template <typename Executor>
void executeWith(Executor* executor, Promise<T>&& cont_promise);
- /** True when the result (or exception) is ready. value() will not block
- when this returns true. */
+ /** True when the result (or exception) is ready. */
bool isReady() const;
/** A reference to the Try of the value */
Future<string> f2 = f1.then([](Try<T>&&) { return string("foo"); });
- The functor given may call value() without blocking, which may rethrow if
- this has captured an exception. If func throws, the exception will be
- captured in the Future that is returned.
+ The Future given to the functor is ready, and the functor may call
+ value(), which may rethrow if this has captured an exception. If func
+ throws, the exception will be captured in the Future that is returned.
- /* n3428 has then(scheduler&, F&&), we might want to reorganize to use
- similar API. or maybe not */
+ /* TODO n3428 and other async frameworks have something like then(scheduler,
+ Future), we probably want to support a similar API (instead of
+ executeWith). */
template <class F>
typename std::enable_if<
!isFuture<typename std::result_of<F(Try<T>&&)>::type>::value,
Future<typename std::result_of<F(Try<T>&&)>::type> >::type
then(F&& func);
+ /// Variant where func returns a future<T> instead of a T. e.g.
+ ///
+ /// Future<string> f2 = f1.then(
+ /// [](Try<T>&&) { return makeFuture<string>("foo"); });
template <class F>
typename std::enable_if<
isFuture<typename std::result_of<F(Try<T>&&)>::type>::value,
Future<typename std::result_of<F(Try<T>&&)>::type::value_type> >::type
then(F&& func);
- /** Use this method on the Future when we don't really care about the
- returned value and want to convert the Future<T> to a Future<void>
- Convenience function
- */
+ /// Convenience method for ignoring the value and creating a Future<void>.
+ /// Exceptions still propagate.
Future<void> then();
+ /// Use of this method is advanced wizardry.
+ /// XXX should this be protected?
template <class F>
void setContinuation(F&& func);
- /* Eventually this may not be a shared_ptr, but something similar without
- expensive thread-safety. */
typedef detail::FutureObject<T>* objPtr;
// shared state object
friend class Promise<T>;
-/** Make a completed Future by moving in a value. e.g.
- auto f = makeFuture(string("foo"));
+ Make a completed Future by moving in a value. e.g.
+ string foo = "foo";
+ auto f = makeFuture(std::move(foo));
+ or
+ auto f = makeFuture<string>("foo");
template <class T>
Future<typename std::decay<T>::type> makeFuture(T&& t);
F const& func)
-> Future<decltype(func())>;
-/** Make a completed (error) Future from an exception_ptr. Because the type
-can't be inferred you have to give it, e.g.
-auto f = makeFuture<string>(std::current_exception());
+/// Make a failed Future from an exception_ptr.
+/// Because the Future's type cannot be inferred you have to specify it, e.g.
+/// auto f = makeFuture<string>(std::current_exception());
template <class T>
Future<T> makeFuture(std::exception_ptr const& e);
The Futures are moved in, so your copies are invalid. If you need to
chain further from these Futures, use the variant with an output iterator.
+ XXX is this still true?
This function is thread-safe for Futures running on different threads.
- The return type for Future<T> input is a Future<vector<Try<T>>>
+ The return type for Future<T> input is a Future<std::vector<Try<T>>>
template <class InputIterator>
typename std::iterator_traits<InputIterator>::value_type::value_type>>>
whenAll(InputIterator first, InputIterator last);
-/** This version takes a varying number of Futures instead of an iterator.
- The return type for (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, ...) input
- is a Future<tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, ...>>.
- */
+/// This version takes a varying number of Futures instead of an iterator.
+/// The return type for (Future<T1>, Future<T2>, ...) input
+/// is a Future<std::tuple<Try<T1>, Try<T2>, ...>>.
+// XXX why does it take Fs& instead of Fs&&?
template <typename... Fs>
typename detail::VariadicContext<typename Fs::value_type...>::type
whenAll(Fs&... fs);
}} // folly::wangle
#include "Future-inl.h"
-I haven't included a Future<T&> specialization because I don't forsee us
-using it, however it is not difficult to add when needed. Refer to
-Future<void> for guidance. std::Future and boost::Future code would also be
-I think that this might be a good candidate for folly, once it has baked for