return Gen(source.self(), handler_);
+ * Cycle - For repeating a sequence forever.
+ *
+ * This type is usually used through the 'cycle' static value, like:
+ *
+ * auto tests
+ * = from(samples)
+ * | cycle
+ * | take(100);
+ */
+class Cycle : public Operator<Cycle> {
+ off_t limit_; // -1 for infinite
+ public:
+ Cycle()
+ : limit_(-1) { }
+ explicit Cycle(off_t limit)
+ : limit_(limit) { }
+ template<class Value,
+ class Source>
+ class Generator : public GenImpl<Value, Generator<Value, Source>> {
+ Source source_;
+ off_t limit_; // -1 for infinite
+ public:
+ explicit Generator(Source source, off_t limit)
+ : source_(std::move(source))
+ , limit_(limit) {}
+ template<class Handler>
+ bool apply(Handler&& handler) const {
+ bool cont;
+ auto handler2 = [&](Value value) {
+ cont = handler(std::forward<Value>(value));
+ return cont;
+ };
+ for (off_t count = 0; count != limit_; ++count) {
+ cont = false;
+ source_.apply(handler2);
+ if (!cont) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ // not actually infinite, since an empty generator will end the cycles.
+ static constexpr bool infinite = Source::infinite;
+ };
+ template<class Source,
+ class Value,
+ class Gen = Generator<Value, Source>>
+ Gen compose(GenImpl<Value, Source>&& source) const {
+ return Gen(std::move(source.self()), limit_);
+ }
+ template<class Source,
+ class Value,
+ class Gen = Generator<Value, Source>>
+ Gen compose(const GenImpl<Value, Source>& source) const {
+ return Gen(source.self(), limit_);
+ }
+ /**
+ * Convenience function for use like:
+ *
+ * auto tripled = gen | cycle(3);
+ */
+ Cycle operator()(off_t limit) const {
+ return Cycle(limit);
+ }
} //::detail
static const detail::First first;
+ * Use directly for detecting any values, or as a function to detect values
+ * which pass a predicate:
+ *
+ * auto nonempty = g | any;
+ * auto evens = g | any(even);
+ */
static const detail::Any any;
static const detail::Min<Identity, Less> min;
static const detail::RangeConcat rconcat;
+ * Use directly for infinite sequences, or as a function to limit cycle count.
+ *
+ * auto forever = g | cycle;
+ * auto thrice = g | cycle(3);
+ */
+static const detail::Cycle cycle;
inline detail::Take take(size_t count) {
return detail::Take(count);
+TEST(Gen, Cycle) {
+ {
+ auto s = from({1, 2});
+ EXPECT_EQ((vector<int> { 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 }),
+ s | cycle | take(5) | as<vector>());
+ }
+ {
+ auto s = from({1, 2});
+ EXPECT_EQ((vector<int> { 1, 2, 1, 2 }),
+ s | cycle(2) | as<vector>());
+ }
+ {
+ auto s = from({1, 2, 3});
+ EXPECT_EQ((vector<int> { 1, 2, 1, 2, 1 }),
+ s | take(2) | cycle | take(5) | as<vector>());
+ }
+ {
+ auto s = empty<int>();
+ EXPECT_EQ((vector<int> { }),
+ s | cycle | take(4) | as<vector>());
+ }
+ {
+ int count = 3;
+ int* pcount = &count;
+ auto countdown = GENERATOR(int) {
+ ASSERT_GE(*pcount, 0)
+ << "Cycle should have stopped when it didnt' get values!";
+ for (int i = 1; i <= *pcount; ++i) {
+ yield(i);
+ }
+ --*pcount;
+ };
+ auto s = countdown;
+ EXPECT_EQ((vector<int> { 1, 2, 3, 1, 2, 1}),
+ s | cycle | as<vector>());
+ }
TEST(StringGen, Split) {
auto collect = eachTo<std::string>() | as<vector>();
TEST(StringGen, Resplit) {
auto collect = eachTo<std::string>() | as<vector>();