* genScalData_seq
* =============================================================================
- void
- genScalData_seq (GraphSDG SDGdataPtr)
+ public static void
+ genScalData_seq (Globals glb, GraphSDG SDGdataPtr, GenScalData gsd, Alg_Radix_Smp radixsort)
- System.out.println("Call to genScalData_seq(), Unimplemented: TODO\n");
- System.exit(0);
+ /*
+ * STEP 0: Create the permutations required to randomize the vertices
+ */
+ Random randomPtr = new Random();
+ randomPtr.random_alloc();
+ randomPtr.random_seed(0);
+ int[] permV; /* the vars associated with the graph tuple */
+ permV = new int[glb.TOT_VERTICES];
+ /* Initialize the array */
+ for (int i = 0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
+ permV[i] = i;
+ }
+ for (int i = 0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
+ int t1 = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate());
+ if(t1 < 0)
+ t1*=(-1);
+ int t = i + t1 % (glb.TOT_VERTICES - i);
+ if (t != i) {
+ int t2 = permV[t];
+ permV[t] = permV[i];
+ permV[i] = t2;
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * STEP 1: Create Cliques
+ */
+ int[] cliqueSizes;
+ int estTotCliques = (int)(Math.ceil(1.5 * glb.TOT_VERTICES / ((1+glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE)/2)));
+ /*
+ * Allocate mem for Clique array
+ * Estimate number of clique required and pad by 50%
+ */
+ cliqueSizes = new int[estTotCliques];
+ /* Generate random clique sizes. */
+ for (int i = 0; i < estTotCliques; i++) {
+ cliqueSizes[i] = (int) (1 + (randomPtr.random_generate() % glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE));
+ if(cliqueSizes[i] < 0)
+ cliqueSizes[i] *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ }
+ int totCliques = 0;
+ /*
+ * Allocate memory for cliqueList
+ */
+ int[] lastVsInCliques;
+ int[] firstVsInCliques;
+ lastVsInCliques = new int[estTotCliques];
+ firstVsInCliques = new int[estTotCliques];
+ /*
+ * Sum up vertices in each clique to determine the lastVsInCliques array
+ */
+ lastVsInCliques[0] = cliqueSizes[0] - 1;
+ {
+ int i;
+ for (i = 1; i < estTotCliques; i++) {
+ lastVsInCliques[i] = cliqueSizes[i] + lastVsInCliques[i-1];
+ if (lastVsInCliques[i] >= glb.TOT_VERTICES-1) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ totCliques = i + 1;
+ }
+ /*
+ * Fix the size of the last clique
+ */
+ cliqueSizes[totCliques-1] =
+ glb.TOT_VERTICES - lastVsInCliques[totCliques-2] - 1;
+ lastVsInCliques[totCliques-1] = glb.TOT_VERTICES - 1;
+ firstVsInCliques[0] = 0;
+ /*
+ * Compute start Vertices in cliques.
+ */
+ for (int i = 1; i < totCliques; i++) {
+ firstVsInCliques[i] = lastVsInCliques[i-1] + 1;
+ }
+ /* TODO: if required
+ // Write the generated cliques to file for comparison with Kernel 4
+ FILE* outfp = fopen("cliques.txt", "w");
+ fSystem.out.println(outfp, "No. of cliques - %lu\n", totCliques);
+ for (i = 0; i < totCliques; i++) {
+ fSystem.out.println(outfp, "Clq %lu - ", i);
+ long j;
+ for (j = firstVsInCliques[i]; j <= lastVsInCliques[i]; j++) {
+ fSystem.out.println(outfp, "%lu ", permV[j]);
+ }
+ fSystem.out.println(outfp, "\n");
+ }
+ fclose(outfp);
+ /*
+ * STEP 2: Create the edges within the cliques
+ */
+ /*
+ * Estimate number of edges - using an empirical measure
+ */
+ int estTotEdges;
+ if (glb.SCALE >= 12) {
+ estTotEdges = (int) (Math.ceil(((glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE-1) * glb.TOT_VERTICES)));
+ } else {
+ estTotEdges = (int) (Math.ceil(1.2 * (((glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE-1)*glb.TOT_VERTICES)
+ * ((1 + glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES)/2) + glb.TOT_VERTICES*2)));
+ }
+ /*
+ * Initialize edge counter
+ */
+ int i_edgePtr = 0;
+ float p = glb.PROB_UNIDIRECTIONAL;
+ /*
+ * Partial edgeLists
+ */
+ int[] startV;
+ int[] endV;
+ int numByte = estTotEdges;
+ startV = new int[numByte];
+ endV = new int[numByte];
+ /*
+ * Tmp array to keep track of the no. of parallel edges in each direction
+ */
+ int[][] tmpEdgeCounter = new int [glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE][glb.MAX_CLIQUE_SIZE];
+ /*
+ * Create edges
+ */
+ for (int i_clique = 0; i_clique < totCliques; i_clique++) {
+ /*
+ * Get current clique parameters
+ */
+ int i_cliqueSize = cliqueSizes[i_clique];
+ int i_firstVsInClique = firstVsInCliques[i_clique];
+ /*
+ * First create at least one edge between two vetices in a clique
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < i_cliqueSize; i++) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < i; j++) {
+ float r = (float)( randomPtr.random_generate() % 1000) / (float)1000;
+ if (r >= p) {
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = i + i_firstVsInClique;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = j + i_firstVsInClique;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[i][j] = 1;
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = j + i_firstVsInClique;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = i + i_firstVsInClique;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[j][i] = 1;
+ } else if (r >= 0.5) {
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = i + i_firstVsInClique;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = j + i_firstVsInClique;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[i][j] = 1;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[j][i] = 0;
+ } else {
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = j + i_firstVsInClique;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = i + i_firstVsInClique;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[j][i] = 1;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[i][j] = 0;
+ }
+ } /* for j */
+ } /* for i */
+ if (i_cliqueSize != 1) {
+ int randNumEdges = (int)(randomPtr.random_generate()
+ % (2*i_cliqueSize*glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES));
+ if(randNumEdges < 0)
+ randNumEdges *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ for (int i_paralEdge = 0; i_paralEdge < randNumEdges; i_paralEdge++) {
+ int i = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % i_cliqueSize);
+ if(i < 0)
+ i *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ int j = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % i_cliqueSize);
+ if(j < 0)
+ j *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ if ((i != j) && (tmpEdgeCounter[i][j] < glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES)) {
+ float r = (float)(randomPtr.random_generate() % 1000) / (float)1000;
+ if (r >= p) {
+ /* Copy to edge structure. */
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = i + i_firstVsInClique;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = j + i_firstVsInClique;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ tmpEdgeCounter[i][j]++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* for i_clique */
+ /*
+ * Merge partial edge lists
+ */
+ int i_edgeStartCounter = 0;
+ int i_edgeEndCounter = i_edgePtr;
+ int edgeNum = i_edgePtr;
+ /*
+ * Initialize edge list arrays
+ */
+ int[] startVertex;
+ int[] endVertex;
+ if (glb.SCALE < 10) {
+ numByte = 2 * edgeNum;
+ startVertex = new int[numByte];
+ endVertex = new int[numByte];
+ } else {
+ numByte = (edgeNum + glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES * glb.TOT_VERTICES);
+ startVertex = new int[numByte];
+ endVertex = new int[numByte];
+ }
+ for (int i = i_edgeStartCounter; i < i_edgeEndCounter; i++) {
+ startVertex[i] = startV[i-i_edgeStartCounter];
+ endVertex[i] = endV[i-i_edgeStartCounter];
+ }
+ int numEdgesPlacedInCliques = edgeNum;
+ /*
+ * STEP 3: Connect the cliques
+ */
+ i_edgePtr = 0;
+ /*
+ * Generating inter-clique edges as given in the specs
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
+ int tempVertex1 = i;
+ int h = totCliques;
+ int l = 0;
+ int t = -1;
+ while (h - l > 1) {
+ int m = (h + l) / 2;
+ if (tempVertex1 >= firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ l = m;
+ } else {
+ if ((tempVertex1 < firstVsInCliques[m]) && (m > 0)) {
+ if (tempVertex1 >= firstVsInCliques[m-1]) {
+ t = m - 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ h = m;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (t == -1) {
+ int m;
+ for (m = (l + 1); m < h; m++) {
+ if (tempVertex1<firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ t = m-1;
+ }
+ int t1 = firstVsInCliques[t];
+ for (int d = 1; d < glb.TOT_VERTICES; d *= 2, p /= 2) {
+ float r = (float)(randomPtr.random_generate() % 1000) / (float)1000;
+ if (r <= p) {
+ int tempVertex2 = (i+d) % glb.TOT_VERTICES;
+ h = totCliques;
+ l = 0;
+ t = -1;
+ while (h - l > 1) {
+ int m = (h + l) / 2;
+ if (tempVertex2 >= firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ l = m;
+ } else {
+ if ((tempVertex2 < firstVsInCliques[m]) && (m > 0)) {
+ if (firstVsInCliques[m-1] <= tempVertex2) {
+ t = m - 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ h = m;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (t == -1) {
+ int m;
+ for (m = (l + 1); m < h; m++) {
+ if (tempVertex2 < firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ t = m - 1;
+ }
+ int t2 = firstVsInCliques[t];
+ if (t1 != t2) {
+ int randNumEdges =
+ (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES + 1);
+ if(randNumEdges < 0)
+ randNumEdges *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ for (int j = 0; j < randNumEdges; j++) {
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex1;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex2;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* r <= p */
+ float r0 = (float)(randomPtr.random_generate() % 1000) / (float)1000;
+ if ((r0 <= p) && (i-d>=0)) {
+ int tempVertex2 = (i-d) % glb.TOT_VERTICES;
+ h = totCliques;
+ l = 0;
+ t = -1;
+ while (h - l > 1) {
+ int m = (h + l) / 2;
+ if (tempVertex2 >= firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ l = m;
+ } else {
+ if ((tempVertex2 < firstVsInCliques[m]) && (m > 0)) {
+ if (firstVsInCliques[m-1] <= tempVertex2) {
+ t = m - 1;
+ break;
+ } else {
+ h = m;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (t == -1) {
+ int m;
+ for (m = (l + 1); m < h; m++) {
+ if (tempVertex2 < firstVsInCliques[m]) {
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ t = m - 1;
+ }
+ int t2 = firstVsInCliques[t];
+ if (t1 != t2) {
+ int randNumEdges = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES + 1);
+ if(randNumEdges < 0)
+ randNumEdges *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < randNumEdges; j++) {
+ startV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex1;
+ endV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex2;
+ i_edgePtr++;
+ }
+ }
+ } /* r0 <= p && (i-d) > 0 */
+ } /* for d, p */
+ } /* for i */
+ i_edgeEndCounter = i_edgePtr;
+ i_edgeStartCounter = 0;
+ edgeNum = i_edgePtr;
+ int numEdgesPlacedOutside = edgeNum;
+ for (int i = i_edgeStartCounter; i < i_edgeEndCounter; i++) {
+ startVertex[i+numEdgesPlacedInCliques] = startV[i-i_edgeStartCounter];
+ int a = i+numEdgesPlacedInCliques;
+ endVertex[i+numEdgesPlacedInCliques] = endV[i-i_edgeStartCounter];
+ }
+ int numEdgesPlaced = numEdgesPlacedInCliques + numEdgesPlacedOutside;
+ SDGdataPtr.numEdgesPlaced = numEdgesPlaced;
+ System.out.println("Finished generating edges");
+ System.out.println("No. of intra-clique edges - " + numEdgesPlacedInCliques);
+ System.out.println("No. of inter-clique edges - " + numEdgesPlacedOutside);
+ System.out.println("Total no. of edges - " + numEdgesPlaced);
+ /*
+ * STEP 4: Generate edge weights
+ */
+ SDGdataPtr.intWeight = new int[numEdgesPlaced];
+ int numStrWtEdges = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numEdgesPlaced; i++) {
+ float r = (float)(randomPtr.random_generate() % 1000) / (float)1000;
+ if (r <= p) {
+ SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] =
+ (int) (1 + (randomPtr.random_generate() % (glb.MAX_INT_WEIGHT-1)));
+ if(SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] < 0)
+ SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
+ } else {
+ SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] = -1;
+ numStrWtEdges++;
+ }
+ }
+ {
+ int t = 0;
+ for (int i = 0; i < numEdgesPlaced; i++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] < 0) {
+ SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] = -t;
+ t++;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ SDGdataPtr.strWeight = new char[numStrWtEdges * glb.MAX_STRLEN];
+ for (int i = 0; i < numEdgesPlaced; i++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] <= 0) {
+ for (int j = 0; j < glb.MAX_STRLEN; j++) {
+ SDGdataPtr.strWeight[(-SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i])*glb.MAX_STRLEN+j] =
+ (char) (1 + randomPtr.random_generate() % 127);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Choose SOUGHT STRING randomly if not assigned
+ */
+ if (glb.SOUGHT_STRING.length != glb.MAX_STRLEN) {
+ glb.SOUGHT_STRING = new char[glb.MAX_STRLEN];
+ }
+ {
+ int t = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % numStrWtEdges);
+ for (int j = 0; j < glb.MAX_STRLEN; j++) {
+ glb.SOUGHT_STRING[j] =
+ SDGdataPtr.strWeight[(t*glb.MAX_STRLEN+j)];
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * STEP 5: Permute Vertices
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < numEdgesPlaced; i++) {
+ startVertex[i] = permV[(startVertex[i])];
+ endVertex[i] = permV[(endVertex[i])];
+ }
+ /*
+ * STEP 6: Sort Vertices
+ */
+ /*
+ * Radix sort with StartVertex as primary key
+ */
+ numByte = numEdgesPlaced;
+ SDGdataPtr.startVertex = new int[numByte];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex = new int[numByte];
+ radixsort.all_radixsort_node_aux_s3_seq(numEdgesPlaced,
+ startVertex,
+ SDGdataPtr.startVertex,
+ endVertex,
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex);
+ if (glb.SCALE < 12) {
+ /*
+ * Sort with endVertex as secondary key
+ */
+ int i0 = 0;
+ int i1 = 0;
+ int i = 0;
+ while (i < numEdgesPlaced) {
+ for (i = i0; i < numEdgesPlaced; i++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i] !=
+ SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i1])
+ {
+ i1 = i;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ for (int j = i0; j < i1; j++) {
+ for (int k = j+1; k < i1; k++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] <
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j])
+ {
+ int t = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j] = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i0] != glb.TOT_VERTICES-1) {
+ i0 = i1;
+ } else {
+ for (int j=i0; j<numEdgesPlaced; j++) {
+ for (int k=j+1; k<numEdgesPlaced; k++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] <
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j])
+ {
+ int t = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j] = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* while i < numEdgesPlaced */
+ } else {
+ int[] tempIndex = new int[glb.TOT_VERTICES + 1];
+ /*
+ * Update degree of each vertex
+ */
+ tempIndex[0] = 0;
+ tempIndex[glb.TOT_VERTICES] = numEdgesPlaced;
+ int i0 = 0;
+ for (int i=0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
+ tempIndex[i+1] = tempIndex[i];
+ for (int j = i0; j < numEdgesPlaced; j++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[j] !=
+ SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i0])
+ {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i0] == i) {
+ tempIndex[i+1] = j;
+ i0 = j;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ /*
+ * Insertion sort for now, replace with something better later on
+ */
+ for (int i = 0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
+ for (int j = tempIndex[i]; j < tempIndex[i+1]; j++) {
+ for (int k = (j + 1); k < tempIndex[i+1]; k++) {
+ if (SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] <
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j])
+ {
+ int t = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[j] = SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k];
+ SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] = t;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ } /* SCALE >= 12 */
CreatePartition.createPartition(0, totCliques, myId, numThread, lss);
for (int i_clique = lss.i_start; i_clique < lss.i_stop; i_clique++) {
* Get current clique parameters
int randNumEdges = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % (2*i_cliqueSize*glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES));
if(randNumEdges < 0)
randNumEdges *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
- //int i_paralEdge;
for (int i_paralEdge = 0; i_paralEdge < randNumEdges; i_paralEdge++) {
int i = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % i_cliqueSize);
if(i < 0)
if (t == -1) {
- //int m;
int m;
for (m = (l + 1); m < h; m++) {
if (tempVertex2 < firstVsInCliques[m]) {
(int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % glb.MAX_PARAL_EDGES + 1);
if(randNumEdges < 0)
randNumEdges *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
- //int j;
for (int j = 0; j < randNumEdges; j++) {
startV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex1;
endV[i_edgePtr] = tempVertex2;
if (SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i] <= 0) {
for (int j = 0; j < glb.MAX_STRLEN; j++) {
SDGdataPtr.strWeight[(-SDGdataPtr.intWeight[i])*glb.MAX_STRLEN+j] =
- // (char) (1 + PRANDOM_GENERATE(stream) % 127);
+ //FIXME if needed
(char) (1 + (randomPtr.random_generate() % 127));
if (glb.SOUGHT_STRING.length != glb.MAX_STRLEN) {
glb.SOUGHT_STRING = new char[glb.MAX_STRLEN];
- //glb.SOUGHT_STRING = new String(MAX_STRLEN);
int t = (int) (randomPtr.random_generate() % numStrWtEdges);
if (t < 0)
t *= -1; //TODO fix the long->int casting error that creates negative numbers for randomPtr
for (int j = 0; j < glb.MAX_STRLEN; j++) {
- SDGdataPtr.strWeight[(t*glb.MAX_STRLEN+j)];
+ SDGdataPtr.strWeight[(t*glb.MAX_STRLEN+j)];
- //Alg_Radix_Smp radixsort = new Alg_Radix_Smp(myId, numThread);
- //radixsort.all_radixsort_node_aux_s3(numEdgesPlaced,
- //int j;
for (int j = i0; j < i1; j++) {
- //int k;
for (int k = j+1; k < i1; k++) {
if (SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] <
if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[i0] != glb.TOT_VERTICES-1) {
i0 = i1;
} else {
- //int j;
for (int j=i0; j<numEdgesPlaced; j++) {
- //int k;
for (int k=j+1; k<numEdgesPlaced; k++) {
if (SDGdataPtr.endVertex[k] <
for (int i=0; i < glb.TOT_VERTICES; i++) {
tempIndex[i+1] = tempIndex[i];
- //int j;
for (int j = i0; j < numEdgesPlaced; j++) {
if (SDGdataPtr.startVertex[j] !=