--- /dev/null
+# -*- getpot -*- GetPot mode activation for emacs
+# Example input file to be parsed by 'GetPot':
+# Demonstration of the abilities of the $-Bracket Language in GetPot.
+# ${string} variable replacement (possibly recursive):
+# replace ${}-expression by content of variable named 'string'.
+# ${:string} pure strings:
+# replace ${}-expression by the string 'string' itself (including
+# whitespace). This becomes important in combination with macro
+# expansion. It allows ${}-expressions inside strings without
+# being parsed directly.
+# ${& string1 string2 string3 ... } concatination:
+# concatinate 'string1', 'string2', 'string3', etc. to one single
+# string whithout any kind of whitespace in between.
+# ${<-> string orginal replacement} replacement:
+# replace all occurences of 'original' in 'string' with 'replacement'
+# ${+ arg1 arg2 arg3 ...} plus:
+# replace ${}-expression by the sum: 'arg1' + 'arg2' + 'arg3' + ...
+# ${* arg1 arg2 arg3 ...} multiplication:
+# replace ${}-expression by the product: 'arg1' * 'arg2' * 'arg3' * ...
+# ${- arg1 arg2 arg3 ...} substraction:
+# replace ${}-expression by: 'arg1' - 'arg2' - 'arg3' - ...
+# ${/ arg1 arg2 arg3 ...} division:
+# replace ${}-expression by: 'arg1' / 'arg2' / 'arg3' / ...
+# ${== arg0 arg1 arg2 ...} equal:
+# returns the number of the first argument starting with '1' for 'arg1'
+# that is equal to 'arg0'.
+# returns '0' in case none is equal.
+# ${> arg0 arg1 arg2 ...} greater:
+# ${< arg0 arg1 arg2 ...} less:
+# ${>= arg0 arg1 arg2 ...} greater or equal:
+# ${<= arg0 arg1 arg2 ...} less or equal:
+# analogous to ${== }-operator.
+# ${? arg0 if-string else-string} if-then statement:
+# return 'if-string' in case arg0 == 1 and 'else-string' else.
+# ${?? arg0 string1 string 2 string3 ...} choice.
+# return string0 if arg1 == 1, string1 if arg1 == 2, etc.
+# ${@: string index} letter:
+# return letter number 'index' in 'string'.
+# ${@: string index1 index2} substrings:
+# return substring in 'string' from 'index1' to 'index2'
+# ${@ variable index} vector element:
+# return element number 'index' in 'variable'
+# ${@ variable index1 index2} sub-vector:
+# return sub-vector in 'variable' from element 'index1' to
+# element 'index2'.
+# ${! variable} expand:
+# replacement ${}-expression by the evaluation of the content of 'variable'.
+# The variable should be defined with a pure string (${: }) so that expressions
+# inside it are not parsed during the assignment.
+# (C) 2002 Frank R. Schaefer
+# License Terms: GNU GPL
+# (1) variable replacement -----------------------------------------------------
+name = GetPot
+[${name}] # meaning: [GetPot]
+address = getpot.sourceforge.net
+info0 = ${GetPot/address}
+[1.2] # advanced variable replacement ------------------------------------------
+ boss = 'Dr. Frederique Mouillard'
+ members = 4
+ professors = 3
+ boss = Dr.\ Frieda\ LaBlonde
+ members = 24
+ professors = 5
+x1 = Mechanical-Engineering
+x2 = Philosophy
+info0 = '${${x1}/boss}: ${${x1}/professors}/${${x1}/members}'
+info1 = '${${x2}/boss}: ${${x2}/professors}/${${x2}/members}'
+[1.3] # recursive replacements -------------------------------------------------
+# 1.3.1 simple replacements
+car = Citroen-2CV
+ground-vehicle = car
+vehicle = ground-vehicle
+object = vehicle
+# ${object} --> vehicle
+# ${vehicle} --> ground-vehicle
+# ${ground-vehicle} --> car
+# ${car} --> Citroen-2CV
+# note that even variable names can be composed of ${ } expressions
+variable = info0
+${variable} = '${${ ${ ${object}}}}'
+# 1.3.2 conglomerate variable names
+ [./wheels]
+ [./front]
+ [./right]
+ radius = 30 # [cm]
+part = wheels
+attribute = radius
+position = front/right
+variable = info1
+${variable} = '${${${${${object}}}}/${part}/${position}/${attribute}}'
+[1.4] # dictionaries -----------------------------------------------------------
+ BMW = Beamer
+ Mercedez = Grandpa\'s\ Slide
+ Volkswagen = Beetle
+ Citroen-2CV = Deuche
+info0 = '${Nicknames/${1.3/info0}}'
+my-car = Mercedez
+info1 = '${Nicknames/${1.4/my-car}}'
+# (2) string expressions -------------------------------------------------------
+[2.1] # pure strings -----------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = ${:even expressions like ${my-car} are left as they are}
+info1 = ${:\\-ing (backslashing) works still the same way}
+info2 = ${:backslashes allow one to have spaces w/o quotes}
+[2.2] # concatination ----------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = ${& simple concatination without whitespaces results in a mess}
+info1 = '${& ${:In France, the } ${1.3/info0}
+ ${: is called \'La } ${Nicknames/${1.3/info0}} \'}
+ '
+[2.3] # replacement ------------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = 'We spell your name \'${<-> Phillip Ph F}\''
+info1 = 'The ${<-> ${Nicknames/Volkswagen} ee ea}s'
+car = Nicknames/Citroen-2CV
+info2 = 'I switched from ${${car}} to ${${<-> ${car} Citroen-2CV Volkswagen}}'
+# (3) numeric expressions ------------------------------------------------------
+[3.1] # basics -----------------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = ${+ 1 1}
+x = 4699 y = 14 z = 4
+# don't forget to glue the minus sign to negative numbers
+info1 = ${+ ${x} ${y} -2}
+info2 = ${- 10 1}
+info3 = ${- ${x} ${y} -2}
+info4 = '${* 12 12}'
+info5 = '${* 2 2 ${z}}'
+info6 = '${/ 12 6}'
+info7 = '${/ 144 12 3 2}'
+[3.2] # power expressions ------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = '${^ 2 16}'
+info1 = '${^ 2 2 2 2}' # ((2^2 = 4)^2 = 16)^2 = 256
+[3.3] # comparisons ------------------------------------------------------------
+info0 = ${== 1 2}
+info1 = ${== Deuche ${${2.3/car}}}
+info2 = ${== 1.0 1.000}
+info3 = '${>= 3.14 12} but ${>= 3.14 0.0} and ${>= 3.14 3.140000}'
+info4 = '${< 12 3.14} but ${< 3.14 3.141} and ${> Berta Vladimir}'
+info5 = '${> 12 3.14} but ${> 3.14 3.141} and ${> Zeppelin Alberta}'
+# which one is right ? ---------------------------------------------------------
+# comparison operator return number of first matching in list
+info6 = 'The real name for 'Deuche' is number ${== Deuche
+ ${Nicknames/Volkswagen}
+ ${Nicknames/Mercedez}
+ ${Nicknames/Citroen-2CV}
+ ${Nicknames/BMW}}'
+info7 = 'The first element less than 2 is element number ${> 2 10 1001 3 6 1 9 -10}'
+[3.4] # conditions -------------------------------------------------------------
+guess = Citroen-2CV
+info0 = 'Your guess was ${? ${== Citroen-2CV ${guess}} right wrong}'
+x = 12 y = 14
+info1 = 'x (=${x}) is ${?${> ${x} ${y}} greater less} than y (=${y})'
+english = 'Star Wars'
+francais = 'La Guerre des Etoiles'
+espagnol = 'Las Guerras De la Estrella'
+italiano = 'Le Guerre Della Stella'
+deutsch = 'Krieg der Beruehmten'
+portugues = 'As Guerras Da Estrela'
+[3.4] # choices
+domain = .fr
+info2 = '${?? ${== ${domain} .de .uk .fr .es .it .pt}
+ ${msg/deutsch}
+ ${msg/english}
+ ${msg/francais}
+ ${msg/espagnol}
+ ${msg/italiano}
+ ${msg/portugues}}'
+[3.5] # vector/string subscription ---------------------------------------------
+# (note, that '-1' stands for end of array)
+# string subscription ${@:
+info0 = '${@: Wasserkraftwerkinstallationsunternehmenspruefstelle 6 10}'
+info1 = '${@: Wasserkraftwerkinstallationsunternehmenspruefstelle 4}'
+info2 = '${@: Wasserkraftwerkinstallationsunternehmenspruefstelle 40 -1}'
+info3 = '${@: Wasserkraftwerkinstallationsunternehmenspruefstelle 0 5}'
+my-vector = 'Cordoba Madrid Buenos-Aires Kairo Moskow Heidelberg
+ Grenoble Marseille Disneyland'
+# vector subscription ${@:
+info4 = ${@ my-vector 4 -1} # element 4 until end
+info5 = ${@ info4 3 4} # element 3 and 4
+info6 = ${@ info4 0 3} # element 0 until 3 (3 included)
+info7 = ${@ info4 4} # element 4
+[3.6] # macro evalutation ------------------------------------------------------
+# Note that the accuracy is horrible :-) !
+# approximation of a sinus (defined as a pure string):
+# sin(x) = x -1/6 x^3 + 1/120 x^5 -1/5400 x^7 ....
+x2 = ${: ${* ${x} ${x}}}
+x4 = ${: ${* ${!x2} ${!x2}}}
+x6 = ${: ${* ${!x4} ${!x2}}}
+sin = ${: ${* ${x}
+ ${+ 1
+ ${/ ${!x2} -6}
+ ${/ ${!x4} 120}
+ ${/ ${!x6} -5040}
+ }
+ }
+ }
+convert = ${/ 3.14 180.0} # [degree] -> [rad]
+x = ${* 30 ${convert}}
+info0 = ${!sin}
+x = ${* 60 ${convert}}
+info1 = ${!sin}