outputIm = global new double[N];
- printFactors();
+ //printFactors();
// Allocate memory for intermediate result of FFT.
temRe = global new double[maxFactor]; //Check usage of this
public void printFactors() {
if (factorsWerePrinted) return;
factorsWerePrinted = true;
+ System.printString("factors.length = " + factors.length + "\n");
for (int i = 0; i < factors.length; i++)
- System.printString("factors[i] = " + factors[i]);
+ System.printString("factors[i] = " + factors[i] + "\n");
public void factorize() {
- int radices[] = new int[6];
+ int radices[] = global new int[6];
radices[0] = 2;
radices[1] = 3;
radices[2] = 4;
radices[3] = 5;
radices[4] = 8;
radices[5] = 10;
- int temFactors[] = new int[MaxFactorsNumber];
+ int temFactors[] = global new int[MaxFactorsNumber];
// 1 - point FFT, no need to factorize N.
if (N == 1) {
// maxFactor = 10;
// Inverse temFactors and store factors into factors[].
- factors = new int[NumofFactors];
+ factors = global new int[NumofFactors];
for (i = 0; i < NumofFactors; i++) {
factors[i] = temFactors[NumofFactors - i - 1];
// sofar[] : finished factors before the current stage.
// factors[]: factors of N processed in the current stage.
// remain[] : finished factors after the current stage.
- sofar = new int[NumofFactors];
- remain = new int[NumofFactors];
+ sofar = global new int[NumofFactors];
+ remain = global new int[NumofFactors];
remain[0] = N / factors[0];
sofar[0] = 1;
public fft1d fft1, fft2;
public Matrix data;
public int x0, x1, y0, y1;
+ public double inputRe[], inputIm[];
// Constructor: 2-d FFT of Complex data.
- public fft2d(Matrix data, fft1d fft1, fft1d fft2, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1) {
+ public fft2d(double[] inputRe, double[] inputIm, Matrix data, fft1d fft1, fft1d fft2, int x0, int x1, int y0, int y1) {
this.data = data;
this.x0 = x0;
this.x1 = x1;
this.y1 = y1;
this.fft1 = fft1;
this.fft2 = fft2;
+ this.inputRe = inputRe;
+ this.inputIm = inputIm;
public void run() {
barr = new Barrier("");
double tempdataRe[][];
double tempdataIm[][];
+ double mytemRe[][];
+ double mytemIm[][];
int rowlength, columnlength;
- double temRe[];// intermediate results
- double temIm[];
atomic {
rowlength = data.M; //height
tempdataIm = data.dataIm;
// Calculate FFT for each row of the data.
- // for (int i = 0; i < height; i++)
- // fft1.fft(dataRe[i], dataIm[i]);
+ //System.printString("x0= " + x0 + " x1= " + x1 + " y0= "+ y0 + " y1= " + y1 + " width = " + columnlength + " height= " + rowlength+ "\n");
for (int i = x0; i < x1; i++) {
int N = fft1.N;
if(columnlength != N) {
//output of FFT
double outputRe[] = fft1.outputRe; //local array
double outputIm[] = fft1.outputIm;
- temRe = fft1.temRe; // intermediate results
- temIm = fft1.temIm;
+ double temRe[] = fft1.temRe; // intermediate results
+ double temIm[] = fft1.temIm;
int count[] = new int[fft1.MaxFactorsNumber];
int j;
int k = 0;
for (int factorIndex = 0; factorIndex < fft1.NumofFactors; factorIndex++) {
twiddle(factorIndex, fft1, temRe, temIm, outputRe, outputIm);
- //System.printString("ready to copy");
// Copy the output[] data to input[], so the output can be
// returned in the input array.
for (int b = 0; b < N; b++) {
inputIm[b] = outputIm[b];
- }
+ }//end of for
//Start Barrier
// Tranpose data.
- double mytemRe[][], mytemIm[][];
atomic {
- tempdataRe = data.dataRe;
- tempdataIm = data.dataIm;
+ mytemRe = new double[columnlength][rowlength];
+ mytemIm = new double[columnlength][rowlength];
for(int i = x0; i<x1; i++) {
double tRe[] = tempdataRe[i];
double tIm[] = tempdataIm[i];
- for(int j = 0; j<columnlength; j++) { //TODO Check this
+ for(int j = y0; j<y1; j++) {
mytemRe[j][i] = tRe[j];
mytemIm[j][i] = tIm[j];
//Start Barrier
- // double temRe[][] = transpose(data.dataRe);
- //double temIm[][] = transpose(data.dataIm);
// Calculate FFT for each column of the data.
atomic {
for (int j = y0; j < y1; j++) {
- //fft2.fft(temRe[j], temIm[j]);
int N = fft2.N;
if(rowlength != N) {
System.printString("Error: the length of real part & imaginary part " + "of the input to 1-d FFT are different");
//output of FFT
double outputRe[] = fft2.outputRe; //local array
double outputIm[] = fft2.outputIm;
- temRe = fft2.temRe; // intermediate results
- temIm = fft2.temIm;
+ double temRe[] = fft2.temRe; // intermediate results
+ double temIm[] = fft2.temIm;
int count[] = new int[fft2.MaxFactorsNumber];
int r;
int k = 0;
for (int factorIndex = 0; factorIndex < fft2.NumofFactors; factorIndex++) {
twiddle(factorIndex, fft2, temRe, temIm, outputRe, outputIm);
- //System.printString("ready to copy");
// Copy the output[] data to input[], so the output can be
// returned in the input array.
for (int b = 0; b < N; b++) {
// Tranpose data.
// Copy the result to input[], so the output can be
// returned in the input array.
- for (int i = x0; i < x1; i++) {
+ atomic {
for (int j = y0; j < y1; j++) {
- tempdataRe[i][j] = mytemRe[j][i];
- tempdataIm[i][j] = mytemIm[j][i];
- //inputRe[i * width + j] = temRe[j][i];
- //inputIm[i * width + j] = temIm[j][i];
+ double tRe[] = mytemRe[j];
+ double tIm[] = mytemIm[j];
+ for (int i = x0; i < x1; i++) {
+ inputRe[i* data.N + j] = tRe[i];
+ inputIm[i* data.N + j] = tIm[i];
+ }
}//end of run
//("ready to twiddle");
private void twiddle(int factorIndex, fft1d myfft, double[] temRe, double[] temIm,
double[] outputRe, double[] outputIm) {
SIZE = Integer.parseInt(args[1]);
+ System.printString("Num threads = " + NUM_THREADS + " SIZE= " + SIZE + "\n");
// Initialize Matrix
// Matrix inputRe, inputIm;
+ /* For testing
+ atomic {
+ System.printString("Element 231567 is " + (int)inputRe[231567]+ "\n");
+ System.printString("Element 10 is " + (int)inputIm[10]+ "\n");
+ }
+ */
int[] mid = new int[8];
mid[0] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|84; //dw-10
mid[1] = (128<<24)|(195<<16)|(175<<8)|85; //dw-11
// Width and height of 2-d matrix inputRe or inputIm.
int width, height;
width = inputWidth;
Imlength = inputIm.length;
+ //System.printString("Initialized width and height\n");
Matrix data;
fft1d fft1, fft2;
// First make sure inputRe & inputIm are of the same length in terms of columns
fft2d[] myfft2d;
atomic {
myfft2d = global new fft2d[NUM_THREADS];
- int increment = SIZE/NUM_THREADS;
+ int increment = height/NUM_THREADS;
int base = 0;
for(int i =0 ; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
- myfft2d[i] = global new fft2d(data, fft1, fft2, base, SIZE, 0, SIZE);
+ myfft2d[i] = global new fft2d(inputRe, inputIm, data, fft1, fft2, base, increment, 0, width);
- myfft2d[i] = global new fft2d(data, fft1, fft2, base, base+increment, 0, SIZE);
+ myfft2d[i] = global new fft2d(inputRe, inputIm, data, fft1, fft2, base, base+increment, 0, width);
+ System.printString("2DFFT done! \n");
+ /* For testing
+ atomic {
+ System.printString("Element 231567 is " + (int)inputRe[231567]+ "\n");
+ System.printString("Element 10 is " + (int)inputIm[10]+ "\n");
+ }
+ */
// Display results
// Tranpose data.
// Copy the result to input[], so the output can be
// returned in the input array.
+ /* For testing
atomic {
for (int i = 0; i < height; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < width; j++) {
- //inputRe[i * width + j] = temRe[j][i];
- System.printInt((int)inputRe[i * width + j]);
- //inputIm[i * width + j] = temIm[j][i];
- System.printInt((int)inputIm[i * width + j]);
+ System.printString((int)inputRe[i * width + j]+ "\n");
+ System.printString((int)inputIm[i * width + j]+ "\n");
+ */