--- /dev/null
+structure tile {
+ int terrain;
+ int special;
+ city *city;
+ unit_list units;
+ int known; /* A bitvector on the server side, an
+ enum known_type on the client side.
+ Player_no is index */
+ int sent; /* Indicates if the client know the tile
+ as TILE_KNOWN_NODRAW. A bitvector like known.
+ Not used on the client side. */
+ int assigned; /* these can save a lot of CPU usage -- Syela */
+ city *worked; /* city working tile, or NULL if none */
+ short continent;
+ byte move_cost[8]; /* don't know if this helps! */
+ reserved byte[2]; /* padding */
+structure unit_list {
+ int nelements;
+ genlist_link null_link;
+ genlist_link *head_link;
+ genlist_link *tail_link;
+structure genlist_link {
+ genlist_link *next;
+ genlist_link *prev;
+ int dataptr;
+structure tilegrid {
+ tile grid[map.xsize*map.ysize];
+structure ceff_vector {
+ athing vector;
+structure worklist {
+ int is_valid;
+ byte name[32];
+ int wlefs[16];
+ int wlids[16];
+structure athing {
+ int ptr; /* the data */
+ int size; /* size of one object */
+ int n; /* number most recently requested */
+ int n_alloc; /* total number allocated */
+structure civ_map {
+ int xsize;
+ int ysize;
+ int seed;
+ int riches;
+ bit is_earth;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ int huts;
+ int landpercent;
+ int grasssize;
+ int swampsize;
+ int deserts;
+ int mountains;
+ int riverlength;
+ int forestsize;
+ int generator;
+ int tinyisles;
+ int separatepoles;
+ int num_start_positions;
+ int fixed_start_positions;
+ int have_specials;
+ int have_huts;
+ int have_rivers_overlay;
+ int num_continents;
+ tilegrid *tiles;
+ map_position start_positions[63];
+structure map_position {
+ int x;
+ int y;
+structure city {
+ int id;
+ int owner;
+ int x;
+ int y;
+ byte name[32];
+ int size;
+ int ppl_happy[5];
+ int ppl_content[5];
+ int ppl_unhappy[5];
+ int ppl_angry[5];
+ int ppl_elvis;
+ int ppl_scientist;
+ int ppl_taxman;
+ int trade[4];
+ int trade_value[4];
+ /* the productions */
+ int food_prod;
+ int food_surplus;
+ int shield_prod;
+ int shield_surplus;
+ int trade_prod;
+ int corruption;
+ int tile_trade;
+ int shield_bonus;
+ int tax_bonus;
+ int science_bonus; /* more CPU savings! */
+ /* the totals */
+ int luxury_total;
+ int tax_total;
+ int science_total;
+ /* the physics */
+ int food_stock;
+ int shield_stock;
+ int pollution;
+ /* city can't be incited if INCITE_IMPOSSIBLE_COST */
+ int incite_revolt_cost;
+ bit is_building_unit; /* boolean unit/improvement */
+ reserved byte[3];
+ int currently_building;
+ byte improvements[200];
+ ceff_vector effects;
+ worklist worklist;
+ int city_map[5*5];
+ unit_list units_supported;
+ int steal; /* diplomats steal once; for spies, gets harder */
+ /* turn states */
+ int did_buy;
+ bit did_sell;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ bit is_updated;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ int turn_last_built; /* The last year in which something was built */
+ int turn_changed_target; /* Suffer shield loss at most once per turn */
+ int changed_from_id; /* If changed this turn, what changed from (id) */
+ bit changed_from_is_unit; /* If changed this turn, what changed from (unit?) */
+ reserved byte[3];
+ int disbanded_shields; /* If you disband unit in a city. Count them */
+ int caravan_shields; /* If caravan has helped city to build wonder. */
+ int before_change_shields; /* If changed this turn, shields before penalty */
+ int anarchy; /* anarchy rounds count */
+ int rapture; /* rapture rounds count */
+ bit was_happy;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ bit airlift;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ int original; /* original owner */
+ int city_options; /* bitfield; positions as enum city_options */
+ /* server variable. indicates if the city map is synced with the client. */
+ bit synced;
+ reserved byte[3];
+ /* info for dipl/spy investigation -- used only in client */
+ unit_list info_units_supported;
+ unit_list info_units_present;
+ /* ai_city ai; at end...don't need to actually have*/
+civ_map *map;
\ No newline at end of file