--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "15:07:05", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "15:08:08", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "15:09:12", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "15:10:19", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "15:11:15", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "15:12:16", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "15:14:25", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "15:15:24", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "15:16:28", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "15:17:29", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "15:18:31", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "15:19:33", 2000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# DLink switch local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/dlink_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "DLink Switch Incoming/Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/dlink_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/dlink_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "15:23:58", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "15:24:55", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "15:25:56", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "15:26:56", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "15:27:58", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "15:28:58", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "15:31:11", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "15:32:08", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "15:33:09", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "15:34:10", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "15:35:12", 4000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "15:36:15", 3000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# DLink switch remote
+# wlan1
+set output './result/dlink_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "DLink Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/dlink_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/dlink_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pngcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+unset key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor local
+# eth0
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Local Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Local Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Local Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Local Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# wlan1
+#set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+#set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+#plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor remote
+# eth0
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Remote Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth0)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Remote Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# wlan1
+#set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
+#set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+#plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+#set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
+#set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+#plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+# SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor phone local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Phone Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Phone Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pngcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor local
+# wlan1 / eth0 / eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming_combined.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0/eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming"
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing_combined.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0/eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming"
+# SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor remote
+# eth0 / eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming_combined.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Incoming Remote Traffic (eth0/eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1"
+set output './result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_outgoing_combined.png'
+set title "SmartThings Multipurpose Sensor Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth0/eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth0_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-mp-sensor_switch_eth1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1"
set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0/eth1)"
plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth0_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1", "./result/smartthings-plug_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/smartthings-plug_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming"
set output './result/smartthings-plug_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing_combined.png'
-set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0)"
+set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1/eth0/eth1)"
plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth0_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1", "./result/smartthings-plug_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-outgoing", "./result/smartthings-plug_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "wlan1-phone-incoming"
# SmartThings Plug switch remote
-# wlan1 / eth0 / eth1
+# eth0 / eth1
set output './result/smartthings-plug_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming_combined.png'
-set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (wlan1/eth0/eth1)"
+set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (eth0/eth1)"
plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth0_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1"
set output './result/smartthings-plug_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_outgoing_combined.png'
-set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1/eth0)"
+set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth0/eth1)"
plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth0_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth0", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "eth1"
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "15:21:44", 2000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "15:23:04", 4000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "15:23:57", 2000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "15:24:58", 4000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "15:25:59", 2000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "15:27:01", 4000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "15:29:17", 2000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "15:30:13", 2500 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "15:31:14", 2000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "15:32:15", 4000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "15:33:17", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "15:34:16", 4000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# SmartThings Plug switch local
+# eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_timestamp_local_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Incoming/Outgoing Local Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "15:38:22", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "15:39:24", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "15:40:24", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "15:41:27", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "15:42:27", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "15:43:29", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "15:45:32", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "15:46:33", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "15:47:36", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "15:48:36", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "15:49:39", 1500 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "15:50:42", 1000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# SmartThings Plug switch remote
+# eth1
+set output './result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_timestamp_remote_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "SmartThings Plug Switch Incoming/Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth1)"
+plot "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/smartthings-plug_switch_eth1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "13:38:04", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "13:39:03", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "13:40:05", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "13:41:08", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "13:42:07", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "13:43:09", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "13:45:25", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "13:46:27", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "13:47:28", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "13:48:29", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "13:49:31", 9000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "13:50:30", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# TPLink switch local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/tplink_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "TP-Link Switch Incoming/Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/tplink_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Incoming", "./result/tplink_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Outgoing"
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "13:54:35", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "13:55:31", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "13:56:32", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "13:57:33", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "13:58:37", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "13:59:37", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "14:01:42", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "14:02:42", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "14:03:44", 8000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "14:04:47", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "14:05:47", 6000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "14:06:49", 7000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# TPLink switch remote
+# wlan1
+set output './result/tplink_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "TP-Link Switch Incoming/Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/tplink_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Incoming", "./result/tplink_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Outgoing"
# ***************** #
# WeMo switch local
# eth0
-set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth0_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic (eth0)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth0_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth0_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (eth0)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth0_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# wlan1
-set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# WeMo switch remote
# eth0
-set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth0_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (eth0)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_eth_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth0_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_eth0_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Remote Traffic (eth0)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_eth0_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# wlan1
-set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Incoming Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_outgoing.png'
set title "WeMo Switch Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
# WeMo phone local
# wlan1
-set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming.png'
set title "WeMo Phone Incoming Local Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
-set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+set output './result/wemo_phone_wlan1_timestamp_local_outgoing.png'
set title "WeMo Phone Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
-plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
+plot "./result/wemo_phone_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "16:00:31", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "16:01:26", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "16:02:29", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "16:03:34", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "16:04:32", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "16:05:32", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "16:07:41", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "16:08:40", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "16:09:42", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "16:10:43", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "16:11:46", 60000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "16:12:46", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# WeMo Insight switch local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "WeMo Insight Switch Incoming/Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "16:18:55", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "16:19:56", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "16:20:59", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "16:22:00", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "16:23:03", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "16:24:07", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "4-ON" at "16:26:13", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "4-OFF" at "16:27:09", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "5-ON" at "16:28:15", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "5-OFF" at "16:29:12", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "6-ON" at "16:30:13", 80000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "6-OFF" at "16:31:18", 120000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# WeMo Insight switch remote
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan_timestamp_remote_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "WeMo Insight Switch Incoming/Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/wemo-insight_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
--- /dev/null
+# Script to plot time series graphs for network traffic analysis
+# by Rahmadi Trimananda (rahmadi.trimananda@uci.edu)
+# Programming Language Research Group @ University of California, Irvine
+# Winter 2018
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set terminal pdfcairo enhanced font 'Verdana,10'
+set autoscale
+set key
+unset log
+unset label
+set xtics 50
+set xtics rotate by 60 right
+set ytics auto
+set xlabel "Packet Timestamp (hh:mm:ss)"
+set ylabel "Packet Size (bytes)"
+set xdata time
+set timefmt "%H:%M:%S"
+set xrange [:]
+set yrange [0:]
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "11:10:05", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "11:11:08", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "11:12:10", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "11:13:12", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "11:14:14", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "3-OFF" at "11:15:17", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# WeMo switch local
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_local_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming/Outgoing Local Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_local_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_local_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
+# ************ #
+# ************ #
+set label "1-ON" at "11:20:49", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "1-OFF" at "11:21:49", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "2-ON" at "11:22:50", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+set label "2-OFF" at "11:23:52", 50000 tc rgb "red"
+set label "3-ON" at "11:24:54", 5000 tc rgb "orange"
+set label "3-OFF" at "11:26:55", 50000 tc rgb "blue"
+# ***************** #
+# ***************** #
+# WeMo switch remote
+# wlan1
+set output './result/wemo_switch_wlan1_timestamp_remote_incoming_outgoing.pdf'
+set title "WeMo Switch Incoming/Outgoing Remote Traffic (wlan1)"
+plot "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_remote_incoming.dat" using 1:2 with lines dt 4 title "Incoming", "./result/wemo_switch_wlan1_remote_outgoing.dat" using 1:2 with lines title "Outgoing"
# Basically, we make one call per one device that we want to analyze.
#gnuplot $PATH_GNUPLOT
+gnuplot $PATH_GNUPLOT_LABELED # only the WLAN1/ETH1 part - basically just the device perspective