* turns.
void writeLockAggressive() {
+ // sched_yield() is needed here to avoid a pathology if the number
+ // of threads attempting concurrent writes is >= the number of real
+ // cores allocated to this process. This is less likely than the
+ // corresponding situation in lock_shared(), but we still want to
+ // avoid it
+ int count = 0;
QuarterInt val = __sync_fetch_and_add(&ticket.users, 1);
while (val != load_acquire(&ticket.write)) {
asm volatile("pause");
+ if (UNLIKELY(++count > 1000)) sched_yield();
// writers, so the writer has less chance to get the lock when
// there are a lot of competing readers. The aggressive spinning
// can help to avoid starving writers.
+ //
+ // We don't worry about sched_yield() here because the caller
+ // has already explicitly abandoned fairness.
while (!try_lock()) {}
void lock_shared() {
+ // sched_yield() is important here because we can't grab the
+ // shared lock if there is a pending writeLockAggressive, so we
+ // need to let threads that already have a shared lock complete
+ int count = 0;
while (!LIKELY(try_lock_shared())) {
asm volatile("pause");
+ if (UNLIKELY((++count & 1023) == 0)) sched_yield();