IoTString *CloudComm::buildRequest(bool isput, int64_t sequencenumber, int64_t maxentries) {
const char *reqstring = isput ? "req=putslot" : "req=getslot";
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(baseurl->length() + 200);
- memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes(), baseurl->length());
+ memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes()->internalArray(), baseurl->length());
int offset = baseurl->length();
offset += sprintf(&buffer[offset], "?%s&seq=%" PRId64, reqstring, sequencenumber);
if (maxentries != 0)
/* fill in the parameters */
int post = sprintf(message,"POST ");
/* copy data */
- memcpy(&message[post], url->internalBytes()->internalArray(), url->length());
- int endpost = sprintf(&message[post+url->length()], " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
+ memcpy(&message[post], &url->internalBytes()->internalArray()[i], url->length()-i);
+ int endpost = sprintf(&message[post+url->length()-i], " HTTP/1.1\r\n");
- int hostlen = sprintf(&message[endpost + post + url->length()], "Host: ");
- memcpy(&message[endpost + post + url->length()+hostlen], url->internalBytes()->internalArray(), url->length());
- sprintf(&message[endpost + post + 2*url->length()+hostlen], "\r\n");
+ int hostlen = sprintf(&message[endpost + post + url->length()-i], "Host: ");
+ memcpy(&message[endpost + post + url->length()+hostlen-i], host, i-7);
+ sprintf(&message[endpost + post + url->length()+hostlen-7], "\r\n");
/* create the socket */
int sockfd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
/* send the request */
int total = strlen(message);
loopWrite(sockfd, message, total);
return sockfd;
return respcode;
+void readHeaders(int fd) {
+ int state = 2;
+ char newchar;
+ while(true) {
+ int bytes = read(fd, &newchar, 1);
+ if (bytes <= 0)
+ throw new Error("Headers malformed!");
+ switch (state) {
+ case 0:
+ if (newchar == '\r')
+ state = 1;
+ break;
+ case 1:
+ if (newchar == '\n')
+ state = 2;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 2:
+ if (newchar == '\r')
+ state = 3;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ case 3:
+ if (newchar == '\n')
+ state = 4;
+ else
+ state = 0;
+ break;
+ default:
+ printf("ERROR in readHeaders\n");
+ exit(-1);
+ }
+ if (state == 4)
+ return;
+ }
void CloudComm::setSalt() {
if (salt != NULL) {
// Salt already sent to server so don't set it again
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(baseurl->length() + 100);
- memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes(), baseurl->length());
+ memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes()->internalArray(), baseurl->length());
int offset = baseurl->length();
offset += sprintf(&buffer[offset], "?req=setsalt");
IoTString *urlstr = new IoTString(buffer);
if (responsecode != HttpURLConnection_HTTP_OK) {
throw new Error("Invalid response");
+ close(fd);
salt = saltTmp;
} catch (Exception *e) {
try {
char *buffer = (char *) malloc(baseurl->length() + 100);
- memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes(), baseurl->length());
+ memcpy(buffer, baseurl->internalBytes()->internalArray(), baseurl->length());
int offset = baseurl->length();
offset += sprintf(&buffer[offset], "?req=getsalt");
urlstr = new IoTString(buffer);
try {
int responsecode = getResponseCode(fd);
+ readHeaders(fd);
if (responsecode != HttpURLConnection_HTTP_OK) {
throw new Error("Invalid response");
int salt_length = readURLInt(fd);
Array<char> *tmp = new Array<char>(salt_length);
readURLData(fd, tmp);
+ close(fd);
salt = tmp;
return true;
try {
int respcode = getResponseCode(fd);
+ readHeaders(fd);
Array<char> *resptype = new Array<char>(7);
readURLData(fd, resptype);
if (resptype->equals(getslot)) {
- return processSlots(fd);
+ Array<Slot *> * tmp =processSlots(fd);
+ close(fd);
+ return tmp;
} else if (resptype->equals(putslot)) {
+ close(fd);
return NULL;
- } else
+ } else {
+ close(fd);
throw new Error("Bad response to putslot");
+ }
} catch (SocketTimeoutException *e) {
+ close(fd);
throw new ServerException("putSlot failed", ServerException_TypeInputTimeout);
} catch (Exception *e) {
throw new Error("putSlot failed");
try {
int responsecode = getResponseCode(fd);
+ readHeaders(fd);
Array<char> *resptype = new Array<char>(7);
readURLData(fd, resptype);
if (!resptype->equals(getslot))
throw new Error("Bad Response: ");
- return processSlots(fd);
+ Array<Slot*> * tmp=processSlots(fd);
+ close(fd);
+ return tmp;
} catch (SocketTimeoutException *e) {
+ close(fd);
throw new ServerException("getSlots failed", ServerException_TypeInputTimeout);
} catch (Exception *e) {
throw new Error("getSlots failed");
#include "Table.h"
+#include "IoTString.h"
+#include "TimingSingleton.h"
+#include "TransactionStatus.h"
+#define NUMBER_OF_TESTS 2
int main(int numargs, char ** args) {
- Table * t = new Table(NULL, NULL, 0, 0);
- delete t;
+ TimingSingleton * timer = TimingSingleton_getInstance();
+ bool foundError = false;
+ Vector<TransactionStatus *> * transStatusList = new Vector<TransactionStatus *>();
+ // Setup the 2 clients
+ Table * t1 = new Table(new IoTString(""), new IoTString("reallysecret"), 321, -1);
+ t1->initTable();
+ printf("T1 Ready\n");
+ Table * t2 = new Table(new IoTString(""), new IoTString("reallysecret"), 351, -1);
+ t2->update();
+ printf("T2 Ready\n");
+ // Make the Keys
+ printf("Setting up keys\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
+ printf("%d\n",i);
+ char buffer[80];
+ sprintf(buffer, "a%d", i);
+ IoTString *ia = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "b%d", i);
+ IoTString *ib = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "c%d", i);
+ IoTString *ic = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "d%d", i);
+ IoTString *id = new IoTString(buffer);
+ t1->createNewKey(ia, 321);
+ t1->createNewKey(ib, 351);
+ t2->createNewKey(ic, 321);
+ t2->createNewKey(id, 351);
+ }
+ // Do Updates for the keys
+ printf("Setting Key-Values...\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
+ printf("%d\n", i);
+ char buffer[80];
+ sprintf(buffer, "a%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyA = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueA = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "b%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyB = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueB = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "c%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyC = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueC = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "d%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyD = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueD = new IoTString(buffer);
+ t1->startTransaction();
+ t1->addKV(iKeyA, iValueA);
+ transStatusList->add(t1->commitTransaction());
+ t1->startTransaction();
+ t1->addKV(iKeyB, iValueB);
+ transStatusList->add(t1->commitTransaction());
+ t2->startTransaction();
+ t2->addKV(iKeyC, iValueC);
+ transStatusList->add(t2->commitTransaction());
+ t2->startTransaction();
+ t2->addKV(iKeyD, iValueD);
+ transStatusList->add(t2->commitTransaction());
+ }
+ printf("Updating Clients...\n");
+ t1->update();
+ t2->update();
+ printf("Checking Key-Values...\n");
+ for (int i = 0; i < NUMBER_OF_TESTS; i++) {
+ char buffer[80];
+ sprintf(buffer, "a%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyA = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueA = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "b%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyB = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueB = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "c%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyC = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueC = new IoTString(buffer);
+ sprintf(buffer, "d%d", i);
+ IoTString * iKeyD = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString * iValueD = new IoTString(buffer);
+ IoTString *testValA1 = t1->getCommitted(iKeyA);
+ IoTString *testValB1 = t1->getCommitted(iKeyB);
+ IoTString *testValC1 = t1->getCommitted(iKeyC);
+ IoTString *testValD1 = t1->getCommitted(iKeyD);
+ IoTString *testValA2 = t2->getCommitted(iKeyA);
+ IoTString *testValB2 = t2->getCommitted(iKeyB);
+ IoTString *testValC2 = t2->getCommitted(iKeyC);
+ IoTString *testValD2 = t2->getCommitted(iKeyD);
+ if ((testValA1 == NULL) || (testValA1->equals(iValueA) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t1 incorrect: keyA\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValB1 == NULL) || (testValB1->equals(iValueB) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t1 incorrect: keyB\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValC1 == NULL) || (testValC1->equals(iValueC) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t1 incorrect: keyC\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValD1 == NULL) || (testValD1->equals(iValueD) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t1 incorrect: keyD\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValA2 == NULL) || (testValA2->equals(iValueA) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t2 incorrect: keyA testValA2\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValB2 == NULL) || (testValB2->equals(iValueB) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t2 incorrect: keyB testValB2\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValC2 == NULL) || (testValC2->equals(iValueC) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t2 incorrect: keyC testValC2\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ if ((testValD2 == NULL) || (testValD2->equals(iValueD) == false)) {
+ printf("Key-Value t2 incorrect: keyD testValD2\n");
+ foundError = true;
+ }
+ }
+ for (uint i = 0; i < transStatusList->size(); i++) {
+ TransactionStatus * status = transStatusList->get(i);
+ if (status->getStatus() != TransactionStatus_StatusCommitted) {
+ foundError = true;
+ printf("Status error\n");
+ }
+ }
+ if (foundError) {
+ printf("Found Errors...\n");
+ } else {
+ printf("No Errors Found...\n");
+ }