr, ("+t.getSESE().getSESErecordName()+" *)record", t.getSESE()));
} else if (t.isStallSiteTaint()){
+ // JCJ either remove this or consider writing a comment explaining what it is commented out for
cFile.println("/* " + this.getTraverserInvocation(t.getVar(), "startingPtr, record", t.getStallSite())+"*/");
} else {
System.out.println("RuntimeConflictResolver encountered a taint that is neither SESE nor stallsite: " + t);
// Plan is to add stuff to the tree depth-first sort of way. That way, we can
// propagate up conflicts
+ // JCJ what does this method do, exactly?
private void createHelper(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode curr,
Iterator<RefEdge> edges,
Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created,
if (currEffects == null || currEffects.isEmpty())
- //Handle Objects (and primitives if child is new)
+ //Handle Objects (and primitives if child is new) JCJ what does this mean?
if(currEffects.hasObjectEffects()) {
while(edges.hasNext()) {
RefEdge edge = edges.next();
createHelper(child, childHRN.iteratorToReferencees(), created, table, taint);
} else {
//This makes sure that all conflicts below the child is propagated up the referencers.
+ // JCJ spelling of descencents?
if(child.decendantsPrimConflict || child.hasPrimitiveConflicts()) {
propagatePrimConflict(child, child.enqueueToWaitingQueueUponConflict);
private void propagateObjConflict(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode curr, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode pointOfAccess) {
for(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode referencer: curr.parentsWithReadToNode) {
- if(curr.parentsThatWillLeadToConflicts.add(referencer) || //case where referencee has never seen referncer
+ if( curr.parentsThatWillLeadToConflicts.add(referencer) || //case where referencee has never seen referncer
(pointOfAccess != null && referencer.addPossibleWaitingQueueEnqueue(pointOfAccess))) // case where referencer has never seen possible unresolved referencee below
referencer.decendantsObjConflict = true;
* checking code for each object based on its allocation site. The switch statement is
* surrounded by a while statement which dequeues objects to be checked from a queue. An
* object is added to a queue only if it contains a conflict (in itself or in its referencees)
- * and we came across it while checking through it's referencer. Because of this property,
- * conflicts will be signaled by the referencer; the only exception is the inset variable which can
- * signal a conflict within itself.
+ * and we came across it while checking through it's referencer. Because of this property,
+ * conflicts will be signaled by the referencer; the only exception is the inset variable which can
+ * signal a conflict within itself.
private void printCMethod(Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created, Taint taint) {
if(cSideDebug) {
cFile.println("printf(\"The traverser ran for " + methodName + "\\n\");");
- }
+ }
if(cases.size() == 0) {
private void insertEntriesIntoHashStructure(Taint taint, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode curr,
- String prefix, int depth, StringBuilder currCase) {
+ String prefix, int depth, StringBuilder currCase) {
boolean primConfRead=false;
boolean primConfWrite=false;
boolean objConfRead=false;
String strrcr=taint.isRBlockTaint()?"&record->rcrRecords["+index+"], ":"NULL, ";
String tasksrc=taint.isRBlockTaint()?"(SESEcommon *) record, ":"(SESEcommon *)(((INTPTR)record)|1LL), ";
+ // JCJ could clean this section up a bit
//Do call if we need it.
if(primConfWrite||objConfWrite) {
int heaprootNum = connectedHRHash.get(taint).id;
- private void printObjRefSwitchStatement(Taint taint, Hashtable<AllocSite, StringBuilder> cases,
- int pDepth, StringBuilder currCase, ObjRefList refsAtParticularField, String childPtr,
- String currPtr) {
+ private void printObjRefSwitchStatement(Taint taint,
+ Hashtable<AllocSite, StringBuilder> cases,
+ int pDepth,
+ StringBuilder currCase,
+ ObjRefList refsAtParticularField,
+ String childPtr,
+ String currPtr) {
currCase.append(" "+currPtr+"= (struct ___Object___ * ) " + childPtr + ";\n");
currCase.append(" if (" + currPtr + " != NULL) { \n");
private Taint getProperTaintForFlatSESEEnterNode(FlatSESEEnterNode rblock, VariableNode var,
- Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> effects) {
+ Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> effects) {
Set<Taint> taints = effects.keySet();
for (Taint t : taints) {
FlatSESEEnterNode sese = t.getSESE();
- if(sese != null && sese.equals(rblock) && t.getVar().equals(var.getTempDescriptor())) {
+ if(sese != null &&
+ sese.equals(rblock) &&
+ t.getVar().equals( var.getTempDescriptor() )
+ ) {
return t;
+ // JCJ drop a blurb saying what this method assumes is already set up?
private void enumerateHeaproots() {
weaklyConnectedHRCounter = 0;
num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup = new ArrayList<WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();
+ // JCJ why is this here?!?!?!?!
public boolean equals(Object other) {
if(other == null || !(other instanceof ConcreteRuntimeObjNode))
for(String key: objectRefs.keySet()) {
for(ObjRef r: objectRefs.get(key)) {
- if(r.hasDirectObjConflict() || (r.child.parentsWithReadToNode.contains(this) && r.hasConflictsDownThisPath())) {
+ if( r.hasDirectObjConflict() ||
+ (r.child.parentsWithReadToNode.contains(this) && r.hasConflictsDownThisPath())
+ ) {