unsigned int totalbytes=0;
void * lastunmarked=NULL;
bool padokay=false;
while(tmpptr<topptr) {
unsigned int type;
unsigned int size;
//Very top most unit defines boundary of region...we can't move that right now
unsigned int lastunit=internal?region->highunit-1:region->highunit-2;
void * lastunitend=pmc_unitend(lastunit);
- while(lastunitend>=region->lastptr) {
+ //move units that are nominally supposed to be in free area back to the right location
+ while(lastunitend>=region->lastptr&&lastunit>=region->lowunit) {
//tprintf("Ch3: %u -> %x\n", lastunit, lastunitend);
+ //move units that are actually in the free area (but nominaly not supposed to be) to the end pointer
+ while(lastunit>=region->lowunit&&pmc_heapptr->units[lastunit].endptr>region->lastptr) {
+ pmc_heapptr->units[lastunit].endptr=region->lastptr;
+ lastunit--;
+ }
while(tmpptr<topptr) {
unsigned int type;
unsigned int size;