private final ClassDescriptor cd;
private final Hashtable<TagDescriptor,Integer> tags;
- public void setOption(String option) {
- this.nodeoption=","+option;
- }
- public void setMerge() {
- merge=true;
- }
/** Class constructor
* Creates a new flagstate with all flags set to false.
* @param cd ClassDescriptor
for (Iterator it_edges=fs.edges();it_edges.hasNext();){
TaskNode target=new TaskNode(((FEdge);
- tn.addEdge(new TEdge(target));
+ TEdge tedge=new TEdge(target);
+ // if (!tn.edges.contains(tedge))
+ tn.addEdge(new TEdge(target));
} while(it_inedges.hasNext());
public class TaskNode extends GraphNode {
- private final String name;
- private int uid;
+ private final String name;
+ private int uid;
private static int nodeid=0;
- public void setOption(String option) {
- this.nodeoption=","+option;
- }
/**Class Constructor
* Creates a new TaskNode using the TaskDescriptor.
* @param tasknode TaskDescriptor
/** Boolean flag which indicates whether compiler is compiling a task-based
* program. */
+ public boolean WEBINTERFACE;
public boolean TASK;
public boolean TASKSTATE=false;
public boolean THREAD=false;
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+// Programmer: Duane M. Gran,
+// Program: JhttpServer
+// Date: April 24, 1998
+import java.util.*;
+// Class: httpResponse
+// Purpose: constructs the header to be returned by the server
+public class HTTPHeader{
+ // make a hashtable of return codes to messages
+ static private HashStrings rc = new HashStrings();
+ static
+ {
+ rc.put("200", "OK");
+ rc.put("403", "Fobidden");
+ rc.put("404", "Not found");
+ rc.put("501", "Method not implemented");
+ }
+ // hashtable of content type matchings
+ static private HashStrings ct = new HashStrings(); // p. 817
+ static
+ {
+ ct.put("txt", "text/plain");
+ ct.put("text", "text/plain");
+ ct.put("log", "text/plain");
+ ct.put("htm", "text/html");
+ ct.put("html", "text/html");
+ ct.put("gif", "image/gif");
+ ct.put("jpg", "image/jpg");
+ ct.put("jpeg", "image/jpg");
+ ct.put("jpe", "image/jpg");
+ ct.put("mpg", "video/mpeg");
+ ct.put("mpeg", "video/mpeg");
+ ct.put("mpe", "video/mpeg");
+ ct.put("qt", "video/quicktime");
+ ct.put("mov", "video/quicktime");
+ ct.put("au", "audio/basic");
+ ct.put("snd", "audio/basic");
+ ct.put("wav", "audio/x-wave");
+ ct.put("class", "application/octet-stream");
+ ct.put("ps", "application/postscript");
+ }
+// Constructor: send_header(int, String, int)
+// Purpose: Send an HTTP header
+ static public void send_header(BufferedWriter out, int returnCode,
+ String filename, long fileLength){
+ String contentType = getContentTypeFor(filename);
+ String returnString = (String) rc.get(String.valueOf(returnCode));
+ String header;
+ header = "HTTP/1.0 " + returnCode + " " + returnString + "\n" +
+ "Date: " + "1/1/01" + "\n" + // date
+ "Expires: 1/1/00\n"+
+ "Allow: GET\n" + // allowed methods
+ "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" + // mime version
+ "Server : SpinWeb Custom HTTP Server\n" + // server type
+ "Content-Type: " + contentType + "\n" + // type
+ "Content-Length: "+ fileLength + "\n\n"; // length
+ try{
+ out.write(header,0,header.length());
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ ; // do nothing!
+ }
+ }
+// Method: getContentTypeFor(String)
+// Purpose: Looks up the content type (MIME) in a hashtable for the given
+// file suffix. It removes any anchors (#) in case the string is
+// a URL and then operates on the name without path.
+ static private String getContentTypeFor(String filename)
+ {
+ int position = filename.lastIndexOf('#');
+ if (position != -1)
+ filename = filename.substring(0, position - 1);
+ File f = new File(filename);
+ String name = f.getName(); // name w/o directory
+ position = name.lastIndexOf('.');
+ String contentType;
+ if (position == -1) // if no extension, txt is assigned by default
+ contentType = "txt";
+ else
+ contentType = name.substring(position + 1);
+ return (String) ct.get(contentType);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+public class HTTPResponse{
+ public int returnCode;
+ public long sentBytes;
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+import java.util.*;
+public class HTTPServices{
+ static private String webRoot = ".";
+ static private Reader get_reader(String fileName,HTTPResponse resp) throws IOException{
+ try{
+// if(fileName.equals("/daytime")){
+// String date_str = (new Date()).toString();
+// resp.sentBytes = date_str.length();
+// return
+// new StringReader(date_str);
+// }
+ if(fileName.equals("/viewlog"))
+ fileName = LogFile.log_file_name;
+ else
+ fileName = webRoot + fileName;
+ File f = new File(fileName);
+ resp.sentBytes = f.length();
+ return new FileReader(f);
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ resp.returnCode = 501;
+ return
+ new StringReader("Error accessing " + fileName);
+ }
+ }
+ public static void GET_handler(String fileName, BufferedWriter out,HTTPResponse resp){
+ BufferedReader reader = null;
+ char buffer[];
+ int size;
+ if((reader = HEAD_handler_int(fileName,out,resp)) == null) return;
+ buffer = new char[1024];
+ try{
+ while((size =,0,buffer.length)) != -1)
+ out.write(buffer,0,size);
+ reader.close();
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ resp.returnCode = 501; // error during transmision
+ }
+ }
+ public static void POST_handler(String fileName, BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp){
+ GET_handler(fileName,out,resp);
+ }
+ static private BufferedReader HEAD_handler_int(String fileName,
+ BufferedWriter out,HTTPResponse resp){
+ BufferedReader reader = null;
+ try{
+ reader = new BufferedReader(get_reader(fileName, resp));
+ resp.returnCode = 200;
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ resp.returnCode = 404; // file not found
+ }
+ if(resp.returnCode == 200)
+ HTTPHeader.send_header(out, resp.returnCode, fileName, resp.sentBytes);
+ else{
+ HTTPHeader.send_header(out, resp.returnCode, fileName, 0);
+ return null;
+ }
+ return reader;
+ }
+ public static void HEAD_handler(String fileName,
+ BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp){
+ HEAD_handler_int(fileName,out,resp);
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+class HashStrings {
+ Pair p[]; // entries in the hash table
+ int f; // number of full entries
+ public HashStrings() { p = new Pair[38]; f = 0; }
+ public void put(String key, String value) {
+ int n = p.length;
+ if (f == n-1) return; // cheese -- a diary product
+ int i = key.hashCode() % n;
+ while (p[i] != null) {
+ if (key.equals(p[i].key)) {
+ p[i] = new Pair(key, value);
+ return;
+ }
+ i = (i+1) % n;
+ }
+ p[i] = new Pair(key, value);
+ f = f + 1;
+ }
+ public String get(String key) {
+ int n = p.length;
+ int i = key.hashCode() % n;
+ while (p[i] != null) {
+ if (key.equals(p[i].key))
+ return p[i].value;
+ i = (i+1) % n;
+ }
+ return null;
+ }
+class Pair {
+ String key, value;
+ Pair (String key, String value) { this.key = key; this.value = value; }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+class IdentityRelation{
+ String fieldname1;
+ String fieldname2;
+ public IdentityRelation(String fieldname1,String fieldname2) {
+ this.fieldname1=fieldname1;
+ this.fieldname2=fieldname2;
+ }
+ public String toString() {
+ return fieldname1+"."+fieldname2;
+ }
+ public int hashCode() {
+ return fieldname1.hashCode()^fieldname2.hashCode();
+ }
+ public boolean equals(Object obj) {
+ if (obj instanceof IdentityRelation) {
+ IdentityRelation ir=(IdentityRelation) obj;
+ if (fieldname1.equals(ir.fieldname1)&&
+ fieldname2.equals(ir.fieldname2))
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+import java.util.*;
+class Imap {
+ private Rectangle[] rectangles;
+ private Point[] points;
+ long THRESHOLD=400;
+ public Imap(String filename) {
+ FileReader fr=null;
+ try {
+ fr=new FileReader(filename);
+ parseFile(fr);
+ fr.close();
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ System.out.println(e);
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ static class Rectangle {
+ String label;
+ int x1,y1,x2,y2;
+ public Rectangle(String label, int x1,int y1, int x2, int y2) {
+ this.label=label;
+ this.x1=x1;
+ this.y1=y1;
+ this.x2=x2;
+ this.y2=y2;
+ }
+ }
+ String parseclick(int x,int y) {
+ System.out.println(x+","+y);
+ for(int i=0;i<rectangles.length;i++) {
+ Rectangle r=rectangles[i];
+ if ((r.x1<=x)&&(r.y1>=y)&&
+ (r.x2>=x)&&(r.y2<=y))
+ return r.label;
+ }
+ long mindistance=Long.MAX_VALUE;
+ int minindex=-1;
+ for(int i=0;i<points.length;i++) {
+ Point p=points[i];
+ long dx=p.x-x;
+ long dy=p.y-y;
+ if ((dx*dx+dy*dy)<mindistance) {
+ mindistance=dx*dx+dy*dy;
+ minindex=i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (mindistance>THRESHOLD)
+ return null;
+ else
+ return points[minindex].label;
+ }
+ static class Point {
+ String label;
+ int x,y;
+ public Point(String label, int x,int y) {
+ this.label=label;
+ this.x=x;
+ this.y=y;
+ }
+ }
+ void parseFile(FileReader fr) {
+ int firstchar=0;
+ ArrayList rectangles=new ArrayList();
+ ArrayList points=new ArrayList();
+ while(true) {
+ try {
+ } catch (Exception e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ /* EOF?*/
+ if (firstchar==-1)
+ break;
+ switch(firstchar) {
+ case'b':
+ case'#':
+ while(firstchar!='\n') {
+ try {
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ }
+ break;
+ case'r':
+ {
+ nexttoken(fr,false);
+ String label=nexttoken(fr,false);
+ String x1=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ String y1=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ String x2=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ String y2=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ Rectangle r=new Rectangle(label,Integer.parseInt(x1),Integer.parseInt(y1),
+ Integer.parseInt(x2),Integer.parseInt(y2));
+ rectangles.add(r);
+ }
+ break;
+ case'p':
+ {
+ nexttoken(fr,false);
+ String label=nexttoken(fr,false);
+ String x=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ String y=nexttoken(fr,true);
+ Point p=new Point(label,Integer.parseInt(x),Integer.parseInt(y));
+ points.add(p);
+ }
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ this.rectangles=(Rectangle[]) rectangles.toArray(new Rectangle[rectangles.size()]);
+ this.points=(Point[]) points.toArray(new Point[points.size()]);
+ }
+ String nexttoken( isr,boolean commas) {
+ String string="";
+ int c=0;
+ boolean looped=false;
+ while(true) {
+ try {
+ } catch (IOException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ System.exit(-1);
+ }
+ if ((c==' ')||(c=='\n')||(commas&&c==',')) {
+ if (!looped) {
+ looped=true;
+ continue;
+ }
+ return string;
+ }
+ string=string+new String(new char[]{(char)c});
+ looped=true;
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+// Programmer: Duane M. Gran,
+// Program: JhttpServer
+// Date: April 24, 1998
+public class JhttpServer extends Thread{
+ private ServerSocket server;
+ private WebInterface webinterface;
+// Constructor: JhttpServer(int)
+ public JhttpServer(int port, WebInterface webinterface)
+ {
+ System.out.println("starting...");
+ this.webinterface=webinterface;
+ try{
+ System.out.println("creating the port");
+ server = new ServerSocket(port);
+ }
+ catch (IOException e){
+ System.err.println(e);
+ System.exit(1);
+ }
+ }
+ private void startWorker(Socket client) throws Exception {
+ (new JhttpWorker(client,false,webinterface)).start();
+ }
+ public void run(){
+ // infinite loop
+ while (true){
+ try{
+ startWorker(server.accept());
+ }
+ catch (Exception e){
+ System.err.println(e);
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+// Programmer: Duane M. Gran,
+// Program: JhttpServer
+// Date: April 24, 1998
+import java.util.*;
+// Class: JhttpWorker
+// Purpose: Takes an HTTP request and executes it in a separate thread
+public class JhttpWorker extends Thread{
+ public String fileName = null;
+ public String methodType = null;
+ public String httpVersion = "http/1.0";
+ private Socket client;
+ public int fileLength, returnCode;
+ private boolean logging;
+ private WebInterface webinterface;
+ public JhttpWorker(Socket client, boolean logging, WebInterface webinterface) {
+ this.client=client;
+ this.logging=logging;
+ this.webinterface=webinterface;
+ }
+ public void run(){
+ HTTPResponse resp = new HTTPResponse();
+ BufferedReader in = null;
+ BufferedWriter out = null;
+ resp.returnCode = 200;
+ resp.sentBytes = 0;
+ try{
+ in = new BufferedReader(
+ new InputStreamReader(
+ client.getInputStream()));
+ out = new BufferedWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ client.getOutputStream()));
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ // I'm not too good at HTTP. Normally, we should put some
+ // error code here. Anyway, I have assumed that an error
+ // is equivalent to an unhandled request / method (501)
+ resp.returnCode = 501;
+ }
+ if(resp.returnCode == 200){
+ // call the appropriate hanndler
+ switch(method(in)){
+ case 0:
+ if (webinterface.specialRequest(fileName)) {
+ String newfile=webinterface.handleresponse(fileName, out, resp);
+ if (newfile!=null) {
+ HTTPServices.GET_handler(newfile, out, resp);
+ }
+ } else
+ HTTPServices.GET_handler(fileName, out, resp);
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ HTTPServices.HEAD_handler(fileName, out, resp);
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ HTTPServices.POST_handler(fileName, out, resp);
+ break;
+ default:
+ resp.returnCode = 501; //error
+ }
+ try{
+ out.flush();
+ if (logging)
+ LogFile.write_log(client,methodType,fileName,httpVersion,
+ resp.returnCode,resp.sentBytes);
+ out.close();
+ in.close();
+ client.close();
+ }
+ catch(IOException e){
+ ; // do nothing
+ }
+ }
+ // System.out.println(fileName + " is going to finish"); // debug
+ }
+// Function: method()
+// Purpose: Open an InputStream and parse the request made.
+// Note: Regardless of what method is requested, right now it performs a
+// GET operation.
+// Calls:
+// Returns: Boolean value for success or failure
+ private int method(BufferedReader in){
+ int ret = -1;
+ try{
+ String line;
+ // read just the first line
+ line = in.readLine();
+ // only spaces used
+ StringTokenizer tok = new StringTokenizer(line, " ");
+ if (tok.hasMoreTokens()) // make sure there is a request
+ {
+ String str = tok.nextToken();
+ if ( str.equals("GET") ){
+ ret = 0;
+ methodType = "GET";
+ }
+ else if ( str.equals("HEAD") ){
+ ret = 1;
+ methodType = "HEAD";
+ }
+ else if ( str.equals("POST") ){
+ ret = 2;
+ methodType = "POST";
+ }
+ else{
+ System.out.println("501 - unsupported request:" +str);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ }
+ else{
+ // System.out.println("Request from browser was empty!");
+ return -1;
+ }
+ // get the filename
+ if (tok.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ fileName = tok.nextToken();
+ if(fileName.equals("/"))
+ {
+ fileName = "/index.html";
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // this is weird... why am i taking the first character of
+ // the filename if there are no more tokens?
+ // - catch should take care of this
+ fileName = fileName.substring(1);
+ }
+ // read the http version number
+ // - right now nothing is done with this information
+ if (tok.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ httpVersion = tok.nextToken();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ httpVersion = "http/1.0"; // default
+ }
+ // read remainder of the browser's header
+ // - nothing done right now with this info... placeholder
+ while((line = in.readLine()) != null)
+ {
+ StringTokenizer token = new StringTokenizer(line," ");
+ // do processing here
+ if(!token.hasMoreTokens())
+ {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch(Exception e){
+ System.err.println(e);
+ return -1;
+ }
+ return ret;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+// Programmer: Duane M. Gran,
+// Program: JhttpServer
+// Date: April 24, 1998
+import java.util.*;
+import java.text.SimpleDateFormat;
+// Class: logFile
+// Purpose: Handle the behavior for logging connections. The methods simply
+// add to the private data fields. Has implementation for standard
+// output, as well as output to file.
+// An example log entry looks like:
+// - - [29/JAN/1998:21:40:30 -06] "GET /file.html HTTP/1.0" 200 472
+public class LogFile
+ static public final String log_file_name = "server.log";
+ static public String write_log(Socket s, String Method, String URI,
+ String Protocol,
+ int ReturnCode, long BytesSent){
+ // Socket.toString() calls (indirectly) some Hashtable.get
+ // method - I tool care of it!
+ /*
+ String addr = s.toString();
+ String Address = addr.substring(addr.indexOf('/') + 1,
+ addr.indexOf(','));
+ */
+ // SimpleDateFormat sdf =
+ // new SimpleDateFormat("EEE, dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss zzz"); // RFC 1123
+ // sdf.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT"));
+ // String Date = sdf.format(new Date());
+ String Entry =
+ /* Address + */ " - - [" + // IP address
+ "Date" + "] \"" + // date
+ Method + " " + // get, post, head
+ URI + " " + // filename
+ Protocol + "\" " + // http/1.?
+ ReturnCode + " " + // 200-500
+ BytesSent + "\n"; // bytes sent
+ try{
+ BufferedWriter out = new BufferedWriter(
+ new OutputStreamWriter(
+ new FileOutputStream(log_file_name, true)));
+ out.write(Entry,0,Entry.length());
+ out.flush();
+ out.close();
+ }
+ catch (IOException e){
+ System.err.println("Gicu " + e);
+ }
+ return Entry;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+package Interface;
+import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.*;
+import IR.*;
+import java.util.*;
+public class WebInterface {
+ TaskAnalysis taskanalysis;
+ TaskGraph taskgraph;
+ State state;
+ Hashtable taskmap;
+ Hashtable taskgraphmap;
+ public WebInterface(State state, TaskAnalysis taskanalysis, TaskGraph taskgraph) {
+ this.state=state;
+ this.taskanalysis=taskanalysis;
+ this.taskgraph=taskgraph;
+ taskmap=new Hashtable();
+ taskgraphmap=new Hashtable();
+ }
+ public boolean specialRequest(String filename) {
+ System.out.println(filename);
+ if (filename.equals("/index.html"))
+ return true;
+ if (taskmap.containsKey(filename))
+ return true;
+ if (taskgraphmap.containsKey(filename))
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ public String handleresponse(String filename, BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp) {
+ if (filename.equals("/index.html"))
+ return indexpage(out, resp);
+ if (taskmap.containsKey(filename))
+ return flagstate((ClassDescriptor) taskmap.get(filename), out, resp);
+ if (taskgraphmap.containsKey(filename))
+ return taskstate((ClassDescriptor) taskgraphmap.get(filename), out, resp);
+ return "NORESP";
+ }
+ private String flagstate(ClassDescriptor cd, BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp) {
+ Set objects=taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd);
+ File file=new File(cd.getSymbol()+".dot");
+ try {
+ //Generate jpg
+ Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+ FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(file,false);
+ FlagState.DOTVisitor.visit(dotstream, objects);
+ dotstream.close();
+ Process p=r.exec("dot -Tjpg "+cd.getSymbol()+".dot -o"+cd.getSymbol()+".jpg");
+ p.waitFor();
+ p=r.exec("dot -Tps "+cd.getSymbol()+".dot -o"+cd.getSymbol()+".ps");
+ p.waitFor();
+ PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(out);
+ pw.println("<a href=\"/"+ cd.getSymbol()+".ps\">ps</a><br>");
+ pw.println("<img src=\"/"+ cd.getSymbol()+".jpg\">");
+ pw.flush();
+ } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();System.exit(-1);}
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String taskstate(ClassDescriptor cd, BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp) {
+ Set objects=taskgraph.getTaskNodes(cd);
+ File file=new File(cd.getSymbol()+"");
+ try {
+ //Generate jpg
+ Runtime r=Runtime.getRuntime();
+ FileOutputStream dotstream=new FileOutputStream(file,false);
+ FlagState.DOTVisitor.visit(dotstream, objects);
+ dotstream.close();
+ Process p=r.exec("dot -Tjpg "+cd.getSymbol()+" -o"+cd.getSymbol()+"-t.jpg");
+ p.waitFor();
+ p=r.exec("dot -Tps "+cd.getSymbol()+".dot -o"+cd.getSymbol()+"");
+ p.waitFor();
+ PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(out);
+ pw.println("<a href=\"/"+ cd.getSymbol()+"\">ps</a><br>");
+ pw.println("<img src=\"/"+ cd.getSymbol()+"-t.jpg\">");
+ pw.flush();
+ } catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace();System.exit(-1);}
+ return null;
+ }
+ private String indexpage(BufferedWriter out, HTTPResponse resp) {
+ PrintWriter pw=new PrintWriter(out);
+ for(Iterator it_classes=state.getClassSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();it_classes.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor);
+ if (taskanalysis.getFlagStates(cd)!=null) {
+ pw.println("<a href=\""+cd.getSymbol()+".html\">"+ cd.getSymbol() +"</a>");
+ pw.println("<br>");
+ taskmap.put("/"+cd.getSymbol()+".html", cd);
+ }
+ if (taskgraph.getTaskNodes(cd)!=null) {
+ pw.println("<a href=\""+cd.getSymbol()+"-t.html\">"+ cd.getSymbol() +"</a>");
+ pw.println("<br>");
+ taskgraphmap.put("/"+cd.getSymbol()+"-t.html", cd);
+ }
+ }
+ pw.flush();
+ return null;
+ }
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TaskGraph;
import Analysis.CallGraph.CallGraph;
import Analysis.TaskStateAnalysis.TagAnalysis;
+import Interface.*;
public class Main {
else if (option.equals("-thread"))
+ else if (option.equals("-webinterface"))
+ state.WEBINTERFACE=true;
else if (option.equals("-instructionfailures"))
else if (option.equals("-help")) {
System.out.println("-thread -- threads");
System.out.println("-instructionfailures -- insert code for instruction level failures");
System.out.println("-taskstate -- do task state analysis");
+ System.out.println("-webinterface -- enable web interface");
System.out.println("-help -- print out help");
} else {
BuildFlat bf=new BuildFlat(state,tu);
+ CallGraph callgraph=null;
+ TagAnalysis taganalysis=null;
+ TaskGraph tg=null;
+ TaskAnalysis ta=null;
if (state.TASKSTATE) {
- CallGraph callgraph=new CallGraph(state);
- TagAnalysis taganalysis=new TagAnalysis(state, callgraph);
- TaskAnalysis ta=new TaskAnalysis(state, taganalysis);
+ callgraph=new CallGraph(state);
+ taganalysis=new TagAnalysis(state, callgraph);
+ ta=new TaskAnalysis(state, taganalysis);
- TaskGraph tg=new TaskGraph(state, ta);
+ tg=new TaskGraph(state, ta);
+ if (state.WEBINTERFACE) {
+ WebInterface wi=new WebInterface(state, ta, tg);
+ JhttpServer serve=new JhttpServer(8000,wi);
+ }
BuildCode bc=new BuildCode(state, bf.getMap(), tu);
Analysis/TaskStateAnalysis/TaskNode.class \
Analysis/TaskStateAnalysis/TaskGraph.class \
Analysis/CallGraph/CallGraph.class Util/Edge.class \
-Util/GraphNode.class Util/Relation.class
+Util/GraphNode.class Util/Relation.class Util/Namer.class \
+Interface/WebInterface.class Interface/HTTPHeader.class \
+Interface/JhttpWorker.class Interface/HTTPResponse.class \
+Interface/LogFile.class Interface/HTTPServices.class \
+Interface/Pair.class Interface/HashStrings.class \
all: Parse/Sym.class Parse/Parser.class $(CLASSFILES) javadoc
echo -specdir directory
echo -taskstate do task state analysis
echo -debug generate debug symbols
+echo -webinterface enable web interface
echo -runtimedebug printout runtime debug messages
echo "-thread use support for multiple threads"
echo "-optimize call gcc with -O9 (optimize)"
+elif [[ $1 = '-webinterface' ]]
+JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -webinterface"
elif [[ $1 = '-instructionfailures' ]]
JAVAOPTS="$JAVAOPTS -instructionfailures"