+++ /dev/null
-public class Bitmap {
- public long numBit;
- public long numWord;
- public long bits[];
- public int NUM_BIT_PER_BYTE;
- public int NUM_BIT_PER_WORD;
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_alloc
- * -- Returns NULL on failure
- * =============================================================================
- */
- Bitmap(long myNumBit) {
- numBit = myNumBit;
- bits = new long[numWord];
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < numWord; i++) {
- bits[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- Bitmap(Bitmap myBitMap) {
- numBit = myBitMap.numBit;
- numWord = myBitMap.numWord;
- bits = new long[numWord];
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < numWord; i++) {
- bits[i] = myBitMap.bits[i];
- }
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * Pbitmap_alloc
- * -- Returns NULL on failure
- * =============================================================================
- */
- //bitmap_t* Pbitmap_alloc (long numBit) { }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_free
- * =============================================================================
- */
- //void bitmap_free (bitmap_t* bitmapPtr);
- /* =============================================================================
- * Pbitmap_free
- * =============================================================================
- */
- //void Pbitmap_free (bitmap_t* bitmapPtr);
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_set
- * -- Sets ith bit to 1
- * -- Returns TRUE on success, else FALSE
- * =============================================================================
- */
- boolean set (long i) {
- if ((i < 0) || (i >= numBit)) {
- return false;
- }
- bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD] |= (1 << (i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD));
- return true;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_clear
- * -- Clears ith bit to 0
- * -- Returns TRUE on success, else FALSE
- * =============================================================================
- */
- boolean clear (long i) {
- if ((i < 0) || (i >= numBit)) {
- return false;
- }
- bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD] &= ~(1 << (i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD));
- return true;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_clearAll
- * -- Clears all bit to 0
- * =============================================================================
- */
- void clearAll () {
- int i = 0;
- for(i = 0; i < numWord; i++) {
- bits[i] = 0;
- }
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_isSet
- * -- Returns TRUE if ith bit is set, else FALSE
- * =============================================================================
- */
- boolean isSet (int i) {
- int tempB = (int)bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD];
- int tempC = (1 << (((int)i) % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD));
- boolean tempbool = ((tempB & tempC) > 0) ? true:false;
- //tempB /*bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD]*/ & tempC /*(1 << (i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD))*/
- if ((i >= 0) && (i < (int)numBit) && tempbool) {
- return true;
- }
- return false;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_findClear
- * -- Returns index of first clear bit
- * -- If start index is negative, will start from beginning
- * -- If all bits are set, returns -1
- * =============================================================================
- */
- long findClear (long startIndex) {
- long i;
- boolean tempbool = ((bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD] & (1 << (i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD))) > 0) ? true:false;
- for (i = MAX(startIndex, 0); i < numBit; i++) {
- if (!tempbool) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_findSet
- * -- Returns index of first set bit
- * -- If all bits are clear, returns -1
- * =============================================================================
- */
- long findSet (long startIndex) {
- long i;
- for (i = MAX(startIndex, 0); i < numBit; i++) {
- boolean tempbool = (bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD] & (1 << ((int)i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD)) > 0) ? true:false;
- if (tempbool) {
- return i;
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_getNumClear
- * =============================================================================
- */
- long getNumClear () {
- return (numBit - getNumSet());
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_getNumSet
- * =============================================================================
- */
- long getNumSet () {
- long i;
- long count = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < numBit; i++) {
- boolean tempbool = ((int)bits[((int)i)/NUM_BIT_PER_WORD] & (1 << ((int)i % NUM_BIT_PER_WORD)) > 0) ? true:false;
- if (tempbool) {
- count++;
- }
- }
- return count;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_copy
- * =============================================================================
- */
- //void copy(bitmap_t* dstPtr, bitmap_t* srcPtr);
- /* =============================================================================
- * bitmap_toggleAll
- * =============================================================================
- */
- void toggleAll () {
- long w;
- for (w = 0; w < numWord; w++) {
- bits[(int)w] ^= -1L;
- }
- }
- long DIVIDE_AND_ROUND_UP(long a, long b) {
- return (a/b) + (((a % b) > 0) ? (1) : (0));
- }
- long MAX(long a, long b) {
- return (a > b) ? a : b;
- }
+++ /dev/null
-public class Genome extends Thread {
- long geneLength;
- long segmentLength;
- long minNumSegment;
- long numThread;
- GlobalArgs g_args;
- int threadid;
- // add segments, random, etc to member variables
- // include in constructor
- // allows for passing in thread run function
- Random randomPtr;
- Gene genePtr;
- Segments segmentsPtr;
- Sequencer sequencerPtr;
- Genome(String x[]) {
- parseCmdLine(x);
- if(numThread == 0) {
- numThread = 1;
- }
- randomPtr = new Random();
- randomPtr.random_alloc(randomPtr);
- randomPtr.random_seed(randomPtr, 0);
- genePtr = new Gene(geneLength);
- genePtr.create(randomPtr);
- segmentsPtr = new Segments(segmentLength, minNumSegment);
- segmentsPtr.create(genePtr, randomPtr);
- sequencerPtr = new Sequencer(geneLength, segmentLength, segmentsPtr);
- }
- Genome(int myThreadid, long myGeneLength, long mySegLength, long myMinNumSegs, long myNumThread, Random myRandomPtr, Gene myGenePtr, Segments mySegmentsPtr, Sequencer mySequencerPtr) {
-// System.out.println("New thread! My id is " + myThreadid + "!");
- threadid = myThreadid;
- geneLength = myGeneLength;
- segmentLength = mySegLength;
- minNumSegment = myMinNumSegs;
- numThread = myNumThread;
- randomPtr = myRandomPtr;
- genePtr = myGenePtr;
- segmentsPtr = mySegmentsPtr;
- sequencerPtr = mySequencerPtr;
- }
- public void parseCmdLine(String args[]) {
- int i = 0;
- String arg;
- while (i < args.length && args[i].startsWith("-")) {
- arg = args[i++];
- //check options
- if(arg.equals("-g")) {
- if(i < args.length) {
- this.geneLength = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
- }
- } else if(arg.equals("-s")) {
- if(i < args.length) {
- this.segmentLength = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
- }
- } else if(arg.equals("-n")) {
- if(i < args.length) {
- this.minNumSegment = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
- }
- } else if(arg.equals("-t")) {
- if(i < args.length) {
- this.numThread = new Integer(args[i++]).intValue();
- }
- }
- }
- }
- public void run() {
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
-// System.out.println("*** Thread " + threadid + " about to run ***");
- Sequencer.run(threadid, numThread, randomPtr, sequencerPtr);
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- }
- public static void main(String x[]){
-/* TIMER_T start; */
-/* TIMER_T stop; */
-/* GOTO_REAL(); */
- /* Initialization */
-// parseArgs();
-/* SIM_GET_NUM_CPU(global_params[PARAM_THREAD]); */
- System.out.print("Creating gene and segments... ");
- Genome g = new Genome(x);
- System.out.println("done.");
- System.out.println("Gene length = " + g.genePtr.length);
- System.out.println("Segment length = " + g.segmentsPtr.length);
- System.out.println("Number segments = " + g.segmentsPtr.contentsPtr.size());
- System.out.println("Number threads = " + g.numThread);
- Barrier.setBarrier((int)g.numThread);
-/* TM_STARTUP(numThread); */
-/* P_MEMORY_STARTUP(numThread); */
-/* thread_startup(numThread); */
-/* Create and Start Threads */
- String gene = g.genePtr.contents;
- Genome[] gn = new Genome[g.numThread];
- for(int i = 1; i<g.numThread; i++) {
- gn[i] = new Genome(i, g.geneLength, g.segmentLength, g.minNumSegment, g.numThread, g.randomPtr, g.genePtr, g.segmentsPtr, g.sequencerPtr);
- }
- System.out.print("Sequencing gene... ");
-// g.start();
- for(int i = 1; i<g.numThread; i++) {
- gn[i].start();
- }
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
-// System.out.println("*** Thread " + g.threadid + " about to run ***");
- Sequencer.run(0, g.numThread, g.randomPtr, g.sequencerPtr);
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
-// fflush(stdout);
- /* Benchmark */
-// fflush(stdout);
-// TIMER_READ(start);
-// GOTO_SIM();
-#ifdef OTM
-#pragma omp parallel
- {
- sequencer_run(sequencerPtr);
- }
- thread_start(sequencer_run, (void*)sequencerPtr);
-// GOTO_REAL();
-// TIMER_READ(stop);
- //sequencer_run(threadId);
- System.out.println("done.");
- /* Check result */
- {
- String sequence = g.sequencerPtr.sequence;
- boolean result = (gene.compareTo(sequence) == 0) ? true:false;
- System.out.println("result: " + result);
- System.out.println("Sequence matches gene: " + (result ? "yes" : "no"));
- if (result) {
-// System.out.println("gene = " + gene);
-// System.out.println("sequence = " + sequence);
- }
-// fflush(stdout);
-// assert(strlen(sequence) >= strlen(gene));
- }
- /* Clean up */
-// GOTO_SIM();
-// thread_shutdown();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-public class Sequencer {
- public String sequence;
- public Segments segmentsPtr;
- /* For removing duplicate segments */
- HashMap uniqueSegmentsPtr;
- /* For matching segments */
- endInfoEntry endInfoEntries[];
- Table startHashToConstructEntryTables[];
- /* For constructing sequence */
- constructEntry constructEntries[];
- Table hashToConstructEntryTable;
- /* For deallocation */
- long segmentLength;
- /* =============================================================================
- * sequencer_alloc
- * -- Returns NULL on failure
- * =============================================================================
- */
- Sequencer (long myGeneLength, long mySegmentLength, Segments mySegmentsPtr) {
- long maxNumUniqueSegment = myGeneLength - mySegmentLength + 1;
- int i;
- uniqueSegmentsPtr = new HashMap((int)myGeneLength);
- /* For finding a matching entry */
- endInfoEntries = new endInfoEntry[maxNumUniqueSegment];
- for (i = 0; i < maxNumUniqueSegment; i++) {
- endInfoEntries[i] = new endInfoEntry(true, 1);
- }
- startHashToConstructEntryTables = new Table[mySegmentLength];
- for (i = 1; i < mySegmentLength; i++) { /* 0 is dummy entry */
- startHashToConstructEntryTables[i] = new Table(myGeneLength);
- }
- segmentLength = mySegmentLength;
- /* For constructing sequence */
- constructEntries = new constructEntry[maxNumUniqueSegment];
- for (i= 0; i < maxNumUniqueSegment; i++) {
- constructEntries[i] = new constructEntry(null, true, 0, null, null, null, 0, segmentLength);
- }
- hashToConstructEntryTable = new Table(myGeneLength);
- segmentsPtr = mySegmentsPtr;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * sequencer_run
- * =============================================================================
- */
- public static void run (long threadNum, long numOfThreads, Random randomPtr, Sequencer sequencerPtr) {
-// long threadId = thread_getId();
- long threadId = threadNum;
-// System.out.println("threadNum: " + threadId);
- Segments segmentsPtr = sequencerPtr.segmentsPtr;
- //Sequencer sequencerPtr = (sequencer_t*)argPtr;
- HashMap uniqueSegmentsPtr = sequencerPtr.uniqueSegmentsPtr;
- endInfoEntry endInfoEntries[] = sequencerPtr.endInfoEntries;
- Table startHashToConstructEntryTables[] = sequencerPtr.startHashToConstructEntryTables;
- constructEntry constructEntries[] = sequencerPtr.constructEntries;
- Table hashToConstructEntryTable = sequencerPtr.hashToConstructEntryTable;
- Vector segmentsContentsPtr = segmentsPtr.contentsPtr;
- long numSegment = segmentsContentsPtr.size();
- long segmentLength = segmentsPtr.length;
- long i;
- long j;
- long i_start;
- long i_stop;
- long numUniqueSegment;
- long substringLength;
- long entryIndex;
- int CHUNK_STEP1 = 12;
- /*
- * Step 1: Remove duplicate segments
- */
-//#if defined(HTM) || defined(STM)
- long numThread = numOfThreads;
- {
- /* Choose disjoint segments [i_start,i_stop) for each thread */
- long partitionSize = (numSegment + numThread/2) / numThread; /* with rounding */
- i_start = threadId * partitionSize;
- if (threadId == (numThread - 1)) {
- i_stop = numSegment;
- } else {
- i_stop = i_start + partitionSize;
- }
- }
-//#else /* !(HTM || STM) */
-// i_start = 0;
-// i_stop = numSegment;
-//#endif /* !(HTM || STM) */
- for (i = i_start; i < i_stop; i+=CHUNK_STEP1) {
-// TM_BEGIN();
- atomic {
- long ii;
- long ii_stop = Math.imin((int)i_stop, (int)(i+CHUNK_STEP1));
- for (ii = i; ii < ii_stop; ii++) {
- String segment = (String)segmentsContentsPtr.elementAt((int)ii);
-// TMHASHTABLE_INSERT(uniqueSegmentsPtr, segment, segment);
-// System.out.print("Placing: " + segment + " into uniqueSegmentsPtr...");
- if(uniqueSegmentsPtr.put(segment, segment) == null) {
-// System.out.println("success!");
- } else {
-// System.out.println("fail, double entry.");
- }
- } /* ii */
- }
-// TM_END();
- }
-// thread_barrier_wait();
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- /*
- * Step 2a: Iterate over unique segments and compute hashes.
- *
- * For the gene "atcg", the hashes for the end would be:
- *
- * "t", "tc", and "tcg"
- *
- * And for the gene "tcgg", the hashes for the start would be:
- *
- * "t", "tc", and "tcg"
- *
- * The names are "end" and "start" because if a matching pair is found,
- * they are the substring of the end part of the pair and the start
- * part of the pair respectively. In the above example, "tcg" is the
- * matching substring so:
- *
- * (end) (start)
- * a[tcg] + [tcg]g = a[tcg]g (overlap = "tcg")
- */
- /* uniqueSegmentsPtr is constant now */
- numUniqueSegment = uniqueSegmentsPtr.size();
- entryIndex = 0;
-//#if defined(HTM) || defined(STM)
- {
- /* Choose disjoint segments [i_start,i_stop) for each thread */
- long num = uniqueSegmentsPtr.size();
-// System.out.println("num: " + num);
- long partitionSize = (num + numThread/2) / numThread; /* with rounding */
- i_start = threadId * partitionSize;
- if (threadId == (numThread - 1)) {
- i_stop = num;
- } else {
- i_stop = i_start + partitionSize;
- }
- }
- {
- /* Approximate disjoint segments of element allocation in constructEntries */
- long partitionSize = (numUniqueSegment + numThread/2) / numThread; /* with rounding */
- entryIndex = threadId * partitionSize;
- }
-//#else /* !(HTM || STM) */
-// i_start = 0;
-// i_stop = uniqueSegmentsPtr.size();
-// entryIndex = 0;
-//#endif /* !(HTM || STM) */
- String uniqueArray[] = new String[uniqueSegmentsPtr.size()];
- int ind = 0;
- HashMapIterator iterarian = uniqueSegmentsPtr.iterator(1);
- String roar;
-// System.out.println("uniqueSegmentsPtr contents: ");
- while(iterarian.hasNext()) {
- roar = (String)iterarian.next();
- uniqueArray[ind++] = roar;
- System.out.println(" " + roar);
- }
- i_stop = Math.imin(ind, (int)i_stop);
- for (i = i_start; i < i_stop; i++) {
- String segment = uniqueArray[(int)i];
-// System.out.println("segment[" + i + "]: " + segment);
- // list_iter_t it;
- // list_iter_reset(&it, chainPtr);
- // while (list_iter_hasNext(&it, chainPtr)) {
- // char* segment = (char*)((pair_t*)list_iter_next(&it, chainPtr))->firstPtr;
- long newj;
- long startHash;
- boolean status;
- /* Find an empty constructEntries entry */
- atomic {
-// TM_BEGIN();
-// while (((void*)TM_SHARED_READ_P(constructEntries[entryIndex].segment)) != NULL) {
- while(constructEntries[(int)entryIndex].segment != null) {
- entryIndex = (entryIndex + 1) % numUniqueSegment; /* look for empty */
- }
-// constructEntryPtr = &constructEntries[entryIndex];
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE_P(constructEntryPtr->segment, segment);
- constructEntries[(int)entryIndex].segment = segment;
-// TM_END();
- }
- constructEntry constructEntryPtr = constructEntries[(int)entryIndex];
- entryIndex = (entryIndex + 1) % numUniqueSegment;
- /*
- * Save hashes (sdbm algorithm) of segment substrings
- *
- * endHashes will be computed for shorter substrings after matches
- * have been made (in the next phase of the code). This will reduce
- * the number of substrings for which hashes need to be computed.
- *
- * Since we can compute startHashes incrementally, we go ahead
- * and compute all of them here.
- */
- /* constructEntryPtr is local now */
- constructEntryPtr.endHash = hashString(segment.substring(1));
- startHash = 0;
- for (newj = 1; newj < segmentLength; newj++) {
- startHash = segment.charAt((int)newj-1) + (startHash << 6) + (startHash << 16) - startHash;
- atomic {
-// TM_BEGIN();
-// status = TMTABLE_INSERT(startHashToConstructEntryTables[j], (ulong_t)startHash, (void*)constructEntryPtr );
- boolean check = startHashToConstructEntryTables[(int)newj].table_insert(startHash, constructEntryPtr);
-// TM_END();
- }
-// assert(status);
- }
- /*
- * For looking up construct entries quickly
- */
- startHash = segment.charAt((int)newj-1) + (startHash << 6) + (startHash << 16) - startHash;
- atomic {
-// TM_BEGIN();
-// status = TMTABLE_INSERT(hashToConstructEntryTable, (ulong_t)startHash, (void*)constructEntryPtr);
- hashToConstructEntryTable.table_insert(startHash, constructEntryPtr);
-// TM_END();
- }
-// assert(status);
- }
- int tempi;
- for(tempi = 0; tempi < 4; tempi++) {
-// System.out.println("constructEntries[" + tempi + "]: " + constructEntries[tempi].segment);
- }
-// thread_barrier_wait();
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- /*
- * Step 2b: Match ends to starts by using hash-based string comparison.
- */
- for (substringLength = segmentLength-1; substringLength > 0; substringLength--) {
- Table startHashToConstructEntryTablePtr = startHashToConstructEntryTables[(int)substringLength];
- LinkedList buckets[] = startHashToConstructEntryTablePtr.buckets;
- long numBucket = startHashToConstructEntryTablePtr.numBucket;
-// System.out.println("Retrieved the buckets.");
- long index_start;
- long index_stop;
-//#if defined(HTM) || defined(STM)
- {
- /* Choose disjoint segments [index_start,index_stop) for each thread */
- long partitionSize = (numUniqueSegment + numThread/2) / numThread; /* with rounding */
- index_start = threadId * partitionSize;
- if (threadId == (numThread - 1)) {
- index_stop = numUniqueSegment;
- } else {
- index_stop = index_start + partitionSize;
- }
- }
-//#else /* !(HTM || STM) */
-// index_start = 0;
-// index_stop = numUniqueSegment;
-//#endif /* !(HTM || STM) */
- index_stop = Math.imin(ind, (int)index_stop);
-// System.out.println("index_start: " + index_start);
-// System.out.println("index_stop: " + index_stop);
- /* Iterating over disjoint itervals in the range [0, numUniqueSegment) */
- for (entryIndex = index_start;
- entryIndex < index_stop;
- entryIndex += endInfoEntries[(int)entryIndex].jumpToNext)
- {
- if (!endInfoEntries[(int)entryIndex].isEnd) {
- continue;
- }
- /* ConstructEntries[entryIndex] is local data */
- constructEntry endConstructEntryPtr = constructEntries[(int)entryIndex];
- String endSegment = endConstructEntryPtr.segment;
- long endHash = endConstructEntryPtr.endHash;
- LinkedList chainPtr = buckets[(int)(endHash % numBucket)]; /* buckets: constant data */
- LinkedListIterator it = (LinkedListIterator)chainPtr.iterator();
- while (it.hasNext()) {
- constructEntry startConstructEntryPtr = (constructEntry)it.next();
- String startSegment = startConstructEntryPtr.segment;
-// System.out.println("startSegment: " + startSegment);
- long newLength = 0;
- /* endConstructEntryPtr is local except for properties startPtr/endPtr/length */
- atomic {
-// TM_BEGIN();
- /* Check if matches */
-// if (TM_SHARED_READ(startConstructEntryPtr->isStart) &&
-// (TM_SHARED_READ_P(endConstructEntryPtr->startPtr) != startConstructEntryPtr) &&
-// (strncmp(startSegment,
-// &endSegment[segmentLength - substringLength],
-// substringLength) == 0))
-// System.out.println("end = " + endSegment);
-// System.out.println("strt= " + startSegment);
-// System.out.println("at " + (segmentLength-substringLength) + " size " + substringLength);
-// System.out.println(startSegment.substring(0, (int)substringLength) + ".compareTo(" + endSegment.substring((int)(segmentLength-substringLength)) + ") == 0: " + (startSegment.substring(0, (int)substringLength).compareTo(endSegment.substring((int)(segmentLength-substringLength))) == 0));
-// System.out.println("startConstructEntryPtr.isStart: " + startConstructEntryPtr.isStart);
-// System.out.println("endConstructEntryPtr.startPtr != startConstructEntryPtr: " + (endConstructEntryPtr.startPtr != startConstructEntryPtr));
- if(startConstructEntryPtr.isStart &&
- (endConstructEntryPtr.startPtr != startConstructEntryPtr) &&
- (startSegment.substring(0, (int)substringLength).compareTo(endSegment.substring((int)(segmentLength-substringLength))) == 0))
- {
-// System.out.println("Match!");
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE(startConstructEntryPtr->isStart, FALSE);
- startConstructEntryPtr.isStart = false;
-// System.out.println("A");
- constructEntry startConstructEntry_endPtr;
- constructEntry endConstructEntry_startPtr;
- /* Update endInfo (appended something so no longer end) */
-// TM_LOCAL_WRITE(endInfoEntries[entryIndex].isEnd, FALSE);
- endInfoEntries[(int)entryIndex].isEnd = false;
-// System.out.println("B");
- /* Update segment chain construct info */
-// startConstructEntry_endPtr = (constructEntry_t*)TM_SHARED_READ_P(startConstructEntryPtr->endPtr);
- startConstructEntry_endPtr = startConstructEntryPtr.endPtr;
-// System.out.println("C");
-// endConstructEntry_startPtr = (constructEntry_t*)TM_SHARED_READ_P(endConstructEntryPtr->startPtr);
- endConstructEntry_startPtr = endConstructEntryPtr.startPtr;
-// System.out.println("D");
-// assert(startConstructEntry_endPtr);
-// assert(endConstructEntry_startPtr);
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE_P(startConstructEntry_endPtr->startPtr, endConstructEntry_startPtr);
-// if(startConstructEntry_endPtr == null) System.out.println("pwnted");
- startConstructEntry_endPtr.startPtr = endConstructEntry_startPtr;
-// System.out.println("E");
-// TM_LOCAL_WRITE_P(endConstructEntryPtr->nextPtr, startConstructEntryPtr);
- endConstructEntryPtr.nextPtr = startConstructEntryPtr;
-// System.out.println("F");
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE_P(endConstructEntry_startPtr->endPtr, startConstructEntry_endPtr);
- endConstructEntry_startPtr.endPtr = startConstructEntry_endPtr;
-// System.out.println("G");
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE(endConstructEntryPtr->overlap, substringLength);
- endConstructEntryPtr.overlap = substringLength;
-// System.out.println("H");
- newLength = endConstructEntry_startPtr.length + startConstructEntryPtr.length - substringLength;
-// TM_SHARED_WRITE(endConstructEntry_startPtr->length, newLength);
-// System.out.println("I");
- endConstructEntry_startPtr.length = newLength;
-// System.out.println("J");
- } else {/* if (matched) */
-// System.out.println("Non match.");
- }
-// TM_END();
- }
- if (!endInfoEntries[(int)entryIndex].isEnd) { /* if there was a match */
-// System.out.println("match means break");
- break;
- }
- } /* iterate over chain */
- } /* for (endIndex < numUniqueSegment) */
-// System.out.println("out of for2");
-// thread_barrier_wait();
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- /*
- * Step 2c: Update jump values and hashes
- *
- * endHash entries of all remaining ends are updated to the next
- * substringLength. Additionally jumpToNext entries are updated such
- * that they allow to skip non-end entries. Currently this is sequential
- * because parallelization did not perform better.
-. */
-// System.out.println("Length: " + constructEntries.length);
-// int ellemeno;
-// for(ellemeno = 0; ellemeno < constructEntries.length; ellemeno++) {
-// System.out.println("construct[" + ellemeno + "]: " + constructEntries[ellemeno].segment + " isStart: " + constructEntries[ellemeno].isStart + " length: " + constructEntries[ellemeno].length + " overlap: " + constructEntries[ellemeno].overlap);
-// }
- if (threadId == 0) {
- if (substringLength > 1) {
- //System.out.println("inside bugginz");
- long index = segmentLength - substringLength + 1;
- /* initialization if j and i: with i being the next end after j=0 */
- for (i = 1; !endInfoEntries[(int)i].isEnd; i+=endInfoEntries[(int)i].jumpToNext) {
- /* find first non-null */
- }
- //System.out.println("post inner for");
- /* entry 0 is handled seperately from the loop below */
- endInfoEntries[0].jumpToNext = i;
- if (endInfoEntries[0].isEnd) {
- String segment = constructEntries[0].segment;
- constructEntries[0].endHash = hashString(segment.substring((int)index));
- }
- //System.out.println("post inner if");
- /* Continue scanning (do not reset i) */
- for (j = 0; i < ind; i+=endInfoEntries[(int)i].jumpToNext) {
- //System.out.print("i: " + i + " ");
- //System.out.print("j: " + j + " ");
- if (endInfoEntries[(int)i].isEnd) {
- //System.out.println("isEnd");
- String segment = constructEntries[(int)i].segment;
- //System.out.println("segment[" + i + "]: " + segment);
- constructEntries[(int)i].endHash = hashString(segment.substring((int)index));
- endInfoEntries[(int)j].jumpToNext = Math.imax((int)1, (int)(i - j));
- j = i;
- }
- //System.out.println("done end");
- }
- endInfoEntries[(int)j].jumpToNext = i - j;
- }
- }
- //System.out.println("past threadId0");
-// thread_barrier_wait();
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- } /* for (substringLength > 0) */
- //System.out.println("Out of for3");
-// thread_barrier_wait();
- Barrier.enterBarrier();
- /*
- * Step 3: Build sequence string
- */
- if (threadId == 0) {
- long totalLength = 0;
-// System.out.println("numUS: " + numUniqueSegment);
-// System.out.println("ind: " + ind);
- //numUniqueSegment
- for (i = 0; i < ind; i++) {
- if (constructEntries[(int)i].isStart) {
- totalLength += constructEntries[(int)i].length;
- }
- }
- //System.out.println("totalLength: " + totalLength);
- String sequence = sequencerPtr.sequence;
- String copyPtr = sequence;
- long sequenceLength = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ind; i++) {
- /* If there are several start segments, we append in arbitrary order */
- constructEntry constructEntryPtr = constructEntries[(int)i];
-// System.out.println("segment[" + i + "]: " + constructEntryPtr.segment);
- if (constructEntryPtr.isStart) {
-// System.out.println("Start new chain...");
- long newSequenceLength = sequenceLength + constructEntryPtr.length;
- long prevOverlap = 0;
-// assert( newSequenceLength <= totalLength );
-// copyPtr = sequence + sequenceLength;
-// sequenceLength = newSequenceLength;
- do {
- long numChar = segmentLength - constructEntryPtr.overlap;
-// if ((copyPtr + numChar) > (sequence + newSequenceLength)) {
-// System.out.print("ERROR: sequence length != actual length\n");
-// break;
-// }
- copyPtr = constructEntryPtr.segment;
-// System.out.println("copyPtr: " + constructEntryPtr.segment);
-// System.out.println("overlap: " + prevOverlap); // OVERLAP MAKESS NOOOO SEEEENNSEEEE
-// System.out.println("length: " + constructEntryPtr.length);
-// System.out.println("numChar: " + numChar);
- if(sequencerPtr.sequence == null) {
-// System.out.println("nulled");
- sequencerPtr.sequence = copyPtr;
- } else {
-// System.out.println("not null, concat");
- sequencerPtr.sequence = sequencerPtr.sequence.concat(copyPtr.substring((int)(prevOverlap)));
- }
-// System.out.println("sequence: " + sequencerPtr.sequence);
- prevOverlap = constructEntryPtr.overlap;
- constructEntryPtr = constructEntryPtr.nextPtr;
- } while (constructEntryPtr != null);
-// assert(copyPtr <= (sequence + sequenceLength));
- }
- }
-// assert(sequence != NULL);
- }
-// System.out.println("Natural run finish.");
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * hashString
- * -- uses sdbm hash function
- * =============================================================================
- */
- static long hashString (String str)
- {
- long hash = 0;
- int index = 0;
- /* Note: Do not change this hashing scheme */
- for(index = 0; index < str.length(); index++) {
- char c = str.charAt(index);
- hash = c + (hash << 6) + (hash << 16) - hash;
- }
- if(hash < 0) hash *= -1;
- return hash;
- }
- /* =============================================================================
- * compareSegment
- * -- For hashtable
- * =============================================================================
- */