if (listptr==&litem) {
#ifdef MLP
// update forward list & memory queue for the current SESE
- updateForwardList(((SESEcommon*)listptr->seseCommon)->forwardList,FALSE);
+ updateForwardList(&((SESEcommon*)listptr->seseCommon)->forwardList,FALSE);
#ifdef MLP
// update forward list & memory queue for all running SESEs.
- updateForwardList(((SESEcommon*)listptr->seseCommon)->forwardList,FALSE);
- updateMemoryQueue((SESEcommon*)(listptr->seseCommon));
+ if (listptr->seseCommon!=NULL) {
+ updateForwardList(&((SESEcommon*)listptr->seseCommon)->forwardList,FALSE);
+ updateMemoryQueue((SESEcommon*)(listptr->seseCommon));
+ }
// skip the current running SESE
// continue;
+ di=(dequeItem *) EXTRACTPTR((INTPTR)di);
SESEcommon* seseRec = (SESEcommon*) di->work;
+ if (seseRec!=NULL) {
struct garbagelist* gl = (struct garbagelist*) &(seseRec[1]);
struct garbagelist* glroot = gl;
updateAscendantSESE( seseRec );
while( gl != NULL ) {
int k;
for( k = 0; k < gl->size; k++ ) {
gl = gl->next;
+ }
// we only have to move across the nodes
// of the deque if the top and bottom are
// not the same already