--- /dev/null
+package IR.Flat;
+import java.util.Hashtable;
+import java.util.Set;
+import java.util.Iterator;
+import IR.ClassDescriptor;
+import IR.Operation;
+import IR.State;
+import IR.TypeUtil;
+import IR.MethodDescriptor;
+public class Inliner {
+ public static boolean inline(FlatCall fc, TypeUtil typeutil, State state) {
+ MethodDescriptor md=fc.getMethod();
+ /* Do we need to do virtual dispatch? */
+ if (md.isStatic()||md.getReturnType()==null||singleCall(typeutil, fc.getThis().getType().getClassDesc(),md)) {
+ //just reuse temps...makes problem with inlining recursion
+ TempMap clonemap=new TempMap();
+ Hashtable<FlatNode, FlatNode> flatmap=new Hashtable<FlatNode, FlatNode>();
+ TempDescriptor rettmp=fc.getReturnTemp();
+ FlatNode aftercallnode=fc.getNext(0);
+ aftercallnode.removePrev(fc);
+ FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
+ //Clone nodes
+ Set<FlatNode> nodeset=fm.getNodeSet();
+ nodeset.remove(fm);
+ //Build the clones
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=nodeset.iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode fn=fnit.next();
+ if (fn.kind()==FKind.FlatReturnNode) {
+ //Convert FlatReturn node into move
+ TempDescriptor rtmp=((FlatReturnNode)fn).getReturnTemp();
+ if (rtmp!=null) {
+ FlatOpNode fon=new FlatOpNode(rettmp, rtmp, null, new Operation(Operation.ASSIGN));
+ flatmap.put(fn, fon);
+ } else {
+ flatmap.put(fn, aftercallnode);
+ }
+ } else {
+ FlatNode clone=fn.clone(clonemap);
+ flatmap.put(fn,clone);
+ }
+ }
+ //Build the move chain
+ FlatNode first=new FlatNop();;
+ FlatNode last=first;
+ {
+ int i=0;
+ if (fc.getThis()!=null) {
+ FlatOpNode fon=new FlatOpNode(fm.getParameter(i++), fc.getThis(), null, new Operation(Operation.ASSIGN));
+ last.addNext(fon);
+ last=fon;
+ }
+ for(int j=0;j<fc.numArgs();i++,j++) {
+ FlatOpNode fon=new FlatOpNode(fm.getParameter(i), fc.getArg(j), null, new Operation(Operation.ASSIGN));
+ last.addNext(fon);
+ last=fon;
+ }
+ }
+ //Add the edges
+ for(Iterator<FlatNode> fnit=nodeset.iterator();fnit.hasNext();) {
+ FlatNode fn=fnit.next();
+ FlatNode fnclone=flatmap.get(fn);
+ if (fn.kind()!=FKind.FlatReturnNode) {
+ //don't build old edges out of a flat return node
+ for(int i=0;i<fn.numNext();i++) {
+ FlatNode fnnext=fn.getNext(i);
+ FlatNode fnnextclone=flatmap.get(fnnext);
+ fnclone.addNext(fnnextclone);
+ }
+ } else {
+ fnclone.addNext(aftercallnode);
+ }
+ }
+ //Add edges to beginning of move chain
+ for(int i=0;i<fc.numPrev();i++) {
+ FlatNode fnprev=fc.getPrev(i);
+ for(int j=0;j<fnprev.numNext();j++) {
+ if (fnprev.getNext(j)==fc) {
+ fnprev.setNewNext(j, first);
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Add in the edge from move chain to callee
+ last.addNext(flatmap.get(fm.getNext(0)));
+ return true;
+ } else return false;
+ }
+ private static boolean singleCall(TypeUtil typeutil, ClassDescriptor thiscd, MethodDescriptor md) {
+ Set subclasses=typeutil.getSubClasses(thiscd);
+ if (subclasses==null)
+ return true;
+ for(Iterator classit=subclasses.iterator(); classit.hasNext();) {
+ ClassDescriptor cd=(ClassDescriptor)classit.next();
+ Set possiblematches=cd.getMethodTable().getSet(md.getSymbol());
+ for(Iterator matchit=possiblematches.iterator(); matchit.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor matchmd=(MethodDescriptor)matchit.next();
+ if (md.matches(matchmd))
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }