--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+TESTNAME = main
+HEADERS = deque.h
+OBJECTS = main.o deque.o
+all: $(TESTNAME)
+%.o: %.c
+ $(CC) -c -o $@ $< $(CPPFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(TESTNAME) *.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include "deque.h"
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+Deque * create() {
+ Deque * q = (Deque *) calloc(1, sizeof(Deque));
+ Array * a = (Array *) calloc(1, sizeof(Array)+2*sizeof(atomic_int));
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->array, a, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->top, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, 0, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&a->size, 2, memory_order_relaxed);
+ return q;
+int take(Deque *q) {
+ size_t b = atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_relaxed) - 1;
+ Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);
+ size_t t = atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_relaxed);
+ int x;
+ if (t <= b) {
+ /* Non-empty queue. */
+ x = atomic_load_explicit(&a->buffer[b % atomic_load_explicit(&a->size,memory_order_relaxed)], memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (t == b) {
+ /* Single last element in queue. */
+ if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->top, &t, t + 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_relaxed))
+ /* Failed race. */
+ x = EMPTY;
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ } else { /* Empty queue. */
+ x = EMPTY;
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ return x;
+void resize(Deque *q) {
+ Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_relaxed);
+ size_t size=atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_relaxed);
+ size_t new_size=size << 1;
+ Array *new_a = (Array *) calloc(1, new_size * sizeof(atomic_int) + sizeof(Array));
+ size_t top=atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_relaxed);
+ size_t bottom=atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&new_a->size, new_size, memory_order_relaxed);
+ size_t i;
+ for(i=top; i < bottom; i++) {
+ atomic_store_explicit(&new_a->buffer[i % new_size], atomic_load_explicit(&a->buffer[i % size], memory_order_relaxed), memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->array, new_a, memory_order_release);
+ printf("resize\n");
+void push(Deque *q, int x) {
+ size_t b = atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_relaxed);
+ size_t t = atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_acquire);
+ Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (b - t > atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_relaxed) - 1) /* Full queue. */ {
+ resize(q);
+ //Bug in paper...should have next line...
+ a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_relaxed);
+ }
+ atomic_store_explicit(&a->buffer[b % atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_relaxed)], x, memory_order_relaxed);
+ atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_release);
+ atomic_store_explicit(&q->bottom, b + 1, memory_order_relaxed);
+int steal(Deque *q) {
+ size_t t = atomic_load_explicit(&q->top, memory_order_acquire);
+ atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_seq_cst);
+ size_t b = atomic_load_explicit(&q->bottom, memory_order_acquire);
+ int x = EMPTY;
+ if (t < b) {
+ /* Non-empty queue. */
+ Array *a = (Array *) atomic_load_explicit(&q->array, memory_order_acquire);
+ x = atomic_load_explicit(&a->buffer[t % atomic_load_explicit(&a->size, memory_order_relaxed)], memory_order_relaxed);
+ if (!atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->top, &t, t + 1, memory_order_seq_cst, memory_order_relaxed))
+ /* Failed race. */
+ return ABORT;
+ }
+ return x;
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef DEQUE_H
+#define DEQUE_H
+typedef struct {
+ atomic_size_t size;
+ atomic_int buffer[];
+} Array;
+typedef struct {
+ atomic_size_t top, bottom;
+ atomic_uintptr_t array; /* Atomic(Array *) */
+} Deque;
+Deque * create();
+int take(Deque *q);
+void resize(Deque *q);
+void push(Deque *q, int x);
+#define EMPTY 0xffffffff
+#define ABORT 0xfffffffe
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <threads.h>
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include "model-assert.h"
+#include "deque.h"
+Deque *q;
+int a;
+int b;
+int c;
+static void task(void * param) {
+ a=steal(q);
+int user_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ thrd_t t;
+ q=create();
+ thrd_create(&t, task, 0);
+ push(q, 1);
+ push(q, 2);
+ push(q, 4);
+ b=take(q);
+ c=take(q);
+ thrd_join(t);
+ bool correct=true;
+ if (a!=1 && a!=2 && a!=4 && a!= EMPTY)
+ correct=false;
+ if (b!=1 && b!=2 && b!=4 && b!= EMPTY)
+ correct=false;
+ if (c!=1 && c!=2 && c!=4 && a!= EMPTY)
+ correct=false;
+ if (a!=EMPTY && b!=EMPTY && c!=EMPTY && (a+b+c)!=7)
+ correct=false;
+ if (!correct)
+ printf("a=%d b=%d c=%d\n",a,b,c);
+ MODEL_ASSERT(correct);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+TESTNAME = mcs-lock
+all: $(TESTNAME)
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(TESTNAME) *.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <threads.h>
+#include "mcs-lock.h"
+/* For data race instrumentation */
+#include "librace.h"
+struct mcs_mutex *mutex;
+static uint32_t shared;
+void threadA(void *arg)
+ mcs_mutex::guard g(mutex);
+ printf("store: %d\n", 17);
+ store_32(&shared, 17);
+ mutex->unlock(&g);
+ mutex->lock(&g);
+ printf("load: %u\n", load_32(&shared));
+void threadB(void *arg)
+ mcs_mutex::guard g(mutex);
+ printf("load: %u\n", load_32(&shared));
+ mutex->unlock(&g);
+ mutex->lock(&g);
+ printf("store: %d\n", 17);
+ store_32(&shared, 17);
+int user_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ thrd_t A, B;
+ mutex = new mcs_mutex();
+ thrd_create(&A, &threadA, NULL);
+ thrd_create(&B, &threadB, NULL);
+ thrd_join(A);
+ thrd_join(B);
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+// mcs on stack
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <unrelacy.h>
+ Properties to check:
+ 1. At any point, only one thread can acquire the mutex; when any thread
+ nlock the mutex, he must have it in his hand.
+ 2. The sequence of the lock is guaranteed, which means there is a queue for
+ all the lock operations.
+ ####
+ 3. Should establish the happens-before relationship between unlock and lock
+ @Begin
+ @Global_define:
+ # The invariant is that the thread that has a guard at the head of the
+ # queue should be the one who currently has the lock.
+ int __lock_acquired = 0;
+ queue<guard*> __lock_waiting_queue;
+ @Happens-before:
+ # Without any specifying, this means the beginning of a successful Unlock()
+ # happens before the end of the next successful Lock().
+ Unlock -> Lock
+ @End
+struct mcs_node {
+ std::atomic<mcs_node *> next;
+ std::atomic<int> gate;
+ mcs_node() {
+ next.store(0);
+ gate.store(0);
+ }
+struct mcs_mutex {
+ // tail is null when lock is not held
+ std::atomic<mcs_node *> m_tail;
+ mcs_mutex() {
+ m_tail.store( NULL );
+ }
+ ~mcs_mutex() {
+ ASSERT( m_tail.load() == NULL );
+ }
+ // Each thread will have their own guard.
+ class guard {
+ public:
+ mcs_mutex * m_t;
+ mcs_node m_node; // node held on the stack
+ guard(mcs_mutex * t) : m_t(t) { t->lock(this); }
+ ~guard() { m_t->unlock(this); }
+ };
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ # This function will soon enqueue the current guard to the queue to make
+ # sure it will get fair lock successfully.
+ @Interface: Lock
+ @Commit_point_set: Lock_Enqueue_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ __lock_waiting_queue.enqueue(I);
+ @Post_action:
+ __lock_acquired++;
+ @Post_check:
+ # Make sure when it successfully locks, the lock is not acquired yet
+ # and the locking is in a FIFO order
+ __lock_acquired == 1 && I == __lock_waiting_queue.peak()
+ @End
+ */
+ void lock(guard * I) {
+ mcs_node * me = &(I->m_node);
+ // set up my node :
+ // not published yet so relaxed :
+ me->next.store(NULL, std::mo_relaxed );
+ me->gate.store(1, std::mo_relaxed );
+ // publish my node as the new tail :
+ mcs_node * pred = m_tail.exchange(me, std::mo_acq_rel);
+ /**
+ # Once the exchange completes, the thread already claimed the next
+ # available slot for the lock
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: true
+ @Label: Lock_Enqueue_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ if ( pred != NULL ) {
+ // (*1) race here
+ // unlock of pred can see me in the tail before I fill next
+ // publish me to previous lock-holder :
+ pred->next.store(me, std::mo_release );
+ // (*2) pred not touched any more
+ // now this is the spin -
+ // wait on predecessor setting my flag -
+ rl::linear_backoff bo;
+ int my_gate = 1;
+ while ( (my_gate = me->gate.load(std::mo_acquire)) ) {
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Unlock
+ @Commit_point_set:
+ Unlock = Unlock_Point_Success_1 | Unlock_Point_Success_2
+ @Check:
+ lock_acquired == 1 && I == lock_waiting_queue.peak()
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ lock_acquired--;
+ lock_waiting_queue.dequeue();
+ @End
+ */
+ void unlock(guard * I) {
+ mcs_node * me = &(I->m_node);
+ mcs_node * next = me->next.load(std::mo_acquire);
+ if ( next == NULL )
+ {
+ mcs_node * tail_was_me = me;
+ bool success;
+ if ( (success = m_tail.compare_exchange_strong(
+ tail_was_me,NULL,std::mo_acq_rel)) ) {
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: __ATOMIC_RET__ == true
+ @Label: Unlock_Point_Success_1
+ @End
+ */
+ // got null in tail, mutex is unlocked
+ return;
+ }
+ // (*1) catch the race :
+ rl::linear_backoff bo;
+ for(;;) {
+ next = me->next.load(std::mo_acquire);
+ if ( next != NULL )
+ break;
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ }
+ // (*2) - store to next must be done,
+ // so no locker can be viewing my node any more
+ // let next guy in :
+ next->gate.store( 0, std::mo_release );
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: true
+ @Label: Unlock_Point_Success_2
+ @End
+ */
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+TESTNAME = mpmc-queue
+TESTS = mpmc-queue mpmc-1r2w mpmc-2r1w mpmc-queue-rdwr
+TESTS += mpmc-queue-noinit mpmc-1r2w-noinit mpmc-2r1w-noinit mpmc-rdwr-noinit
+all: $(TESTS)
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(TESTS) *.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <inttypes.h>
+#include <threads.h>
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <unistd.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <librace.h>
+#include "mpmc-queue.h"
+void threadA(struct mpmc_boundq_1_alt<int32_t, sizeof(int32_t)> *queue)
+ int32_t *bin = queue->write_prepare();
+ store_32(bin, 1);
+ queue->write_publish();
+void threadB(struct mpmc_boundq_1_alt<int32_t, sizeof(int32_t)> *queue)
+ int32_t *bin;
+ while (bin = queue->read_fetch()) {
+ printf("Read: %d\n", load_32(bin));
+ queue->read_consume();
+ }
+void threadC(struct mpmc_boundq_1_alt<int32_t, sizeof(int32_t)> *queue)
+ int32_t *bin = queue->write_prepare();
+ store_32(bin, 1);
+ queue->write_publish();
+ while (bin = queue->read_fetch()) {
+ printf("Read: %d\n", load_32(bin));
+ queue->read_consume();
+ }
+#define MAXREADERS 3
+#define MAXWRITERS 3
+#define MAXRDWR 3
+#define DEFAULT_RDWR 0
+int readers = DEFAULT_READERS, writers = DEFAULT_WRITERS, rdwr = DEFAULT_RDWR;
+void print_usage()
+ printf("Error: use the following options\n"
+ " -r <num> Choose number of reader threads\n"
+ " -w <num> Choose number of writer threads\n");
+void process_params(int argc, char **argv)
+ const char *shortopts = "hr:w:";
+ int opt;
+ bool error = false;
+ while (!error && (opt = getopt(argc, argv, shortopts)) != -1) {
+ switch (opt) {
+ case 'h':
+ print_usage();
+ break;
+ case 'r':
+ readers = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ case 'w':
+ writers = atoi(optarg);
+ break;
+ default: /* '?' */
+ error = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ if (writers < 1 || writers > MAXWRITERS)
+ error = true;
+ if (readers < 1 || readers > MAXREADERS)
+ error = true;
+ if (error)
+ print_usage();
+int user_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ struct mpmc_boundq_1_alt<int32_t, sizeof(int32_t)> queue;
+ /* Note: optarg() / optind is broken in model-checker - workaround is
+ * to just copy&paste this test a few times */
+ //process_params(argc, argv);
+ printf("%d reader(s), %d writer(s)\n", readers, writers);
+ printf("Adding initial element\n");
+ int32_t *bin = queue.write_prepare();
+ store_32(bin, 17);
+ queue.write_publish();
+ printf("Start threads\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < writers; i++)
+ thrd_create(&A[i], (thrd_start_t)&threadA, &queue);
+ for (int i = 0; i < readers; i++)
+ thrd_create(&B[i], (thrd_start_t)&threadB, &queue);
+ for (int i = 0; i < rdwr; i++)
+ thrd_create(&C[i], (thrd_start_t)&threadC, &queue);
+ for (int i = 0; i < writers; i++)
+ thrd_join(A[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < readers; i++)
+ thrd_join(B[i]);
+ for (int i = 0; i < rdwr; i++)
+ thrd_join(C[i]);
+ printf("Threads complete\n");
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <stdatomic.h>
+#include <unrelacy.h>
+template <typename t_element, size_t t_size>
+struct mpmc_boundq_1_alt
+ // elements should generally be cache-line-size padded :
+ t_element m_array[t_size];
+ // rdwr counts the reads & writes that have started
+ atomic<unsigned int> m_rdwr;
+ // "read" and "written" count the number completed
+ atomic<unsigned int> m_read;
+ atomic<unsigned int> m_written;
+ mpmc_boundq_1_alt()
+ {
+ m_rdwr = 0;
+ m_read = 0;
+ m_written = 0;
+ }
+ /**
+ @Global_define:
+ Order_queue<unsigned int*> spec_queue;
+ */
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ t_element * read_fetch() {
+ unsigned int rdwr = m_rdwr.load(mo_acquire);
+ unsigned int rd,wr;
+ for(;;) {
+ rd = (rdwr>>16) & 0xFFFF;
+ wr = rdwr & 0xFFFF;
+ if ( wr == rd ) { // empty
+ return false;
+ }
+ if ( m_rdwr.compare_exchange_weak(rdwr,rdwr+(1<<16),mo_acq_rel) )
+ break;
+ else
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ // (*1)
+ rl::backoff bo;
+ while ( (m_written.load(mo_acquire) & 0xFFFF) != wr ) {
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ t_element * p = & ( m_array[ rd % t_size ] );
+ /**
+ @Commit_point_Check: true
+ @Label: ANY
+ @Check:
+ spec_queue.peak() == p
+ */
+ return p;
+ }
+ void read_consume() {
+ m_read.fetch_add(1,mo_release);
+ /**
+ @Commit_point_define: true
+ @Label: Read_Consume_Success
+ @Check:
+ spec_queue.size() > 0
+ @Action:
+ spec_queue.remove();
+ */
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
+ t_element * write_prepare() {
+ unsigned int rdwr = m_rdwr.load(mo_acquire);
+ unsigned int rd,wr;
+ for(;;) {
+ rd = (rdwr>>16) & 0xFFFF;
+ wr = rdwr & 0xFFFF;
+ if ( wr == ((rd + t_size)&0xFFFF) ) // full
+ return NULL;
+ if ( m_rdwr.compare_exchange_weak(rdwr,(rd<<16) | ((wr+1)&0xFFFF),mo_acq_rel) )
+ break;
+ else
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ // (*1)
+ rl::backoff bo;
+ while ( (m_read.load(mo_acquire) & 0xFFFF) != rd ) {
+ thrd_yield();
+ }
+ t_element * p = & ( m_array[ wr % t_size ] );
+ /**
+ @Commit_point_check: ANY
+ @Action: spec_queue.add(p);
+ */
+ return p;
+ }
+ void write_publish()
+ {
+ m_written.fetch_add(1,mo_release);
+ }
+ //-----------------------------------------------------
--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+all: $(TESTNAME)
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(TESTNAME) *.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <atomic>
+using namespace std;
+ This is an example about how to specify the correctness of the
+ read-copy-update synchronization mechanism.
+// Properties to check:
+typedef void* (*read_func_ptr_t)(void*);
+template <typename Type>
+class rcu {
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Global_define:
+ Type *__cur_data;
+ static bool equals(void *ptr1, void *ptr2) {
+ // ...
+ // Return if the two data instances pointed to equals to each
+ // other
+ }
+ @Happens-before:
+ Write -> Read
+ Write -> Write
+ @End
+ */
+ atomic<Type*> _data;
+ public:
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Read
+ @Commit_point_set: Read_Success_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ void *_Old_Data = __cur_data;
+ @Post_check:
+ equals(__RET__, _Old_Data->read())
+ @End
+ */
+ void* read() {
+ void *res = NULL;
+ Type *cur_data_ptr = _data.load(memory_order_acquire);
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: true
+ @Label: Read_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ res = cur_data_ptr->read();
+ return res;
+ }
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Write
+ @Commit_point_set: Write_Success_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ __cur_data = new_data;
+ @End
+ */
+ void write(Type *new_data) {
+ while (true) {
+ Type *prev = _data.load(memory_order_acquire);
+ if (_data.compare_exchange_weak(prev, new_data,
+ memory_order_release, memory_order_release)) {
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: __ATOMIC_RET__ == true
+ @Label: Write_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+TESTNAME = seqlock
+all: $(TESTNAME)
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+ rm -f $(TESTNAME) *.o
--- /dev/null
+#include <iostream>
+#include <thread>
+#include "seqlock.h"
+class IntWrapper {
+ private:
+ int _val;
+ public:
+ IntWrapper(int val) : _val(val) {}
+ IntWrapper() : _val(0) {}
+ IntWrapper(IntWrapper& copy) : _val(copy._val) {}
+ int get() {
+ return _val;
+ }
+static void* read_int(void *int_wrapper) {
+ IntWrapper *ptr = (IntWrapper*) int_wrapper;
+ return (void*) new int(ptr->get());
+static IntWrapper *shared_int = new IntWrapper(10);
+static seqlock<IntWrapper> my_lock(shared_int);
+static void read_thrd(void *obj) {
+ void *res = my_lock.read(read_int);
+ cout << "Thread read: " << *((int*) res) << endl;
+static void write_thrd(void *obj) {
+ IntWrapper *new_int = new IntWrapper(1024);
+ my_lock.write(new_int);
+ cout << "Thread write: " << new_int->get() << endl;
+int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
+ /*
+ thrd_t t1, t2, t3;
+ thrd_create(&t1, (thrd_start_t) &read_thrd, NULL);
+ thrd_create(&t2, (thrd_start_t) &write_thrd, NULL);
+ thrd_create(&t3, (thrd_start_t) &read_thrd, NULL);
+ */
+ read_thrd(NULL);
+ write_thrd(NULL);
+ read_thrd(NULL);
--- /dev/null
+#ifndef _SEQLOCK_H
+#define _SEQLOCK_H
+#include <atomic>
+using namespace std;
+typedef void* (*read_func_ptr_t)(void*);
+ Properties to check:
+ Every read will read the up-to-date value, and only one thread can be
+ writing.
+ @Begin
+ @Global_define:
+ Type *__data_ptr = NULL;
+ bool __is_writing = false;
+ static bool _is_equals(void* ptr1, void* ptr2) {
+ //... Should be defined to check if the internal data equals
+ }
+ @Happens-before:
+ Init -> Read
+ Init -> Write
+ Write -> Write
+ Write -> Read
+ @End
+ Fixed the write to be lock-free. Use a CAS in the write instead of using the
+ mutex. There are a couple options for the implementation according to Hans
+ Boehm's paper <<Can seqlocks get along with programming language memory
+ models>>.
+ Interesting thing in the read() function is the memory ordering we should
+ impose there. In Hans Boehm's paper, he presents 3 ways to do it. We will
+ try to use the fences one here as a special case to check programs written
+ with C++ fences.
+template<typename Type>
+class seqlock {
+ private:
+ // To make the write lock-free, we don't need the mutex here.
+ // Mutex to write exclusively
+ // Sequence for reader consistency check
+ atomic_int _seq;
+ // The shared data structure to be protected;
+ // It needs to be atomic to avoid data races
+ atomic<Type*> _data;
+ // This function is to check if the objects pointed by the two pointer are
+ // the same; it is only used for checking the correctness
+ bool is_equal(void *ptr1, void *ptr2) {
+ // return ptr1 == NULL ? false : ptr1->equals(ptr2);
+ }
+ public:
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Init
+ @Commit_point_set: Init_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ __data_ptr = data;
+ @End
+ */
+ seqlock(Type *data) {
+ _data.store(data, memory_order_relaxed);
+ _seq.store(0, memory_order_release);
+ /**
+ # Initialization code
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: true
+ @Label: Init_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ }
+ ~seqlock() {}
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Read
+ @Commit_point_set: Read_Success_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ void *_Old_data_ptr = __data_ptr;
+ @Post_check:
+ _is_equal(read_func(_Old_data_ptr), __RET__)
+ @End
+ */
+ void* read(read_func_ptr_t read_func) {
+ while (true) {
+ int old_seq = _seq.load(memory_order_acquire);
+ if (old_seq % 2 == 1) continue;
+ // A customized read of something return a pointer to it
+ // Potential data race, should be atomic
+ void *res = read_func(_data.load(memory_order_relaxed));
+ // This is subtle to use an acquire fence here
+ // What we actually need is a #LoadLoad fence
+ atomic_thread_fence(memory_order_acquire);
+ int new_seq;
+ if ((new_seq = _seq.load(memory_order_relaxed)) == old_seq) {
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_check_define: __ATOMIC_RET__ == old_seq
+ @Label: Read_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ return res;
+ }
+ // _data has been updated, read should retry
+ }
+ }
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: Write
+ @Commit_point_set: Write_Success_Point
+ @Action:
+ @Code:
+ __data_ptr = new_data;
+ @End
+ */
+ void write(Type *new_data) {
+ while (true) {
+ // This might be a relaxed too
+ // Should think about how to read the lo
+ int old_seq = _seq.load(memory_order_acquire);
+ if (old_seq % 2 == 1) {
+ // Backoff, another thread is writing
+ //thrd_yield();
+ continue; // Retry
+ }
+ // Should be relaxed!!!
+ if (_seq.compare_exchange_strong(old_seq, old_seq + 1,
+ memory_order_relaxed, memory_order_relaxed))
+ break;
+ }
+ // Should be a store release, to synchronize with the fence!!!
+ _data.store(new_data, memory_order_release);
+ _seq.fetch_add(1, memory_order_release);
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_define: true
+ @Label: Write_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ }
--- /dev/null
--- /dev/null
+include ../benchmarks.mk
+TESTNAME = spsc-queue
+RELACYNAME = spsc-relacy
+all: $(TESTNAME)
+$(TESTNAME): $(TESTNAME).cc queue.h eventcount.h
+ $(CXX) -o $@ $< $(CXXFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS)
+relacy: $(RELACYNAME)
+$(RELACYNAME): spsc-relacy.cc queue-relacy.h eventcount-relacy.h
+ $(CXX) -o $(RELACYNAME) spsc-relacy.cc -I$(RELACYPATH) -Wno-deprecated
+ @echo "Please define RELACYPATH"
+ @echo " e.g., make RELACYPATH=/path-to-relacy"
+ @exit 1
+ rm -f $(TESTNAME) $(RELACYNAME) *.o
--- /dev/null
+class eventcount
+ eventcount() : waiters(0)
+ {
+ count($) = 0;
+ }
+ void signal_relaxed()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ signal_impl(cmp);
+ }
+ void signal()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.fetch_add(0, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ signal_impl(cmp);
+ }
+ unsigned get()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.fetch_or(0x80000000,
+ return cmp & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ }
+ void wait(unsigned cmp)
+ {
+ unsigned ec = count.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ if (cmp == (ec & 0x7FFFFFFF))
+ {
+ guard.lock($);
+ ec = count.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ if (cmp == (ec & 0x7FFFFFFF))
+ {
+ waiters($) += 1;
+ cv.wait(guard, $);
+ }
+ guard.unlock($);
+ }
+ }
+ std::atomic<unsigned> count;
+ rl::var<unsigned> waiters;
+ std::mutex guard;
+ std::condition_variable cv;
+ void signal_impl(unsigned cmp)
+ {
+ if (cmp & 0x80000000)
+ {
+ guard.lock($);
+ while (false == count.compare_exchange_weak(cmp,
+ (cmp + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF, std::memory_order_relaxed));
+ unsigned w = waiters($);
+ waiters($) = 0;
+ guard.unlock($);
+ if (w)
+ cv.notify_all($);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <unrelacy.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include <mutex>
+#include <condition_variable>
+class eventcount
+ eventcount() : waiters(0)
+ {
+ count = 0;
+ }
+ void signal_relaxed()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.load(std::memory_order_relaxed);
+ signal_impl(cmp);
+ }
+ void signal()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.fetch_add(0, std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ signal_impl(cmp);
+ }
+ unsigned get()
+ {
+ unsigned cmp = count.fetch_or(0x80000000,
+ return cmp & 0x7FFFFFFF;
+ }
+ void wait(unsigned cmp)
+ {
+ unsigned ec = count.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ if (cmp == (ec & 0x7FFFFFFF))
+ {
+ guard.lock($);
+ ec = count.load(std::memory_order_seq_cst);
+ if (cmp == (ec & 0x7FFFFFFF))
+ {
+ waiters += 1;
+ cv.wait(guard);
+ }
+ guard.unlock($);
+ }
+ }
+ std::atomic<unsigned> count;
+ rl::var<unsigned> waiters;
+ std::mutex guard;
+ std::condition_variable cv;
+ void signal_impl(unsigned cmp)
+ {
+ if (cmp & 0x80000000)
+ {
+ guard.lock($);
+ while (false == count.compare_exchange_weak(cmp,
+ (cmp + 1) & 0x7FFFFFFF, std::memory_order_relaxed));
+ unsigned w = waiters($);
+ waiters = 0;
+ guard.unlock($);
+ if (w)
+ cv.notify_all($);
+ }
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include "eventcount-relacy.h"
+template<typename T>
+class spsc_queue
+ spsc_queue()
+ {
+ node* n = new node ();
+ head($) = n;
+ tail($) = n;
+ }
+ ~spsc_queue()
+ {
+ RL_ASSERT(head($) == tail($));
+ delete ((node*)head($));
+ }
+ void enqueue(T data)
+ {
+ node* n = new node (data);
+ head($)->next.store(n, std::memory_order_release);
+ head($) = n;
+ ec.signal();
+ }
+ T dequeue()
+ {
+ T data = try_dequeue();
+ while (0 == data)
+ {
+ int cmp = ec.get();
+ data = try_dequeue();
+ if (data)
+ break;
+ ec.wait(cmp);
+ data = try_dequeue();
+ if (data)
+ break;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ struct node
+ {
+ std::atomic<node*> next;
+ rl::var<T> data;
+ node(T data = T())
+ : data(data)
+ {
+ next($) = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ rl::var<node*> head;
+ rl::var<node*> tail;
+ eventcount ec;
+ T try_dequeue()
+ {
+ node* t = tail($);
+ node* n = t->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ if (0 == n)
+ return 0;
+ T data = n->data($);
+ delete (t);
+ tail($) = n;
+ return data;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <unrelacy.h>
+#include <atomic>
+#include "eventcount.h"
+template<typename T>
+class spsc_queue
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Global_define:
+ typedef struct tag_elem {
+ Tag id;
+ T data;
+ } tag_elem_t;
+ Tag tag;
+ spec_queue<tag_elem> __queue;
+ static bool _is_elem_equals(void *ptr1, void *ptr2) {
+ // ...
+ // return if the elements pointed to are equal
+ }
+ @Happens-before:
+ Enqueue -> Dequeue
+ @End
+ **/
+ spsc_queue()
+ {
+ node* n = new node ();
+ head = n;
+ tail = n;
+ }
+ ~spsc_queue()
+ {
+ RL_ASSERT(head == tail);
+ delete ((node*)head($));
+ }
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_set:
+ Enqueue = Enqueue_Success_Point
+ @ID: tag.current()
+ @Action:
+ __queue.enqueue(tag_elem_t(tag.current(), node(data));
+ tag.next();
+ @End
+ */
+ void enqueue(T data)
+ {
+ node* n = new node (data);
+ head($)->next.store(n, std::memory_order_release);
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_define: true
+ @Label: Enqueue_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ head = n;
+ // #Mark delete this
+ ec.signal();
+ }
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_set:
+ Dequeue = Try_Dequeue_Success_Point
+ @ID: __queue.peak().tag
+ @Check: __queue.size() > 0 && _is_elem_equals(&RET, &__queue.peek().data)
+ @Action: __queue.dequeue();
+ @End
+ */
+ T dequeue()
+ {
+ T data = try_dequeue();
+ while (0 == data)
+ {
+ int cmp = ec.get();
+ data = try_dequeue();
+ if (data)
+ break;
+ ec.wait(cmp);
+ data = try_dequeue();
+ if (data)
+ break;
+ }
+ return data;
+ }
+ struct node
+ {
+ std::atomic<node*> next;
+ rl::var<T> data;
+ node(T data = T())
+ : data(data)
+ {
+ next = 0;
+ }
+ };
+ rl::var<node*> head;
+ rl::var<node*> tail;
+ eventcount ec;
+ T try_dequeue()
+ {
+ node* t = tail($);
+ node* n = t->next.load(std::memory_order_acquire);
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_define: ATOMIC_RET != NULL
+ @Label: Try_Dequeue_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
+ if (0 == n)
+ return 0;
+ T data = n->data($);
+ delete (t);
+ tail = n;
+ return data;
+ }
--- /dev/null
+#include <threads.h>
+#include "queue.h"
+spsc_queue<int> *q;
+ void thread(unsigned thread_index)
+ {
+ if (0 == thread_index)
+ {
+ q->enqueue(11);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int d = q->dequeue();
+ RL_ASSERT(11 == d);
+ }
+ }
+int user_main(int argc, char **argv)
+ thrd_t A, B;
+ q = new spsc_queue<int>();
+ thrd_create(&A, (thrd_start_t)&thread, (void *)0);
+ thrd_create(&B, (thrd_start_t)&thread, (void *)1);
+ thrd_join(A);
+ thrd_join(B);
+ delete q;
+ return 0;
--- /dev/null
+#include <relacy/relacy_std.hpp>
+#include "queue-relacy.h"
+struct spsc_queue_test : rl::test_suite<spsc_queue_test, 2>
+ spsc_queue<int> q;
+ void thread(unsigned thread_index)
+ {
+ if (0 == thread_index)
+ {
+ q.enqueue(11);
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int d = q.dequeue();
+ RL_ASSERT(11 == d);
+ }
+ }
+int main()
+ rl::test_params params;
+ params.search_type = rl::fair_full_search_scheduler_type;
+ rl::simulate<spsc_queue_test>(params);
return sb.toString();
+ /**
+ boolean spaceSeparator(Token t) {
+ switch (t.image) {
+ case "[":
+ case "]":
+ case "=":
+ case "(":
+ case ")":
+ case ",":
+ case ".":
+ case "*":
+ case "~":
+ case "!":
+ case "&":
+ case "|":
+ case "%":
+ case "+":
+ case "-":
+ case "/":
+ case "<":
+ case ">":
+ case "<=":
+ case ">=":
+ case "==":
+ case "!=":
+ case "&&":
+ case "||":
+ case "^":
+ case "?":
+ case ":":
+ case "::":
+ case "<<":
+ case ">>":
+ case ">>>":
+ case "+=":
+ case "-=":
+ case "*=":
+ case "/=":
+ case "%=":
+ case "^=":
+ case "&=":
+ case ";":
+ return false;
+ default:
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ */
<INLINE: "inline">
<STATIC: "static">
+ <FOR: "for">
<#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
ArrayList<String> C_CPP_CODE(ArrayList<String> headers) :
String text;
Token t;
boolean newLine = false;
+ boolean newSpace = true;
boolean inTemplate = false;
+ boolean inForLoop = false;
ArrayList<String> content;
String header;
t = <CONST> | t = <STRUCT> | t = <CLASS> | t = <UNSIGNED> |
(t = <TEMPLATE> { inTemplate = true; })|
t = <STATIC> | t = <INLINE> |
+ (t = <FOR> { inForLoop = true; })|
(t = <INCLUDE>
header = t.image;
| t = <IDENTIFIER> | t = <POUND> |
(t = <OPEN_BRACE> { newLine = true; } ) |
- (t = <CLOSE_BRACE> { newLine = true; } ) |
+ (t = <CLOSE_BRACE> { newLine = true; inForLoop = false;} ) |
t = <EQUALS> | t = <OPEN_PAREN> | t = <CLOSE_PAREN> |
| t = <HB_SYMBOL> | t = <COMMA> |
t = <OR_EQUALS> |
t = <AND_EQUALS> |
- (t = <SEMI_COLON> { newLine = true; } )
+ (t = <SEMI_COLON> { if (!inForLoop) newLine = true; } )
(t = <DEFINE> { newLine = true; } )
if (text.equals("")) {
text = t.image;
+ newSpace = true;
} else {
text = text + " " + t.image;
+ /*
+ if (newSpace && spaceSeparator(t)) {
+ text = text + " " + t.image;
+ } else {
+ text = text + t.image;
+ if (spaceSeparator(t))
+ newSpace = true;
+ }*/
if (newLine) {
File[] srcFiles = {
// new File(Environment.MODEL_CHECKER_TEST_DIR +
// "/backup_linuxrwlocks.c") };
-// new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/linuxrwlocks/linuxrwlocks.c")
-// };
+ new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/linuxrwlocks/linuxrwlocks.c")
+ };
// new File(homeDir
// +
// "/benchmark/cliffc-hashtable/simplified_cliffc_hashtable.h"),
// };
- new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/my_queue.c"),
- new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/main.c"),
- new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/my_queue.h") };
+// new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/my_queue.c"),
+// new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/main.c"),
+// new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/ms-queue/my_queue.h") };
// new File(homeDir + "/benchmark/test/test.c") };
CodeGenerator gen = new CodeGenerator(srcFiles);
public static final String HEADER_SPECANNOTATION = "<specannotation.h>";
public static final String HEADER_CDSTRACE = "<cdstrace.h>";
// public static final String CDSAnnotate = "cdsannotate";
- public static final String CDSAnnotate = "_Z11cdsannotatemPv";
+// public static final String CDSAnnotate = "_Z11cdsannotatemPv";
+ public static final String CDSAnnotate = "cdsannotate";
public static final String CDSAnnotateType = "SPEC_ANALYSIS";
public static final String IDType = "call_id_t";