+// The testing of the ownership graph
+// components relies on the testTokens
+// test in another directory. Those classes
+// are assumed to be fully tested here.
public class Main {
+ static boolean aTestFailed;
protected static void test( String test,
boolean expected,
boolean result ) {
- String outcome = "...\tFAILED";
+ String outcome;
if( expected == result ) {
outcome = "...\tpassed";
+ } else {
+ outcome = "...\tFAILED";
+ aTestFailed = true;
- System.out.println( test+" expected "+expected+outcome );
+ System.out.println( test+" expect "+expected+outcome );
public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {
+ aTestFailed = false;
+ testExample();
+ System.out.println( "---------------------------------------" );
+ testNodesAndEdges();
+ System.out.println( "---------------------------------------" );
+ if( aTestFailed ) {
+ System.out.println( "<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" );
+ System.out.println( "<><><> WARNING: At least one test failed. <><><>" );
+ System.out.println( "<><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><><>" );
+ } else {
+ System.out.println( "<><> All tests passed. <><>" );
+ }
+ }
+ public static void testExample() {
// example test to know the testing routine is correct!
test( "4 == 5?", false, 4 == 5 );
test( "3 == 3?", true, 3 == 3 );
+ }
+ public static void testNodesAndEdges() {
+ TempDescriptor lnTestA = new TempDescriptor( "lnTestA" );
+ TempDescriptor lnTestB = new TempDescriptor( "lnTestB" );
+ LabelNode ln0 = new LabelNode( lnTestA );
+ LabelNode ln1 = new LabelNode( lnTestA );
+ LabelNode ln2 = new LabelNode( lnTestB );
+ test( "ln0 equals ln1?", true, ln0.equals( ln1 ) );
+ test( "ln1 equals ln0?", true, ln1.equals( ln0 ) );
+ test( "ln0 equals ln2?", false, ln0.equals( ln2 ) );
+ test( "ln2 equals ln1?", false, ln2.equals( ln1 ) );
+ /*
+ public HeapRegionNode( Integer id,
+ boolean isSingleObject,
+ boolean isFlagged,
+ boolean isNewSummary,
+ AllocationSite allocSite,
+ ReachabilitySet alpha,
+ String description );
+ */
+ TokenTuple tt00 = new TokenTuple( new Integer( 00 ), false, TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ TokenTuple tt01 = new TokenTuple( new Integer( 01 ), false, TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE );
+ TokenTupleSet tts0 = new TokenTupleSet( tt00 ).add( tt01 );
+ ReachabilitySet a0 = new ReachabilitySet( tts0 );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn00 = new HeapRegionNode( new Integer( 00 ),
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ null,
+ a0,
+ "hrn00" );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn01 = new HeapRegionNode( new Integer( 01 ),
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ null,
+ a0,
+ "hrn01" );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn02 = new HeapRegionNode( new Integer( 01 ),
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ null,
+ a0,
+ "hrn01" );
+ test( "hrn01.equals( hrn00 )?", false, hrn01.equals( hrn00 ) );
+ test( "hrn01.equals( hrn02 )?", true, hrn01.equals( hrn02 ) );
+ test( "hrn01.hashCode() == hrn00.hashCode()?", false, hrn01.hashCode() == hrn00.hashCode() );
+ test( "hrn01.hashCode() == hrn02.hashCode()?", true, hrn01.hashCode() == hrn02.hashCode() );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn03 = new HeapRegionNode( new Integer( 00 ),
+ true,
+ false,
+ false,
+ null,
+ a0,
+ "hrn00" );
+ /*
+ public ReferenceEdge( OwnershipNode src,
+ HeapRegionNode dst,
+ FieldDescriptor fieldDesc,
+ boolean isInitialParamReflexive,
+ ReachabilitySet beta ) {
+ */
+ ReferenceEdge edge0 = new ReferenceEdge( ln0, hrn00, null, false, a0 );
+ ReferenceEdge edge1 = new ReferenceEdge( ln0, hrn00, null, false, a0 );
+ ReferenceEdge edge2 = new ReferenceEdge( hrn01, hrn00, null, false, a0 );
+ ReferenceEdge edge3 = new ReferenceEdge( hrn02, hrn03, null, false, a0 );
+ ReferenceEdge edge4 = new ReferenceEdge( hrn01, hrn00, null, false, a0 );
+ test( "edge0.equals( edge1 )?", true, edge0.equals( edge1 ) );
+ test( "edge0.hashCode() == edge1.hashCode()?", true, edge0.hashCode() == edge1.hashCode() );
+ test( "edge2.equals( edge1 )?", false, edge2.equals( edge1 ) );
+ test( "edge2.hashCode() == edge1.hashCode()?", false, edge2.hashCode() == edge1.hashCode() );
+ test( "edge2.equals( edge3 )?", false, edge2.equals( edge3 ) );
+ // a collision, because even though src and dst are not same objects, they are equivalent and
+ // produce the same hashcode
+ //test( "edge2.hashCode() == edge3.hashCode()?", false, edge2.hashCode() == edge3.hashCode() );
+ test( "edge2.equals( edge4 )?", true, edge2.equals( edge4 ) );
+ test( "edge2.hashCode() == edge4.hashCode()?", true, edge2.hashCode() == edge4.hashCode() );
+ }
+ public static void garbage() {
// test equality of label objects that are logically
// same/different but all separate objects
// these tests show how a label node object or other