JSON_KEY_ETH = "eth"
JSON_KEY_ETH_SRC = "eth.src"
JSON_KEY_ETH_DST = "eth.dst"
+JSON_KEY_IPV6 = "ipv6"
JSON_KEY_IP = "ip"
JSON_KEY_IP_SRC = "ip.src"
JSON_KEY_IP_DST = "ip.dst"
if eth_dst in exc_list:
print "[ WARNING: Destination ", eth_dst, " is excluded from graph! ]"
+ # Exclude if IP does not exist in layers - this means IPv6
+ if JSON_KEY_IP not in layers and JSON_KEY_IPV6 in layers:
+ continue
# Place nodes and edges in graph
place_in_graph(G, eth_src, eth_dst, device_dns_mappings, dev_list, layers,
edge_to_prot, edge_to_vol)
# This is the main script that calls every other script that is needed for the main flow
-if [ $# -ne 5 ]
+if [ $# -ne 4 ]
- echo "Usage: main_flow.sh <json-file-local> <json-file-internet> <output-file-name>"
- echo " <json-file-local> = JSON file of local traffic captured on WLAN interfaces"
- echo " <json-file-internet> = JSON file of internet traffic captured on ETH interfaces"
+ echo "Usage: main_flow.sh <json-file> <output-file-name> <device-name> <device-mac-address>"
+ echo " <json-file> = JSON file of local/traffic captured on WLAN interfaces"
echo " <output-file-name> = base name for the output files"
echo " <device-name> = device name"
echo " <device-mac-address> = device MAC address"
# Check result folder and create one if it does not exist yet
-[ -d $5 ] || mkdir $5
+[ -d result ] || mkdir result
# Run the analysis
-python ./base_gexf_generator.py $1 $3_local.gexf
-python ./base_gexf_generator.py $2 $3_internet.gexf
-python ./parser/parse_packet_frequency.py $1 $3_local $4 $5
-python ./parser/parse_packet_frequency.py $2 $3_internet $4 $5
-gnuplot ./plot_scripts/plot_ts_graph_wemo
+python ./base_gexf_generator.py $1 $2.gexf
+python ./parser/parse_packet_frequency.py $1 $2 $3 $4
# ***************** #
# WeMo switch local
-set output './result/wemo_switch_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
-set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
-set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# eth0
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# WeMo switch internet
-set output './result/wemo_switch_timestamp_internet_incoming.png'
-set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Internet Traffic"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_internet_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_timestamp_internet_outgoing.png'
-set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Internet Traffic"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_internet_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# eth0
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_internet_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Internet Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_internet_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_internet_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Internet Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_internet_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_internet_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Internet Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_internet_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_internet_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Internet Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_internet_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# WeMo phone local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Phone Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Phone Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# WeMo phone internet
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_internet_incoming.png'
+set title "WeMo Phone Incoming Internet Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_internet_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_internet_outgoing.png'
+set title "WeMo Phone Outgoing Internet Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_internet_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# This lists down all the calls to the main_flow.sh script.
# Basically, we make one call per one device that we want to analyze.
-./main_flow.sh json/eth1.dump.json json/eth1.dump.json result/wemo_switch WeMo_Switch 94:10:3e:36:60:09
-#./main_flow.sh json/eth1.dump.json json/eth1.dump.json result/google_nexus Google_Nexus 64:bc:0c:43:3f:40
+gnuplot $PATH_GNUPLOT