event_counter m_nDisposedNode; ///< Count of disposed node
event_counter m_nDisposedValue; ///< Count of disposed value
event_counter m_nExtractedValue; ///< Count of extracted value
++ event_counter m_nRemoveSuccess; ///< Count of successfully \p erase() call
++ event_counter m_nRemoveFailed; ///< Count of failed \p erase() call
event_counter m_nRemoveRetry; ///< Count o erase/extract retries
++ event_counter m_nExtractSuccess; ///< Count of successfully \p extract() call
++ event_counter m_nExtractFailed; ///< Count of failed \p extract() call
event_counter m_nRemoveWaitShrinking; ///< ount of waiting until shrinking completed during \p erase() or \p extract() call
event_counter m_nRemoveRootWaitShrinking; ///< Count of waiting until root shrinking completed duting \p erase() or \p extract() call
++ event_counter m_nMakeRoutingNode; ///< How many nodes were converted to routing (valueless) nodes
event_counter m_nRightRotation; ///< Count of single right rotation
event_counter m_nLeftRotation; ///< Count of single left rotation
void onDisposeNode() { ++m_nDisposedNode; }
void onDisposeValue() { ++m_nDisposedValue; }
void onExtractValue() { ++m_nExtractedValue; }
++ void onRemove(bool bSuccess)
++ {
++ if ( bSuccess )
++ ++m_nRemoveSuccess;
++ else
++ ++m_nRemoveFailed;
++ }
++ void onExtract( bool bSuccess )
++ {
++ if ( bSuccess )
++ ++m_nExtractSuccess;
++ else
++ ++m_nExtractFailed;
++ }
void onRemoveRetry() { ++m_nRemoveRetry; }
void onRemoveWaitShrinking() { ++m_nRemoveWaitShrinking; }
void onRemoveRootWaitShrinking() { ++m_nRemoveRootWaitShrinking; }
++ void onMakeRoutingNode() { ++m_nMakeRoutingNode; }
void onRotateRight() { ++m_nRightRotation; }
void onRotateLeft() { ++m_nLeftRotation; }
void onDisposeNode() const {}
void onDisposeValue() const {}
void onExtractValue() const {}
++ void onRemove(bool /*bSuccess*/) const {}
++ void onExtract(bool /*bSuccess*/) const {}
void onRemoveRetry() const {}
void onRemoveWaitShrinking() const {}
void onRemoveRootWaitShrinking() const {}
++ void onMakeRoutingNode() const {}
void onRotateRight() const {}
void onRotateLeft() const {}
if ( result == update_flags::retry )
-- else
++ else {
++ m_stat.onExtract( result == update_flags::result_removed );
++ }
[&pExtracted]( key_type const&, mapped_type pVal, rcu_disposer& ) -> bool { pExtracted = pVal; return false; }
++ m_stat.onExtract( pExtracted != nullptr );
return pExtracted;
[&pExtracted]( key_type const&, mapped_type pVal, rcu_disposer& ) -> bool { pExtracted = pVal; return false; }
++ m_stat.onExtract( pExtracted != nullptr );
return pExtracted;
if ( result == update_flags::retry )
-- else
++ else {
++ m_stat.onRemove( result == update_flags::result_removed );
return result == update_flags::result_removed;
++ }
return update_flags::failed;
pNode->m_pValue.store( nullptr, memory_model::memory_order_relaxed );
++ m_stat.onMakeRoutingNode();
<< "\t\t m_nUpdateRootWaitShrinking: " << s.m_nUpdateRootWaitShrinking.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nUpdateSuccess: " << s.m_nUpdateSuccess.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nUpdateUnlinked: " << s.m_nUpdateUnlinked.get() << "\n"
++ << "\t\t m_nRemoveSuccess: " << s.m_nRemoveSuccess.get() << "\n"
++ << "\t\t m_nRemoveFailed: " << s.m_nRemoveFailed.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nRemoveRetry: " << s.m_nRemoveRetry.get() << "\n"
++ << "\t\t m_nExtractSuccess: " << s.m_nExtractSuccess.get() << "\n"
++ << "\t\t m_nExtractFailed: " << s.m_nExtractFailed.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nRemoveWaitShrinking: " << s.m_nRemoveWaitShrinking.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nRemoveRootWaitShrinking: " << s.m_nRemoveRootWaitShrinking.get() << "\n"
++ << "\t\t m_nMakeRoutingNode: " << s.m_nMakeRoutingNode.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nDisposedValue: " << s.m_nDisposedValue.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nDisposedNode: " << s.m_nDisposedNode.get() << "\n"
<< "\t\t m_nExtractedValue: " << s.m_nExtractedValue.get() << "\n"