--- /dev/null
+// mcs on stack
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <unrelacy.h>
+#include "wildcard.h"
+struct mcs_node {
+ std::atomic<mcs_node *> next;
+ std::atomic<int> gate;
+ mcs_node() {
+ next.store(0);
+ gate.store(0);
+ }
+struct mcs_mutex {
+ // tail is null when lock is not held
+ std::atomic<mcs_node *> m_tail;
+ mcs_mutex() {
+ m_tail.store( NULL);
+ }
+ ~mcs_mutex() {
+ //ASSERT( m_tail.load() == NULL );
+ }
+ // Each thread will have their own guard.
+ class guard {
+ public:
+ mcs_mutex * m_t;
+ mcs_node m_node; // node held on the stack
+ guard(mcs_mutex * t) : m_t(t) { t->lock(this); }
+ ~guard() { m_t->unlock(this); }
+ };
+ void lock(guard * I) {
+ mcs_node * me = &(I->m_node);
+ // set up my node :
+ // not published yet so relaxed :
+ me->next.store(NULL, wildcard(1) ); // relaxed
+ me->gate.store(1, wildcard(2) ); // relaxed
+ // publish my node as the new tail :
+ mcs_node * pred = m_tail.exchange(me, wildcard(3)); // acq_rel
+ if ( pred != NULL ) {
+ // (*1) race here
+ // unlock of pred can see me in the tail before I fill next
+ // publish me to previous lock-holder :
+ pred->next.store(me, wildcard(4) ); // release
+ // (*2) pred not touched any more
+ // now this is the spin -
+ // wait on predecessor setting my flag -
+ rl::linear_backoff bo;
+ int my_gate = 1;
+ while ( (my_gate = me->gate.load(wildcard(5))) ) { // acquire
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ void unlock(guard * I) {
+ mcs_node * me = &(I->m_node);
+ mcs_node * next = me->next.load(wildcard(6)); // acquire
+ if ( next == NULL )
+ {
+ mcs_node * tail_was_me = me;
+ bool success;
+ // FIXME: SCFence infers acq_rel / release
+ // Could be release if wildcard(8) is acquire
+ if ( (success = m_tail.compare_exchange_strong(
+ tail_was_me,NULL,wildcard(7))) ) { // acq_rel
+ // got null in tail, mutex is unlocked
+ return;
+ }
+ // (*1) catch the race :
+ rl::linear_backoff bo;
+ for(;;) {
+ // FIXME: SCFence infers relaxed / acquire
+ // Could be relaxed if wildcard(7) is acq_rel
+ next = me->next.load(wildcard(8)); // acquire
+ if ( next != NULL )
+ break;
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ // (*2) - store to next must be done,
+ // so no locker can be viewing my node any more
+ // let next guy in :
+ next->gate.store( 0, wildcard(9) ); // release
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <threads.h>
+#include "mcs-lock-wildcard.h"
+/* For data race instrumentation */
+#include "librace.h"
+struct mcs_mutex *mutex;
+static uint32_t shared;
+void threadA(void *arg)
+ mcs_mutex::guard g(mutex);
+ printf("store: %d\n", 17);
+ store_32(&shared, 17);
+ mutex->unlock(&g);
+ mutex->lock(&g);
+ printf("load: %u\n", load_32(&shared));
+void threadB(void *arg)
+ mcs_mutex::guard g(mutex);
+ printf("load: %u\n", load_32(&shared));
+ mutex->unlock(&g);
+ mutex->lock(&g);
+ printf("store: %d\n", 17);
+ store_32(&shared, 17);
+int user_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ thrd_t A, B;
+ mutex = new mcs_mutex();
+ thrd_create(&A, &threadA, NULL);
+ thrd_create(&B, &threadB, NULL);
+ thrd_join(A);
+ thrd_join(B);
+ return 0;