int classDefLine = mapDescToDefinitionLine.get(cd);
Vector<String> sourceVec = mapFileNameToLineVector.get(sourceFileName);
if (locInfo == null) {
locInfo = getLocationInfo(cd);
while (!toAnalyzeMethodIsEmpty()) {
MethodDescriptor md = toAnalyzeMethodNext();
+ if (!ssjava.needTobeAnnotated(md)) {
+ continue;
+ }
SSJavaLattice<String> methodLattice = md2lattice.get(md);
if (methodLattice != null) {
generateVarDeclaration((VarDescriptor) localVarDesc));
- System.out.println("#methodDefStr=" + methodDefStr + " localVar="
- + generateVarDeclaration((VarDescriptor) localVarDesc) + " idx=" + idx);
assert (idx != -1);
String annoatedStr =
private String generateLocationAnnoatation(CompositeLocation loc) {
String rtr = "";
// method location
Location methodLoc = loc.get(0);
// dependency in the call graph
- descriptorListToAnalyze.removeFirst();
+ // descriptorListToAnalyze.removeFirst();
Set<MethodDescriptor> methodDescriptorToVistSet = new HashSet<MethodDescriptor>();
// do fixed-point analysis
+ ssjava.init();
LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> descriptorListToAnalyze = ssjava.getSortedDescriptors();
Collections.sort(descriptorListToAnalyze, new Comparator<MethodDescriptor>() {
+ descriptorListToAnalyze = ssjava.getSortedDescriptors();
+ for (Iterator iterator = descriptorListToAnalyze.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ MethodDescriptor md = (MethodDescriptor);
+ calculateExtraLocations(md);
+ }
private void setMethodLocInfo(MethodDescriptor md, MethodLocationInfo methodInfo) {
if (!md1.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
// add return value location
- CompositeLocation rtrLoc1 =
- new CompositeLocation(new Location(md1, locInfo1.getReturnLocName()));
- CompositeLocation rtrLoc2 =
- new CompositeLocation(new Location(md2, locInfo2.getReturnLocName()));
+ CompositeLocation rtrLoc1 = getMethodLocationInfo(md1).getReturnLoc();
+ CompositeLocation rtrLoc2 = getMethodLocationInfo(md2).getReturnLoc();
// value flow between local var - local var or local var - field
addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode, dstNode);
- // else if (srcNodeTuple.size() == 1 || dstNodeTuple.size() == 1) {
- // // for the method lattice, we need to look at the first element of
- // // NTuple<Descriptor>
- // // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
- // addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode,
- // dstNode);
- // } else {
- // if
- // (!srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0).equals(dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0)))
- // {
- // // in this case, take a look at connected nodes at the local level
- // addRelationToLattice(md, methodLattice, methodInfo, srcNode,
- // dstNode);
- // } else {
- // Descriptor srcDesc = srcNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
- // Descriptor dstDesc = dstNode.getDescTuple().get(0);
- // recursivelyAddCompositeRelation(md, fg, methodInfo, srcNode,
- // dstNode, srcDesc,
- // dstDesc);
- // // recursiveAddRelationToLattice(1, md, srcNode, dstNode);
- // }
- // }
+ }
+ private void calculateExtraLocations(MethodDescriptor md) {
+ // calcualte pcloc, returnloc,...
+ System.out.println("#calculateExtraLocations=" + md);
+ SSJavaLattice<String> methodLattice = getMethodLattice(md);
+ MethodLocationInfo methodInfo = getMethodLocationInfo(md);
+ FlowGraph fg = getFlowGraph(md);
+ Set<FlowNode> nodeSet = fg.getNodeSet();
for (Iterator iterator = nodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
FlowNode flowNode = (FlowNode);
if (flowNode.isDeclaratonNode()) {
Map<Integer, CompositeLocation> mapParamToLoc = methodInfo.getMapParamIdxToInferLoc();
Set<Integer> keySet = mapParamToLoc.keySet();
- if (!ssjava.getMethodContainingSSJavaLoop().equals(md)) {
- // calculate the initial program counter location
- // PC location is higher than location types of all parameters
- String pcLocSymbol = "PCLOC";
- for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Integer paramIdx = (Integer);
- CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
- String paramLocLocalSymbol = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
- if (!methodLattice.isGreaterThan(pcLocSymbol, paramLocLocalSymbol)) {
- addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, pcLocSymbol, paramLocLocalSymbol);
- Set<String> higherLocSet = getHigherLocSymbolThan(methodLattice, paramLocLocalSymbol);
- higherLocSet.remove(pcLocSymbol);
- for (Iterator iterator2 = higherLocSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- String loc = (String);
- addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, pcLocSymbol, loc);
+ try {
+ if (!ssjava.getMethodContainingSSJavaLoop().equals(md)) {
+ // calculate the initial program counter location
+ // PC location is higher than location types of all parameters
+ String pcLocSymbol = "PCLOC";
+ for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Integer paramIdx = (Integer);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
+ String paramLocLocalSymbol = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
+ if (!methodLattice.isGreaterThan(pcLocSymbol, paramLocLocalSymbol)) {
+ addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, pcLocSymbol, paramLocLocalSymbol);
+ Set<String> higherLocSet = getHigherLocSymbolThan(methodLattice, paramLocLocalSymbol);
+ higherLocSet.remove(pcLocSymbol);
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = higherLocSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ String loc = (String);
+ addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, pcLocSymbol, loc);
+ }
- }
- // calculate a return location
- // the return location type is lower than all parameters and location types
- // of return values
- if (!md.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
- // first, generate the set of return value location types that starts with
- // 'this' reference
- Set<CompositeLocation> inferFieldReturnLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- Set<FlowNode> paramFlowNode = getParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(md);
- Set<CompositeLocation> inferParamLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
- if (paramFlowNode != null) {
- for (Iterator iterator = paramFlowNode.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- FlowNode fn = (FlowNode);
- CompositeLocation inferLoc =
- generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, getFlowGraph(md).getLocationTuple(fn));
- inferParamLocSet.add(inferLoc);
+ // calculate a return location
+ // the return location type is lower than all parameters and location
+ // types
+ // of return values
+ if (!md.getReturnType().isVoid()) {
+ System.out.println("@@@@@ RETURN md=" + md);
+ // first, generate the set of return value location types that starts
+ // with
+ // 'this' reference
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inferFieldReturnLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ Set<FlowNode> paramFlowNode = getParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(md);
+ Set<CompositeLocation> inferParamLocSet = new HashSet<CompositeLocation>();
+ if (paramFlowNode != null) {
+ for (Iterator iterator = paramFlowNode.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode fn = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, getFlowGraph(md).getLocationTuple(fn));
+ inferParamLocSet.add(inferLoc);
+ }
- }
- Set<FlowNode> returnNodeSet = fg.getReturnNodeSet();
- skip: for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
- CompositeLocation inferReturnLoc =
- generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
- System.out.println("@inferReturnLoc=" + inferReturnLoc);
- if (inferReturnLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier().equals("this")) {
- // if the location type of the return value matches "this" reference
- // then, check whether this return value is equal to/lower than all of
- // parameters that possibly flow into the return values
- for (Iterator iterator2 = inferParamLocSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
- CompositeLocation paramInferLoc = (CompositeLocation);
- if ((!paramInferLoc.equals(inferReturnLoc))
- && !isGreaterThan(methodLattice, paramInferLoc, inferReturnLoc)) {
- continue skip;
+ Set<FlowNode> returnNodeSet = fg.getReturnNodeSet();
+ skip: for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferReturnLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
+ if (inferReturnLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier().equals("this")) {
+ // if the location type of the return value matches "this" reference
+ // then, check whether this return value is equal to/lower than all
+ // of
+ // parameters that possibly flow into the return values
+ for (Iterator iterator2 = inferParamLocSet.iterator(); iterator2.hasNext();) {
+ CompositeLocation paramInferLoc = (CompositeLocation);
+ if ((!paramInferLoc.equals(inferReturnLoc))
+ && !isGreaterThan(methodLattice, paramInferLoc, inferReturnLoc)) {
+ continue skip;
+ }
- }
- inferFieldReturnLocSet.add(inferReturnLoc);
+ inferFieldReturnLocSet.add(inferReturnLoc);
+ }
- }
- if (inferFieldReturnLocSet.size() > 0) {
+ if (inferFieldReturnLocSet.size() > 0) {
- CompositeLocation returnLoc = getLowest(methodLattice, inferFieldReturnLocSet);
- methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLoc);
- } else {
- String returnLocSymbol = "RETURNLOC";
- CompositeLocation returnLocInferLoc =
- new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, returnLocSymbol));
- methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLocInferLoc);
+ CompositeLocation returnLoc = getLowest(methodLattice, inferFieldReturnLocSet);
+ methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLoc);
- for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- Integer paramIdx = (Integer);
- CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
- String paramLocLocalSymbol = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
- if (!methodLattice.isGreaterThan(paramLocLocalSymbol, returnLocSymbol)) {
- addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, paramLocLocalSymbol,
- returnLocSymbol);
+ } else {
+ String returnLocSymbol = "RETURNLOC";
+ CompositeLocation returnLocInferLoc =
+ new CompositeLocation(new Location(md, returnLocSymbol));
+ methodInfo.setReturnLoc(returnLocInferLoc);
+ for (Iterator iterator = keySet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ Integer paramIdx = (Integer);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc = mapParamToLoc.get(paramIdx);
+ String paramLocLocalSymbol = inferLoc.get(0).getLocIdentifier();
+ if (!methodLattice.isGreaterThan(paramLocLocalSymbol, returnLocSymbol)) {
+ addRelationHigherToLower(methodLattice, methodInfo, paramLocLocalSymbol,
+ returnLocSymbol);
+ }
- }
- for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
- FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
- CompositeLocation inferLoc =
- generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
- if (!isGreaterThan(methodLattice, inferLoc, returnLocInferLoc)) {
- addRelation(methodLattice, methodInfo, inferLoc, returnLocInferLoc);
+ for (Iterator iterator = returnNodeSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
+ FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
+ CompositeLocation inferLoc =
+ generateInferredCompositeLocation(methodInfo, fg.getLocationTuple(returnNode));
+ if (!isGreaterThan(methodLattice, inferLoc, returnLocInferLoc)) {
+ addRelation(methodLattice, methodInfo, inferLoc, returnLocInferLoc);
+ }
+ } catch (CyclicFlowException e) {
+ e.printStackTrace();
Location inferLocElement;
if (curDesc == null) {
// in this case, we have a newly generated location.
- // System.out.println("!!! generated location=" +
- // cur.getLocIdentifier());
inferLocElement = new Location(enclosingDesc, cur.getLocIdentifier());
} else {
String fieldLocSymbol =
if (inferLocation.getTuple().startsWith(curPrefix)) {
// the same infer location is already existed. no need to do
// anything
- System.out.println("NO ATTEMPT TO HAVE A COMPOSITE LOCATION curPrefix=" + curPrefix);
+ System.out.println("NO ATTEMPT TO MAKE A COMPOSITE LOCATION curPrefix=" + curPrefix);
return true;
} else {
// assign a new composite location
LinkedList<MethodDescriptor> methodDescList = computeMethodList();
while (!methodDescList.isEmpty()) {
MethodDescriptor md = methodDescList.removeLast();
if (state.SSJAVADEBUG) {
private void analyzeFlowMethodInvokeNode(MethodDescriptor md, SymbolTable nametable,
MethodInvokeNode min, NodeTupleSet nodeSet, NodeTupleSet implicitFlowTupleSet) {
- System.out.println("analyzeFlowMethodInvokeNode=" + min.printNode(0));
if (nodeSet == null) {
nodeSet = new NodeTupleSet();
if (!min.getMethod().isStatic()) {
addArgIdxMap(min, 0, baseNodeSet);
- // System.out.println("arg idx=0 argTupleSet=" + baseNodeSet);
for (Iterator iterator = calleeReturnSet.iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
FlowNode returnNode = (FlowNode);
ExpressionNode en = min.getArg(i);
int idx = i + offset;
NodeTupleSet argTupleSet = new NodeTupleSet();
- analyzeFlowExpressionNode(calleeMethodDesc, nametable, en, argTupleSet, false);
+ analyzeFlowExpressionNode(md, nametable, en, argTupleSet, false);
// if argument is liternal node, argTuple is set to NULL.
addArgIdxMap(min, idx, argTupleSet);
- // System.out.println("arg idx=" + (idx) + " argTupleSet=" +
- // argTupleSet);
FlowNode paramNode = calleeFlowGraph.getParamFlowNode(idx);
if (hasInFlowTo(calleeFlowGraph, paramNode, calleeReturnSet)) {
addParamNodeFlowingToReturnValue(calleeMethodDesc, paramNode);
analyzeFlowExpressionNode(callermd, nametable, en, argTupleSet, false);
// if argument is liternal node, argTuple is set to NULL.
addArgIdxMap(min, i + offset, argTupleSet);
- System.out.println("arg idx=" + (i + offset) + " argTupleSet=" + argTupleSet);
return base;