output.println(" {");
+ // before doing anything, lock your own record and increment the running children
+ if( fsen != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.lock) );");
+ output.println(" ++("+paramsprefix+"->common.numRunningChildren);");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.lock) );");
+ }
// just allocate the space for this record
output.println(" "+fsen.getSESErecordName()+"* seseToIssue = ("+
fsen.getSESErecordName()+"*) mlpAllocSESErecord( sizeof( "+
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.forwardList = createQueue();");
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.unresolvedDependencies = 0;");
output.println(" seseToIssue->common.doneExecuting = FALSE;");
+ output.println(" pthread_cond_init( &(seseToIssue->common.runningChildrenCond), NULL );");
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->common.numRunningChildren = 0;");
+ if( fsen != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->common.parent = (SESEcommon*) "+paramsprefix+";");
+ } else {
+ output.println(" seseToIssue->common.parent = NULL;");
+ }
// all READY in-vars should be copied now and be done with it
Iterator<TempDescriptor> tempItr = fsen.getReadyInVarSet().iterator();
fsen.getParent().getInVarSet().contains( temp ) ||
fsen.getParent().getOutVarSet().contains( temp )
) {
- //from = "(void*) &("+paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+")";
from = paramsprefix+"->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
} else {
from = temp.getSafeSymbol();
- //String to = "(void*) &(seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+")";
String to = "seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol();
String size = "sizeof( seseToIssue->"+temp.getSafeSymbol()+" )";
- //output.println(" memcpy( "+to+", "+from+", "+size+" );");
output.println(" "+to+" = "+from+";");
if( fsen != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
// count up outstanding dependencies, static first, then dynamic
Iterator<SESEandAgePair> staticSrcsItr = fsen.getStaticInVarSrcs().iterator();
while( staticSrcsItr.hasNext() ) {
String com = paramsprefix+"->common";
+ // this SESE cannot be done until all of its children are done
+ // so grab your own lock with the condition variable for watching
+ // that the number of your running children is greater than zero
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+com+".lock) );");
+ output.println(" while( "+com+".numRunningChildren > 0 ) {");
+ output.println(" pthread_cond_wait( &("+com+".runningChildrenCond), &("+com+".lock) );");
+ output.println(" }");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_unlock( &("+com+".lock) );");
// copy out-set from local temps into the sese record
Iterator<TempDescriptor> itr = fsexn.getFlatEnter().getOutVarSet().iterator();
while( itr.hasNext() ) {
if( fsexn.getFlatEnter() != mlpa.getRootSESE() ) {
output.println(" psem_give( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.stallSem) );");
+ // last of all, decrement your parent's number of running children
+ output.println(" if( "+paramsprefix+"->common.parent != NULL ) {");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->lock) );");
+ output.println(" --("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->numRunningChildren);");
+ output.println(" pthread_cond_signal( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->runningChildrenCond) );");
+ output.println(" pthread_mutex_lock( &("+paramsprefix+"->common.parent->lock) );");
+ output.println(" }");
public void generateFlatWriteDynamicVarNode( FlatMethod fm,
#define TRUE 1
+// forward declaration of pointer type
+typedef struct SESEcommon_t* SESEcommon_p;
// these fields are common to any SESE, and casting the
// generated SESE record to this can be used, because
// this child, the child gives it at its SESE exit
psemaphore stallSem;
// the lock guards the following data SESE's
// use to coordinate with one another
pthread_mutex_t lock;
struct Queue* forwardList;
int unresolvedDependencies;
int doneExecuting;
-} SESEcommon;
+ pthread_cond_t runningChildrenCond;
+ int numRunningChildren;
+ SESEcommon_p parent;
-// a parent remembers an SESE instance, say class ID=2
-// and age=0, by declaring an SESEvarSrc seseID2_age0
-// and keeping the fields up-to-date
-typedef struct SESEvarSrc_t {
- void* sese;
- INTPTR addr;
-} SESEvarSrc;
+} SESEcommon;
// simple mechanical allocation and
void mlpDestroySESErecord( void* seseRecord );
-// main library functions
-void mlpInit();
-void mlpCommonIssueActions( void* seseRecord );
-void mlpStall( void* seseRecord );
#endif /* __MLP_RUNTIME__ */