std::vector<ModelAction *> *thrd_last_action;
NodeStack *node_stack;
ModelAction *next_backtrack;
+ /**
+ * @brief The modification order graph
+ *
+ * A direceted acyclic graph recording observations of the modification
+ * order on all the atomic objects in the system. This graph should
+ * never contain any cycles, as that represents a violation of the
+ * memory model (total ordering). This graph really consists of many
+ * disjoint (unconnected) subgraphs, each graph corresponding to a
+ * separate ordering on a distinct object.
+ *
+ * Note that the edges in this graph actually represent the "ordered
+ * after" relation, such that <tt>a --> b</tt> means <tt>a</tt> was
+ * ordered after <tt>b</tt>, or in the traditional sense of
+ * modification order, <tt>b --mo--> a</tt>.
+ */
CycleGraph *mo_graph;
bool failed_promise;