* So you can write this:
- * using BIO_deleter = folly::static_function_deleter<BIO, &BIO_free>;
+ * using RSA_deleter = folly::static_function_deleter<RSA, &RSA_free>;
+ * auto rsa = std::unique_ptr<RSA, RSA_deleter>(RSA_new());
+ * RSA_generate_key_ex(rsa.get(), bits, exponent, nullptr);
+ * rsa = nullptr; // calls RSA_free(rsa.get())
+ *
+ * This would be sweet as well for BIO, but unfortunately BIO_free has signature
+ * int(BIO*) while we require signature void(BIO*). So you would need to make a
+ * wrapper for it:
+ *
+ * inline void BIO_free_fb(BIO* bio) { CHECK_EQ(1, BIO_free(bio)); }
+ * using BIO_deleter = folly::static_function_deleter<BIO, &BIO_free_fb>;
* auto buf = std::unique_ptr<BIO, BIO_deleter>(BIO_new(BIO_s_mem()));
* buf = nullptr; // calls BIO_free(buf.get())