void cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(int &argc, char **argv,
const char *Overview = 0);
+// ParseEnvironmentOptions - Environment variable option processing alternate
+// entry point.
+void cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions (char *progName, char *envvar,
+ const char *Overview = 0);
// Flags permitted to be passed to command line arguments
void cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(int &argc, char **argv,
const char *Overview = 0);
+// ParseEnvironmentOptions - Environment variable option processing alternate
+// entry point.
+void cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions (char *progName, char *envvar,
+ const char *Overview = 0);
// Flags permitted to be passed to command line arguments
O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::OneOrMore;
+/// ParseStringVector - Break INPUT up wherever one or more characters
+/// from DELIMS are found, and store the resulting tokens in OUTPUT.
+static void ParseStringVector (std::vector<std::string> &output,
+ std::string &input, const char *delims) {
+ std::string work (input);
+ int pos = work.find_first_not_of (delims);
+ if (pos == -1) return;
+ work = work.substr (pos);
+ pos = work.find_first_of (delims);
+ while (!work.empty() && pos != -1) {
+ if (pos == -1) break;
+ output.push_back (work.substr (0,pos));
+ int nextpos = work.find_first_not_of (delims, pos + 1);
+ if (nextpos != -1) {
+ work = work.substr (work.find_first_not_of (delims, pos + 1));
+ pos = work.find_first_of (delims);
+ } else {
+ work = "";
+ pos = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!work.empty ()) {
+ output.push_back (work);
+ }
+/// ParseCStringVector - Same effect as ParseStringVector, but the
+/// resulting output vector contains dynamically-allocated pointers to
+/// char, instead of standard C++ strings.
+static void ParseCStringVector (std::vector<char *> &output,
+ std::string &input, const char *delims) {
+ std::vector<std::string> work;
+ ParseStringVector (work, input, delims);
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = work.begin(), e = work.end();
+ i != e; ++i) {
+ output.push_back (strdup (i->c_str ()));
+ }
+/// ParseEnvironmentOptions - An alternative entry point to the
+/// CommandLine library, which allows you to read the program's name
+/// from the caller (as PROGNAME) and its command-line arguments from
+/// an environment variable (whose name is given in ENVVAR).
+void cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions (char *progName, char *envvar,
+ const char *Overview) {
+ // Get program's "name", which we wouldn't know without the caller
+ // telling us.
+ assert (progName && "Program name not specified");
+ static std::vector<char *> newargv; // Maybe making it "static" is a hack.
+ int newargc;
+ newargv.push_back (progName);
+ // Get the environment variable they want us to parse options out of.
+ assert (envvar && "Environment variable name missing");
+ char *envvalue = getenv (envvar);
+ if (envvalue == NULL) {
+ // Env var not set --> act like there are no more command line
+ // arguments.
+ newargc = newargv.size ();
+ ParseCommandLineOptions (newargc, &newargv[0], Overview);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string envvaluestr (envvalue);
+ // Parse the value of the environment variable into a "command line"
+ // and hand it off to ParseCommandLineOptions().
+ ParseCStringVector (newargv, envvaluestr, " \v\f\t\r\n");
+ newargc = newargv.size ();
+ ParseCommandLineOptions (newargc, &newargv[0], Overview);
void cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(int &argc, char **argv,
const char *Overview) {
assert((!getOpts().empty() || !getPositionalOpts().empty()) &&
O->getNumOccurrencesFlag() == cl::OneOrMore;
+/// ParseStringVector - Break INPUT up wherever one or more characters
+/// from DELIMS are found, and store the resulting tokens in OUTPUT.
+static void ParseStringVector (std::vector<std::string> &output,
+ std::string &input, const char *delims) {
+ std::string work (input);
+ int pos = work.find_first_not_of (delims);
+ if (pos == -1) return;
+ work = work.substr (pos);
+ pos = work.find_first_of (delims);
+ while (!work.empty() && pos != -1) {
+ if (pos == -1) break;
+ output.push_back (work.substr (0,pos));
+ int nextpos = work.find_first_not_of (delims, pos + 1);
+ if (nextpos != -1) {
+ work = work.substr (work.find_first_not_of (delims, pos + 1));
+ pos = work.find_first_of (delims);
+ } else {
+ work = "";
+ pos = -1;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!work.empty ()) {
+ output.push_back (work);
+ }
+/// ParseCStringVector - Same effect as ParseStringVector, but the
+/// resulting output vector contains dynamically-allocated pointers to
+/// char, instead of standard C++ strings.
+static void ParseCStringVector (std::vector<char *> &output,
+ std::string &input, const char *delims) {
+ std::vector<std::string> work;
+ ParseStringVector (work, input, delims);
+ for (std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = work.begin(), e = work.end();
+ i != e; ++i) {
+ output.push_back (strdup (i->c_str ()));
+ }
+/// ParseEnvironmentOptions - An alternative entry point to the
+/// CommandLine library, which allows you to read the program's name
+/// from the caller (as PROGNAME) and its command-line arguments from
+/// an environment variable (whose name is given in ENVVAR).
+void cl::ParseEnvironmentOptions (char *progName, char *envvar,
+ const char *Overview) {
+ // Get program's "name", which we wouldn't know without the caller
+ // telling us.
+ assert (progName && "Program name not specified");
+ static std::vector<char *> newargv; // Maybe making it "static" is a hack.
+ int newargc;
+ newargv.push_back (progName);
+ // Get the environment variable they want us to parse options out of.
+ assert (envvar && "Environment variable name missing");
+ char *envvalue = getenv (envvar);
+ if (envvalue == NULL) {
+ // Env var not set --> act like there are no more command line
+ // arguments.
+ newargc = newargv.size ();
+ ParseCommandLineOptions (newargc, &newargv[0], Overview);
+ return;
+ }
+ std::string envvaluestr (envvalue);
+ // Parse the value of the environment variable into a "command line"
+ // and hand it off to ParseCommandLineOptions().
+ ParseCStringVector (newargv, envvaluestr, " \v\f\t\r\n");
+ newargc = newargv.size ();
+ ParseCommandLineOptions (newargc, &newargv[0], Overview);
void cl::ParseCommandLineOptions(int &argc, char **argv,
const char *Overview) {
assert((!getOpts().empty() || !getPositionalOpts().empty()) &&