typedef GC gc;
typedef T value_type;
- typedef Traits type_traits;
+ typedef Traits traits;
typedef cds::intrusive::skip_list::node< gc > intrusive_node_type;
struct node_type: public intrusive_node_type
node_type() ; // no default ctor
- typedef skip_list::details::node_allocator< node_type, type_traits> node_allocator;
+ typedef skip_list::details::node_allocator< node_type, traits> node_allocator;
struct node_deallocator {
void operator ()( node_type * pNode )
return node.m_Value;
- typedef typename opt::details::make_comparator< value_type, type_traits >::type key_comparator;
+ typedef typename opt::details::make_comparator< value_type, traits >::type key_comparator;
template <typename Less>
struct less_wrapper {
typedef cds::details::compare_wrapper< node_type, cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less<Less>, value_accessor > type;
- class intrusive_type_traits: public cds::intrusive::skip_list::make_traits<
- cds::opt::type_traits< type_traits >
+ class intrusive_traits: public cds::intrusive::skip_list::make_traits<
+ cds::opt::type_traits< traits >
,cds::intrusive::opt::hook< intrusive::skip_list::base_hook< cds::opt::gc< gc > > >
,cds::intrusive::opt::disposer< node_deallocator >
,cds::intrusive::skip_list::internal_node_builder< dummy_node_builder >
- typedef cds::intrusive::SkipListSet< gc, node_type, intrusive_type_traits> type;
+ typedef cds::intrusive::SkipListSet< gc, node_type, intrusive_traits> type;
}}} // namespace cds::container::details
namespace skip_list {
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator template
- struct random_level_generator {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::xorshift class
- class xorshift {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::xorshift;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal class
- class turbo_pascal {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::stat class
- class stat {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::stat;
- /// Typedef for intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat class
- class empty_stat {};
- using cds::intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat;
- /// Type traits for SkipListSet class
- struct type_traits
+ /// Option specifying random level generator
+ template <typename Type>
+ using random_level_generator = cds::intrusive::skip_list::random_level_generator<Type>;
+ /// Xor-shift random level generator
+ typedef cds::intrusive::skip_list::xorshift xorshift;
+ /// Turbo-pascal random level generator
+ typedef cds::intrusive::skip_list::turbo_pascal turbo_pascal;
+ /// Skip list internal statistics
+ template <typename EventCounter = cds::atomicity::event_counter>
+ using stat = cds::intrusive::skip_list::stat < EventCounter > ;
+ /// Skip list empty internal statistics
+ typedef cds::intrusive::skip_list::empty_stat empty_stat;
+ /// SkipListSet traits
+ struct traits
/// Key comparison functor
/// Item counter
- The type for item counting feature.
- Default is no item counter (\ref atomicity::empty_item_counter)
+ The type for item counting feature,
+ by defaulr disabled (\p atomicity::empty_item_counter)
typedef atomicity::empty_item_counter item_counter;
/// C++ memory ordering model
- List of available memory ordering see opt::memory_model
+ List of available memory ordering see \p opt::memory_model
typedef opt::v::relaxed_ordering memory_model;
where half of the nodes that have level \p i also have level <tt>i+1</tt>
(i = 0..30). The height of a node is in range [0..31].
- See skip_list::random_level_generator option setter.
+ See \p skip_list::random_level_generator option setter.
typedef turbo_pascal random_level_generator;
/// Allocator for skip-list nodes, \p std::allocator interface
typedef CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR allocator;
- /// back-off strategy used
- /**
- If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- */
+ /// back-off strategy, default is \p cds::backoff::Default
typedef cds::backoff::Default back_off;
- /// Internal statistics
+ /// Internal statistics, by default disabled. To enable, use \p split_list::stat
typedef empty_stat stat;
/// RCU deadlock checking policy (for \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_rcu "RCU-based SkipListSet")
/// Metafunction converting option list to SkipListSet traits
- This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
- \p Options list see \ref SkipListSet.
+ \p Options are:
+ - \p opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
+ If the option is not specified, the \p opt::less is used.
+ - \p opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
+ - \p opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \pf atomicity::empty_item_counter that is no item counting.
+ - \p opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be \p opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
+ or \p opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
+ - \p skip_list::random_level_generator - random level generator. Can be \p skip_list::xorshift, \p skip_list::turbo_pascal or
+ user-provided one.
+ Default is \p %skip_list::turbo_pascal.
+ - \p opt::allocator - allocator for skip-list node. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
+ - \p opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the \p cds::backoff::Default is used.
+ - \p opt::stat - internal statistics. Available types: \p skip_list::stat, \p skip_list::empty_stat (the default)
+ - \p opt::rcu_check_deadlock - a deadlock checking policy for RCU-based skip-list.
+ Default is \p opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock
template <typename... Options>
struct make_traits {
typedef implementation_defined type ; ///< Metafunction result
# else
typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
- typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< type_traits, Options... >::type
+ typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< traits, Options... >::type
>::type type;
# endif
typedef Node node_type;
- typedef Traits type_traits;
+ typedef Traits traits;
typedef typename node_type::tower_item_type node_tower_item;
- typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<unsigned char>::other tower_allocator_type;
- typedef typename type_traits::allocator::template rebind<node_type>::other node_allocator_type;
+ typedef typename traits::allocator::template rebind<unsigned char>::other tower_allocator_type;
+ typedef typename traits::allocator::template rebind<node_type>::other node_allocator_type;
static size_t const c_nTowerItemSize = sizeof(node_tower_item);
static size_t const c_nNodePadding = sizeof(node_type) % c_nTowerItemSize;
} // namespace skip_list
// Forward declaration
- template <class GC, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
+ template <class GC, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::traits >
class SkipListSet;
// Forward declaration
- template <class GC, typename K, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits >
+ template <class GC, typename K, typename T, typename Traits = skip_list::traits >
class SkipListMap;
}} // namespace cds::container
- \p GC - Garbage collector used.
- \p K - type of a key to be stored in the list.
- \p T - type of a value to be stored in the list.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See skip_list::type_traits for explanation.
- It is possible to declare option-based list with cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction istead of \p Traits template
- argument.
- Template argument list \p Options of cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::compare - key compare functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<K>.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref atomicity::empty_item_counter that is no item counting.
- - opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
- or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- - skip_list::random_level_generator - random level generator. Can be skip_list::xorshift, skip_list::turbo_pascal or
- user-provided one. See skip_list::random_level_generator option description for explanation.
- Default is \p %skip_list::turbo_pascal.
- - opt::allocator - allocator for skip-list node. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Available types: skip_list::stat, skip_list::empty_stat (the default)
- Like STL map class, %SkipListMap stores its key-value pair as <tt>std:pair< K const, T></tt>.
- \warning The skip-list requires up to 67 hazard pointers that may be critical for some GCs for which
+ - \p Traits - map traits, default is \p skip_list::traits
+ It is possible to declare option-based list with \p cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction
+ istead of \p Traits template argument.
+ Like STL map class, \p %SkipListMap stores the key-value pair as <tt>std:pair< K const, T></tt>.
+ @warning The skip-list requires up to 67 hazard pointers that may be critical for some GCs for which
the guard count is limited (like \p gc::HP). Those GCs should be explicitly initialized with
hazard pointer enough: \code cds::gc::HP myhp( 67 ) \endcode. Otherwise an run-time exception may be raised
when you try to create skip-list object.
- \note There are several specializations of \p %SkipListMap for each \p GC. You should include:
+ @note There are several specializations of \p %SkipListMap for each \p GC. You should include:
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_map_hp.h></tt> for \p gc::HP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_map_dhp.h></tt> for \p gc::DHP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_map_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListMap_rcu "RCU type"
typename Key,
typename T,
- typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits
+ typename Traits = skip_list::traits
typename Traits
- typedef details::make_skip_list_map< GC, Key, T, Traits > maker;
+ typedef details::make_skip_list_map< GC, Key, T, Traits > maker;
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
- typedef typename base_class::gc gc ; ///< Garbage collector used
- typedef Key key_type ; ///< Key type
- typedef T mapped_type ; ///< Mapped type
+ typedef GC gc; ///< Garbage collector
+ typedef Key key_type; ///< Key type
+ typedef T mapped_type; ///< Mapped type
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Map traits
- typedef std::pair< K const, T> value_type ; ///< Value type stored in the map
+ typedef std::pair< K const, T> value_type; ///< Key-value pair to be stored in the map
# else
typedef typename maker::value_type value_type;
# endif
- typedef Traits options ; ///< Options specified
- typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off ; ///< Back-off strategy used
- typedef typename options::allocator allocator_type ; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
- typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter ; ///< Item counting policy used
- typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key comparison functor
- typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model ; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
- typedef typename options::random_level_generator random_level_generator ; ///< random level generator
- typedef typename options::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off; ///< Back-off strategy
+ typedef typename traits::allocator allocator_type; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
+ typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy used
+ typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparison functor
+ typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering, see \p cds::opt::memory_model
+ typedef typename traits::random_level_generator random_level_generator ; ///< random level generator
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
typedef typename maker::node_allocator node_allocator;
typedef std::unique_ptr< node_type, typename maker::node_deallocator > scoped_node_ptr;
/// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
- //@{
const_iterator begin() const
return cbegin();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
const_iterator cbegin() const
return const_iterator( base_class::cbegin() );
- //@}
/// Returns a forward iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
iterator end()
/// Returns a forward const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
- //@{
const_iterator end() const
return cend();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator( base_class::cend() );
- //@}
/// Inserts new node with key and default value
The function creates a node with \p key and default value, and then inserts the node created into the map.
- - The \ref key_type should be constructible from a value of type \p K.
- In trivial case, \p K is equal to \ref key_type.
- - The \ref mapped_type should be default-constructible.
+ - The \p key_type should be constructible from a value of type \p K.
+ In trivial case, \p K is equal to \p key_type.
+ - The \p mapped_type should be default-constructible.
Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
and then inserts the node created into the map.
- - The \ref key_type should be constructible from \p key of type \p K.
- - The \ref value_type should be constructible from \p val of type \p V.
+ - The \p key_type should be constructible from \p key of type \p K.
+ - The \p value_type should be constructible from \p val of type \p V.
Returns \p true if \p val is inserted into the set, \p false otherwise.
- <tt>item.first</tt> is a const reference to item's key that cannot be changed.
- <tt>item.second</tt> is a reference to item's value that may be changed.
- The user-defined functor can be passed by reference using \p std::ref
- and it is called only if inserting is successful.
- The key_type should be constructible from value of type \p K.
+ \p key_type should be constructible from value of type \p K.
The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
- create item from \p key;
return false;
- /// For key \p key inserts data of type \ref value_type constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
+ /// For key \p key inserts data of type \p value_type created in-place from <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
The functor may change any fields of the \p item.second that is \ref value_type.
- You may pass \p func argument by reference using \p std::ref
Returns <tt> std::pair<bool, bool> </tt> where \p first is true if operation is successfull,
\p second is true if new item has been added or \p false if the item with \p key
already is in the list.
+ @warning See \ref cds_intrusive_item_creating "insert item troubleshooting"
template <typename K, typename Func>
std::pair<bool, bool> ensure( K const& key, Func func )
void operator()(value_type& item) { ... }
- The functor may be passed by reference using <tt>boost:ref</tt>
Return \p true if key is found and deleted, \p false otherwise
where \p item is the item found.
- You can pass \p f argument by reference using \p std::ref
The functor may change \p item.second.
The function returns \p true if \p key is found, \p false otherwise.
/// Checks if the map is empty
- /**
- Emptiness is checked by item counting: if item count is zero then the map is empty.
- */
bool empty() const
return base_class::empty();
return base_class::statistics();
}} // namespace cds::container
Template arguments:
- \p GC - Garbage collector used.
- \p T - type to be stored in the list.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See skip_list::type_traits for explanation.
- It is possible to declare option-based list with cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction istead of \p Traits template
- argument.
- Template argument list \p Options of cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref atomicity::empty_item_counter that is no item counting.
- - opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
- or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- - skip_list::random_level_generator - random level generator. Can be skip_list::xorshift, skip_list::turbo_pascal or
- user-provided one. See skip_list::random_level_generator option description for explanation.
- Default is \p %skip_list::turbo_pascal.
- - opt::allocator - allocator for skip-list node. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Available types: skip_list::stat, skip_list::empty_stat (the default)
- \warning The skip-list requires up to 67 hazard pointers that may be critical for some GCs for which
+ - \p Traits - set traits, default is \p skip_list::traits.
+ It is possible to declare option-based list with \p cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction
+ istead of \p Traits template argument.
+ @warning The skip-list requires up to 67 hazard pointers that may be critical for some GCs for which
the guard count is limited (like as \p gc::HP). Those GCs should be explicitly initialized with
hazard pointer enough: \code cds::gc::HP myhp( 67 ) \endcode. Otherwise an run-time exception may be raised
when you try to create skip-list object.
- \note There are several specializations of \p %SkipListSet for each \p GC. You should include:
+ @note There are several specializations of \p %SkipListSet for each \p GC. You should include:
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_set_hp.h></tt> for \p gc::HP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_set_dhp.h></tt> for \p gc::DHP garbage collector
- <tt><cds/container/skip_list_set_rcu.h></tt> for \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_rcu "RCU type"
bool operator !=(iterator const& i ) const;
- Note, the iterator object returned by \ref end, \p cend member functions points to \p nullptr and should not be dereferenced.
+ Note, the iterator object returned by \p end(), \p cend() member functions points to \p nullptr and should not be dereferenced.
template <
typename GC,
typename T,
- typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits
+ typename Traits = skip_list::traits
typename Traits
- typedef details::make_skip_list_set< GC, T, Traits > maker;
+ typedef details::make_skip_list_set< GC, T, Traits > maker;
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
- typedef typename base_class::gc gc ; ///< Garbage collector used
- typedef T value_type ; ///< @anchor cds_containewr_SkipListSet_value_type Value type stored in the set
- typedef Traits options ; ///< Options specified
- typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off ; ///< Back-off strategy used
- typedef typename options::allocator allocator_type ; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
- typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter ; ///< Item counting policy used
- typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key comparison functor
- typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model ; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
- typedef typename options::random_level_generator random_level_generator ; ///< random level generator
- typedef typename options::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef GC gc; ///< Garbage collector used
+ typedef T value_type; ///< @anchor cds_containewr_SkipListSet_value_type Value type to be stored in the set
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Options specified
+ typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off; ///< Back-off strategy
+ typedef typename traits::allocator allocator_type; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
+ typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy used
+ typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparison functor
+ typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
+ typedef typename traits::random_level_generator random_level_generator; ///< random level generator
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
where \p val is the item inserted. User-defined functor \p f should guarantee that during changing
\p val no any other changes could be made on this set's item by concurrent threads.
- The user-defined functor is called only if the inserting is success. It may be passed by reference
- using \p std::ref
+ The user-defined functor is called only if the inserting is success.
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool insert( Q const& val, Func f )
with arguments:
- \p bNew - \p true if the item has been inserted, \p false otherwise
- \p item - item of the set
- - \p val - argument \p key passed into the \p ensure function
+ - \p val - argument \p key passed into the \p %ensure() function
The functor may change non-key fields of the \p item; however, \p func must guarantee
that during changing no any other modifications could be made on this item by concurrent threads.
- You may pass \p func argument by reference using \p std::ref
Returns <tt> std::pair<bool, bool> </tt> where \p first is true if operation is successfull,
\p second is true if new item has been added or \p false if the item with \p key
already is in the set.
+ @warning See \ref cds_intrusive_item_creating "insert item troubleshooting"
template <typename Q, typename Func>
std::pair<bool, bool> ensure( const Q& val, Func func )
return bRes;
- /// Inserts data of type \ref cds_containewr_SkipListSet_value_type "value_type" constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
+ /// Inserts data of type \p value_type created in-place from <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
void operator()(value_type const& val);
- The functor may be passed by reference using <tt>boost:ref</tt>
Since the key of \p value_type is not explicitly specified,
template parameter \p Q defines the key type to search in the list.
and the type \p Q.
Return \p true if key is found and deleted, \p false otherwise
- See also: \ref erase
template <typename Q, typename Func>
bool erase( Q const& key, Func f )
return base_class::extract_max_( result.guard() );
- /// Find the key \p val
+ /// Find the \p key
/** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_func
- The function searches the item with key equal to \p val and calls the functor \p f for item found.
+ The function searches the item with key equal to \p key and calls the functor \p f for item found.
The interface of \p Func functor is:
struct functor {
- void operator()( value_type& item, Q& val );
+ void operator()( value_type& item, Q& key );
- where \p item is the item found, \p val is the <tt>find</tt> function argument.
- You may pass \p f argument by reference using \p std::ref
+ where \p item is the item found, \p key is the <tt>find</tt> function argument.
The functor may change non-key fields of \p item. Note that the functor is only guarantee
that \p item cannot be disposed during functor is executing.
The functor does not serialize simultaneous access to the set's \p item. If such access is
possible you must provide your own synchronization schema on item level to exclude unsafe item modifications.
- The \p val argument is non-const since it can be used as \p f functor destination i.e., the functor
- can modify both arguments.
Note the hash functor specified for class \p Traits template parameter
should accept a parameter of type \p Q that may be not the same as \p value_type.
- The function returns \p true if \p val is found, \p false otherwise.
+ The function returns \p true if \p key is found, \p false otherwise.
template <typename Q, typename Func>
- bool find( Q& val, Func f )
+ bool find( Q& key, Func f )
- return base_class::find( val, [&f]( node_type& node, Q& v ) { f( node.m_Value, v ); });
+ return base_class::find( key, [&f]( node_type& node, Q& v ) { f( node.m_Value, v ); });
- /// Finds the key \p val using \p pred predicate for searching
+ /// Finds \p key using \p pred predicate for searching
The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_func "find(Q&, Func)"
but \p pred is used for key comparing.
\p Less must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Less, typename Func>
- bool find_with( Q& val, Less pred, Func f )
+ bool find_with( Q& key, Less pred, Func f )
- return base_class::find_with( val, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::value_accessor >(),
+ return base_class::find_with( key, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::value_accessor >(),
[&f]( node_type& node, Q& v ) { f( node.m_Value, v ); } );
- /// Find the key \p val
- /** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_cfunc
- The function searches the item with key equal to \p val and calls the functor \p f for item found.
- The interface of \p Func functor is:
- \code
- struct functor {
- void operator()( value_type& item, Q const& val );
- };
- \endcode
- where \p item is the item found, \p val is the <tt>find</tt> function argument.
- You may pass \p f argument by reference using \p std::ref
- The functor may change non-key fields of \p item. Note that the functor is only guarantee
- that \p item cannot be disposed during functor is executing.
- The functor does not serialize simultaneous access to the set's \p item. If such access is
- possible you must provide your own synchronization schema on item level to exclude unsafe item modifications.
- Note the hash functor specified for class \p Traits template parameter
- should accept a parameter of type \p Q that may be not the same as \p value_type.
- The function returns \p true if \p val is found, \p false otherwise.
- */
- template <typename Q, typename Func>
- bool find( Q const& val, Func f )
- {
- return base_class::find( val, [&f]( node_type& node, Q const& v ) { f( node.m_Value, v ); });
- }
- /// Finds the key \p val using \p pred predicate for searching
- /**
- The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_cfunc "find(Q const&, Func)"
- but \p pred is used for key comparing.
- \p Less functor has the interface like \p std::less.
- \p Less must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
- */
- template <typename Q, typename Less, typename Func>
- bool find_with( Q const& val, Less cmp, Func f )
- {
- return base_class::find_with( val, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::value_accessor >(),
- [&f]( node_type& node, Q const& v ) { f( node.m_Value, v ); } );
- }
- /// Find the key \p val
+ /// Find \p key
/** \anchor cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_val
- The function searches the item with key equal to \p val
+ The function searches the item with key equal to \p key
and returns \p true if it is found, and \p false otherwise.
Note the hash functor specified for class \p Traits template parameter
should accept a parameter of type \p Q that may be not the same as \ref value_type.
template <typename Q>
- bool find( Q const& val )
+ bool find( Q const& key )
- return base_class::find( val );
+ return base_class::find( key );
- /// Finds the key \p val using \p pred predicate for searching
+ /// Finds \p key using \p pred predicate for searching
The function is an analog of \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListSet_find_val "find(Q const&)"
but \p pred is used for key comparing.
\p Less must imply the same element order as the comparator used for building the set.
template <typename Q, typename Less>
- bool find_with( Q const& val, Less pred )
+ bool find_with( Q const& key, Less pred )
- return base_class::find_with( val, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::value_accessor >());
+ return base_class::find_with( key, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::value_accessor >());
/// Finds \p key and return the item found
return base_class::get_with_( result.guard(), key, cds::opt::details::make_comparator_from_less< wrapped_less >());
- /// Clears the set (non-atomic).
+ /// Clears the set (not atomic).
The function deletes all items from the set.
The function is not atomic, thus, in multi-threaded environment with parallel insertions
/// Returns item count in the set
The value returned depends on item counter type provided by \p Traits template parameter.
- If it is atomicity::empty_item_counter this function always returns 0.
- Therefore, the function is not suitable for checking the set emptiness, use \ref empty
+ If it is \p atomicity::empty_item_counter this function always returns 0.
+ Therefore, the function is not suitable for checking the set emptiness, use \p empty()
member function for this purpose.
size_t size() const
return base_class::statistics();
}} // namespace cds::container
See \ref cds_nonintrusive_SkipListMap_hp "SkipListMap" for detailed description.
Template arguments:
- - \p K - type of a key to be stored in the list.
- - \p T - type of a value to be stored in the list.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See skip_list::type_traits for explanation.
- It is possible to declare option-based list with cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction istead of \p Traits template
- argument.
- Template argument list \p Options of cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::compare - key compare functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<K>.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref atomicity::empty_item_counter that is no item counting.
- - opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
- or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- - skip_list::random_level_generator - random level generator. Can be skip_list::xorshift, skip_list::turbo_pascal or
- user-provided one. See skip_list::random_level_generator option description for explanation.
- Default is \p %skip_list::turbo_pascal.
- - opt::allocator - allocator for skip-list node. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Available types: skip_list::stat, skip_list::empty_stat (the default)
+ - \p K - type of a key to be stored in the map.
+ - \p T - type of a value to be stored in the map.
+ - \p Traits - map traits, default is \p skip_list::traits
+ It is possible to declare option-based list with \p cds::container::skip_list::make_traits
+ metafunction istead of \p Traits template argument.
template <
typename Key,
typename T,
- typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits
+ typename Traits = skip_list::traits
typename Traits
- typedef typename base_class::gc gc ; ///< Garbage collector used
- typedef Key key_type ; ///< Key type
- typedef T mapped_type ; ///< Mapped type
- typedef std::pair< key_type const, mapped_type> value_type ; ///< Key-value pair stored in the map
- typedef Traits options ; ///< Options specified
- typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off ; ///< Back-off strategy used
- typedef typename base_class::allocator_type allocator_type ; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
- typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter ; ///< Item counting policy used
- typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key compare functor
- typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model ; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
- typedef typename base_class::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
- typedef typename base_class::random_level_generator random_level_generator ; ///< random level generator
+ typedef cds::gc::nogc gc; ///< Garbage collector
+ typedef Key key_type; ///< Key type
+ typedef T mapped_type; ///< Mapped type
+ typedef std::pair< key_type const, mapped_type> value_type; ///< Key-value pair stored in the map
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Options specified
+ typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off; ///< Back-off strategy
+ typedef typename base_class::allocator_type allocator_type; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
+ typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy
+ typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key compare functor
+ typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering, see \p cds::opt::memory_model option
+ typedef typename base_class::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename base_class::random_level_generator random_level_generator; ///< random level generator
typedef typename base_class::node_type node_type;
typedef typename base_class::node_allocator node_allocator;
- /*
- template <class Less>
- struct less_wrapper {
- typedef Less less_op;
- bool operator()( value_type const& v1, value_type const& v2 ) const
- {
- return less_op()( v1.first, v2.first);
- }
- template <typename Q>
- bool operator()( value_type const& v1, Q const& v2 ) const
- {
- return less_op()( v1.first, v2 );
- }
- template <typename Q>
- bool operator()( Q const& v1, value_type const& v2 ) const
- {
- return less_op()( v1, v2.first );
- }
- };
- */
/// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
- //@{
const_iterator begin() const
return base_class::begin();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
const_iterator cbegin() const
return base_class::cbegin();
- //@}
/// Returns an const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map
- //@{
const_iterator end() const
return base_class::end();
+ /// Returns an const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map
const_iterator cend() const
return base_class::cend();
- //@}
/// Inserts new node with key and default value
to the map's item inserted. <tt>item.second</tt> is a reference to item's value that may be changed.
User-defined functor \p func should guarantee that during changing item's value no any other changes
could be made on this map's item by concurrent threads.
- The user-defined functor can be passed by reference using \p std::ref
- and it is called only if the inserting is successful.
The key_type should be constructible from value of type \p K.
- The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
+ The function allows to split creating of new item into three part:
- create item from \p key;
- insert new item into the map;
- if inserting is successful, initialize the value of item by calling \p f functor
return it;
- /// For key \p key inserts data of type \ref mapped_type constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
+ /// For key \p key inserts data of type \p mapped_type created in-place from \p args
\p key_type should be constructible from type \p K
return base_class::get_max();
- /// Clears the map (non-atomic)
+ /// Clears the map (not atomic)
- The function is not atomic.
Finding and/or inserting is prohibited while clearing.
Otherwise an unpredictable result may be encountered.
Thus, \p clear() may be used only for debugging purposes.
- \p RCU - one of \ref cds_urcu_gc "RCU type".
- \p K - type of a key to be stored in the list.
- \p T - type of a value to be stored in the list.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See skip_list::type_traits for explanation.
- It is possible to declare option-based list with cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction istead of \p Traits template
- argument.
- Template argument list \p Options of cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::compare - key compare functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<K>.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref atomicity::empty_item_counter that is no item counting.
- - opt::memory_model - C++ memory ordering model. Can be opt::v::relaxed_ordering (relaxed memory model, the default)
- or opt::v::sequential_consistent (sequentially consisnent memory model).
- - skip_list::random_level_generator - random level generator. Can be skip_list::xorshift, skip_list::turbo_pascal or
- user-provided one. See skip_list::random_level_generator option description for explanation.
- Default is \p %skip_list::turbo_pascal.
- - opt::allocator - allocator for skip-list node. Default is \ref CDS_DEFAULT_ALLOCATOR.
- - opt::back_off - back-off strategy used. If the option is not specified, the cds::backoff::Default is used.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Available types: skip_list::stat, skip_list::empty_stat (the default)
- - opt::rcu_check_deadlock - a deadlock checking policy. Default is opt::v::rcu_throw_deadlock
+ - \p Traits - map traits, default is \p skip_list::traits.
+ It is possible to declare option-based list with \p cds::container::skip_list::make_traits metafunction
+ instead of \p Traits template argument.
Like STL map class, \p %SkipListMap stores its key-value pair as <tt>std:pair< K const, T></tt>.
typename Key,
typename T,
- typename Traits = skip_list::type_traits
+ typename Traits = skip_list::traits
typename Traits
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
- typedef typename base_class::gc gc ; ///< Garbage collector used
- typedef Key key_type ; ///< Key type
- typedef T mapped_type ; ///< Mapped type
+ typedef cds::urcu::gc< RCU > gc; ///< Garbage collector used
+ typedef Key key_type; ///< Key type
+ typedef T mapped_type; ///< Mapped type
- typedef std::pair< K const, T> value_type ; ///< Value type stored in the map
+ typedef std::pair< K const, T> value_type; ///< Value type stored in the map
# else
typedef typename maker::value_type value_type;
# endif
- typedef Traits options ; ///< Options specified
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Map traits
- typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off ; ///< Back-off strategy used
- typedef typename options::allocator allocator_type ; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
- typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter ; ///< Item counting policy used
- typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key comparison functor
- typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model ; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
- typedef typename options::random_level_generator random_level_generator ; ///< random level generator
- typedef typename options::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename base_class::back_off back_off; ///< Back-off strategy used
+ typedef typename traits::allocator allocator_type; ///< Allocator type used for allocate/deallocate the skip-list nodes
+ typedef typename base_class::item_counter item_counter; ///< Item counting policy used
+ typedef typename maker::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparison functor
+ typedef typename base_class::memory_model memory_model; ///< Memory ordering. See cds::opt::memory_model option
+ typedef typename traits::random_level_generator random_level_generator; ///< random level generator
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
/// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
- //@{
const_iterator begin() const
return cbegin();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator addressing the first element in a map
const_iterator cbegin() const
return const_iterator( base_class::cbegin() );
- //@}
/// Returns a forward iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
iterator end()
/// Returns a forward const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
- //@{
const_iterator end() const
return cend();
+ /// Returns a forward const iterator that addresses the location succeeding the last element in a map.
const_iterator cend() const
return const_iterator( base_class::cend() );
- //@}
/// Inserts new node with key and default value
The function creates a node with \p key and default value, and then inserts the node created into the map.
- - The \ref key_type should be constructible from a value of type \p K.
- In trivial case, \p K is equal to \ref key_type.
- - The \ref mapped_type should be default-constructible.
+ - The \p key_type should be constructible from a value of type \p K.
+ In trivial case, \p K is equal to \p key_type.
+ - The \p mapped_type should be default-constructible.
RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
and then inserts the node created into the map.
- - The \ref key_type should be constructible from \p key of type \p K.
- - The \ref value_type should be constructible from \p val of type \p V.
+ - The \p key_type should be constructible from \p key of type \p K.
+ - The \p value_type should be constructible from \p val of type \p V.
RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
- <tt>item.first</tt> is a const reference to item's key that cannot be changed.
- <tt>item.second</tt> is a reference to item's value that may be changed.
- The user-defined functor can be passed by reference using \p std::ref
- and it is called only if inserting is successful.
- The key_type should be constructible from value of type \p K.
- The function allows to split creating of new item into two part:
+ The function allows to split creating of new item into three part:
- create item from \p key;
- insert new item into the map;
- if inserting is successful, initialize the value of item by calling \p func functor
return false;
- /// For key \p key inserts data of type \ref value_type constructed with <tt>std::forward<Args>(args)...</tt>
+ /// For key \p key inserts data of type \p value_type created in-place from \p args
Returns \p true if inserting successful, \p false otherwise.
- RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
+ RCU \p synchronize() method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
template <typename K, typename... Args>
bool emplace( K&& key, Args&&... args )
is inserted into the map (note that in this case the \ref key_type should be
constructible from type \p K).
Otherwise, the functor \p func is called with item found.
- The functor \p Func may be a function with signature:
- \code
- void func( bool bNew, value_type& item );
- \endcode
- or a functor:
+ The functor \p Func interface is:
struct my_functor {
void operator()( bool bNew, value_type& item );
with arguments:
- \p bNew - \p true if the item has been inserted, \p false otherwise
- \p item - item of the list
- The functor may change any fields of the \p item.second that is \ref value_type.
+ The functor may change any fields of \p item.second.
- You may pass \p func argument by reference using \p std::ref
- RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
+ RCU \p synchronize() method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
Returns <tt> std::pair<bool, bool> </tt> where \p first is true if operation is successfull,
\p second is true if new item has been added or \p false if the item with \p key
already is in the list.
+ @warning See \ref cds_intrusive_item_creating "insert item troubleshooting"
template <typename K, typename Func>
std::pair<bool, bool> ensure( K const& key, Func func )
void operator()(value_type& item) { ... }
- The functor may be passed by reference using <tt>boost:ref</tt>
RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should not be locked.
Note the compare functor from \p Traits class' template argument
should accept a parameter of type \p K that can be not the same as \p key_type.
- RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should NOT be locked.
+ RCU \p synchronize() method can be called. RCU should NOT be locked.
The function does not free the item found.
The item will be implicitly freed when \p result object is destroyed or when
<tt>result.release()</tt> is called, see cds::urcu::exempt_ptr for explanation.
If the skip-list is empty the function returns \p false.
RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should NOT be locked.
The function does not free the item found.
The item will be implicitly freed when \p result object is destroyed or when
<tt>result.release()</tt> is called, see cds::urcu::exempt_ptr for explanation.
in \p result parameter. If the skip-list is empty the function returns \p false.
RCU \p synchronize method can be called. RCU should NOT be locked.
The function does not free the item found.
The item will be implicitly freed when \p result object is destroyed or when
<tt>result.release()</tt> is called, see cds::urcu::exempt_ptr for explanation.
where \p item is the item found.
- You can pass \p f argument by reference using \p std::ref.
The functor may change \p item.second.
The function applies RCU lock internally.
return to_value_ptr( base_class::get_with( key, cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, Less, typename maker::key_accessor >() ));
- /// Clears the map
+ /// Clears the map (not atomic)
void clear()
/// Clears internal list of ready-to-delete items passing them to RCU reclamation cycle
- /**
- See \ref cds_intrusive_SkipListSet_rcu_force_dispose "intrusive SkipListSet" for explanation
+ /** @copydetails cds_intrusive_SkipListSet_rcu_force_dispose
void force_dispose()
static CDS_CONSTEXPR const bool c_bExtractLockExternal = base_class::c_bExtractLockExternal;
/// pointer to extracted node
- typedef cds::urcu::exempt_ptr< gc, node_type, value_type, typename maker::intrusive_type_traits::disposer > exempt_ptr;
+ typedef cds::urcu::exempt_ptr< gc, node_type, value_type, typename maker::intrusive_traits::disposer > exempt_ptr;
with arguments:
- \p bNew - \p true if the item has been inserted, \p false otherwise
- \p item - item of the set
- - \p val - argument \p val passed into the \p ensure function
+ - \p val - argument \p val passed into the \p %ensure() function
If new item has been inserted (i.e. \p bNew is \p true) then \p item and \p val arguments
refer to the same thing.
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\michael_map_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\michael_set_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\mspriority_queue.h" />\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_dhp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_hp.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_nogc.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_rcu.h" />\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_set_dhp.h">\r
<Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
+ <ClInclude Include="..\..\..\cds\container\skip_list_map_dhp.h">\r
+ <Filter>Header Files\cds\container</Filter>\r
+ </ClInclude>\r
\ No newline at end of file
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_refinable_hashmap_list.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_refinable_hashmap_map.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_refinable_hashmap_slist.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_hp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_nogc.cpp" />\r
- <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_ptb.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_rcu_gpb.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_rcu_gpi.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_rcu_gpt.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_hp.cpp">\r
- <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_ptb.cpp">\r
- <Filter>skip_list</Filter>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_splitlist_map_hp.cpp">\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_splitlist_map_lazy_dhp.cpp">\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_skiplist_map_dhp.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>skip_list</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
<ClInclude Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\map\hdr_map.h" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_michael_set_rcu_gpt.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_michael_set_rcu_shb.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_michael_set_rcu_sht.cpp" />\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_dhp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_hp.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_nogc.cpp" />\r
- <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_ptb.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_rcu_gpb.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_rcu_gpi.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_rcu_gpt.cpp" />\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_hp.cpp">\r
- <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_ptb.cpp">\r
- <Filter>container\skip_list</Filter>\r
- </ClCompile>\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_splitlist_set_hp.cpp">\r
<ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_intrusive_skiplist_dhp_member.cpp">\r
+ <ClCompile Include="..\..\..\tests\test-hdr\set\hdr_skiplist_set_dhp.cpp">\r
+ <Filter>container\skip_list</Filter>\r
+ </ClCompile>\r
\ No newline at end of file
void SkipList_HP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
void SkipList_HP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
void SkipList_NOGC_less();
void SkipList_NOGC_cmp();
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat)
--- /dev/null
+#include "map/hdr_skiplist_map.h"
+#include <cds/container/skip_list_map_dhp.h>
+#include "unit/michael_alloc.h"
+#include "map/print_skiplist_stat.h"
+namespace map {
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::DHP, key_type, value_type,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less >
+ ,co::compare< cmp >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+} // namespace map
void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_HP_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::HP, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct map_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListMapHdrTest::less less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::HP, key_type, value_type, map_traits > set;
test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat > >();
void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_NOGC_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::nogc, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct map_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListMapHdrTest::less less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::nogc, key_type, value_type, map_traits > set;
test_nogc< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+++ /dev/null
-#include "map/hdr_skiplist_map.h"
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_map_dhp.h>
-#include "unit/michael_alloc.h"
-#include "map/print_skiplist_stat.h"
-namespace map {
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListMapHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< cds::gc::PTB, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::compare< cmp >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
-} // namespace map
void SkipListMapRCUHdrTest::SkipList_RCU_GPB_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListMap< rcu_type, key_type, value_type,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct map_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListMapRCUHdrTest::less less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListMap< rcu_type, key_type, value_type, map_traits > set;
test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
void SkipList_HP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
void SkipList_HP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
- void SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat();
+ void SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat();
void SkipList_NOGC_less();
void SkipList_NOGC_cmp();
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat)
- CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat)
+ CPPUNIT_TEST(SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat)
--- /dev/null
+#include "set/hdr_skiplist_set.h"
+#include <cds/container/skip_list_set_dhp.h>
+#include "unit/michael_alloc.h"
+#include "map/print_skiplist_stat.h"
+namespace set {
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_xorshift_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_turbopas_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_less_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::less< less<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmp_stat()
+ {
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item,
+ cc::skip_list::make_traits<
+ co::compare< cmp<item > >
+ ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
+ ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
+ ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
+ >::type
+ > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+ void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_DHP_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat()
+ {
+ struct set_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListSetHdrTest::less<item> less;
+ typedef cmp<item> compare;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ typedef cc::skip_list::stat<> stat;
+ typedef memory::MichaelAllocator<int> allocator;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::DHP, item, set_traits > set;
+ test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+ }
+} // namespace set
void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_HP_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::HP, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct set_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListSetHdrTest::less<item > less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::HP, item, set_traits > set;
test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_NOGC_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::nogc, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct set_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListSetHdrTest::less<item> less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::nogc, item, set_traits > set;
test_nogc< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
+++ /dev/null
-#include "set/hdr_skiplist_set.h"
-#include <cds/container/skip_list_set_dhp.h>
-#include "unit/michael_alloc.h"
-#include "map/print_skiplist_stat.h"
-namespace set {
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_xorshift_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::xorshift >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_turbopas_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,cc::skip_list::random_level_generator< cc::skip_list::turbo_pascal >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_less_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmp_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
- void SkipListSetHdrTest::SkipList_PTB_michaelalloc_cmpless_stat()
- {
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< cds::gc::PTB, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::compare< cmp<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- ,co::stat< cc::skip_list::stat<> >
- ,co::allocator< memory::MichaelAllocator<int> >
- >::type
- > set;
- test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();
- }
-} // namespace set
void SkipListSetRCUHdrTest::SkipList_RCU_GPB_less()
- typedef cc::SkipListSet< rcu_type, item,
- cc::skip_list::make_traits<
- co::less< less<item > >
- ,co::item_counter< simple_item_counter >
- >::type
- > set;
+ struct set_traits : public cc::skip_list::traits
+ {
+ typedef SkipListSetRCUHdrTest::less<item> less;
+ typedef simple_item_counter item_counter;
+ };
+ typedef cc::SkipListSet< rcu_type, item, set_traits > set;
test< set, misc::print_skiplist_stat<set::stat> >();