* versions of the methods must already be generated and stored in
* the State object. */
public void buildCode() {
/* Create output streams to write to */
PrintWriter outclassdefs=null;
FlatMethod fm=state.getMethodFlat(md);
if (!md.getModifiers().isNative()) {
generateFlatMethod(fm, outmethod);
+ } else if (state.JNI) {
+ generateNativeFlatMethod(fm, outmethod);
+ protected void generateNativeFlatMethod(FlatMethod fm, PrintWriter outmethod) {
+ MethodDescriptor md=fm.getMethod();
+ ClassDescriptor cd=md.getClassDesc();
+ generateHeader(fm, md, outmethod);
+ int startindex=0;
+ if (md.getModifiers().isStatic()) {
+ outmethod.println("jobject rec=JNIWRAP(((void **)(((char *) &(global_defs_p->classobjs->___length___))+sizeof(int)))[" + cd.getId() + "]);");
+ } else {
+ outmethod.println("jobject rec=JNIWRAP("+generateTemp(fm, fm.getParameter(0))+");");
+ startindex=1;
+ }
+ for(int i=startindex;i<fm.numParameters();i++) {
+ TempDescriptor tmp=fm.getParameter(i);
+ if (tmp.getType().isPtr()) {
+ outmethod.println("jobject param"+i+"=JNIWRAP("+generateTemp(fm, fm.getParameter(i))+");");
+ }
+ }
+ outmethod.println("stopforgc((struct garbagelist *)___params___)");
+ }
+ if (md.getReturnType()!=null) {
+ if (md.getReturnType().isPtr())
+ outmethod.print("jobject retval=");
+ else
+ outmethod.print(md.getReturnType().getSafeSymbol()+" retval=");
+ }
+ outmethod.print("Java_");
+ outmethod.print(cd.getPackage().replace('.','_'));
+ outmethod.print("_"+md.getSymbol()+"(");
+ outmethod.print("JNI_vtable, rec");
+ for(int i=startindex;i<fm.numParameters();i++) {
+ outmethod.print(", ");
+ TempDescriptor tmp=fm.getParameter(i);
+ if (tmp.getType().isPtr()) {
+ outmethod.print("param"+i);
+ } else {
+ outmethod.print(generateTemp(fm, tmp));
+ }
+ }
+ outmethod.println(");");
+ outmethod.println("restartaftergc()");
+ }
+ if (md.getReturnType()!=null) {
+ if (md.getReturnType().isPtr()) {
+ outmethod.println("struct ___Object___ * retobj=JNIUNWRAP(retval);");
+ outmethod.println("JNIclearstack();");
+ outmethod.println("return retobj;");
+ } else {
+ outmethod.println("JNIclearstack();");
+ outmethod.println("return retval;");
+ }
+ }
+ outmethod.println("}");
+ }
protected void generateFlatMethod(FlatMethod fm, PrintWriter output) {
if (State.PRINTFLAT)
/* Check to see if we need to do a GC if this is a
* multi-threaded program...*/
- || this.state.MULTICOREGC) {
//Don't bother if we aren't in recursive methods...The loops case will catch it
if (callgraph.getAllMethods(md).contains(md)) {
if (this.state.MULTICOREGC) {
// is a static block or is invoked in some static block
ClassDescriptor cd = fm.getMethod().getClassDesc();
- if(cd == cn) {
- // the same class, do nothing
- } else if(mgcstaticinit) {
+ if(cd != cn && mgcstaticinit) {
// generate static init check code if it has not done static init in main()
if((cn.getNumStaticFields() != 0) || (cn.getNumStaticBlocks() != 0)) {
// need to check if the class' static fields have been initialized and/or
if(md.getSymbol().equals("MonitorEnter")) {
output.println("int monitorenterline = __LINE__;");
- if ((GENERATEPRECISEGC) || (this.state.MULTICOREGC)) {
output.print(" struct "+cn.getSafeSymbol()+md.getSafeSymbol()+"_"+mdstring+"_params __parameterlist__={");
output.print(", "+localsprefixaddr);
System.out.println("Source code calls static method "+md+" on an object in "+fm.getMethod()+"!");
for(int i=0; i<fc.numArgs(); i++) {
Descriptor var=md.getParameter(i);
TempDescriptor paramtemp=(TempDescriptor)temptovar.get(var);
/* Do we need to do virtual dispatch? */
- if (!md.isStatic()&&md.getReturnType()!=null&&fc.getThis().getType().getClassDesc()==null) {
- System.out.println(fm);
- System.out.println(md);
- System.out.println(fc);
- System.out.println(fm.printMethod());
- }
if (md.isStatic()||md.getReturnType()==null||singleCall(fc.getThis().getType().getClassDesc(),md)||fc.getSuper()) {
if(md.getSymbol().equals("MonitorEnter") && state.OBJECTLOCKDEBUG) {
output.println(", monitorenterline);");
} else {
- output.println(");");
+ output.println(");");
output.println(" }");