a FlatCall node, and related extensions to the node classes.
Needs some cleanup though!
public class HeapRegionNode extends OwnershipNode {
- public HeapRegionNode( Integer id,
- boolean isSingleObject,
- boolean isFlagged,
- boolean isNewSummary,
- String description ) {
+ protected Integer id;
+ protected boolean isSingleObject;
+ protected boolean isFlagged;
+ protected boolean isNewSummary;
+ protected HashSet<TempDescriptor> memberFields;
+ protected HashSet<OwnershipNode> referencers;
+ protected AllocationSite allocSite;
+ protected String description;
+ public HeapRegionNode( Integer id,
+ boolean isSingleObject,
+ boolean isFlagged,
+ boolean isNewSummary,
+ AllocationSite allocSite,
+ String description ) {
this.id = id;
this.isSingleObject = isSingleObject;
this.isFlagged = isFlagged;
this.isNewSummary = isNewSummary;
+ this.allocSite = allocSite;
this.description = description;
referencers = new HashSet<OwnershipNode>();
+ allocSite,
description );
- /////////////////
- // equality
- /////////////////
- protected Integer id;
public Integer getID() {
return id;
isNewSummary == hrn.isNewSummary() &&
description.equals( hrn.getDescription() );
- /////////////////
- // end equality
- /////////////////
- /////////////////
- // predicates
- /////////////////
- boolean isSingleObject;
public boolean isSingleObject() {
return isSingleObject;
- boolean isFlagged;
public boolean isFlagged() {
return isFlagged;
- boolean isNewSummary;
public boolean isNewSummary() {
return isNewSummary;
- ///////////////////
- // end predicates
- ///////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- // interface with larger graph
- ///////////////////////////////////////////
- protected HashSet<TempDescriptor> memberFields;
- protected HashSet<OwnershipNode> referencers;
public Iterator iteratorToReferencers() {
return referencers.iterator();
assert on != null;
return referencers.contains( on );
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // end interface with larger graph
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // analysis interface
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- /*
- protected HashSet<TempDescriptor> analysisRegionAliases;
- public void addAnalysisRegionAlias( TempDescriptor td ) {
- assert td != null;
- assert !analysisRegionAliases.contains( td );
- analysisRegionAliases.add( td );
- }
- public Iterator iteratorToAnalysisRegionAliases() {
- return analysisRegionAliases.iterator();
+ public AllocationSite getAllocationSite() {
+ return allocSite;
- */
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // end analysis interface
- ///////////////////////////////////////////////
- // for writing out
- String description;
public String getIDString() {
return id.toString();
public class OwnershipAnalysis {
- // from the compiler
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // Public interface to discover possible
+ // aliases in the program under analysis
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ public HashSet<AllocationSite>
+ getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTask( TaskDescriptor td ) {
+ return getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTaskPRIVATE( td );
+ }
+ public AllocationSite getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( FlatNew fn ) {
+ return getAllocationSiteFromFlatNewPRIVATE( fn );
+ }
+ public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
+ int paramIndex1,
+ int paramIndex2 ) {
+ OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
+ assert( og != null );
+ return createsPotentialAliases( og,
+ getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex1 ),
+ getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex2 ) );
+ }
+ public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
+ int paramIndex,
+ AllocationSite alloc ) {
+ OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
+ assert( og != null );
+ return createsPotentialAliases( og,
+ getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex ),
+ getHeapRegionIDset( alloc ) );
+ }
+ public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
+ AllocationSite alloc,
+ int paramIndex ) {
+ OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
+ assert( og != null );
+ return createsPotentialAliases( og,
+ getHeapRegionIDset( og, paramIndex ),
+ getHeapRegionIDset( alloc ) );
+ }
+ public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
+ AllocationSite alloc1,
+ AllocationSite alloc2 ) {
+ OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
+ assert( og != null );
+ return createsPotentialAliases( og,
+ getHeapRegionIDset( alloc1 ),
+ getHeapRegionIDset( alloc2 ) );
+ }
+ public boolean createsPotentialAliases( Descriptor taskOrMethod,
+ AllocationSite alloc,
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSet ) {
+ OwnershipGraph og = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( taskOrMethod );
+ assert( og != null );
+ return createsPotentialAliases( og,
+ getHeapRegionIDset( alloc ),
+ getHeapRegionIDset( allocSet ) );
+ }
+ // use the methods given above to check every possible alias
+ // between task parameters and flagged allocation sites reachable
+ // from the task
+ public void writeAllAliases( String outputFile ) throws java.io.IOException {
+ BufferedWriter bw = new BufferedWriter( new FileWriter( outputFile ) );
+ // look through every task for potential aliases
+ Iterator taskItr = state.getTaskSymbolTable().getDescriptorsIterator();
+ while( taskItr.hasNext() ) {
+ TaskDescriptor td = (TaskDescriptor) taskItr.next();
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSites = getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTask( td );
+ // for each task parameter, check for aliases with
+ // other task parameters and every allocation site
+ // reachable from this task
+ FlatMethod fm = state.getMethodFlat( td );
+ for( int i = 0; i < fm.numParameters(); ++i ) {
+ // for the ith parameter check for aliases to all
+ // higher numbered parameters
+ for( int j = i + 1; j < fm.numParameters(); ++j ) {
+ if( createsPotentialAliases( td, i, j ) ) {
+ bw.write( "Task "+td+" potentially aliases parameters "+i+" and "+j+".\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ // for the ith parameter, check for aliases against
+ // the set of allocation sites reachable from this
+ // task context
+ Iterator allocItr = allocSites.iterator();
+ while( allocItr.hasNext() ) {
+ AllocationSite as = (AllocationSite) allocItr.next();
+ if( createsPotentialAliases( td, i, as ) ) {
+ bw.write( "Task "+td+" potentially aliases parameter "+i+" and "+as+".\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ // for each allocation site check for aliases with
+ // other allocation sites in the context of execution
+ // of this task
+ Iterator allocItr = allocSites.iterator();
+ while( allocItr.hasNext() ) {
+ AllocationSite as = (AllocationSite) allocItr.next();
+ if( createsPotentialAliases( td, as, allocSites ) ) {
+ bw.write( "Task "+td+" potentially aliases "+as+" and the rest of the set.\n" );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ bw.close();
+ }
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ //
+ // end public interface
+ //
+ ///////////////////////////////////////////
+ // data from the compiler
private State state;
private CallGraph callGraph;
private int allocationDepth;
// used to identify HeapRegionNode objects
// A unique ID equates an object in one
// ownership graph with an object in another
case FKind.FlatNew:
FlatNew fnn = (FlatNew) fn;
dst = fnn.getDst();
- AllocationSite as = getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( fnn );
+ AllocationSite as = getAllocationSiteFromFlatNewPRIVATE( fnn );
og.assignTempToNewAllocation( dst, as );
FlatCall fc = (FlatCall) fn;
MethodDescriptor md = fc.getMethod();
FlatMethod flatm = state.getMethodFlat( md );
- HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet = getAllocationSiteSet( md );
+ //HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet = getAllocationSiteSet( md );
OwnershipGraph ogAllPossibleCallees = new OwnershipGraph( allocationDepth );
if( md.isStatic() ) {
OwnershipGraph onlyPossibleCallee = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( md );
ogAllPossibleCallees.merge( onlyPossibleCallee );
+ /*
+ if( onlyPossibleCallee != null ) {
+ onlyPossibleCallee.writeGraph( "only", false, false );
+ System.out.println( "There was only one possible callee, "+md );
+ }
+ */
} else {
// if the method descriptor is virtual, then there could be a
// set of possible methods that will actually be invoked, so
TypeDescriptor typeDesc = fc.getThis().getType();
Set possibleCallees = callGraph.getMethods( md, typeDesc );
+ //int j = 0;
Iterator i = possibleCallees.iterator();
while( i.hasNext() ) {
MethodDescriptor possibleMd = (MethodDescriptor) i.next();
- allocSiteSet.addAll( getAllocationSiteSet( possibleMd ) );
+ //allocSiteSet.addAll( getAllocationSiteSet( possibleMd ) );
OwnershipGraph ogPotentialCallee = mapDescriptorToCompleteOwnershipGraph.get( possibleMd );
+ /*
+ if( ogPotentialCallee != null ) {
+ ogPotentialCallee.writeGraph( "potential"+j, false, false );
+ ++j;
+ }
+ */
ogAllPossibleCallees.merge( ogPotentialCallee );
+ //System.out.println( "There were "+j+" potential callees merged together." );
+ //System.out.println( "AllocationSiteSet has "+allocSiteSet.size()+" items." );
// now we should have the following information to resolve this method call:
// 1. A FlatCall fc to query for the caller's context (argument labels, etc)
// 5. The Set of AllocationSite objects, allocSiteSet that is the set of allocation sites from
// every possible method we might have chosen
- og.resolveMethodCall( fc, md.isStatic(), flatm, ogAllPossibleCallees, allocSiteSet );
+ og.resolveMethodCall( fc, md.isStatic(), flatm, ogAllPossibleCallees );
//og.writeGraph( methodDesc, fn );
// return just the allocation site associated with one FlatNew node
- private AllocationSite getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( FlatNew fn ) {
+ private AllocationSite getAllocationSiteFromFlatNewPRIVATE( FlatNew fn ) {
if( !mapFlatNewToAllocationSite.containsKey( fn ) ) {
AllocationSite as = new AllocationSite( allocationDepth, fn.getType() );
FlatNode n = toVisit.iterator().next();
if( n instanceof FlatNew ) {
- s.add( getAllocationSiteFromFlatNew( (FlatNew) n ) );
+ s.add( getAllocationSiteFromFlatNewPRIVATE( (FlatNew) n ) );
toVisit.remove( n );
mapDescriptorToAllocationSiteSet.put( d, s );
+ private HashSet<AllocationSite>
+ getFlaggedAllocationSitesReachableFromTaskPRIVATE( TaskDescriptor td ) {
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> asSetTotal = new HashSet<AllocationSite>();
+ HashSet<Descriptor> toVisit = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
+ HashSet<Descriptor> visited = new HashSet<Descriptor>();
+ toVisit.add( td );
+ // traverse this task and all methods reachable from this task
+ while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ Descriptor d = toVisit.iterator().next();
+ toVisit.remove( d );
+ visited.add( d );
+ HashSet<AllocationSite> asSet = getAllocationSiteSet( d );
+ Iterator asItr = asSet.iterator();
+ while( asItr.hasNext() ) {
+ AllocationSite as = (AllocationSite) asItr.next();
+ if( as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags() ) {
+ asSetTotal.add( as );
+ }
+ }
+ // enqueue callees of this method to be searched for
+ // allocation sites also
+ Set callees = callGraph.getCalleeSet( d );
+ if( callees != null ) {
+ Iterator methItr = callees.iterator();
+ while( methItr.hasNext() ) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor) methItr.next();
+ if( !visited.contains( md ) ) {
+ toVisit.add( md );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return asSetTotal;
+ }
+ private HashSet<Integer> getHeapRegionIDset( OwnershipGraph og,
+ int paramIndex ) {
+ assert og.paramIndex2id.containsKey( paramIndex );
+ Integer idParam = og.paramIndex2id.get( paramIndex );
+ HashSet<Integer> idSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ idSet.add( idParam );
+ return idSet;
+ }
+ private HashSet<Integer> getHeapRegionIDset( AllocationSite alloc ) {
+ HashSet<Integer> idSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ for( int i = 0; i < alloc.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ Integer id = alloc.getIthOldest( i );
+ idSet.add( id );
+ }
+ Integer idSummary = alloc.getSummary();
+ idSet.add( idSummary );
+ return idSet;
+ }
+ private HashSet<Integer> getHeapRegionIDset( HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSet ) {
+ HashSet<Integer> idSet = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ Iterator allocItr = allocSet.iterator();
+ while( allocItr.hasNext() ) {
+ AllocationSite alloc = (AllocationSite) allocItr.next();
+ for( int i = 0; i < alloc.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
+ Integer id = alloc.getIthOldest( i );
+ idSet.add( id );
+ }
+ Integer idSummary = alloc.getSummary();
+ idSet.add( idSummary );
+ }
+ return idSet;
+ }
+ private boolean createsPotentialAliases( OwnershipGraph og,
+ HashSet<Integer> idSetA,
+ HashSet<Integer> idSetB ) {
+ boolean potentialAlias = false;
+ // first expand set B into the set of all heap region node ID's
+ // reachable from the nodes in set B
+ HashSet<Integer> idSetReachableFromB = og.getReachableSet( idSetB );
+ // then see if anything in A can reach a node in the set reachable
+ // from B. If so, there is a potential alias.
+ Iterator i = idSetA.iterator();
+ while( i.hasNext() ) {
+ Integer id = (Integer) i.next();
+ if( og.canIdReachSet( id, idSetB ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
public Hashtable<Integer, HeapRegionNode> id2hrn;
public Hashtable<TempDescriptor, LabelNode > td2ln;
public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > id2paramIndex;
+ public Hashtable<Integer, Integer > paramIndex2id;
+ public HashSet<AllocationSite> allocationSites;
public OwnershipGraph( int allocationDepth ) {
id2hrn = new Hashtable<Integer, HeapRegionNode>();
td2ln = new Hashtable<TempDescriptor, LabelNode >();
id2paramIndex = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
+ paramIndex2id = new Hashtable<Integer, Integer >();
+ allocationSites = new HashSet <AllocationSite>();
// in the merge() operation) or to create new heap
// regions with a new unique ID.
protected HeapRegionNode
- createNewHeapRegionNode( Integer id,
- boolean isSingleObject,
- boolean isFlagged,
- boolean isNewSummary,
- String description ) {
+ createNewHeapRegionNode( Integer id,
+ boolean isSingleObject,
+ boolean isFlagged,
+ boolean isNewSummary,
+ AllocationSite allocSite,
+ String description ) {
if( id == null ) {
id = OwnershipAnalysis.generateUniqueHeapRegionNodeID();
+ allocSite,
description );
id2hrn.put( id, hrn );
return hrn;
+ null,
"param" + paramIndex );
// keep track of heap regions that were created for
assert !id2paramIndex.containsKey ( newID );
assert !id2paramIndex.containsValue( paramIndex );
id2paramIndex.put( newID, paramIndex );
+ paramIndex2id.put( paramIndex, newID );
// heap regions for parameters are always multiple object (see above)
// and have a reference to themselves, because we can't know the
// return non-null heap regions.
public void age( AllocationSite as ) {
+ // aging adds this allocation site to the graph's
+ // list of sites that exist in the graph, or does
+ // nothing if the site is already in the list
+ allocationSites.add( as );
// move existing references down the line toward
// in different ownership graphs that represents the same part of an
// allocation site
if( hrnSummary == null ) {
+ boolean hasFlags = false;
+ if( as.getType().isClass() ) {
+ hasFlags = as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags();
+ }
hrnSummary = createNewHeapRegionNode( idSummary,
- as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags(),
+ hasFlags,
+ as,
as + "\\n" + as.getType() + "\\nsummary" );
for( int i = 0; i < as.getAllocationDepth(); ++i ) {
assert !id2hrn.containsKey( idIth );
createNewHeapRegionNode( idIth,
- as.getType().getClassDesc().hasFlags(),
+ hasFlags,
+ as,
as + "\\n" + as.getType() + "\\n" + i + " oldest" );
public void resolveMethodCall( FlatCall fc,
boolean isStatic,
FlatMethod fm,
- OwnershipGraph ogCallee,
- HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet ) {
+ OwnershipGraph ogCallee ) { //,
+ //HashSet<AllocationSite> allocSiteSet ) {
// first age all of the allocation sites from
// the callee graph in this graph
- Iterator i = allocSiteSet.iterator();
+ Iterator i = ogCallee.allocationSites.iterator();
while( i.hasNext() ) {
- this.age( (AllocationSite) i.next() );
+ AllocationSite allocSite = (AllocationSite) i.next();
+ this.age( allocSite );
// in non-static methods there is a "this" pointer
// So now make a set of possible source heaps in the caller graph
// and a set of destination heaps in the caller graph, and make
// a reference edge in the caller for every possible (src,dst) pair
+ if( !ogCallee.id2hrn.contains( idChildCallee ) ) {
+ //System.out.println( "Houston, we got a problem." );
+ //System.out.println( "idCallee is "+idCallee );
+ //System.out.println( "idChildCallee is "+idChildCallee );
+ try {
+ writeGraph( "caller", false, false );
+ ogCallee.writeGraph( "callee", false, false );
+ } catch( IOException e ) {}
+ }
HashSet<HeapRegionNode> possibleCallerSrcs =
getHRNSetThatPossiblyMapToCalleeHRN( ogCallee,
- mergeOwnershipNodes( og );
- mergeReferenceEdges( og );
- mergeId2paramIndex( og );
+ mergeOwnershipNodes ( og );
+ mergeReferenceEdges ( og );
+ mergeId2paramIndex ( og );
+ mergeAllocationSites( og );
protected void mergeOwnershipNodes( OwnershipGraph og ) {
protected void mergeId2paramIndex( OwnershipGraph og ) {
if( id2paramIndex.size() == 0 ) {
id2paramIndex = og.id2paramIndex;
+ paramIndex2id = og.paramIndex2id;
assert id2paramIndex.size() == og.id2paramIndex.size();
+ protected void mergeAllocationSites( OwnershipGraph og ) {
+ allocationSites.addAll( og.allocationSites );
+ }
// it is necessary in the equals() member functions
// to "check both ways" when comparing the data
return false;
+ // if everything is equal up to this point,
+ // assert that allocationSites is also equal--
+ // this data is redundant and kept for efficiency
+ assert allocationSites.equals( og.allocationSites );
return true;
- // use this method to determine if two temp descriptors can possibly
- // access the same heap regions, which means there is a possible alias
- public boolean havePossibleAlias( TempDescriptor td1,
- TempDescriptor td2 ) {
- LabelNode ln1 = getLabelNodeFromTemp( td1 );
- LabelNode ln2 = getLabelNodeFromTemp( td2 );
+ // given a set B of heap region node ID's, return the set of heap
+ // region node ID's that is reachable from B
+ public HashSet<Integer> getReachableSet( HashSet<Integer> idSetB ) {
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> toVisit = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> visited = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ // initial nodes to visit are from set B
+ Iterator initialItr = idSetB.iterator();
+ while( initialItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Integer idInitial = (Integer) initialItr.next();
+ assert id2hrn.contains( idInitial );
+ HeapRegionNode hrnInitial = id2hrn.get( idInitial );
+ toVisit.add( hrnInitial );
+ }
+ HashSet<Integer> idSetReachableFromB = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ // do a heap traversal
+ while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrnVisited = (HeapRegionNode) toVisit.iterator().next();
+ toVisit.remove( hrnVisited );
+ visited.add ( hrnVisited );
+ // for every node visited, add it to the total
+ // reachable set
+ idSetReachableFromB.add( hrnVisited.getID() );
+ // find other reachable nodes
+ Iterator referenceeItr = hrnVisited.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
+ while( referenceeItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) referenceeItr.next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnReferencee = (HeapRegionNode) me.getKey();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties rep = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) me.getValue();
+ if( !visited.contains( hrnReferencee ) ) {
+ toVisit.add( hrnReferencee );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return idSetReachableFromB;
+ }
+ // used to find if a heap region can possibly have a reference to
+ // any of the heap regions in the given set
+ // if the id supplied is in the set, then a self-referencing edge
+ // would return true, but that special case is specifically allowed
+ // meaning that it isn't an external alias
+ public boolean canIdReachSet( Integer id, HashSet<Integer> idSet ) {
+ assert id2hrn.contains( id );
+ HeapRegionNode hrn = id2hrn.get( id );
+ /*
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> hrnSet = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ Iterator i = idSet.iterator();
+ while( i.hasNext() ) {
+ Integer idFromSet = (Integer) i.next();
+ assert id2hrn.contains( idFromSet );
+ hrnSet.add( id2hrn.get( idFromSet ) );
+ }
+ */
+ // do a traversal from hrn and see if any of the
+ // heap regions from the set come up during that
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> toVisit = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ HashSet<HeapRegionNode> visited = new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
+ toVisit.add( hrn );
+ while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
+ HeapRegionNode hrnVisited = (HeapRegionNode) toVisit.iterator().next();
+ toVisit.remove( hrnVisited );
+ visited.add ( hrnVisited );
+ Iterator referenceeItr = hrnVisited.setIteratorToReferencedRegions();
+ while( referenceeItr.hasNext() ) {
+ Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry) referenceeItr.next();
+ HeapRegionNode hrnReferencee = (HeapRegionNode) me.getKey();
+ ReferenceEdgeProperties rep = (ReferenceEdgeProperties) me.getValue();
+ if( idSet.contains( hrnReferencee.getID() ) ) {
+ if( !id.equals( hrnReferencee.getID() ) ) {
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ if( !visited.contains( hrnReferencee ) ) {
+ toVisit.add( hrnReferencee );
+ }
+ }
+ }
return false;
- private void writeGraph( String graphName,
- boolean writeLabels,
- boolean writeReferencers
- ) throws java.io.IOException {
+ public void writeGraph( String graphName,
+ boolean writeLabels,
+ boolean writeReferencers
+ ) throws java.io.IOException {
// remove all non-word characters from the graph name so
// the filename and identifier in dot don't cause errors
-BSFLAGS= -recover -flatirtasks -ownership #-enable-assertions
+BSFLAGS= -recover -flatirtasks -ownership -enable-assertions
#BSFLAGS= -recover -ownership -enable-assertions
all: $(PROGRAM).bin
rm -f *.png
rm -f *.ps
rm -f *.eps
+ rm -f identifiedAliases.txt
public class Baw {
- flag g; int y;
+ int y;
Foo f;
public Baw() {}
// look for the parameter s as a label referencing
// a heap region that is multi-object, flagged, not summary
task Startup( StartupObject s{ initialstate } ) {
- /*
- Foo a = new Foo();
- Foo b = new Foo();
- Foo c = new Foo();
- c.ruinSomeFoos( a, b );
- */
while( false ) {
Foo a = new Foo();
taskexit( s{ !initialstate } );
// this task allocates a new object, so there should
// be a heap region for the parameter, and several
task NoAliasNewInLoop( Voo v{ f } ) {
- Voo w = new Voo();
for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
- w.b = new Baw();
+ Voo w = new Voo();
+ w.b = new Baw();
w.b.f = new Foo();
taskexit( v{ !f } );
+task NoAliasNewInLoopAnotherWay( Voo v{ f } ) {
+ for( int i = 0; i < 10; ++i ) {
+ Voo w = new Voo();
+ Baw b = new Baw();
+ Foo f = new Foo();
+ w.b = b;
+ b.f = f;
+ }
+ taskexit( v{ !f } );
task ClobberInitParamReflex( Voo v{ f }, Voo w{ f } ) {
v.b = v.bb;
taskexit( v{ !f }, w{ !f } );