if (!md.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
CompositeLocation returnLocComp = null;
- String rtrStr = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getReturnLoc();
- if (rtrStr != null) {
- returnLocComp = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, rtrStr));
- } else {
- if (methodAnnotations != null) {
- for (int i = 0; i < methodAnnotations.size(); i++) {
- AnnotationDescriptor an = methodAnnotations.elementAt(i);
- if (an.getMarker().equals(ssjava.RETURNLOC)) {
- // this case, developer explicitly defines method lattice
- String returnLocDeclaration = an.getValue();
- returnLocComp = parseLocationDeclaration(md, null, returnLocDeclaration);
- }
- }
- } else {
- // if developer does not define method lattice
- // search return location in the method default lattice
- if (returnLocComp == null) {
- MethodLattice<String> methodDefaultLattice = ssjava.getMethodDefaultLattice(cd);
- if (methodDefaultLattice.getReturnLoc() != null) {
- returnLocComp =
- parseLocationDeclaration(md, null, methodDefaultLattice.getReturnLoc());
- }
+ boolean hasReturnLocDeclaration = false;
+ if (methodAnnotations != null) {
+ for (int i = 0; i < methodAnnotations.size(); i++) {
+ AnnotationDescriptor an = methodAnnotations.elementAt(i);
+ if (an.getMarker().equals(ssjava.RETURNLOC)) {
+ // this case, developer explicitly defines method lattice
+ String returnLocDeclaration = an.getValue();
+ returnLocComp = parseLocationDeclaration(md, null, returnLocDeclaration);
+ hasReturnLocDeclaration = true;
+ if (!hasReturnLocDeclaration) {
+ // if developer does not define method lattice
+ // search return location in the method default lattice
+ String rtrStr = ssjava.getMethodLattice(md).getReturnLoc();
+ returnLocComp = new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, rtrStr));
+ }
if (returnLocComp == null) {
throw new Error("Return location is not specified for the method " + md + " at "
+ cd.getSourceFileName());
System.out.println("### ReturnLocGenerator=" + md);
System.out.println("### md2ReturnLoc.get(md)=" + md2ReturnLoc.get(md));
- md2ReturnLocGen.put(md, new ReturnLocGenerator(md2ReturnLoc.get(md), paramList, md + " of "
- + cd.getSourceFileName()));
+ md2ReturnLocGen.put(md, new ReturnLocGenerator(md2ReturnLoc.get(md), md, paramList, md
+ + " of " + cd.getSourceFileName()));
// fourth, check declarations inside of method
checkCalleeConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
+ checkCallerArgumentLocationConstraints(md, nametable, min, baseLocation, constraint);
if (!min.getMethod().getReturnType().isVoid()) {
// If method has a return value, compute the highest possible return
// location in the caller's perspective
+ private void checkCallerArgumentLocationConstraints(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
+ MethodInvokeNode min, CompositeLocation baseLoc, CompositeLocation constraint) {
+ // if parameter location consists of THIS and FIELD location,
+ // caller should pass an argument that is comparable to the declared
+ // parameter location
+ // and is not lower than the declared parameter location in the field
+ // lattice.
+ MethodDescriptor calleemd = min.getMethod();
+ List<CompositeLocation> callerArgList = new ArrayList<CompositeLocation>();
+ List<CompositeLocation> calleeParamList = new ArrayList<CompositeLocation>();
+ MethodLattice<String> calleeLattice = ssjava.getMethodLattice(calleemd);
+ Location calleeThisLoc = new Location(calleemd, calleeLattice.getThisLoc());
+ for (int i = 0; i < min.numArgs(); i++) {
+ ExpressionNode en = min.getArg(i);
+ CompositeLocation callerArgLoc =
+ checkLocationFromExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, new CompositeLocation(), constraint,
+ false);
+ callerArgList.add(callerArgLoc);
+ }
+ // setup callee params set
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleemd.numParameters(); i++) {
+ VarDescriptor calleevd = (VarDescriptor) calleemd.getParameter(i);
+ CompositeLocation calleeLoc = d2loc.get(calleevd);
+ calleeParamList.add(calleeLoc);
+ }
+ String errorMsg = generateErrorMessage(md.getClassDesc(), min);
+ for (int i = 0; i < calleeParamList.size(); i++) {
+ CompositeLocation calleeParamLoc = calleeParamList.get(i);
+ if (calleeParamLoc.get(0).equals(calleeThisLoc) && calleeParamLoc.getSize() > 1) {
+ // callee parameter location has field information
+ CompositeLocation argLocation =
+ translateCallerLocToCallee(md, calleeThisLoc, callerArgList.get(i),errorMsg);
+ if (!CompositeLattice.isGreaterThan(argLocation, calleeParamLoc, errorMsg)) {
+ throw new Error("Caller argument '" + min.getArg(i).printNode(0)
+ + "' should be higher than corresponding callee's parameter at " + errorMsg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private CompositeLocation translateCallerLocToCallee(MethodDescriptor md, Location calleeThisLoc,
+ CompositeLocation callerArgLoc,String errorMsg) {
+ ClassDescriptor calleeClassDesc = md.getClassDesc();
+ CompositeLocation translate = new CompositeLocation();
+ int startIdx = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < callerArgLoc.getSize(); i++) {
+ if (callerArgLoc.get(i).getDescriptor().equals(calleeClassDesc)) {
+ startIdx = i;
+ }
+ }
+ if (startIdx == 0) {
+ // caller arg location doesn't have field information
+ throw new Error("Caller argument location " + callerArgLoc
+ + " does not contain field information while callee has ordering constraints on field at "+errorMsg);
+ }
+ translate.addLocation(calleeThisLoc);
+ for (int i = startIdx + 1; i < callerArgLoc.getSize(); i++) {
+ translate.addLocation(callerArgLoc.get(i));
+ }
+ System.out.println("TRANSLATED=" + translate + " from callerArgLoc=" + callerArgLoc);
+ return translate;
+ }
private CompositeLocation computeCeilingLocationForCaller(MethodDescriptor md,
SymbolTable nametable, MethodInvokeNode min, CompositeLocation baseLocation,
CompositeLocation constraint) {
public static final int PARAMISSAME = 1;
public static final int IGNORE = 2;
- Hashtable<Integer, Integer> paramIdx2paramType;
+ private Hashtable<Integer, Integer> paramIdx2paramType;
- public ReturnLocGenerator(CompositeLocation returnLoc, List<CompositeLocation> params, String msg) {
- // creating mappings
- paramIdx2paramType = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
- for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
- CompositeLocation param = params.get(i);
- int compareResult = CompositeLattice.compare(param, returnLoc, true, msg);
+ private CompositeLocation declaredReturnLoc = null;
- int type;
- if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.GREATER) {
- type = 0;
- } else if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.EQUAL) {
- type = 1;
- } else {
- type = 2;
+ public ReturnLocGenerator(CompositeLocation returnLoc, MethodDescriptor md,
+ List<CompositeLocation> params, String msg) {
+ CompositeLocation thisLoc = params.get(0);
+ if (returnLoc.get(0).equals(thisLoc.get(0)) && returnLoc.getSize() > 1) {
+ // if the declared return location consists of THIS and field location,
+ // return location for the caller's side has to have same field element
+ this.declaredReturnLoc = returnLoc;
+ } else {
+ // creating mappings
+ paramIdx2paramType = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < params.size(); i++) {
+ CompositeLocation param = params.get(i);
+ int compareResult = CompositeLattice.compare(param, returnLoc, true, msg);
+ int type;
+ if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.GREATER) {
+ type = 0;
+ } else if (compareResult == ComparisonResult.EQUAL) {
+ type = 1;
+ } else {
+ type = 2;
+ }
+ paramIdx2paramType.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(type));
- paramIdx2paramType.put(new Integer(i), new Integer(type));
public CompositeLocation computeReturnLocation(List<CompositeLocation> args) {
- // compute the highest possible location in caller's side
- assert paramIdx2paramType.keySet().size() == args.size();
- Set<CompositeLocation> inputGLB = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
- int type = (paramIdx2paramType.get(new Integer(i))).intValue();
- CompositeLocation argLoc = args.get(i);
- if (type == PARAMISHIGHER) {
- // return loc is lower than param
- DeltaLocation delta = new DeltaLocation(argLoc, 1);
- inputGLB.add(delta);
- } else if (type == PARAMISSAME) {
- // return loc is equal or lower than param
- inputGLB.add(argLoc);
+ if (declaredReturnLoc != null) {
+ // when developer specify that the return value is [THIS,field]
+ // needs to translate to the caller's location
+ CompositeLocation callerLoc = new CompositeLocation();
+ CompositeLocation callerBaseLocation = args.get(0);
+ for (int i = 0; i < callerBaseLocation.getSize(); i++) {
+ callerLoc.addLocation(callerBaseLocation.get(i));
+ }
+ for (int i = 1; i < declaredReturnLoc.getSize(); i++) {
+ callerLoc.addLocation(declaredReturnLoc.get(i));
+ return callerLoc;
+ } else {
+ // compute the highest possible location in caller's side
+ assert paramIdx2paramType.keySet().size() == args.size();
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inputGLB = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ for (int i = 0; i < args.size(); i++) {
+ int type = (paramIdx2paramType.get(new Integer(i))).intValue();
+ CompositeLocation argLoc = args.get(i);
+ if (type == PARAMISHIGHER) {
+ // return loc is lower than param
+ DeltaLocation delta = new DeltaLocation(argLoc, 1);
+ inputGLB.add(delta);
+ } else if (type == PARAMISSAME) {
+ // return loc is equal or lower than param
+ inputGLB.add(argLoc);
+ }
+ }
+ // compute GLB of arguments subset that are same or higher than return
+ // location
+ CompositeLocation glb = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputGLB, "");
+ return glb;
- // compute GLB of arguments subset that are same or higher than return
- // location
- CompositeLocation glb = CompositeLattice.calculateGLB(inputGLB, "");
- return glb;