//private ArrayList<WeaklyConectedHRGroup> num2WeaklyConnectedHRGroup;
//private int traverserIDCounter;
public int currentID=1;
- private int weaklyConnectedHRCounter;
+ private int totalWeakGroups;
//private ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure> pendingPrintout;
//private EffectsTable effectsLookupTable;
private OoOJavaAnalysis oooa;
// initializing variables can be found in printHeader()
private static final String getAllocSiteInC = "->allocsite";
private static final String queryAndAddToVistedHashtable = "hashRCRInsert";
- //TODO add to queue for transitions?!
- private static final String addToQueueInC = "enqueueRCRQueue(";
+ private static final String enqueueInC = "enqueueRCRQueue(";
private static final String dequeueFromQueueInC = "dequeueRCRQueue()";
private static final String clearQueue = "resetRCRQueue()";
// Make hashtable; hashRCRCreate(unsigned int size, double loadfactor)
OoOJavaAnalysis oooa,
State state)
throws FileNotFoundException {
+ setupOutputFiles(buildir);
this.oooa = oooa;
this.globalState = state;
- this.generalDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG || state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
- this.verboseDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
+ //TODO I'm manually switching the debug states on to make it easier for Jim/Brian to debug, change this back later.
+// this.generalDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG || state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
+// this.verboseDebug = state.RCR_DEBUG_VERBOSE;
+ this.generalDebug = this.verboseDebug = true;
//doneTaints = new Hashtable<Taint, Integer>();
//connectedHRHash = new Hashtable<Taint, WeaklyConectedHRGroup>();
//pendingPrintout = new ArrayList<TaintAndInternalHeapStructure>();
//traverserTODO = new ArrayList<TraversalInfo>();
- //traverserIDCounter = 1;
- //TODO pass in max weakly connected groups number
- weaklyConnectedHRCounter = 1;
+ BuildStateMachines bsm = oooa.getBuildStateMachines();
+ totalWeakGroups = bsm.getTotalNumOfWeakGroups();
+ for( Pair p: bsm.getAllMachineNames() ) {
+ FlatNode taskOrStallSite = (FlatNode) p.getFirst();
+ TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) p.getSecond();
+ //prints the traversal code
+ printCMethod( taskOrStallSite,
+ var,
+ bsm.getStateMachine( taskOrStallSite, var )
+ );
+ }
- //note: the order below MATTERS
- setupOutputFiles(buildir);
- //getAllTasksAndConflicts();
- //createInternalGraphs();
- //After the internal graphs are created, we can print,
- //but printing is done in close();
+ //IMPORTANT must call .close() elsewhere to finish printing the C files.
private void setupOutputFiles(String buildir) throws FileNotFoundException {
idMap.put(t, new Integer(value));
return value;
public void close() {
- BuildStateMachines bsm = oooa.getBuildStateMachines();
- for( Pair p: bsm.getAllMachineNames() ) {
- FlatNode taskOrStallSite = (FlatNode) p.getFirst();
- TempDescriptor var = (TempDescriptor) p.getSecond();
- //TODO put real graph here
- Graph g = new Graph(null);
- //prints the traversal code
- //TODO get real connected component number
- printCMethod( taskOrStallSite,
- var,
- bsm.getStateMachine( taskOrStallSite, var ),
- 0, // weakly connected component group
- g);
- }
//Prints out the master traverser Invocation that'll call all other traversers
//based on traverserID
headerFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray();");
cFile.println("struct Hashtable_rcr ** createAndFillMasterHashStructureArray() {");
- cFile.println(" struct Hashtable_rcr **table=rcr_createMasterHashTableArray("+weaklyConnectedHRCounter + ");");
+ cFile.println(" struct Hashtable_rcr **table=rcr_createMasterHashTableArray("+totalWeakGroups + ");");
- for(int i = 0; i < weaklyConnectedHRCounter; i++) {
+ for(int i = 0; i < totalWeakGroups; i++) {
cFile.println(" table["+i+"] = (struct Hashtable_rcr *) rcr_createHashtable();");
cFile.println(" return table;");
for(int i=0;i<invars.size();i++) {
TempDescriptor tmp=invars.get(i);
- // TODO!!!!! FIX IT LATER! Right now, we assume that there is only one parent
- // JCJ ask yong hun what we should do in the multi-parent future!
- FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fsen.getParents().iterator().next();
- ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
- String id = tmp + "_sese" + fsen.getPrettyIdentifier();
- ConflictNode node = graph.getId2cn().get(id);
+ // TODO: Blame this on Jim.
+ // what is a conflict node that is valid to prune? Prune what?
+ // is it a conflict for which the traverser is never invoked?
+ // let's assume NOTHING is valid to prune in order to get the system
+ // running again.
+ boolean isValidToPrune = false;
+ // Jim again: this is what we might want to do...
+ //boolean isValidToPrune = true;
+ //for( FlatSESEEnterNode parentSESE: fsen.getParents() ) {
+ // ConflictGraph graph = oooa.getConflictGraph(parentSESE);
+ // String id = tmp + "_sese" + fsen.getPrettyIdentifier();
+ // ConflictNode node = graph.getId2cn().get(id);
+ //
+ // isValidToPrune &= node.IsValidToPrune();
+ //}
if (i!=0) {
- cFile.println(" if (record->rcrstatus!=0)");
+ cFile.println(" if (record->rcrstatus!=0)");
- if(globalState.NOSTALLTR && node.IsValidToPrune()){
- cFile.println(" /* " + this.getTraverserInvocation(tmp, "rec->"+tmp+", rec", fsen)+"*/");
+ if(globalState.NOSTALLTR && isValidToPrune){
+ cFile.println(" // " + this.getTraverserInvocation(tmp, "rec->"+tmp+", rec", fsen));
cFile.println(" " + this.getTraverserInvocation(tmp, "rec->"+tmp+", rec", fsen));
//release traverser reference...traversal finished...
//executing thread will clean bins for us
private void printCMethod( FlatNode taskOrStallSite,
TempDescriptor var,
- StateMachineForEffects smfe,
- int heaprootNum,
- Graph ptrGraph) {
+ StateMachineForEffects smfe) {
// collect info for code gen
- FlatSESEEnterNode task = null;
- String inVar = var.getSafeSymbol();
- SMFEState initialState = smfe.getInitialState();
- boolean isStallSite = !(taskOrStallSite instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode);
+ FlatSESEEnterNode task = null;
+ String inVar = var.getSafeSymbol();
+ SMFEState initialState = smfe.getInitialState();
+ boolean isStallSite = !(taskOrStallSite instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode);
+ int weakID = smfe.getWeaklyConnectedGroupID(taskOrStallSite);
String blockName;
if( isStallSite ) {
blockName = taskOrStallSite.toString();
processedStallSites.put(taskOrStallSite, var);
} else {
task = (FlatSESEEnterNode) taskOrStallSite;
+ //if the task is the main task, there's no traverser because it can never
+ //conflict with something that came before, EVEN if it has an inset variable like
+ //command line arguments.
+ if(task.isMainSESE) {
+ return;
+ }
blockName = task.getPrettyIdentifier();
methodName += "SESEstall *record)";
} else {
methodName += task.getSESErecordName() +" *record)";
+ //TODO check that this is correct
+ task.addInVarForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution(var);
index = task.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf( var );
cFile.println(" int traverserState = "+initialState.getID()+";");
//generic cast to ___Object___ to access ptr->allocsite field.
- cFile.println(" RCRQueueEntry* entry = (struct ___Object___ *) InVar;");
cFile.println(" struct ___Object___ * ptr = (struct ___Object___ *) InVar;");
cFile.println(" if (InVar != NULL) {");
cFile.println(" " + queryAndAddToVistedHashtable + "(ptr, "+initialState.getID()+");");
toVisit.add( initialState );
while( !toVisit.isEmpty() ) {
- Set<Alloc> printedAllocs = new MySet<Alloc>();
SMFEState state = toVisit.iterator().next();
toVisit.remove( state );
cFile.println(" case "+state.getID()+":");
cFile.println(" switch(ptr->allocsite) {");
- //TODO consider separating out the traversal graph creation into another step.
- EffectsTable et = new EffectsTable(state);
- //TODO Var is not the same for all traversals....
- Hashtable<Alloc, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> traversalGraph = createTraversalGraph(et, ptrGraph, var);
- propagateConflicts(traversalGraph);
+ printChecksInsideState(state, toVisit, taskOrStallSite, var, "ptr", 0, weakID);
- for(ConcreteRuntimeObjNode node : traversalGraph.values()) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, " Considering Alloc" + node.alloc + " for traversal");
- if (printedAllocs.add(node.alloc) && qualifiesForCaseStatement(node)) {
- printDebug(generalDebug, "++ " + node.alloc + " qualified for case statement");
- cFile.println(" case "+node.alloc.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+" : ");
- //Note: this step adds to the toVisit SMFE Queue/Set
- addAllocChecker(taskOrStallSite, var, et, node, "ptr", 0, heaprootNum, state.getID(), toVisit);
- cFile.println(" break;");
- }
- }
cFile.println(" default: break;");
cFile.println(" } // end switch on allocsite");
cFile.println(" break;");
cFile.println(" default: break;");
cFile.println(" } // end switch on traverser state");
cFile.println(" queueEntry = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ";");
+ cFile.println(" if(queueEntry == NULL) {");
+ cFile.println(" break;");
+ cFile.println(" }");
cFile.println(" ptr = queueEntry->object;");
cFile.println(" traverserState = queueEntry->traverserState;");
cFile.println(" } while(ptr != NULL);");
- Hashtable<Alloc, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> createTraversalGraph(EffectsTable et, Graph ptrGraph, TempDescriptor var) {
+ public void printChecksInsideState(SMFEState state, Set<SMFEState> todo, FlatNode fn,
+ TempDescriptor tmp, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
+ EffectsTable et = new EffectsTable(state);
+ if(this.verboseDebug) {
+ cFile.println(" //debug Effects size = " + state.getEffectsAllowed().size());
+ cFile.println(" //debug EffectsTable reports " + et.getAllAllocs().size() + " unique alloc(s)");
+ cFile.println(" //debug State's inCount = " + state.getRefCount());
+ }
+ //we assume that all allocs given in the effects are starting locs.
+ for(Alloc a: et.getAllAllocs()) {
+ printDebug(generalDebug, "++ Generating code for Alloc: " + a.getUniqueAllocSiteID());
+ cFile.println(" case "+a.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+":");
+ addChecker(a, fn, tmp, et, "ptr", 0, todo, weakID);
+ cFile.println(" break;");
+ }
+ }
+ public void addChecker(Alloc a, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, EffectsTable et,
+ String prefix, int depth, Set<SMFEState> stateTodo, int weakID) {
+ EffectsGroup eg = et.getEffectsGroup(a);
+ insertEntriesIntoHashStructureNew(fn, tmp, eg, prefix, depth, weakID);
+ if(eg.leadsToConflict()) {
+ int pdepth = depth+1;
+ cFile.println("{"); //CB0
+ if(a.getType().isArray()) {
+ String childPtr = "((struct ___Object___ **)(((char *) &(((struct ArrayObject *)"+ prefix+")->___length___))+sizeof(int)))[i]";
+ String currPtr = "arrayElement" + pdepth;
+ cFile.println("{");
+ cFile.println(" int i;");
+ cFile.println(" struct ___Object___ * "+currPtr+";");
+ cFile.println(" for(i = 0; i<((struct ArrayObject *) " + prefix + " )->___length___; i++ ) {");
+ //There should be only one field, hence we only take the first field in the keyset.
+ CombinedEffects ce = et.getArrayValue(a);
+ System.out.println("###########################################");
+ System.out.println("Stuffs!" + ce.leadsToTransition());
+ System.out.println("###########################################");
+ printRefSwitch(fn, tmp, stateTodo, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, ce,weakID);
+ cFile.println(" }}"); // break for the for loop and open curly brace above "int i;"
+ } else {
+ //All other cases
+ String currPtr = "myPtr" + pdepth;
+ cFile.println(" struct ___Object___ * "+currPtr+";");
+ for(String field: et.getAllFields(a)) {
+ String childPtr = "((struct "+a.getType().getSafeSymbol()+" *)"+prefix +")->" + field;
+ CombinedEffects ce = et.getCombinedEffects(a, field);
+ printRefSwitch(fn, tmp, stateTodo, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, ce, weakID);
+ }
+ }
+ cFile.println("}"); //CB0
+ }
+ }
+ private void printRefSwitch(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, Set<SMFEState> stateTodo, int pdepth, String childPtr,
+ String currPtr, CombinedEffects ce, int weakID) {
+ if(ce.leadsToTransition()) {
+ for(SMFEState tr: ce.transitions) {
+ if(tr.getRefCount() == 1) { //in-lineable case
+ //Don't need to update state counter since we don't care really if it's inlined...
+ cFile.println(" "+currPtr+"= (struct ___Object___ * ) " + childPtr + ";");
+ cFile.println(" if (" + currPtr + " != NULL) { ");
+ cFile.println(" switch(" + currPtr + getAllocSiteInC + ") {");
+ if(verboseDebug) {
+ cFile.println(" //In-lined state " + tr.getID());
+ System.out.println("+++ Inlined " + tr.getID());
+ }
+ printChecksInsideState(tr, stateTodo, fn, tmp, currPtr, pdepth+1, weakID);
+ cFile.println(" default:");
+ cFile.println(" break;");
+ cFile.println(" }}"); //break for internal switch and if
+ } else { //non-inlineable cases
+ stateTodo.add(tr);
+ cFile.println(" " + enqueueInC + childPtr + ", "+tr.getID()+");");
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //FlatNode and TempDescriptor are what are used to make the taint
+ private void insertEntriesIntoHashStructureNew(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp,
+ EffectsGroup eg, //Specific for an allocsite
+ String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
+ int index = 0;
+ boolean isRblock = (fn instanceof FlatSESEEnterNode);
+ if (isRblock) {
+ FlatSESEEnterNode fsese = (FlatSESEEnterNode) fn;
+ index = fsese.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf(tmp);
+ }
+ cFile.println("{");
+ String strrcr = isRblock ? "&record->rcrRecords[" + index + "], " : "NULL, ";
+ String tasksrc =isRblock ? "(SESEcommon *) record, ":"(SESEcommon *)(((INTPTR)record)|1LL), ";
+ if(eg.hasWriteConfict()) {
+ assert weakID != -1;
+ cFile.append(" int tmpkey" + depth + " = rcr_generateKey(" + prefix + ");\n");
+ if (eg.leadsToConflict())
+ cFile.append(" int tmpvar" + depth + " = rcr_WTWRITEBINCASE(allHashStructures[" + weakID + "], tmpkey" + depth + ", " + tasksrc + strrcr + index + ");\n");
+ else
+ cFile.append(" int tmpvar" + depth + " = rcr_WRITEBINCASE(allHashStructures["+ weakID + "], tmpkey" + depth + ", " + tasksrc + strrcr + index + ");\n");
+ } else if(eg.hasReadConflict()) {
+ assert weakID != -1;
+ cFile.append(" int tmpkey" + depth + " = rcr_generateKey(" + prefix + ");\n");
+ if (eg.leadsToConflict())
+ cFile.append(" int tmpvar" + depth + " = rcr_WTREADBINCASE(allHashStructures[" + weakID + "], tmpkey" + depth + ", " + tasksrc + strrcr + index + ");\n");
+ else
+ cFile.append(" int tmpvar" + depth + " = rcr_READBINCASE(allHashStructures["+ weakID + "], tmpkey" + depth + ", " + tasksrc + strrcr + index + ");\n");
+ }
+ if (eg.hasReadConflict() || eg.hasWriteConfict()) {
+ cFile.append("if (!(tmpvar" + depth + "&READYMASK)) totalcount--;\n");
+ }
+ cFile.println("}");
+ }
+ /*
+ private Hashtable<Alloc, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> createTraversalGraph(EffectsTable et, Graph ptrGraph, TempDescriptor var) {
Hashtable<Alloc, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode> created
= new Hashtable<Alloc, ConcreteRuntimeObjNode>(); //Pass 0: Create empty graph
- //TODO what if we have more than one way in?! >< i.e. more than 1 temp descriptor...
+ // what if we have more than one way in?! >< i.e. more than 1 temp descriptor...
Set<Edge> insetVars = ptrGraph.getEdges(var);
for(Edge invar: insetVars) {
Alloc rootKey = invar.getSrcAlloc().getAllocSite();
- //TODO update to include state changes!
+ // update to include state changes!
//If state changes branches INTO this object, then it needs its own state.
//Possible solution, have a hashtable to keep track of Alloc->PossibleTransition
//And add to it as we go through the effects.
private void printObjRefSwitchStatement(FlatNode fn,
- TempDescriptor tmp,
EffectsTable et,
int pDepth,
ArrayList<ObjRef> refsAtParticularField,
cFile.println(" switch(" + currPtr + getAllocSiteInC + ") {");
for(ObjRef ref: refsAtParticularField) {
- if(ref.child.descendantsConflict() || ref.child.hasPrimitiveConflicts()) {
cFile.println(" case "+ref.allocID+":\n {");
//The hash insert is here because we don't want to enqueue things unless we know it conflicts.
cFile.println(" if (" + queryAndAddToVistedHashtable +"("+ currPtr + ", "+stateID+")) {");
} else if(qualifiesForCaseStatement(ref.child)){
cFile.println(" " + addToQueueInC + childPtr + ", "+stateID+");");
} else {
- addAllocChecker(fn, tmp, et, ref.child, currPtr, pDepth + 1, heaprootNum, stateID, toVisit);
+// public void addChecker(AllocNode a, FlatNode fn, EffectsTable et, String prefix, int depth)
+ addCheker(..);
cFile.println(" }"); //close for queryVistedHashtable
cFile.println("}"); //close for internal case statement
- }
cFile.append(" default:\n" +
" }}\n"); //internal switch.
+ */
// decide whether the given SESE doesn't have traversers at all
public boolean hasEmptyTraversers(FlatSESEEnterNode fsen) {
boolean hasEmpty = true;
+ //Stores effects for a given alloc.
+ private class EffectsGroup {
+ private boolean hasReadConf = false;
+ private boolean hasWriteConf = false;
+ private boolean leadsToConf = false;
+ Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects> field2Effects;
+ public EffectsGroup() {
+ field2Effects = new Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects>();
+ }
+ public void add(Effect e, boolean conflict, Set<SMFEState> transitions) {
+ CombinedEffects ce;
+ if((ce= field2Effects.get(e.getField().getSafeSymbol()))== null) {
+ ce = new CombinedEffects();
+ field2Effects.put(e.getField().getSafeSymbol(), ce);
+ }
+ ce.add(e, conflict, transitions);
+ hasReadConf |= ce.hasReadConflict;
+ hasWriteConf |= ce.hasWriteConflict;
+ leadsToConf |= ce.leadsToTransition();
+ }
+ public CombinedEffects get(String field) {
+ return field2Effects.get(field);
+ }
+ public boolean leadsToConflict() {
+ return leadsToConf;
+ }
+ public boolean hasWriteConfict() {
+ return hasWriteConf;
+ }
+ public boolean hasReadConflict() {
+ return hasReadConf;
+ }
+ }
//Simply rehashes and combines all effects for a AffectedAllocSite + Field.
private class EffectsTable {
- private Hashtable<Alloc,Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects>> table;
+ private Hashtable<Alloc,EffectsGroup> table;
public EffectsTable(SMFEState state) {
- table = new Hashtable<Alloc,Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects>>();
- Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects> e4a;
- CombinedEffects ce;
+ table = new Hashtable<Alloc, EffectsGroup>();
+ EffectsGroup eg;
for(Effect e: state.getEffectsAllowed()) {
- if((e4a = table.get(e.getAffectedAllocSite())) == null) {
- e4a = new Hashtable<String,CombinedEffects>();
- table.put(e.getAffectedAllocSite(), e4a);
- }
- if((ce = e4a.get(e.getField().getSafeSymbol())) == null) {
- ce = new CombinedEffects();
- e4a.put(e.getField().getSafeSymbol(), ce);
+ if((eg = table.get(e.getAffectedAllocSite())) == null) {
+ eg = new EffectsGroup();
+ table.put(e.getAffectedAllocSite(), eg);
- //TODO do something about effects transitions allowed!! :O
- // while building and what not.
Set<SMFEState> transitions = (state.getTransistionEffects().contains(e))?state.transitionsTo(e):null;
- ce.add(e, state.getConflicts().contains(e),transitions);
+ eg.add(e, state.getConflicts().contains(e), transitions);
+ //debug
+ if(verboseDebug && e.getField().getType().isArray()) {
+ System.out.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+ System.out.println("Effect on field \""+ e.getField().getSymbol()+"\" by "+e.getAffectedAllocSite()+" has a transition? "+ (transitions != null));
+ System.out.println("Valid transitions: ");
+ for(SMFEState s: transitions) {
+ System.out.println(" "+s);
+ }
+ System.out.println("Other valid effects that lead to transitions");
+ for(Effect e2: state.getTransistionEffects()) {
+ System.out.println(" "+e);
+ }
+ System.out.println("++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++");
+ }
- public CombinedEffects getCombinedEffects(Alloc curr, String field) {
- return table.get(curr).get(field);
+ public EffectsGroup getEffectsGroup(Alloc a) {
+ return table.get(a);
+ }
+ public Set<Alloc> getAllAllocs() {
+ return table.keySet();
+ }
+ public CombinedEffects getCombinedEffects(Alloc a, String field) {
+ return table.get(a).get(field);
+ }
+ public Set<String> getAllFields(Alloc curr) {
+ return table.get(curr).field2Effects.keySet();
+ }
+ public boolean hasReadConflict(Alloc a) {
+ return table.get(a).hasReadConf;
- public Hashtable<String, CombinedEffects> getAllFields(Alloc curr) {
- return table.get(curr);
+ public boolean hasWriteConflict(Alloc a) {
+ return table.get(a).hasWriteConf;
+ }
+ public boolean leadsToConflict(Alloc a) {
+ return table.get(a).leadsToConflict();
+ }
+ public String getArrayField(Alloc a) {
+ assert table.get(a).field2Effects.keySet().size() <= 2;
+ return table.get(a).field2Effects.keySet().iterator().next();
+ }
+ public CombinedEffects getArrayValue(Alloc a) {
+ //An array has 2 references, length and element
+ assert table.get(a).field2Effects.values().size() == 2;
+ assert table.get(a).get("______element____") != null;
+ return table.get(a).get("______element____");
Hashtable<String, ObjRefList> referencees;
Alloc alloc;
TypeDescriptor type;
+ SMFEState myState;
Set<SMFEState> transitions;
boolean isInsetVar;
public boolean descendantsObjConflict = false;
public boolean hasPotentialToBeIncorrectDueToConflict = false;
- public ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(Alloc a, TypeDescriptor type, Set<SMFEState> transitions, boolean isInset) {
+ public ConcreteRuntimeObjNode(Alloc a, TypeDescriptor type, SMFEState state, Set<SMFEState> transitions, boolean isInset) {
referencers = new HashSet<ObjRef>(4);
referencees = new Hashtable<String, ObjRefList>(5);
alloc = a;
isInsetVar = isInset;
this.type = type;
+ myState = state;
if(transitions != null && !transitions.isEmpty()) {
if(this.transitions == null) {
public boolean descendantsConflict() {
return descendantsObjConflict||descendantsPrimConflict;
+ public boolean equals(Object o) {
+ if (o == null || !(o instanceof ConcreteRuntimeObjNode))
+ return false;
+ ConcreteRuntimeObjNode other = (ConcreteRuntimeObjNode) o;
+ return (alloc.equals(other.alloc) && myState.equals(other.myState));
+ }
//Simple extension of the ArrayList to allow it to find if any ObjRefs conflict.
public boolean add(Effect e, boolean conflict, Set<SMFEState> transitions) {
assert (transitions==null|| e.getType() == Effect.read);
return false;
switch(e.getType()) {
case Effect.read:
hasReadEffect = true;
- hasReadConflict |= conflict;
this.transitions = new MySet<SMFEState>();
+ if(this.transitions.isEmpty()) {
+ hasReadConflict |= conflict;
+ }
case Effect.write:
hasWriteEffect = true;
public boolean leadsToTransition() {
- return (transitions != null);
+ return (transitions != null && !transitions.isEmpty());
public void mergeWith(CombinedEffects other) {