external set_instruction_call_conv: int -> llvalue -> unit
= "llvm_set_instruction_call_conv"
+(*--... Operations on call instructions (only) .............................--*)
+external is_tail_call : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_tail_call"
+external set_tail_call : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_tail_call"
(*--... Operations on phi nodes ............................................--*)
external add_incoming : (llvalue * llbasicblock) -> llvalue -> unit
= "llvm_add_incoming"
external set_instruction_call_conv: int -> llvalue -> unit
= "llvm_set_instruction_call_conv"
+(** {Operations on call instructions (only)} *)
+(** [is_tail_call ci] is [true] if the call instruction [ci] is flagged as
+ eligible for tail call optimization, [false] otherwise.
+ See the method [llvm::CallInst::isTailCall]. *)
+external is_tail_call : llvalue -> bool = "llvm_is_tail_call"
+(** [set_tail_call tc ci] flags the call instruction [ci] as eligible for tail
+ call optimization if [tc] is [true], clears otherwise.
+ See the method [llvm::CallInst::setTailCall]. *)
+external set_tail_call : bool -> llvalue -> unit = "llvm_set_tail_call"
(** {7 Operations on phi nodes} *)
return Val_unit;
+/*--... Operations on call instructions (only) .............................--*/
+/* llvalue -> bool */
+CAMLprim value llvm_is_tail_call(LLVMValueRef CallInst) {
+ return Val_bool(LLVMIsTailCall(CallInst));
+/* bool -> llvalue -> unit */
+CAMLprim value llvm_set_tail_call(value IsTailCall,
+ LLVMValueRef CallInst) {
+ LLVMSetTailCall(CallInst, Bool_val(IsTailCall));
+ return Val_unit;
/*--... Operations on phi nodes ............................................--*/
/* (llvalue * llbasicblock) -> llvalue -> unit */
void LLVMSetInstrParamAlignment(LLVMValueRef Instr, unsigned index,
unsigned align);
+/* Operations on call instructions (only) */
+int LLVMIsTailCall(LLVMValueRef CallInst);
+void LLVMSetTailCall(LLVMValueRef CallInst, int IsTailCall);
/* Operations on phi nodes */
void LLVMAddIncoming(LLVMValueRef PhiNode, LLVMValueRef *IncomingValues,
LLVMBasicBlockRef *IncomingBlocks, unsigned Count);
+/*--.. Operations on call instructions (only) ..............................--*/
+int LLVMIsTailCall(LLVMValueRef Call) {
+ return unwrap<CallInst>(Call)->isTailCall();
+void LLVMSetTailCall(LLVMValueRef Call, int isTailCall) {
+ unwrap<CallInst>(Call)->setTailCall(isTailCall);
/*--.. Operations on phi nodes .............................................--*/
void LLVMAddIncoming(LLVMValueRef PhiNode, LLVMValueRef *IncomingValues,
* RUN: grep {Inst49.*extractelement.*Vec1.*P2} < %t.ll
* RUN: grep {Inst50.*insertelement.*Vec1.*P1.*P2} < %t.ll
* RUN: grep {Inst51.*shufflevector.*Vec1.*Vec2.*1.*1.*0.*0} < %t.ll
+ * RUN: grep {CallInst.*tail call} < %t.ll
let ci = build_call fn [| p2; p1 |] "CallInst" atentry in
insist (CallConv.c = instruction_call_conv ci);
set_instruction_call_conv 63 ci;
insist (63 = instruction_call_conv ci);
+ insist (not (is_tail_call ci));
+ set_tail_call true ci;
+ insist (is_tail_call ci);
let inst46 = build_icmp Icmp.Eq p1 p2 "Inst46" atentry in
ignore (build_select inst46 p1 p2 "Inst47" atentry);