import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Hashtable;
import java.util.Iterator;
System.out.println("CG=" + conflictGraph);
- rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_SESE_DEBUG");
+ if(verboseDebug)
+ rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_SESE_DEBUG"+removeInvalidChars(rblock.getPrettyIdentifier()));
ReachGraph rg,
Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts)
traverserTODO.add(new TraversalInfo(fn, rg, tempDesc));
- if (generalDebug)
- rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_STALLSITE_DEBUG");
+ if (verboseDebug)
+ rg.writeGraph("RCR_RG_STALLSITE_DEBUG"+removeInvalidChars(fn.toString()));
private void addToGlobalConflicts(Hashtable<Taint, Set<Effect>> conflicts) {
+ //Builds Effects Table and runs the analysis on them to get weakly connected HRs
+ //SPECIAL NOTE: Only runs after we've taken all the conflicts and effects (via getAllTasksAndConflicts)
+ private void buildEffectsLookupStructure(){
+ effectsLookupTable = new EffectsTable(globalEffects, globalConflicts);
+ effectsLookupTable.runAnalysis();
+ enumerateHeaproots();
+ }
- private void traverseFlatnodeAndTempDesc(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor invar, ReachGraph rg) {
- //created maps allocation site to RuntimeObjNode; keeps track of which parts of rg are visited.
+ private void createInternalGraphs() {
+ for(TraversalInfo t: traverserTODO) {
+ printDebug(generalDebug, "Running Traversal on " + t.f);
+ //Runs stallsite graph creation
+ if(t.isStallSite()) {
+ assert t.invar != null;
+ createTraversalGraph(t.f, t.invar, t.rg);
+ }
+ //runs rblock graph creation
+ else {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode rblock = (FlatSESEEnterNode)t.f;
+ for (TempDescriptor invar : rblock.getInVarSet()) {
+ createTraversalGraph(rblock, invar, t.rg);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //This method creates an pruned version of the reach graph using effects
+ //The graph ultimately steers the the runtime traverser and is used to generate output code
+ private void createTraversalGraph(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor invar, ReachGraph rg) {
+ //"created" maps allocation site to RuntimeObjNode; keeps track of which parts of rg are visited.
Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created;
VariableNode varNode = rg.getVariableNodeNoMutation(invar);
Taint taint = getProperTaintForEnterNode(fn, varNode);
created = new Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode>(); //Pass 0: Create empty graph
createPrunedGraph(created, varNode, taint); //Pass 1: Create graph pruned graph
- propagateConflicts(created); //Pass 2: Flag referencers with conflicts
+ propagateConflicts(created); //Pass 2: Flag referencers with conflicts
//If there are valid nodes, add to printout queue
if (!created.isEmpty()) {
pendingPrintout.add(new TaintAndInternalHeapStructure(taint, created));
- //IF is SESE we need to tell the SESE that it has a traverser waiting for it.
+ //IF is SESE we need to tell the EnterNode that it has a traverser waiting for it.
if(fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode) {
for(Iterator<ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> it=created.values().iterator();it.hasNext();) {
- if (obj.hasPrimitiveConflicts() ||
- obj.descendantsConflict() ||
- obj.hasDirectObjConflict() ){
+ if (obj.hasConflict() || obj.hasPrimitiveConflicts()){
((FlatSESEEnterNode) fn).addInVarForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution(invar);
doneTaints.put(taint, traverserIDCounter++);
+ //This is Pass 1 of internal graph creation.
+ private void createPrunedGraph(
+ Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created,
+ VariableNode varNode,
+ Taint t) {
+ // For every inset HRN, create a graph node, and run a DFT (buildPrunedGraphFromRG)
+ Iterator<RefEdge> possibleEdges = varNode.iteratorToReferencees();
+ while (possibleEdges.hasNext()) {
+ RefEdge edge =;
+ assert edge != null;
+ ConcreteRuntimeObjNode singleRoot = new ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(edge.getDst(), true);
+ int rootKey = singleRoot.allocSite.getUniqueAllocSiteID();
+ if (!created.containsKey(rootKey)) {
+ created.put(rootKey, singleRoot);
+ buildPrunedGraphFromRG(singleRoot, edge.getDst().iteratorToReferencees(), created, t);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Performs Depth First Traversal on the ReachGraph to build an
+ //internal representation of it. It prunes ptrs not reachable
+ //by read Effects and stores in each node the effects by it.
+ private void buildPrunedGraphFromRG( ConcreteRuntimeObjNode curr,
+ Iterator<RefEdge> edges,
+ Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created,
+ Taint taint) {
+ EffectsGroup currEffects = effectsLookupTable.getEffects(curr.allocSite, taint);
+ if (currEffects == null || currEffects.isEmpty())
+ return;
+ //Update parent flags for primitive accesses
+ curr.primConfRead |= currEffects.primConfRead;
+ curr.primConfWrite |= currEffects.primConfWrite;
+ //Handle non-primitive references by creating a node for each reference
+ //and updating the parent's conflict flags. If child is reachable through
+ //a read effect, it recursively calls this function.
+ if(currEffects.hasObjectEffects()) {
+ while(edges.hasNext()) {
+ RefEdge edge =;
+ String field = edge.getField();
+ CombinedEffects effectsForGivenField = currEffects.getObjEffect(field);
+ //If there are no effects, then there's no point in traversing this edge
+ if(effectsForGivenField != null) {
+ HeapRegionNode childHRN = edge.getDst();
+ int childKey = childHRN.getAllocSite().getUniqueAllocSiteID();
+ boolean isNewChild = !created.containsKey(childKey);
+ ConcreteRuntimeObjNode child;
+ if(isNewChild) {
+ child = new ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(childHRN, false); //false = not inset
+ created.put(childKey, child);
+ } else {
+ child = created.get(childKey);
+ }
+ ObjRef reference = new ObjRef(field, curr, child, effectsForGivenField);
+ curr.addReferencee(field, reference);
+ //update parent flags
+ curr.objConfRead |= effectsForGivenField.hasReadConflict;
+ curr.objConfWrite |= effectsForGivenField.hasWriteConflict;
+ //Update flags and recurse
+ if(effectsForGivenField.hasReadEffect) {
+ child.hasPotentialToBeIncorrectDueToConflict |= effectsForGivenField.hasReadConflict;
+ child.addReferencer(reference);
+ if(isNewChild) {
+ buildPrunedGraphFromRG(child, childHRN.iteratorToReferencees(), created, taint);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //Performs a reverse traversal from the conflict nodes up to the
+ //inset variables and sets conflict flags on inner nodes.
+ private void propagateConflicts(Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created) {
+ for(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node: created.values()) {
+ if(node.hasConflict()) {
+ markReferencers(node, node.objConfRead || node.objConfWrite, node.primConfRead || node.primConfWrite);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ private void markReferencers(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node, boolean ObjConf, boolean PrimConf) {
+ for(ObjRef ref: node.referencers) {
+ //if not already marked or data does not match
+ if(!ref.reachesConflict ||
+ (ObjConf && !ref.parent.descendantsObjConflict) ||
+ (PrimConf && !ref.parent.descendantsPrimConflict)) {
+ ref.parent.descendantsObjConflict |= ObjConf;
+ ref.parent.descendantsPrimConflict |= PrimConf;
+ ref.reachesConflict = true;
+ markReferencers(ref.parent, ObjConf, PrimConf);
+ }
+ }
+ }
//This extends a tempDescriptor's isPrimitive test by also excluding primitive arrays.
private boolean isReallyAPrimitive(TypeDescriptor type) {
return (type.isPrimitive() && !type.isArray());
+ //The official way to generate the name for a traverser call
public String getTraverserInvocation(TempDescriptor invar, String varString, FlatNode fn) {
String flatname;
if(fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode) { //is SESE block
public void close() {
- //prints out all generated code
+ //prints the traversal code
for(TaintAndInternalHeapStructure ths: pendingPrintout) {
printCMethod(ths.nodesInHeap, ths.t);
- //TODO this is only temporary, remove when thread local vars implemented.
// Adds Extra supporting methods
- //Builds Effects Table and runs the analysis on them to get weakly connected HRs
- //SPECIAL NOTE: Only runs after we've taken all the conflicts and effects (via getAllTasksAndConflicts)
- private void buildEffectsLookupStructure(){
- effectsLookupTable = new EffectsTable(globalEffects, globalConflicts);
- effectsLookupTable.runAnalysis();
- enumerateHeaproots();
- }
- private void createInternalGraphs() {
- for(TraversalInfo t: traverserTODO) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, "Running Traversal on " + t.f);
- //Runs stallsite graph creation
- if(t.isStallSite()) {
- assert t.invar != null;
- traverseFlatnodeAndTempDesc(t.f, t.invar, t.rg);
- }
- //runs rblock graph creation
- else {
- FlatSESEEnterNode rblock = (FlatSESEEnterNode)t.f;
- for (TempDescriptor invar : rblock.getInVarSet()) {
- traverseFlatnodeAndTempDesc(rblock, invar, t.rg);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- //TODO: This is only temporary, remove when thread local variables are functional.
private void createMasterHashTableArray() {
headerFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray();");
cFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray() {");
cFile.println(" struct Hashtable_rcr **table=rcr_createMasterHashTableArray("+weaklyConnectedHRCounter + ");");
for(int i = 0; i < weaklyConnectedHRCounter; i++) {
- cFile.println(" table["+i+"] = (struct Hashtable_rcr *) rcr_createHashtable("+num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup.get(i).connectedHRs.size()+");");
+ cFile.println(" table["+i+"] = (struct Hashtable_rcr *) rcr_createHashtable();");
cFile.println(" return table;");
// JCJ ask yong hun what we should do in the multi-parent future!
FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getSESEParent().iterator().next();
ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
- // JCJ should ConflictGraph create this id string properly for this code?
String id = tmp + "_sese" + fsen.getPrettyIdentifier();
ConflictNode node = graph.getId2cn().get(id);
- private void createPrunedGraph(
- Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created,
- VariableNode varNode,
- Taint t) {
- Iterator<RefEdge> possibleEdges = varNode.iteratorToReferencees();
- while (possibleEdges.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge =;
- assert edge != null;
- ConcreteRuntimeObjNode singleRoot = new ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(edge.getDst(), true);
- int rootKey = singleRoot.allocSite.getUniqueAllocSiteID();
- if (!created.containsKey(rootKey)) {
- created.put(rootKey, singleRoot);
- buildPrunedGraphFromRG(singleRoot, edge.getDst().iteratorToReferencees(), created, t);
- }
- }
- }
- //Performs a reverse traversal from the conflict nodes up to the
- //inset variables and sets the flag for conflicts down the road
- //in the nodes it passes by.
- private void propagateConflicts(Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created) {
- for(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node: created.values()) {
- if(node.hasConflict()) {
- markReferencers(node, node.objConfRead || node.objConfWrite, node.primConfRead || node.primConfWrite);
- }
- }
- }
- private void markReferencers(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node, boolean ObjConf, boolean PrimConf) {
- for(ObjRef ref: node.referencers) {
- //if not already marked or data does not match
- if(!ref.reachesConflict ||
- (ObjConf && !ref.parent.descendantsObjConflict) ||
- (PrimConf && !ref.parent.descendantsPrimConflict)) {
- ref.parent.descendantsObjConflict |= ObjConf;
- ref.parent.descendantsPrimConflict |= PrimConf;
- ref.reachesConflict = true;
- markReferencers(ref.parent, ObjConf, PrimConf);
- }
- }
- }
- //Performs Depth First Traversal on the ReachGraph to build an
- //internal representation of it. It prunes ptrs not reachable
- //by read Effects and stores in each node the effects by it.
- private void buildPrunedGraphFromRG( ConcreteRuntimeObjNode curr,
- Iterator<RefEdge> edges,
- Hashtable<Integer, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created,
- Taint taint) {
- EffectsGroup currEffects = effectsLookupTable.getEffects(curr.allocSite, taint);
- if (currEffects == null || currEffects.isEmpty())
- return;
- //Update parent flags for primitive accesses
- curr.primConfRead |= currEffects.primConfRead;
- curr.primConfWrite |= currEffects.primConfWrite;
- //Handle Objects (and primitives if child is new) JCJ what does this mean?
- if(currEffects.hasObjectEffects()) {
- while(edges.hasNext()) {
- RefEdge edge =;
- String field = edge.getField();
- CombinedEffects effectsForGivenField = currEffects.getObjEffect(field);
- //If there are no effects, then there's no point in traversing this edge
- if(effectsForGivenField != null) {
- HeapRegionNode childHRN = edge.getDst();
- int childKey = childHRN.getAllocSite().getUniqueAllocSiteID();
- boolean isNewChild = !created.containsKey(childKey);
- ConcreteRuntimeObjNode child;
- if(isNewChild) {
- child = new ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(childHRN, false);
- created.put(childKey, child);
- } else {
- child = created.get(childKey);
- }
- ObjRef reference = new ObjRef(field, curr, child, effectsForGivenField);
- curr.addReferencee(field, reference);
- //update parent flags
- curr.objConfRead |= effectsForGivenField.hasReadConflict;
- curr.objConfWrite |= effectsForGivenField.hasWriteConflict;
- //Update flags and recurse
- if(effectsForGivenField.hasReadEffect) {
- child.hasPotentialToBeIncorrectDueToConflict |= effectsForGivenField.hasReadConflict;
- child.addReferencer(reference);
- if(isNewChild) {
- buildPrunedGraphFromRG(child, childHRN.iteratorToReferencees(), created, taint);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
* This method generates a C method for every inset variable and rblock.
String strrcr=taint.isRBlockTaint()?"&record->rcrRecords["+index+"], ":"NULL, ";
String tasksrc=taint.isRBlockTaint()?"(SESEcommon *) record, ":"(SESEcommon *)(((INTPTR)record)|1LL), ";
- // JCJ could clean this section up a bit
//Do call if we need it.
if(curr.primConfWrite||curr.objConfWrite) {
int heaprootNum = connectedHRHash.get(taint).id;
- // JCJ drop a blurb saying what this method assumes is already set up?
+ //Walks the connected heaproot groups, coalesces them, and numbers them
+ //Special Note: Lookup Table must already be created
private void enumerateHeaproots() {
weaklyConnectedHRCounter = 0;
num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup = new ArrayList<WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();