--- /dev/null
+/* pre_scan.jj Process the backslash at the end of line */
+options {
+ STATIC = false;
+package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.grammerParser.preScanner;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+ public class PreScanner {
+ public static void main(String[] argvs)
+ throws ParseException, TokenMgrError {
+ try {
+ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("./grammer/spec.txt");
+ PreScanner preScanner = new PreScanner(fis);
+ String code = preScanner.ProcessEndBackslash();
+ System.out.println(code);
+ System.out.println("Finished!");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+SKIP : {
+ <"\\\n">
+TOKEN : {
+ <ANY: ~[]>
+String ProcessEndBackslash() :
+ StringBuilder sb;
+ String str;
+ { sb = new StringBuilder(); }
+ (str = <ANY>.image { sb.append(str); } )* <EOF>
+ {
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+++ /dev/null
-/* spec-compiler.jj Grammer definition for the specification */
- SPEC constructs:
- Each construct should be embraced by /DOUBLE_STAR ... STAR/ annotation.
- Within there, any line beginning with a "#" is a comment of the annotation.
- Each constrcut should begin with @Begin and end with @End. Otherwise, the
- annotation would be considered as normal comments of the source.
- a) Global construct
- @Begin
- @Options:
- # If LANG is not define, it's C++ by default. C does not support class
- # and template, so if it's defined as C, we should also have a explicit
- # entry point.
- LANG = C;
- @Global_define:
- @DeclareVar:
- @InitVar:
- @DefineFunc:
- ...
- @Interface_cluster:
- ...
- @Happens-before:
- ...
- @End
- b) Interface construct
- @Begin
- @Interface: ...
- @Commit_point_set:
- @Condition: ... (Optional)
- @HB_Condition:
- IDENTIFIER :: <C_CPP_Condition>
- @HB_Condition: ...
- @ID: ... (Optional, use default ID)
- @Check: (Optional)
- ...
- @Action: (Optional)
- # Type here must be a pointer
- @DefineVar: Type var1 = SomeExpression (Optional)
- @Code (Optional)
- ...
- @Post_action: (Optional)
- @Post_check: (Optional)
- @End
- c) Potential commit construct
- @Begin
- @Potential_commit_point_define: ...
- @Label: ...
- @End
- d) Commit point define construct
- @Begin
- @Commit_point_define_check: ...
- @Label: ...
- @End
- OR
- @Begin
- @Commit_point_define: ...
- @Potential_commit_point_label: ...
- @Label: ...
- @End
- e) Entry point construct
- @Begin
- @Entry_point
- @End
- f) Interface define construct
- @Begin
- @Interface_define: <Interface_Name>
- @End
-options {
- STATIC = false;
-package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.grammerParser;
-import java.io.FileInputStream;
-import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
-import java.io.InputStream;
-import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
-import java.util.ArrayList;
-import java.util.HashMap;
-import java.util.HashSet;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.Construct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.GlobalConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.CPDefineConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.CPDefineCheckConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ConditionalInterface;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ActionSubConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ActionSubConstruct.DefineVar;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SequentialDefineSubConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceDefineConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.EntryPointConstruct;
- public class SpecParser {
- public static void main(String[] argvs)
- throws ParseException, TokenMgrError {
- try {
- FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream("./grammer/spec.txt");
- SpecParser parser = new SpecParser(fis);
- parser.ParseSpec();
- System.out.println("Parsing finished!");
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- public static Construct parseSpec(String text)
- throws ParseException, TokenMgrError {
- InputStream input = new ByteArrayInputStream(text.getBytes());
- SpecParser parser = new SpecParser(input);
- return parser.Parse();
- }
- }
-< IN_COMMENT > SKIP : { < ~[] > }
- "*/": DEFAULT
-SKIP : {
- "/*": IN_COMMENT
-SKIP : {
- "/**": IN_SPEC
- <BEGIN: "@Begin">
- <END: "@End">
- <OPTIONS: "@Options:">
- <GLOBAL_DEFINE: "@Global_define:">
- <DECLARE_VAR: "@DeclareVar:">
- <INIT_VAR: "@InitVar:">
- <DEFINE_FUNC: "@DefineFunc:">
- <INTERFACE_CLUSTER: "@Interface_cluster:">
- <HAPPENS_BEFORE: "@Happens_before:">
- <INTERFACE: "@Interface:">
- <COMMIT_POINT_SET: "@Commit_point_set:">
- <ENTRY_POINT: "@Entry_point">
- <INTERFACE_DEFINE: "@Interface_define:">
- <CONDITION: "@Condition:">
- <HB_CONDITION: "@HB_condition:">
- <ID: "@ID:">
- <CHECK: "@Check:">
- <ACTION: "@Action:">
- <DEFINEVAR: "@DefineVar:">
- <CODE: "@Code:">
- <POST_ACTION: "@Post_action:">
- <POST_CHECK: "@Post_check:">
- <POTENTIAL_COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE: "@Potential_commit_point_define:">
- <LABEL: "@Label:">
- <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE_CHECK: "@Commit_point_define_check:">
- <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE: "@Commit_point_define:">
- <POTENTIAL_COMMIT_POINT_LABEL: "@Potential_commit_point_label:">
- " "
- "\n"
- "\r"
- "\r\n"
- "\t"
- // "#" comment for the specification
- <"#" (~["\n", "\r"])* (["\n", "\r"])>
- // "//" comment for the specification
- <"//" (~["\n", "\r"])* (["\n", "\r"])>
-/* Specification & C/C++ shared tokens */
-// Reserved keywords
- <CONST: "const">
- <STRUCT: "struct">
- <TYPENAME: "typename">
- <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
- <#LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z"]>
- <IDENTIFIER: (<LETTER> | "_") (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "_")*>
- <EQUALS: "=">
- <OPEN_PAREN: "{">
- <CLOSE_PAREN: "}">
- <HB_SYMBOL: "->">
- <COMMA: ",">
-/* C/C++ only token*/
- <DOT: ".">
- <STAR: "*">
- <NEGATE: "~">
- <AND: "&">
- <OR: "|">
- <MOD: "%">
- <PLUS: "+">
- <PLUSPLUS: "++">
- <MINUS: "-">
- <MINUSMINUS: "--">
- <DIVIDE: "/">
- <BACKSLASH: "\\">
- <LESS_THAN: "<">
- <LESS_EQUALS: "<=">
- <NOT_EQUALS: "!=">
- <LOGICAL_AND: "&&">
- <LOGICAL_OR: "||">
- <XOR: "^">
- <COLON: ":">
- <SEMI_COLON: ";">
- "\""
- ((~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])
- | ("\\"
- ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
- | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
- | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"]
- ["0"-"7"]
- )
- )
- )*
- "\"">
- "'"
- ((~["'","\\","\n","\r"])
- | ("\\"
- (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
- | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
- | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"]
- ["0"-"7"]
- )
- )
- )
- "'">
- <DECIMAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?
- | <HEX_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?
- | <OCTAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?>
- < #DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* >
- < #HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ >
- < #OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])* >
- (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
- | "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
- | (["0"-"9"])+ <DECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
- | (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]>
- < #DECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
- "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ (".")? <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
- | "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])* "." (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?>
- < #HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["p","P"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
-String Type() :
- String type;
- String str;
- { type = ""; }
- ("const"
- { type = "const"; }
- )?
- (("struct" { type = type + " struct"; })?
- (str = <IDENTIFIER>.image {
- if (!type.equals(""))
- type = type + " " + str;
- else
- type = str;
- }))
- ((str = "const".image {
- if (!type.equals(""))
- type = type + " " + str;
- else
- type = str;
- }) |
- (str = <STAR>.image {
- if (!type.equals(""))
- type = type + " " + str;
- else
- type = str;
- }) |
- (str = <AND>.image {
- if (!type.equals(""))
- type = type + " " + str;
- else
- type = str;
- })
- )*
- {
- return type;
- }
-ArrayList<String> FormalParamList() :
- ArrayList<String> typeParams;
- {
- typeParams = new ArrayList<String>();
- }
- (TypeParam(typeParams) (<COMMA> TypeParam(typeParams))*)?
- {
- System.out.println(typeParams);
- return typeParams;
- }
-void TypeParam(ArrayList<String> typeParams) :
- String type, param;
- (type = Type()) (param = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
- {
- typeParams.add(type);
- typeParams.add(param);
- }
-void ParseSpec() :
-String C_CPP_CODE() :
- StringBuilder text;
- Token t;
- {
- text = new StringBuilder();
- t = new Token();
- }
- (
- (
- t = <CONST> | t = <STRUCT> |
- t = <IDENTIFIER> | t = <EQUALS> | t = <OPEN_PAREN> | t = <CLOSE_PAREN> |
- t = <OPEN_BRACKET> | t = <CLOSE_BRACKET> | t = <HB_SYMBOL> | t = <COMMA> |
- t = <DOT> | t = <STAR> | t = <NEGATE> | t = <EXCLAMATION> | t = <AND> | t = <OR> | t = <MOD> | t = <PLUS> |
- t = <PLUSPLUS> | t = <MINUS> | t = <MINUSMINUS> | t = <DIVIDE> | t = <BACKSLASH> |
- t = <LOGICAL_EQUALS> | t = <NOT_EQUALS> | t = <LOGICAL_AND> | t = <LOGICAL_OR> | t = <XOR> |
- t = <QUESTION_MARK> | t = <COLON> | t = <DOUBLECOLON> |
- )
- {
- text.append(t.image);
- if (t.image.equals(";") || t.image.equals("\\")
- || t.image.equals("{") || t.image.equals("}"))
- text.append("\n");
- else
- text.append(" ");
- }
- )+
- {
- //System.out.println(text);
- return text.toString();
- }
-void Comment() :
-void Parse() :
- C_CPP_CODE() |
- <EOF>
-#include <threads.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include "librace.h"
-#include "model-assert.h"
-#include "my_queue.h"
-#define relaxed memory_order_relaxed
-#define release memory_order_release
-#define acquire memory_order_acquire
-#define MAX_FREELIST 4 /* Each thread can own up to MAX_FREELIST free nodes */
-#define INITIAL_FREE 2 /* Each thread starts with INITIAL_FREE free nodes */
-#define POISON_IDX 0x666
-static unsigned int (*free_lists)[MAX_FREELIST];
-/* Search this thread's free list for a "new" node */
-static unsigned int new_node()
- int i;
- int t = get_thread_num();
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_FREELIST; i++) {
- unsigned int node = load_32(&free_lists[t][i]);
- if (node) {
- store_32(&free_lists[t][i], 0);
- return node;
- }
- }
- /* free_list is empty? */
+int main() {
+ struct pair<int> *p;
+ p -> x = 2
+ + 3 - 3;
+ /**
+ @Begin
+ @Potential_commit_point_define:
+ __ATOMIC_RET__ == true
+ @Label:
+ Enqueue_Success_Point
+ @End
+ */
return 0;
-/* Place this node index back on this thread's free list */
-static void reclaim(unsigned int node)
- int i;
- int t = get_thread_num();
- /* Don't reclaim NULL node */
- for (i = 0; i < MAX_FREELIST; i++) {
- /* Should never race with our own thread here */
- unsigned int idx = load_32(&free_lists[t][i]);
- /* Found empty spot in free list */
- if (idx == 0) {
- store_32(&free_lists[t][i], node);
- return;
- }
- }
- /* free list is full? */
-void init_queue(queue_t *q, int num_threads)
- /*
- @Begin
- @Entry_point
- @End
- */
- int i, j;
- /* Initialize each thread's free list with INITIAL_FREE pointers */
- /* The actual nodes are initialized with poison indexes */
- free_lists = malloc(num_threads * sizeof(*free_lists));
- for (i = 0; i < num_threads; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < INITIAL_FREE; j++) {
- free_lists[i][j] = 2 + i * MAX_FREELIST + j;
- atomic_init(&q->nodes[free_lists[i][j]].next, MAKE_POINTER(POISON_IDX, 0));
- }
- }
- /* initialize queue */
- atomic_init(&q->head, MAKE_POINTER(1, 0));
- atomic_init(&q->tail, MAKE_POINTER(1, 0));
- atomic_init(&q->nodes[1].next, MAKE_POINTER(0, 0));
- @Begin
- @Interface_define: Enqueue
- @End
-void enqueue(queue_t *q, unsigned int val)
- int success = 0;
- unsigned int node;
- pointer tail;
- pointer next;
- pointer tmp;
- node = new_node();
- store_32(&q->nodes[node].value, val);
- tmp = atomic_load_explicit(&q->nodes[node].next, relaxed);
- set_ptr(&tmp, 0); // NULL
- atomic_store_explicit(&q->nodes[node].next, tmp, relaxed);
- while (!success) {
- tail = atomic_load_explicit(&q->tail, acquire);
- next = atomic_load_explicit(&q->nodes[get_ptr(tail)].next, acquire);
- if (tail == atomic_load_explicit(&q->tail, relaxed)) {
- /* Check for uninitialized 'next' */
- MODEL_ASSERT(get_ptr(next) != POISON_IDX);
- if (get_ptr(next) == 0) { // == NULL
- pointer value = MAKE_POINTER(node, get_count(next) + 1);
- success = atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->nodes[get_ptr(tail)].next,
- &next, value, release, release);
- }
- if (!success) {
- unsigned int ptr = get_ptr(atomic_load_explicit(&q->nodes[get_ptr(tail)].next, acquire));
- pointer value = MAKE_POINTER(ptr,
- get_count(tail) + 1);
- int commit_success = 0;
- commit_success = atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->tail,
- &tail, value, release, release);
- /**
- @Begin
- @Potential_commit_point_check: __ATOMIC_RET__ == true
- @Label: Enqueue_Success_Point
- @End
- */
- thrd_yield();
- }
- }
- }
- atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->tail,
- &tail,
- MAKE_POINTER(node, get_count(tail) + 1),
- release, release);
- @Begin
- @Interface_define: Dequeue
- @End
-unsigned int dequeue(queue_t *q)
- unsigned int value;
- int success = 0;
- pointer head;
- pointer tail;
- pointer next;
- while (!success) {
- head = atomic_load_explicit(&q->head, acquire);
- tail = atomic_load_explicit(&q->tail, relaxed);
- next = atomic_load_explicit(&q->nodes[get_ptr(head)].next, acquire);
- if (atomic_load_explicit(&q->head, relaxed) == head) {
- if (get_ptr(head) == get_ptr(tail)) {
- /* Check for uninitialized 'next' */
- MODEL_ASSERT(get_ptr(next) != POISON_IDX);
- if (get_ptr(next) == 0) { // NULL
- return 0; // NULL
- }
- atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->tail,
- &tail,
- MAKE_POINTER(get_ptr(next), get_count(tail) + 1),
- release, release);
- thrd_yield();
- } else {
- value = load_32(&q->nodes[get_ptr(next)].value);
- success = atomic_compare_exchange_strong_explicit(&q->head,
- &head,
- MAKE_POINTER(get_ptr(next), get_count(head) + 1),
- release, release);
- /*
- @Begin
- @Commit_point_define_check: __ATOMIC_RET__ == true
- @Label: Dequeue_Success_Point
- @End
- */
- if (!success)
- thrd_yield();
- }
- }
- }
- reclaim(get_ptr(head));
- return value;
--- /dev/null
+/* spec-compiler.jj Grammer definition for the specification */
+ SPEC constructs:
+ Each construct should be embraced by /DOUBLE_STAR ... STAR/ annotation.
+ Within there, any line beginning with a "#" is a comment of the annotation.
+ Each constrcut should begin with @Begin and end with @End. Otherwise, the
+ annotation would be considered as normal comments of the source.
+ a) Global construct
+ @Begin
+ @Options:
+ # If LANG is not define, it's C++ by default. C does not support class
+ # and template, so if it's defined as C, we should also have a explicit
+ # entry point.
+ LANG = C;
+ @Global_define:
+ @DeclareVar:
+ @InitVar:
+ @DefineFunc:
+ ...
+ @Interface_cluster:
+ ...
+ @Happens-before:
+ ...
+ @End
+ b) Interface construct
+ @Begin
+ @Interface: ...
+ @Commit_point_set:
+ @Condition: ... (Optional)
+ @HB_Condition:
+ IDENTIFIER :: <C_CPP_Condition>
+ @HB_Condition: ...
+ @ID: ... (Optional, use default ID)
+ @Check: (Optional)
+ ...
+ @Action: (Optional)
+ # Type here must be a pointer
+ @DefineVar: Type var1 = SomeExpression (Optional)
+ @Code (Optional)
+ ...
+ @Post_action: (Optional)
+ @Post_check: (Optional)
+ @End
+ c) Potential commit construct
+ @Begin
+ @Potential_commit_point_define: ...
+ @Label: ...
+ @End
+ d) Commit point define construct
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_define_check: ...
+ @Label: ...
+ @End
+ OR
+ @Begin
+ @Commit_point_define: ...
+ @Potential_commit_point_label: ...
+ @Label: ...
+ @End
+ e) Entry point construct
+ @Begin
+ @Entry_point
+ @End
+ f) Interface define construct
+ @Begin
+ @Interface_define: <Interface_Name>
+ @End
+options {
+ STATIC = false;
+package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.grammerParser;
+import java.io.FileInputStream;
+import java.io.FileNotFoundException;
+import java.io.InputStream;
+import java.io.ByteArrayInputStream;
+import java.io.File;
+import java.util.ArrayList;
+import java.util.HashMap;
+import java.util.HashSet;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.Construct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.GlobalConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.CPDefineConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.CPDefineCheckConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ConditionalInterface;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ActionSubConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ActionSubConstruct.DefineVar;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SequentialDefineSubConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceDefineConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.EntryPointConstruct;
+ public class SpecParser {
+ private static ArrayList<String> _content;
+ private static File _file;
+ private static ArrayList<Construct> _constructs;
+ public static void main(String[] argvs)
+ throws ParseException, TokenMgrError {
+ try {
+ File f = new File("./grammer/spec.txt");
+ FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(f);
+ SpecParser parser = new SpecParser(fis);
+ ArrayList<String> content = new ArrayList<String>();
+ ArrayList<Construct> constructs = new ArrayList<Construct>();
+ parser.Parse(f, content, constructs);
+ System.out.println("Parsing finished!");
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public static void ParseFile(File f, ArrayList<String> content, ArrayList<Construct> constructs)
+ throws ParseException, TokenMgrError {
+ try {
+ InputStream input = new FileInputStream(f);
+ SpecParser parser = new SpecParser(input);
+ parser.Parse(f, content, constructs);
+ } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
+ }
+ }
+ public static String stringArray2String(ArrayList<String> content) {
+ StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
+ for (int i = 0; i < content.size(); i++) {
+ sb.append(content.get(i) + "\n");
+ }
+ return sb.toString();
+ }
+ }
+<*> SKIP :
+ " "
+ "\n"
+ "\r"
+ "\r\n"
+ "\t"
+SKIP : {
+ <BEGIN: "@Begin"> : IN_SPEC
+ "*/" : DEFAULT
+SKIP : {
+ "/*": IN_COMMENT
+<*> SKIP : {
+ // "//" comment for the specification
+ <"//" (~["\n", "\r"])* (["\n", "\r"])>
+ "*/": DEFAULT
+ // "#" comment for the specification
+ <"#" (~["\n", "\r"])* (["\n", "\r"])>
+ <END: "@End">
+ <OPTIONS: "@Options:">
+ <GLOBAL_DEFINE: "@Global_define:">
+ <DECLARE_VAR: "@DeclareVar:">
+ <INIT_VAR: "@InitVar:">
+ <DEFINE_FUNC: "@DefineFunc:">
+ <INTERFACE_CLUSTER: "@Interface_cluster:">
+ <HAPPENS_BEFORE: "@Happens_before:">
+ <INTERFACE: "@Interface:">
+ <COMMIT_POINT_SET: "@Commit_point_set:">
+ <ENTRY_POINT: "@Entry_point">
+ <INTERFACE_DEFINE: "@Interface_define:">
+ <CONDITION: "@Condition:">
+ <HB_CONDITION: "@HB_condition:">
+ <ID: "@ID:">
+ <CHECK: "@Check:">
+ <ACTION: "@Action:">
+ <DEFINEVAR: "@DefineVar:">
+ <CODE: "@Code:">
+ <POST_ACTION: "@Post_action:">
+ <POST_CHECK: "@Post_check:">
+ <POTENTIAL_COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE: "@Potential_commit_point_define:">
+ <LABEL: "@Label:">
+ <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE_CHECK: "@Commit_point_define_check:">
+ <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE: "@Commit_point_define:">
+ <POTENTIAL_COMMIT_POINT_LABEL: "@Potential_commit_point_label:">
+/* Specification & C/C++ shared tokens */
+// Reserved keywords
+ <CONST: "const">
+ <STRUCT: "struct">
+ <TYPENAME: "typename">
+ <#DIGIT: ["0"-"9"]>
+ <#LETTER: ["a"-"z", "A"-"Z"]>
+ <IDENTIFIER: (<LETTER> | "_") (<LETTER> | <DIGIT> | "_")*>
+ <POUND: "#">
+ <EQUALS: "=">
+ <OPEN_PAREN: "(">
+ <CLOSE_PAREN: ")">
+ <OPEN_BRACE: "{">
+ <CLOSE_BRACE: "}">
+ <HB_SYMBOL: "->">
+ <COMMA: ",">
+/* C/C++ only token*/
+ <DOT: ".">
+ <STAR: "*">
+ <NEGATE: "~">
+ <AND: "&">
+ <OR: "|">
+ <MOD: "%">
+ <PLUS: "+">
+ <PLUSPLUS: "++">
+ <MINUS: "-">
+ <MINUSMINUS: "--">
+ <DIVIDE: "/">
+ <BACKSLASH: "\\">
+ <LESS_THAN: "<">
+ <LESS_EQUALS: "<=">
+ <NOT_EQUALS: "!=">
+ <LOGICAL_AND: "&&">
+ <LOGICAL_OR: "||">
+ <XOR: "^">
+ <COLON: ":">
+ <SEMI_COLON: ";">
+ "\""
+ ((~["\"","\\","\n","\r"])
+ | ("\\"
+ ( ["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
+ | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
+ | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"]
+ ["0"-"7"]
+ )
+ )
+ )*
+ "\"">
+ "'"
+ ((~["'","\\","\n","\r"])
+ | ("\\"
+ (["n","t","b","r","f","\\","'","\""]
+ | ["0"-"7"] ( ["0"-"7"] )?
+ | ["0"-"3"] ["0"-"7"]
+ ["0"-"7"]
+ )
+ )
+ )
+ "'">
+ <DECIMAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?
+ | <HEX_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?
+ | <OCTAL_LITERAL> (["l","L"])?>
+ < #DECIMAL_LITERAL: ["1"-"9"] (["0"-"9"])* >
+ < #HEX_LITERAL: "0" ["x","X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ >
+ < #OCTAL_LITERAL: "0" (["0"-"7"])* >
+ (["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
+ | "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
+ | (["0"-"9"])+ <DECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
+ | (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]>
+ < #DECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
+ "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ (".")? <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
+ | "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])* "." (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?>
+ < #HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["p","P"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+ >
+ < #SPACE: (" " | "\t")+>
+ < #TO_END_OF_LINE: (~["\n"])+>
+ /* Macro token */
+ <INCLUDE: "#" (<SPACE>)? "include" <SPACE> (<STRING_LITERAL> | "<" (<LETTER> | <DOT>)+ ">")>
+String Type() :
+ String type;
+ String str;
+ { type = ""; }
+ ("const"
+ { type = "const"; }
+ )?
+ (("struct" { type = type + " struct"; })?
+ (str = <IDENTIFIER>.image {
+ if (!type.equals(""))
+ type = type + " " + str;
+ else
+ type = str;
+ }))
+ ((str = "const".image {
+ if (!type.equals(""))
+ type = type + " " + str;
+ else
+ type = str;
+ }) |
+ (str = <STAR>.image {
+ if (!type.equals(""))
+ type = type + " " + str;
+ else
+ type = str;
+ }) |
+ (str = <AND>.image {
+ if (!type.equals(""))
+ type = type + " " + str;
+ else
+ type = str;
+ })
+ )*
+ {
+ return type;
+ }
+ArrayList<String> FormalParamList() :
+ ArrayList<String> typeParams;
+ {
+ typeParams = new ArrayList<String>();
+ }
+ (TypeParam(typeParams) (<COMMA> TypeParam(typeParams))*)?
+ {
+ System.out.println(typeParams);
+ return typeParams;
+ }
+void TypeParam(ArrayList<String> typeParams) :
+ String type, param;
+ (type = Type()) (param = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ {
+ typeParams.add(type);
+ typeParams.add(param);
+ }
+ArrayList<String> C_CPP_CODE() :
+ String text;
+ Token t;
+ boolean newLine = false;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ {
+ text = "";
+ t = new Token();
+ content = new ArrayList<String>();
+ }
+ (
+ (
+ t = <CONST> | t = <STRUCT> | t = <TYPENAME> |
+ t = <IDENTIFIER> | t = <POUND> |
+ (t = <OPEN_BRACE> { newLine = true; } ) |
+ (t = <CLOSE_BRACE> { newLine = true; } ) |
+ t = <EQUALS> | t = <OPEN_PAREN> | t = <CLOSE_PAREN> |
+ | t = <HB_SYMBOL> | t = <COMMA> |
+ t = <DOT> | t = <STAR> | t = <NEGATE> | t = <EXCLAMATION> | t = <AND> | t = <OR> | t = <MOD> | t = <PLUS> |
+ t = <PLUSPLUS> | t = <MINUS> | t = <MINUSMINUS> | t = <DIVIDE> | t = <BACKSLASH> |
+ t = <LOGICAL_EQUALS> | t = <NOT_EQUALS> | t = <LOGICAL_AND> | t = <LOGICAL_OR> | t = <XOR> |
+ t = <QUESTION_MARK> | t = <COLON> | t = <DOUBLECOLON> |
+ (t = <SEMI_COLON> { newLine = true; } )
+ (t = <INCLUDE> { newLine = true; } ) |
+ (t = <DEFINE> { newLine = true; } )
+ )
+ {
+ text = text + " " + t.image;
+ if (newLine) {
+ content.add(text);
+ text = "";
+ newLine = false;
+ }
+ }
+ )+
+ {
+ return content;
+ }
+void Parse(File f, ArrayList<String> content, ArrayList<Construct> constructs) :
+ Construct inst;
+ ArrayList<String> code;
+ {
+ _file = f;
+ _content = content;
+ _constructs = constructs;
+ }
+ ((inst = ParseSpec() { _constructs.add(inst); }) |
+ ((code = C_CPP_CODE()) { _content.addAll(code); })
+ )* <EOF>
+Construct ParseSpec() :
+ Construct res;
+ (
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Global_construct() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Interface() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Potential_commit_point_define() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Commit_point_define() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Commit_point_define_check() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Entry_point() |
+ LOOKAHEAD(2) res = Interface_define()
+ )
+ {
+ //System.out.println(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+GlobalConstruct Global_construct() :
+ GlobalConstruct res;
+ SequentialDefineSubConstruct code;
+ HashMap<String, String> options;
+ String key, value;
+ {
+ res = null;
+ options = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ }
+ ((key = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ (value = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ {
+ if (options.containsKey(key)) {
+ throw new ParseException("Duplicate options!");
+ }
+ options.put(key, value);
+ }
+ )*
+ )?
+ (code = Global_define())
+ { res = new GlobalConstruct(_file, _content.size(), code, options); }
+ (Interface_clusters(res))?
+ (Happens_before(res))?
+ <END>
+ {
+ res.unfoldInterfaceCluster();
+ return res;
+ }
+SequentialDefineSubConstruct Global_define() :
+ String declareVar, initVar, defineFunc;
+ ArrayList<String> code;
+ {
+ declareVar = "";
+ initVar = "";
+ defineFunc = "";
+ }
+ (<DECLARE_VAR> (code = C_CPP_CODE() { declareVar = stringArray2String(code); } ))?
+ (<INIT_VAR> (code = C_CPP_CODE() { initVar = stringArray2String(code); } ))?
+ (<DEFINE_FUNC> (code = C_CPP_CODE() { defineFunc = stringArray2String(code); }))?
+ {
+ SequentialDefineSubConstruct res = new SequentialDefineSubConstruct(declareVar, initVar, defineFunc);
+ //System.out.println(res);
+ return res;
+ }
+ConditionalInterface Conditional_interface() :
+ String interfaceName, hbConditionLabel;
+ {
+ hbConditionLabel = "";
+ }
+ interfaceName = <IDENTIFIER>.image (<OPEN_BRACKET> hbConditionLabel =
+ {
+ return new ConditionalInterface(interfaceName, hbConditionLabel);
+ }
+void Interface_cluster(GlobalConstruct inst) :
+ String clusterName;
+ ConditionalInterface condInterface;
+ (clusterName= <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ (condInterface = Conditional_interface()
+ { inst.addInterface2Cluster(clusterName, condInterface); }
+ )
+ (<COMMA> condInterface = Conditional_interface()
+ { inst.addInterface2Cluster(clusterName, condInterface); }
+ )*
+void Interface_clusters(GlobalConstruct inst) :
+ <INTERFACE_CLUSTER> (Interface_cluster(inst))+
+void Happens_before(GlobalConstruct inst) :
+ ConditionalInterface left, right;
+ (
+ left = Conditional_interface() <HB_SYMBOL> right = Conditional_interface()
+ { inst.addHBCondition(left, right); }
+ )+
+InterfaceConstruct Interface() :
+ InterfaceConstruct res;
+ String interfaceName, condition, idCode, check, postAction,
+ postCheck, commitPoint, hbLabel, hbCondition;
+ ActionSubConstruct action;
+ ArrayList<String> commitPointSet;
+ HashMap<String, String> hbConditions;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ {
+ res = null;
+ action = null;
+ condition = "";
+ idCode = "";
+ check = "";
+ postAction = "";
+ postCheck = "";
+ commitPointSet = new ArrayList<String>();
+ hbConditions = new HashMap<String, String>();
+ }
+ <INTERFACE> (interfaceName = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ (commitPoint = <IDENTIFIER>.image
+ { commitPointSet.add(commitPoint); }
+ )
+ (<OR>
+ (commitPoint = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ {
+ if (commitPointSet.contains(commitPoint)) {
+ throw new ParseException(interfaceName + " has" +
+ "duplicate commit point labels");
+ }
+ commitPointSet.add(commitPoint);
+ }
+ )*
+ (<CONDITION> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { condition = stringArray2String(content); }))?
+ (
+ (hbLabel = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ (content = C_CPP_CODE() { hbCondition = stringArray2String(content); })
+ {
+ if (hbConditions.containsKey(hbLabel)) {
+ throw new ParseException(interfaceName + " has" +
+ "duplicate happens-before condtion labels");
+ }
+ hbConditions.put(hbLabel, hbCondition);
+ }
+ )*
+ (<ID> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { idCode = stringArray2String(content); }))?
+ (<CHECK> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { check = stringArray2String(content); }))?
+ (action = Action())?
+ (<POST_ACTION> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { postAction = stringArray2String(content); }))?
+ (<POST_CHECK> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { postCheck = stringArray2String(content); }))?
+ <END>
+ {
+ res = new InterfaceConstruct(_file, _content.size(), interfaceName, commitPointSet, condition,
+ hbConditions, idCode, check, action, postAction, postCheck);
+ return res;
+ }
+ActionSubConstruct Action() :
+ String type, name, expr, defineVarStr, code;
+ ArrayList<DefineVar> defineVars;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ {
+ defineVars = new ArrayList<DefineVar>();
+ code = "";
+ }
+ (
+ (
+ (<DEFINEVAR> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { defineVarStr = stringArray2String(content); })
+ {
+ int eqIdx = defineVarStr.indexOf('=');
+ int typeEnd = defineVarStr.lastIndexOf(' ', eqIdx - 2);
+ type = defineVarStr.substring(0, typeEnd);
+ name = defineVarStr.substring(typeEnd + 1, eqIdx - 1);
+ expr = defineVarStr.substring(eqIdx + 2);
+ DefineVar defineVar = new DefineVar(type, name, expr);
+ defineVars.add(defineVar);
+ })* (<CODE> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { code = stringArray2String(content); }))? )
+ )
+ {
+ ActionSubConstruct res = new ActionSubConstruct(defineVars, code);
+ return res;
+ }
+PotentialCPDefineConstruct Potential_commit_point_define() :
+ PotentialCPDefineConstruct res;
+ String label, condition;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ { res = null; }
+ <POTENTIAL_COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { condition = stringArray2String(content); })
+ <LABEL> (label = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ <END>
+ {
+ res = new PotentialCPDefineConstruct(_file, _content.size(), label, condition);
+ return res;
+ }
+CPDefineConstruct Commit_point_define() :
+ CPDefineConstruct res;
+ String label, potentialCPLabel, condition;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ { res = null; }
+ <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { condition = stringArray2String(content); })
+ <LABEL> (label = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ <END>
+ {
+ res = new CPDefineConstruct(_file, _content.size(), label, potentialCPLabel, condition);
+ return res;
+ }
+CPDefineCheckConstruct Commit_point_define_check() :
+ CPDefineCheckConstruct res;
+ String label, condition;
+ ArrayList<String> content;
+ { res = null; }
+ <COMMIT_POINT_DEFINE_CHECK> (content = C_CPP_CODE() { condition = stringArray2String(content); })
+ <LABEL> (label = <IDENTIFIER>.image)
+ <END>
+ {
+ res = new CPDefineCheckConstruct(_file, _content.size(), label, condition);
+ return res;
+ }
+EntryPointConstruct Entry_point() :
+ <END>
+ {
+ return new EntryPointConstruct(_file, _content.size());
+ }
+InterfaceDefineConstruct Interface_define() :
+ String name;
+ <END>
+ {
+ return new InterfaceDefineConstruct(_file, _content.size(), name);
+ }
-mkdir -p $OUTPUT_PATH
-if [ -z $1 ]; then
- echo "Using the default grammer file: $GRAMMER_FILE."
echo "Deleting the old generated java files."
-rm $OUTPUT_PATH/*.java
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SequentialDefineSubConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecExtractor;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecNotMatchException;
* <p>
_extractor = new SpecExtractor();
- try {
- _extractor.extract(srcFiles);
- } catch (SpecNotMatchException e1) {
- e1.printStackTrace();
- }
+ _extractor.extract(srcFiles);
_semantics = new SemanticsChecker(_extractor.getConstructs());
try {
* "@Interface" define
* </p>
- private void globalConstruct2Code(SpecConstruct inst) {
- GlobalConstruct construct = (GlobalConstruct) inst.construct;
+ private void globalConstruct2Code(GlobalConstruct construct) {
ArrayList<String> newCode = CodeVariables.generateGlobalVarDeclaration(
_semantics, construct);
// Record the global content array to generate the new file
// Mainly rename and wrap the interface
- private void interface2Code(SpecConstruct inst)
+ private void interface2Code(InterfaceConstruct construct)
throws InterfaceWrongFormatException {
- int lineNum = inst.endLineNum + 1;
- InterfaceConstruct construct = (InterfaceConstruct) inst.construct;
+ int lineNum = construct.begin + 1;
// Rename the interface name
File file = inst.file;
String funcDecl = inst.interfaceDeclBody;
// Generate new wrapper
- ArrayList<String> newCode = CodeVariables.generateInterfaceWrapper(_semantics, inst);
+ ArrayList<String> newCode = CodeVariables.generateInterfaceWrapper(
+ _semantics, inst);
// Add it to the codeAdditions
CodeAddition addition = new CodeAddition(lineNum, newCode);
if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(inst.file)) {
// Returns the function name that has been renamed and replace the old line
- private String renameInterface(SpecConstruct inst)
+ private String renameInterface(Construct inst)
throws InterfaceWrongFormatException {
String funcDecl = inst.interfaceDeclBody;
ArrayList<String> content = contents.get(inst.file);
IDExtractor idExtractor = new IDExtractor(funcDecl, beginIdx);
String funcName = idExtractor.getPrevID();
- int idBeginIdx = idExtractor.getIDBeginIdx(),
- idEndIdx = idExtractor.getIDEndIdx(),
- idLineBeginIdx = idExtractor.lineBeginIdxOfID(),
- idLineEndIdx = idExtractor.lineEndIdxOfID();
+ int idBeginIdx = idExtractor.getIDBeginIdx(), idEndIdx = idExtractor
+ .getIDEndIdx(), idLineBeginIdx = idExtractor.lineBeginIdxOfID(), idLineEndIdx = idExtractor
+ .lineEndIdxOfID();
String newLine = funcDecl.substring(idLineBeginIdx, idBeginIdx)
+ CodeVariables.SPEC_INTERFACE_WRAPPER + funcName
+ funcDecl.substring(idEndIdx + 1, idLineEndIdx + 1);
int lineNumOfID = idExtractor.lineNumOfID();
// Be careful: lineNum - 1 -> index of content array
content.set(inst.endLineNum + lineNumOfID, newLine);
return funcName;
- private void potentialCP2Code(SpecConstruct inst) {
- int lineNum = inst.endLineNum + 1;
- GlobalConstruct construct = (GlobalConstruct) inst.construct;
+ private void potentialCPDefine2Code(PotentialCPDefineConstruct construct) {
+ int lineNum = construct.beginLineNum;
ArrayList<String> newCode = new ArrayList<String>();
CodeAddition addition = new CodeAddition(lineNum, newCode);
- if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(inst.file)) {
- codeAdditions.put(inst.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
+ if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(construct.file)) {
+ codeAdditions.put(construct.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
- codeAdditions.get(inst.file).add(addition);
+ codeAdditions.get(construct.file).add(addition);
- private void CPDefine2Code(SpecConstruct inst) {
- int lineNum = inst.endLineNum + 1;
- GlobalConstruct construct = (GlobalConstruct) inst.construct;
+ private void CPDefine2Code(CPDefineConstruct construct) {
+ int lineNum = construct.beginLineNum;
ArrayList<String> newCode = new ArrayList<String>();
CodeAddition addition = new CodeAddition(lineNum, newCode);
- if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(inst.file)) {
- codeAdditions.put(inst.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
+ if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(construct.file)) {
+ codeAdditions.put(construct.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
- codeAdditions.get(inst.file).add(addition);
+ codeAdditions.get(construct.file).add(addition);
- private void CPDefineCheck2Code(SpecConstruct inst) {
- int lineNum = inst.endLineNum + 1;
- GlobalConstruct construct = (GlobalConstruct) inst.construct;
+ private void CPDefineCheck2Code(CPDefineCheckConstruct construct) {
+ int lineNum = construct.beginLineNum;
ArrayList<String> newCode = new ArrayList<String>();
CodeAddition addition = new CodeAddition(lineNum, newCode);
- if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(inst.file)) {
- codeAdditions.put(inst.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
+ if (!codeAdditions.containsKey(construct.file)) {
+ codeAdditions.put(construct.file, new ArrayList<CodeAddition>());
- codeAdditions.get(inst.file).add(addition);
+ codeAdditions.get(construct.file).add(addition);
public void generateCode() {
for (int i = 0; i < _semantics.constructs.size(); i++) {
- SpecConstruct inst = _semantics.constructs.get(i);
- Construct construct = inst.construct;
+ Construct construct = _semantics.constructs.get(i);
if (construct instanceof GlobalConstruct) {
- globalConstruct2Code(inst);
+ globalConstruct2Code((GlobalConstruct) construct);
} else if (construct instanceof InterfaceConstruct) {
try {
- interface2Code(inst);
+ interface2Code((InterfaceConstruct) construct);
} catch (InterfaceWrongFormatException e) {
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SequentialDefineSubConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecExtractor;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.ActionSubConstruct.DefineVar;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecConstruct;
+import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecExtractor;
public class CodeVariables {
// C++ code or library
// DefineVar declaration
for (String interfaceName : semantics.interfaceName2Construct.keySet()) {
InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) semantics.interfaceName2Construct
- .get(interfaceName).construct;
+ .get(interfaceName);
ArrayList<DefineVar> defineVars = iConstruct.action.defineVars;
if (defineVars.size() > 0) {
newCode.add(COMMENT("DefineVar in " + interfaceName));
newCode.add(COMMENT("Init DefineVars"));
for (String interfaceName : semantics.interfaceName2Construct.keySet()) {
InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) semantics.interfaceName2Construct
- .get(interfaceName).construct;
+ .get(interfaceName);
ArrayList<DefineVar> defineVars = iConstruct.action.defineVars;
if (defineVars.size() > 0) {
newCode.add(COMMENT("DefineVar in " + interfaceName));
public static ArrayList<String> generateInterfaceWrapper(
- SemanticsChecker semantics, SpecConstruct inst) {
- InterfaceConstruct construct = (InterfaceConstruct) inst.construct;
+ SemanticsChecker semantics, InterfaceConstruct construct) {
ArrayList<String> newCode = new ArrayList<String>();
- String funcDecl = inst.interfaceDeclBody.substring(0,
- inst.interfaceDeclBody.indexOf(')') + 1);
+ String funcDecl = construct.interfaceDeclBody.substring(0,
+ construct.interfaceDeclBody.indexOf(')') + 1);
String returnType = getFuncReturnType(funcDecl), funcName = getFuncName(funcDecl), renamedFuncName = SPEC_INTERFACE_WRAPPER
+ funcName;
ArrayList<String> args = getFuncArgs(funcDecl);
public static ArrayList<String> generatePotentialCPDefine(
- SemanticsChecker semantics, SpecConstruct inst) {
- PotentialCPDefineConstruct construct = (PotentialCPDefineConstruct) inst.construct;
+ SemanticsChecker semantics, PotentialCPDefineConstruct construct) {
ArrayList<String> newCode = new ArrayList<String>();
// Generate redundant header files
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.InterfaceDefineConstruct;
import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.PotentialCPDefineConstruct;
-import edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction.SpecConstruct;
public class SemanticsChecker {
- public final ArrayList<SpecConstruct> constructs;
- public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> CPLabel2Construct;
- public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> potentialCPLabel2Construct;
- public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> interfaceName2Construct;
- public final HashMap<String, SpecConstruct> interfaceName2DefineConstruct;
+ public final ArrayList<Construct> constructs;
+ public final HashMap<String, Construct> CPLabel2Construct;
+ public final HashMap<String, Construct> potentialCPLabel2Construct;
+ public final HashMap<String, Construct> interfaceName2Construct;
+ public final HashMap<String, Construct> interfaceName2DefineConstruct;
public final HashMap<String, ArrayList<InterfaceConstruct>> CPLabel2InterfaceConstruct;
public final HashSet<DefineVar> defineVars;
private HashMap<String, String> options;
private HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>> hbConditions;
- private SpecConstruct entryPointConstruct;
+ private Construct entryPointConstruct;
private int _interfaceNum;
private int _hbLabelNum;
private int _commitPointNum;
- public SemanticsChecker(ArrayList<SpecConstruct> constructs) {
+ public SemanticsChecker(ArrayList<Construct> constructs) {
this.constructs = constructs;
- this.CPLabel2Construct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
- this.potentialCPLabel2Construct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
- this.interfaceName2Construct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
- this.interfaceName2DefineConstruct = new HashMap<String, SpecConstruct>();
+ this.CPLabel2Construct = new HashMap<String, Construct>();
+ this.potentialCPLabel2Construct = new HashMap<String, Construct>();
+ this.interfaceName2Construct = new HashMap<String, Construct>();
+ this.interfaceName2DefineConstruct = new HashMap<String, Construct>();
this.CPLabel2InterfaceConstruct = new HashMap<String, ArrayList<InterfaceConstruct>>();
this.defineVars = new HashSet<DefineVar>();
this.entryPointConstruct = null;
+ "\"!");
} else if (!label.equals("")) {
InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) interfaceName2Construct
- .get(interfaceName).construct;
+ .get(interfaceName);
if (!iConstruct.hbConditions.containsKey(label)) {
throw new SemanticsCheckerException("Interface "
+ interfaceName + " doesn't contain HB_codition: "
boolean hasGlobalConstruct = false;
// First grab the information from the interface
for (int i = 0; i < constructs.size(); i++) {
- Construct inst = constructs.get(i).construct;
+ Construct inst = constructs.get(i);
if (inst instanceof InterfaceConstruct) {
InterfaceConstruct iConstruct = (InterfaceConstruct) inst;
if (interfaceName2Construct.containsKey(iConstruct.name)) {
String label;
for (int i = 0; i < constructs.size(); i++) {
- SpecConstruct inst = constructs.get(i);
- Construct construct = inst.construct;
+ Construct construct = constructs.get(i);
if (construct instanceof GlobalConstruct) {
GlobalConstruct theConstruct = (GlobalConstruct) construct;
if (!hasGlobalConstruct)
// Number the commit_point label
commitPointLabel2Num.put(label, _commitPointNum++);
- potentialCPLabel2Construct.put(label, inst);
+ potentialCPLabel2Construct.put(label, construct);
} else if (construct instanceof CPDefineCheckConstruct) {
CPDefineCheckConstruct theConstruct = (CPDefineCheckConstruct) construct;
label = theConstruct.label;
// Number the commit_point label
commitPointLabel2Num.put(label, _commitPointNum++);
- CPLabel2Construct.put(label, inst);
+ CPLabel2Construct.put(label, construct);
} else if (construct instanceof CPDefineConstruct) {
CPDefineConstruct theConstruct = (CPDefineConstruct) construct;
label = theConstruct.label;
// Number the commit_point label
commitPointLabel2Num.put(label, _commitPointNum++);
- CPLabel2Construct.put(label, inst);
+ CPLabel2Construct.put(label, construct);
} else if (construct instanceof EntryPointConstruct) {
if (entryPointConstruct != null) {
throw new SemanticsCheckerException(
"More than one entry point!");
- entryPointConstruct = inst;
+ entryPointConstruct = construct;
} else if (construct instanceof InterfaceDefineConstruct) {
InterfaceDefineConstruct theConstruct = (InterfaceDefineConstruct) construct;
String name = theConstruct.name;
throw new SemanticsCheckerException(
"Interface define label duplicates!");
- interfaceName2DefineConstruct.put(name, inst);
+ interfaceName2DefineConstruct.put(name, construct);
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
public class CPDefineCheckConstruct extends Construct {
public final String label;
public final String condition;
- public CPDefineCheckConstruct(String label, String condition) {
+ public CPDefineCheckConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum, String label,
+ String condition) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.label = label;
this.condition = condition;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
public class CPDefineConstruct extends Construct {
public final String label;
public final String potentialCPLabel;
public final String condition;
- public CPDefineConstruct(String label, String potentialCPLabel, String condition) {
+ public CPDefineConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum, String label,
+ String potentialCPLabel, String condition) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.label = label;
this.potentialCPLabel = potentialCPLabel;
this.condition = condition;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
* <p>
* This is just an abstract class for all the constructs.
* </p>
+ *
* @author peizhaoo
- *
+ *
abstract public class Construct {
+ public final File file;
+ public final int beginLineNum;
+ public final String interfaceDeclBody;
+ public Construct(File file, int beginLineNum) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.beginLineNum = beginLineNum;
+ this.interfaceDeclBody = "";
+ }
+ public Construct(File file, int beginLineNum, String interfaceDeclBody) {
+ this.file = file;
+ this.beginLineNum = beginLineNum;
+ this.interfaceDeclBody = interfaceDeclBody;
+ }
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
public class EntryPointConstruct extends Construct {
+ public EntryPointConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
+ }
public String toString() {
return "@Entry_point";
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
private final HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>> originalHBRelations;
public final HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>> hbRelations;
public final HashMap<String, String> options;
- public GlobalConstruct(SequentialDefineSubConstruct code, HashMap<String, String> options) {
+ public GlobalConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum,
+ SequentialDefineSubConstruct code, HashMap<String, String> options) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.code = code;
this.interfaceCluster = new HashMap<String, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>>();
this.originalHBRelations = new HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>>();
this.hbRelations = new HashMap<ConditionalInterface, HashSet<ConditionalInterface>>();
this.options = options;
- public void addInterface2Cluster(String clusterName, ConditionalInterface condInterface) {
+ public void addInterface2Cluster(String clusterName,
+ ConditionalInterface condInterface) {
if (!interfaceCluster.containsKey(clusterName)) {
- interfaceCluster.put(clusterName, new HashSet<ConditionalInterface>());
+ interfaceCluster.put(clusterName,
+ new HashSet<ConditionalInterface>());
HashSet<ConditionalInterface> set = interfaceCluster.get(clusterName);
- public void addHBCondition(ConditionalInterface left, ConditionalInterface right) {
+ public void addHBCondition(ConditionalInterface left,
+ ConditionalInterface right) {
if (!originalHBRelations.containsKey(left)) {
originalHBRelations.put(left, new HashSet<ConditionalInterface>());
HashSet<ConditionalInterface> set = originalHBRelations.get(left);
- private void addUnfoldedHBCondition(ConditionalInterface left, ConditionalInterface right) {
+ private void addUnfoldedHBCondition(ConditionalInterface left,
+ ConditionalInterface right) {
if (!hbRelations.containsKey(left)) {
hbRelations.put(left, new HashSet<ConditionalInterface>());
HashSet<ConditionalInterface> set = hbRelations.get(left);
- private HashSet<ConditionalInterface> getByName(ConditionalInterface condInterface) {
+ private HashSet<ConditionalInterface> getByName(
+ ConditionalInterface condInterface) {
if (interfaceCluster.containsKey(condInterface.interfaceName))
return interfaceCluster.get(condInterface.interfaceName);
HashSet<ConditionalInterface> res = new HashSet<ConditionalInterface>();
return res;
public void unfoldInterfaceCluster() {
for (ConditionalInterface left : originalHBRelations.keySet()) {
- HashSet<ConditionalInterface> rights = originalHBRelations.get(left);
+ HashSet<ConditionalInterface> rights = originalHBRelations
+ .get(left);
for (ConditionalInterface right : rights) {
- HashSet<ConditionalInterface> leftCondInterfaces = getByName(left),
- rightCondInterfaces = getByName(right);
+ HashSet<ConditionalInterface> leftCondInterfaces = getByName(left), rightCondInterfaces = getByName(right);
for (ConditionalInterface l : leftCondInterfaces) {
for (ConditionalInterface r : rightCondInterfaces) {
addUnfoldedHBCondition(l, r);
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("GlobalConstruct:\n");
for (ConditionalInterface left : hbRelations.keySet()) {
HashSet<ConditionalInterface> rights = hbRelations.get(left);
return sb.toString();
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
public final String postAction;
public final String postCheck;
- public InterfaceConstruct(String name, ArrayList<String> commitPointSet,
- String condition, HashMap<String, String> hbConditions, String idCode,
- String check, ActionSubConstruct action, String postAction, String postCheck) {
+ public InterfaceConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum, String name,
+ ArrayList<String> commitPointSet, String condition,
+ HashMap<String, String> hbConditions, String idCode, String check,
+ ActionSubConstruct action, String postAction, String postCheck) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.name = name;
this.commitPointSet = commitPointSet;
this.condition = condition;
this.postAction = postAction;
this.postCheck = postCheck;
public String toString() {
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("InterfaceConstruct:\n");
sb.append("@Interface: " + name + "\n");
sb.append(postAction + "\n");
sb.append("@Post_check: " + postCheck + "\n");
return sb.toString();
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
public class InterfaceDefineConstruct extends Construct {
public final String name;
private String funcDecl;
- public InterfaceDefineConstruct(String name) {
+ public InterfaceDefineConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum, String name) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.name = name;
public String toString() {
return "@Interface_define: " + name;
package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
+import java.io.File;
public class PotentialCPDefineConstruct extends Construct {
public final String label;
public final String condition;
- public PotentialCPDefineConstruct(String label, String condition) {
+ public PotentialCPDefineConstruct(File file, int beginLineNum,
+ String label, String condition) {
+ super(file, beginLineNum);
this.label = label;
this.condition = condition;
public String toString() {
StringBuffer res = new StringBuffer();
+++ /dev/null
-package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
-import java.io.File;
- * <p>
- * This class represents the plain context for each specification construct.
- * Besides, it also stores some useful information such as interfaceDeclBody,
- * which is used in @Interface construct to wrap and rename interface calls.
- * </p>
- * @author peizhaoo
- *
- */
-public class SpecConstruct {
- public final String plainText;
- public final File file;
- public final int beginLineNum;
- public final int endLineNum;
- public final String interfaceDeclBody;
- public final Construct construct;
- public SpecConstruct(String plainText, File file,
- int beginLineNum, int endLineNum, Construct construct) {
- this.plainText = plainText;
- this.file = file;
- this.beginLineNum = beginLineNum;
- this.endLineNum = endLineNum;
- this.construct = construct;
- this.interfaceDeclBody = "";
- }
- public SpecConstruct(String plainText, File file,
- int beginLineNum, int endLineNum, Construct construct,
- String interfaceDeclBody) {
- this.plainText = plainText;
- this.file = file;
- this.beginLineNum = beginLineNum;
- this.endLineNum = endLineNum;
- this.construct = construct;
- this.interfaceDeclBody = interfaceDeclBody;
- }
- public String toString() {
- StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
- sb.append("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath() + "\n");
- sb.append("Begin: "
- + beginLineNum + " End: " + endLineNum + "\n");
- sb.append(construct);
- if (construct instanceof InterfaceConstruct
- || construct instanceof InterfaceDefineConstruct) {
- sb.append("Function declaration: " + interfaceDeclBody);
- }
- return sb.toString();
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
-public class SpecConstructInfo {
public class SpecExtractor {
- private ArrayList<SpecConstruct> _constructs;
+ private ArrayList<Construct> _constructs;
private int _beginLineNum, _endLineNum;
private String _beginLine;
public SpecExtractor() {
- _constructs = new ArrayList<SpecConstruct>();
+ _constructs = new ArrayList<Construct>();
+ }
+ ArrayList<Construct> getConstructs() {
+ return this._constructs;
* @param files
* @throws SpecNotMatchException
- public void extract(File[] files) throws SpecNotMatchException {
+ public void extract(File[] files) {
for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
- public void extract(File file) throws SpecNotMatchException {
+ public void extract(File file) {
StringBuilder specText = new StringBuilder();
- try {
- LineNumberReader reader = new LineNumberReader(new FileReader(file));
- String prevLine = "", curLine, trimedLine, funcDecl;
- SpecConstruct specConstruct;
- boolean foundHead = false;
- while ((curLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- if (prevLine.endsWith("\\"))
- continue;
- trimedLine = trimSpace(curLine);
- if (!foundHead) {
- if (trimedLine.startsWith("/**")) {
- _beginLineNum = reader.getLineNumber();
- _beginLine = curLine;
- foundHead = true;
- specText.append("\n");
- specText.append(curLine);
- if (trimedLine.endsWith("*/")) {
- _endLineNum = reader.getLineNumber();
- foundHead = false;
- if (isComment(specText.toString()))
- continue;
- Construct inst = SpecParser.parseSpec(specText
- .toString());
- if (inst instanceof InterfaceConstruct
- || inst instanceof InterfaceDefineConstruct) {
- funcDecl = readFunctionDecl(reader);
- specConstruct = new SpecConstruct(
- specText.toString(), file,
- _beginLineNum, _endLineNum, inst,
- funcDecl);
- } else {
- specConstruct = new SpecConstruct(
- specText.toString(), file,
- _beginLineNum, _endLineNum, inst);
- }
- _constructs.add(specConstruct);
- specText = new StringBuilder();
- // System.out.println(specConstruct);
- }
- }
- } else {
- specText.append("\n");
- specText.append(curLine);
- if (trimedLine.endsWith("*/")) {
- _endLineNum = reader.getLineNumber();
- foundHead = false;
- if (isComment(specText.toString())) {
- specText = new StringBuilder();
- continue;
- }
- Construct inst = SpecParser.parseSpec(specText
- .toString());
- if (inst instanceof InterfaceConstruct
- || inst instanceof InterfaceDefineConstruct) {
- funcDecl = readFunctionDecl(reader);
- specConstruct = new SpecConstruct(
- specText.toString(), file, _beginLineNum,
- _endLineNum, inst, funcDecl);
- } else {
- specConstruct = new SpecConstruct(
- specText.toString(), file, _beginLineNum,
- _endLineNum, inst);
- }
- _constructs.add(specConstruct);
- specText = new StringBuilder();
- // System.out.println(specConstruct);
- }
- }
- }
- // At the end we can only find the head "/**" but no tail found
- if (foundHead) {
- String msg = "In file \"" + file.getAbsolutePath()
- + "\", line: " + _beginLineNum + "\n" + _beginLine
- + "\n" + "Can't find matching spec.";
- throw new SpecNotMatchException(msg);
- }
- } catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (IOException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (ParseException e) {
- printSpecInfo(file, specText.toString());
- e.printStackTrace();
- } catch (TokenMgrError e) {
- printSpecInfo(file, specText.toString());
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
- private void printSpecInfo(File file, String text) {
- System.out.println("Error in spec!");
- System.out.println("File: " + file.getAbsolutePath());
- System.out.println("Begin: " + _beginLineNum + " End: " + _endLineNum);
- System.out.println(text);
- }
- private boolean isComment(String specText) {
- if (specText.indexOf("@Begin") != -1)
- return false;
- return true;
- }
- private String readFunctionDecl(LineNumberReader reader) throws IOException {
- String res = "", curLine;
- while ((curLine = reader.readLine()) != null) {
- int braceIdx = curLine.indexOf(')');
- if (braceIdx == -1) {
- res = res + " " + curLine;
- } else {
- res = res + curLine;
- break;
- }
- }
- return res;
public static String trimSpace(String line) {
return line.substring(i, j + 1);
- public ArrayList<SpecConstruct> getConstructs() {
- return this._constructs;
- }
- public static void main(String[] argvs) {
- SpecExtractor extractor = new SpecExtractor();
- File file = new File("./grammer/spec1.txt");
- try {
- extractor.extract(file);
- } catch (SpecNotMatchException e) {
- e.printStackTrace();
- }
- }
+++ /dev/null
-package edu.uci.eecs.specCompiler.specExtraction;
-import java.io.File;
-public class SpecNotMatchException extends Exception {
- public SpecNotMatchException(String msg) {
- super(msg);
- }
+++ /dev/null
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stddef.h>
-struct pair {
- int x, y;
-int func() {
- return 3;
-int main() {
- int b;
- b = (int a = func());
- return 0;