// Tracks whether the analysis must know the definite reachability
// information of a given variable.
- //private enum DefReachKnown {
- // KNOWN,
- //}
- //private Map<TempDescriptor, DefReachKnown> Rs;
+ private enum DefReachKnown {
+ }
+ private Map<TempDescriptor, DefReachKnown> Rs;
- // Fu (upstream)
+ // Fu (field upstream)
// Maps a variable that points to object o0 to the
// set of variables that point to objects o1...oN
//private MultiViewMap<Object> Fu;
- // Fd (downstream)
+ // Fd (field downstream)
+ //
+ // Entries <x, f, y> mean x.f points directly at what
+ // y points at.
+ private static MultiViewMapBuilder<Object> FdBuilder;
+ private static BitSet viewFd0;
+ private static BitSet viewFd2;
+ private MultiViewMap<Object> Fd;
//viewFu1 = FuBuilder.addPartialView( 1 );
//FuBuilder.setCheckTypes( true );
//FuBuilder.setCheckConsistency( true );
+ FdBuilder =
+ new MultiViewMapBuilder<Object>( new Class[] {
+ TempDescriptor.class,
+ FieldDescriptor.class,
+ TempDescriptor.class},
+ new JoinOpNop() );
+ viewFd0 = FdBuilder.addPartialView( 0 );
+ viewFd2 = FdBuilder.addPartialView( 2 );
+ FdBuilder.setCheckTypes( true );
+ FdBuilder.setCheckConsistency( true );
public DefiniteReachState( DefiniteReachState toCopy ) {
- this.R = toCopy.R.clone( RBuilder );
+ this.R = toCopy.R.clone( RBuilder );
+ this.Rs = new HashMap<TempDescriptor, DefReachKnown>( toCopy.Rs );
+ this.Fd = toCopy.Fd.clone( FdBuilder );
public DefiniteReachState() {
R = RBuilder.build();
- //Rs = new HashMap<TempDescriptor, DefReachKnown>();
+ Rs = new HashMap<TempDescriptor, DefReachKnown>();
//Fu = FuBuilder.build();
+ Fd = FdBuilder.build();
public void methodEntry( Set<TempDescriptor> parameters ) {
- methodEntryR( parameters );
- //Rs.clear();
- //for( TempDescriptor p : parameters ) {
- // Rs.put( p, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
- //}
- //
- //Fu = FuBuilder.build();
+ methodEntryR ( parameters );
+ methodEntryRs( parameters );
+ methodEntryFd( parameters );
public void copy( TempDescriptor x,
TempDescriptor y ) {
- copyR( x, y );
- // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x,v> | <y,v> in Rs}
- //DefReachKnown valRs = Rs.get( y );
- //assert( valRs != null );
- //Rs.put( x, valRs );
+ copyR ( x, y );
+ copyRs( x, y );
+ copyFd( x, y );
// Fu' := (Fu - <x, *> - <*, x>) U
// {<x,v> | <y,v> in Fu} U
FieldDescriptor f,
Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysForLoad ) {
- loadR( x, y, f, edgeKeysForLoad );
- // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, unknown>}
- //Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ loadR ( x, y, f, edgeKeysForLoad );
+ loadRs( x, y, f, edgeKeysForLoad );
+ loadFd( x, y, f, edgeKeysForLoad );
public void store( TempDescriptor x,
Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysRemoved,
Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysAdded ) {
- storeR( x, f, y, edgeKeysRemoved, edgeKeysAdded );
- // Rs' := Rs
+ storeR ( x, f, y, edgeKeysRemoved, edgeKeysAdded );
+ storeRs( x, f, y, edgeKeysRemoved, edgeKeysAdded );
+ storeFd( x, f, y, edgeKeysRemoved, edgeKeysAdded );
public void newObject( TempDescriptor x ) {
- newObjectR( x );
- // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, new>}
- //Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.KNOWN );
+ newObjectR ( x );
+ newObjectRs( x );
+ newObjectFd( x );
public void methodCall( TempDescriptor retVal ) {
- methodCallR( retVal );
- // Rs' := (Rs - <x,*>) U {<x, unknown>}
- //Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ methodCallR ( retVal );
+ methodCallRs( retVal );
+ methodCallFd( retVal );
public void merge( DefiniteReachState that ) {
- mergeR( that );
- // Rs' := <x, new> iff in all incoming edges, otherwie <x, unknown>
- //mergeRs( that );
+ mergeR ( that );
+ mergeRs( that );
+ mergeFd( that );
for( MultiKey key : this.R.get().keySet() ) {
if( that.R.get( viewRfull, key ).isEmpty() ) {
this.R.remove( viewRfull, key );
- } else {
- // if the key is in this and that, we should join the
- // values using the R.joinOp which is currently has no
- // public interface
+ public void methodEntryRs( Set<TempDescriptor> parameters ) {
+ Rs.clear();
+ for( TempDescriptor p : parameters ) {
+ Rs.put( p, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ }
+ }
+ public void copyRs( TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y ) {
+ DefReachKnown valRs = Rs.get( y );
+ assert( valRs != null );
+ Rs.put( x, valRs );
+ }
+ public void loadRs( TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y,
+ FieldDescriptor f,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysForLoad ) {
+ Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ }
+ public void storeRs( TempDescriptor x,
+ FieldDescriptor f,
+ TempDescriptor y,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysRemoved,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysAdded ) {
+ }
+ public void newObjectRs( TempDescriptor x ) {
+ Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.KNOWN );
+ }
+ public void methodCallRs( TempDescriptor retVal ) {
+ Rs.put( retVal, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ }
// This is WRONG
// we have to do an analysis pass over all the incoming edges
// before there is a sensical answer. I think...
private void mergeRs( DefiniteReachState that ) {
- // merge "that" into "this" and leave "that" unchanged
- //Set<TempDescriptor> allVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
- //allVars.addAll( this.Rs.keySet() );
- //allVars.addAll( that.Rs.keySet() );
- //for( TempDescriptor x : allVars ) {
- // DefReachKnown vThis = this.Rs.get( x );
- // DefReachKnown vThat = that.Rs.get( x );
- // if( vThis != null && vThis.equals( DefReachKnown.KNOWN ) &&
- // vThat != null && vThat.equals( DefReachKnown.KNOWN ) ) {
- // this.Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.KNOWN );
- // } else {
- // this.Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
- // }
- //}
+ Set<TempDescriptor> allVars = new HashSet<TempDescriptor>();
+ allVars.addAll( this.Rs.keySet() );
+ allVars.addAll( that.Rs.keySet() );
+ for( TempDescriptor x : allVars ) {
+ DefReachKnown vThis = this.Rs.get( x );
+ DefReachKnown vThat = that.Rs.get( x );
+ if( vThis != null && vThis.equals( DefReachKnown.KNOWN ) &&
+ vThat != null && vThat.equals( DefReachKnown.KNOWN ) ) {
+ this.Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.KNOWN );
+ } else {
+ this.Rs.put( x, DefReachKnown.UNKNOWN );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ public void methodEntryFd( Set<TempDescriptor> parameters ) {
+ Fd.clear();
+ }
+ public void copyFd( TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y ) {
+ // consider that x and y can be the same, so do the
+ // parts of the update in the right order:
+ // first get all info for update
+ MultiKey keyY = MultiKey.factory( y );
+ Map<MultiKey, Object> mapY0 = Fd.get( viewFd0, keyY );
+ Map<MultiKey, Object> mapY2 = Fd.get( viewFd2, keyY );
+ // then remove anything
+ MultiKey keyX = MultiKey.factory( x );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd0, keyX );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd2, keyX );
+ // then insert new stuff
+ for( MultiKey fullKeyY : mapY0.keySet() ) {
+ MultiKey fullKeyX = MultiKey.factory( x,
+ fullKeyY.get( 1 ),
+ fullKeyY.get( 2 ) );
+ Fd.put( fullKeyX, MultiViewMap.dummyValue );
+ }
+ for( MultiKey fullKeyY : mapY2.keySet() ) {
+ MultiKey fullKeyX = MultiKey.factory( fullKeyY.get( 0 ),
+ fullKeyY.get( 1 ),
+ x );
+ Fd.put( fullKeyX, MultiViewMap.dummyValue );
+ }
+ public void loadFd( TempDescriptor x,
+ TempDescriptor y,
+ FieldDescriptor f,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysForLoad ) {
+ MultiKey keyX = MultiKey.factory( x );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd0, keyX );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd2, keyX );
+ }
+ public void storeFd( TempDescriptor x,
+ FieldDescriptor f,
+ TempDescriptor y,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysFdemoved,
+ Set<EdgeKey> edgeKeysAdded ) {
+ Fd.put( MultiKey.factory( x, f, y ),
+ MultiViewMap.dummyValue );
+ }
+ public void newObjectFd( TempDescriptor x ) {
+ MultiKey keyX = MultiKey.factory( x );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd0, keyX );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd2, keyX );
+ }
+ public void methodCallFd( TempDescriptor retVal ) {
+ MultiKey keyRetVal = MultiKey.factory( retVal );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd0, keyRetVal );
+ Fd.remove( viewFd2, keyRetVal );
+ }
+ public void mergeFd( DefiniteReachState that ) {
+ this.Fd.merge( that.Fd );
+ }
s.append( R.toString( 2 ) );
s.append( "}\n" );
- //s.append( "R_s = {" );
- //for( TempDescriptor x : Rs.keySet() ) {
- // s.append( " "+x+"->"+Rs.get( x ) );
- //}
- //s.append( "}" );
+ s.append( "Rs = {\n" );
+ for( TempDescriptor x : Rs.keySet() ) {
+ s.append( " "+x+"->"+Rs.get( x )+"\n" );
+ }
+ s.append( "}\n" );
+ s.append( "Fd = {\n" );
+ s.append( Fd.toString( 2 ) );
+ s.append( "}\n" );
return s.toString();