blockName = task.getPrettyIdentifier();
+ //No need generate code for empty traverser
+ if (smfe.isEmpty())
+ return;
String methodName = "void traverse___" + inVar + removeInvalidChars(blockName) + "___(void * InVar, ";
int index = -1;
// SWITCH on the concrete object's allocation site THEN
// consider conflicts, enqueue more work, inline more SWITCHES, etc.
- cFile.println(" switch( traverserState ) {");
+ boolean needswitch=smfe.getStates().size()>1;
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" switch( traverserState ) {");
+ }
for(SMFEState state: smfe.getStates()) {
if(state.getRefCount() != 1 || initialState == state) {
- cFile.println(" case "+state.getID()+":");
- cFile.println(" switch(ptr->allocsite) {");
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" case "+state.getID()+":");
+ } else {
+ cFile.println(" if(traverserState=="+state.getID()+") {");
+ }
- printAllocChecksInsideState(state, taskOrStallSite, var, "ptr", 0, weakID);
+ printAllocChecksInsideState("ptr->allocsite", state, taskOrStallSite, var, "ptr", 0, weakID);
- cFile.println(" default: break;");
- cFile.println(" } // end switch on allocsite");
- cFile.println(" break;");
+ cFile.println(" break;");
- cFile.println(" default: break;");
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" default: break;");
+ }
cFile.println(" } // end switch on traverser state");
cFile.println(" queueEntry = " + dequeueFromQueueInC + ";");
cFile.println(" if(queueEntry == NULL) {");
- public void printAllocChecksInsideState(SMFEState state, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
+ public void printAllocChecksInsideState(String input, SMFEState state, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
EffectsTable et = new EffectsTable(state);
+ boolean needswitch=et.getAllAllocs().size()>1;
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" switch(" + input + ") {");
+ }
//we assume that all allocs given in the effects are starting locs.
for(Alloc a: et.getAllAllocs()) {
- cFile.println(" case "+a.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+":");
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" case "+a.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+": {");
+ } else {
+ cFile.println(" if("+input+"=="+a.getUniqueAllocSiteID()+") {");
+ }
addChecker(a, fn, tmp, state, et, "ptr", 0, weakID);
- cFile.println(" break;");
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" }");
+ cFile.println(" break;");
+ }
+ }
+ if (needswitch) {
+ cFile.println(" default:");
+ cFile.println(" break;");
+ cFile.println(" }");
public void addChecker(Alloc a, FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, SMFEState state, EffectsTable et, String prefix, int depth, int weakID) {
insertEntriesIntoHashStructureNew(fn, tmp, et, a, prefix, depth, weakID);
int pdepth = depth+1;
- cFile.println("{");
if(a.getType().isArray()) {
String childPtr = "((struct ___Object___ **)(((char *) &(((struct ArrayObject *)"+ prefix+")->___length___))+sizeof(int)))[i]";
printRefSwitch(fn, tmp, pdepth, childPtr, currPtr, state.transitionsTo(e), weakID);
- cFile.println(" }");
+ cFile.println("}");
} else {
//All other cases
String currPtr = "myPtr" + pdepth;
- cFile.println("}");
private void printRefSwitch(FlatNode fn, TempDescriptor tmp, int pdepth, String childPtr, String currPtr, Set<SMFEState> transitions, int weakID) {
//Don't need to update state counter since we don't care really if it's inlined...
cFile.println(" "+currPtr+"= (struct ___Object___ * ) " + childPtr + ";");
cFile.println(" if (" + currPtr + " != NULL) { ");
- cFile.println(" switch(" + currPtr + "->"+allocSiteInC + ") {");
- printAllocChecksInsideState(tr, fn, tmp, currPtr, pdepth+1, weakID);
+ printAllocChecksInsideState(currPtr+"->"+allocSiteInC, tr, fn, tmp, currPtr, pdepth+1, weakID);
- cFile.println(" default:");
- cFile.println(" break;");
- cFile.println(" }");
cFile.println(" }"); //break for internal switch and if
} else { //non-inlineable cases
cFile.println(" " + enqueueInC + childPtr + ", "+tr.getID()+");");
index = fsese.getInVarsForDynamicCoarseConflictResolution().indexOf(tmp);
- cFile.println("{");
String strrcr = isRblock ? "&record->rcrRecords[" + index + "], " : "NULL, ";
String tasksrc =isRblock ? "(SESEcommon *) record, ":"(SESEcommon *)(((INTPTR)record)|1LL), ";
if (et.hasReadConflict(a) || et.hasWriteConflict(a)) {
cFile.append("if (!(tmpvar" + depth + "&READYMASK)) totalcount--;\n");
- cFile.println("}");
private void setupOutputFiles(String buildir) throws FileNotFoundException {