template <typename Key, typename T, typename Traits>
struct make_cuckoo_map
- typedef Key key_type ; ///< key type
- typedef T mapped_type ; ///< type of value stored in the map
- typedef std::pair<key_type const, mapped_type> value_type ; ///< Pair type
+ typedef Key key_type; ///< key type
+ typedef T mapped_type; ///< type of value stored in the map
+ typedef std::pair<key_type const, mapped_type> value_type; ///< Pair type
- typedef Traits original_type_traits;
- typedef typename original_type_traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
- static bool const store_hash = original_type_traits::store_hash;
- static unsigned int const store_hash_count = store_hash ? ((unsigned int) std::tuple_size< typename original_type_traits::hash::hash_tuple_type >::value) : 0;
+ typedef Traits original_traits;
+ typedef typename original_traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
+ static bool const store_hash = original_traits::store_hash;
+ static unsigned int const store_hash_count = store_hash ? ((unsigned int) std::tuple_size< typename original_traits::hash::hash_tuple_type >::value) : 0;
struct node_type: public intrusive::cuckoo::node<probeset_type, store_hash_count>
- /*
- template <typename Pred, typename ReturnValue>
- struct predicate_wrapper {
- typedef Pred native_predicate;
- ReturnValue operator()( node_type const& n1, node_type const& n2) const
- {
- return native_predicate()(n1.m_val.first, n2.m_val.first );
- }
- template <typename Q>
- ReturnValue operator()( node_type const& n, Q const& v) const
- {
- return native_predicate()(n.m_val.first, v);
- }
- template <typename Q>
- ReturnValue operator()( Q const& v, node_type const& n) const
- {
- return native_predicate()(v, n.m_val.first);
- }
- template <typename Q1, typename Q2>
- ReturnValue operator()( Q1 const& v1, Q2 const& v2) const
- {
- return native_predicate()(v1, v2);
- }
- };
- */
struct key_accessor {
key_type const& operator()( node_type const& node ) const
- struct intrusive_traits: public original_type_traits
+ struct intrusive_traits: public original_traits
typedef intrusive::cuckoo::base_hook<
cds::intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type< probeset_type >
,cds::intrusive::cuckoo::store_hash< store_hash_count >
> hook;
- typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::type_traits::disposer disposer;
+ typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits::disposer disposer;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::equal_to, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::equal_to, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
- , cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, typename original_type_traits::equal_to, key_accessor >
+ , cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, typename original_traits::equal_to, key_accessor >
>::type equal_to;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::compare, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::compare, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
- , cds::details::compare_wrapper< node_type, typename original_type_traits::compare, key_accessor >
+ , cds::details::compare_wrapper< node_type, typename original_traits::compare, key_accessor >
>::type compare;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::less, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::less, opt::none >::value
- ,cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, typename original_type_traits::less, key_accessor >
+ ,cds::details::predicate_wrapper< node_type, typename original_traits::less, key_accessor >
>::type less;
- typedef opt::details::hash_list_wrapper< typename original_type_traits::hash, node_type, key_accessor > hash;
+ typedef opt::details::hash_list_wrapper< typename original_traits::hash, node_type, key_accessor > hash;
typedef intrusive::CuckooSet< node_type, intrusive_traits > type;
Template arguments:
- \p Key - key type
- \p T - the type stored in the map.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See cuckoo::type_traits for explanation.
- It is possible to declare option-based set with cuckoo::make_traits metafunction result as \p Traits template argument.
- Template argument list \p Options... of cuckoo::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::hash - hash functor tuple, mandatory option. At least, two hash functors should be provided. All hash functor
- should be orthogonal (different): for each <tt> i,j: i != j => h[i](x) != h[j](x) </tt>.
- The hash functors are passed as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>. The number of hash functors specifies
- the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing. If the compiler supports variadic templates
- then k is unlimited, otherwise up to 10 different hash functors are supported.
- - opt::mutex_policy - concurrent access policy.
- Available policies: cuckoo::striping, cuckoo::refinable.
- Default is cuckoo::striping.
- - opt::equal_to - key equality functor like \p std::equal_to.
- If this functor is defined then the probe-set will be unordered.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified too, then the probe-set will be ordered
- and opt::equal_to will be ignored.
- - opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref opt::v::sequential_item_counter.
- - opt::allocator - the allocator type using for allocating bucket tables.
- - opt::node_allocator - the allocator type using for allocating map's items. If this option
- is not specified then the type defined in opt::allocator option is used.
- - cuckoo::store_hash - this option reserves additional space in the node to store the hash value
- of the object once it's introduced in the container. When this option is used,
- the map will store the calculated hash value in the node and rehashing operations won't need
- to recalculate the hash of the value. This option will improve the performance of maps
- when rehashing is frequent or hashing the value is a slow operation. Default value is \p false.
- - \ref intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type "cuckoo::probeset_type" - type of probe set, may be \p cuckoo::list or <tt>cuckoo::vector<Capacity></tt>,
- Default is \p cuckoo::list.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Possibly types: cuckoo::stat, cuckoo::empty_stat.
- Default is cuckoo::empty_stat
+ - \p Traits - map traits., default is \p cuckoo::traits.
+ It is possible to declare option-based set with \p cuckoo::make_traits metafunction
+ result as \p Traits template argument.
#include <cds/container/cuckoo_map.h>
// Declare type traits
- struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef std::equal_to< std::string > equal_to;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
// Declare type traits
// We use a vector of capacity 4 as probe-set container and store hash values in the node
- struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef std::less< std::string > less;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
- template <typename Key, typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::type_traits>
+ template <typename Key, typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::traits>
class CuckooMap:
protected intrusive::CuckooSet< std::pair< Key const, T>, Traits>
typedef typename maker::type base_class;
- typedef Key key_type ; ///< key type
- typedef T mapped_type ; ///< value type stored in the container
- typedef std::pair<key_type const, mapped_type> value_type ; ///< Key-value pair type stored in the map
- typedef Traits options ; ///< traits
+ typedef Key key_type; ///< key type
+ typedef T mapped_type; ///< value type stored in the container
+ typedef std::pair<key_type const, mapped_type> value_type; ///< Key-value pair type stored in the map
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Map traits
- typedef typename options::hash hash ; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
- typedef typename base_class::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type ; ///< hash tuple type
+ typedef typename traits::hash hash; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
+ typedef typename base_class::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type; ///< hash tuple type
- typedef typename base_class::mutex_policy mutex_policy ; ///< Concurrent access policy, see cuckoo::type_traits::mutex_policy
- typedef typename base_class::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename base_class::mutex_policy mutex_policy; ///< Concurrent access policy, see \p cuckoo::traits::mutex_policy
+ typedef typename base_class::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
- static bool const c_isSorted = base_class::c_isSorted ; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
- static size_t const c_nArity = base_class::c_nArity ; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
+ static bool const c_isSorted = base_class::c_isSorted; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
+ static size_t const c_nArity = base_class::c_nArity; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
- typedef typename base_class::key_equal_to key_equal_to ; ///< Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
+ typedef typename base_class::key_equal_to key_equal_to; ///< Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
- typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key comparing functor based on opt::compare and opt::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
+ typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparing functor based on opt::compare and opt::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
- typedef typename base_class::allocator allocator ; ///< allocator type used for internal bucket table allocations
+ typedef typename base_class::allocator allocator; ///< allocator type used for internal bucket table allocations
/// Node allocator type
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename options::node_allocator, opt::none >::value,
+ std::is_same< typename traits::node_allocator, opt::none >::value,
- typename options::node_allocator
+ typename traits::node_allocator
>::type node_allocator;
/// item counter type
- typedef typename options::item_counter item_counter;
+ typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter;
- static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = base_class::c_nDefaultProbesetSize ; ///< default probeset size
- static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = base_class::c_nDefaultInitialSize ; ///< default initial size
- static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = base_class::c_nRelocateLimit ; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
+ static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = base_class::c_nDefaultProbesetSize; ///< default probeset size
+ static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = base_class::c_nDefaultInitialSize; ///< default initial size
+ static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = base_class::c_nRelocateLimit; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
struct make_cuckoo_set
typedef T value_type;
- typedef Traits original_type_traits;
- typedef typename original_type_traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
- static bool const store_hash = original_type_traits::store_hash;
- static unsigned int const store_hash_count = store_hash ? ((unsigned int) std::tuple_size< typename original_type_traits::hash::hash_tuple_type >::value) : 0;
+ typedef Traits original_traits;
+ typedef typename original_traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
+ static bool const store_hash = original_traits::store_hash;
+ static unsigned int const store_hash_count = store_hash ? ((unsigned int) std::tuple_size< typename original_traits::hash::hash_tuple_type >::value) : 0;
struct node_type: public intrusive::cuckoo::node<probeset_type, store_hash_count>
template <typename Pred, typename ReturnValue>
using predicate_wrapper = cds::details::binary_functor_wrapper< ReturnValue, Pred, node_type, value_accessor >;
- struct intrusive_traits: public original_type_traits
+ struct intrusive_traits: public original_traits
typedef intrusive::cuckoo::base_hook<
cds::intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type< probeset_type >
,cds::intrusive::cuckoo::store_hash< store_hash_count >
> hook;
- typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::type_traits::disposer disposer;
+ typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits::disposer disposer;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::equal_to, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::equal_to, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
- , predicate_wrapper< typename original_type_traits::equal_to, bool >
+ , predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::equal_to, bool >
>::type equal_to;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::compare, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::compare, opt::none >::value
, opt::none
- , predicate_wrapper< typename original_type_traits::compare, int >
+ , predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::compare, int >
>::type compare;
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename original_type_traits::less, opt::none >::value
+ std::is_same< typename original_traits::less, opt::none >::value
- ,predicate_wrapper< typename original_type_traits::less, bool >
+ ,predicate_wrapper< typename original_traits::less, bool >
>::type less;
- typedef opt::details::hash_list_wrapper< typename original_type_traits::hash, node_type, value_accessor > hash;
+ typedef opt::details::hash_list_wrapper< typename original_traits::hash, node_type, value_accessor > hash;
typedef intrusive::CuckooSet< node_type, intrusive_traits > type;
Template arguments:
- \p T - the type stored in the set.
- - \p Traits - type traits. See cuckoo::type_traits for explanation.
+ - \p Traits - type traits. See cuckoo::traits for explanation.
It is possible to declare option-based set with cuckoo::make_traits metafunction result as \p Traits template argument.
- Template argument list \p Options... of cuckoo::make_traits metafunction are:
- - opt::hash - hash functor tuple, mandatory option. At least, two hash functors should be provided. All hash functor
- should be orthogonal (different): for each <tt> i,j: i != j => h[i](x) != h[j](x) </tt>.
- The hash functors are passed as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>. The number of hash functors specifies
- the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing. If the compiler supports variadic templates
- then k is unlimited, otherwise up to 10 different hash functors are supported.
- - opt::mutex_policy - concurrent access policy.
- Available policies: cuckoo::striping, cuckoo::refinable.
- Default is cuckoo::striping.
- - opt::equal_to - key equality functor like \p std::equal_to.
- If this functor is defined then the probe-set will be unordered.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified too, then the probe-set will be ordered
- and opt::equal_to will be ignored.
- - opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref opt::v::sequential_item_counter.
- - opt::allocator - the allocator type using for allocating bucket tables.
- - opt::node_allocator - the allocator type using for allocating set's items. If this option
- is not specified then the type defined in opt::allocator option is used.
- - cuckoo::store_hash - this option reserves additional space in the node to store the hash value
- of the object once it's introduced in the container. When this option is used,
- the unordered container will store the calculated hash value in the node and rehashing operations won't need
- to recalculate the hash of the value. This option will improve the performance of unordered containers
- when rehashing is frequent or hashing the value is a slow operation. Default value is \p false.
- - \ref intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type "cuckoo::probeset_type" - type of probe set, may be \p cuckoo::list or <tt>cuckoo::vector<Capacity></tt>,
- Default is \p cuckoo::list.
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Possibly types: cuckoo::stat, cuckoo::empty_stat.
- Default is cuckoo::empty_stat
Cuckoo-set with list-based unordered probe set and storing hash values
// Declare type traits
- struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef my_data_equa_to equal_to;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
// Declare type traits
// We use a vector of capacity 4 as probe-set container and store hash values in the node
- struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits
typedef my_data_compare compare;
typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
- template <typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::type_traits>
+ template <typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::traits>
class CuckooSet:
protected intrusive::CuckooSet<T, Traits>
typedef T value_type ; ///< value type stored in the container
- typedef Traits options ; ///< traits
+ typedef Traits traits ; ///< traits
- typedef typename options::hash hash ; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
- typedef typename base_class::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type ; ///< Type of hash tuple
+ typedef typename traits::hash hash; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
+ typedef typename base_class::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type; ///< Type of hash tuple
- typedef typename base_class::mutex_policy mutex_policy ; ///< Concurrent access policy, see cuckoo::type_traits::mutex_policy
- typedef typename base_class::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename base_class::mutex_policy mutex_policy; ///< Concurrent access policy, see cuckoo::traits::mutex_policy
+ typedef typename base_class::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
- static bool const c_isSorted = base_class::c_isSorted ; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
- static size_t const c_nArity = base_class::c_nArity ; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
+ static bool const c_isSorted = base_class::c_isSorted; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
+ static size_t const c_nArity = base_class::c_nArity; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
- typedef typename base_class::key_equal_to key_equal_to ; ///< Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
+ typedef typename base_class::key_equal_to key_equal_to; ///< Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
- typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator ; ///< key comparing functor based on opt::compare and opt::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
+ typedef typename base_class::key_comparator key_comparator; ///< key comparing functor based on \p Traits::compare and \p Traits::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
- typedef typename base_class::allocator allocator ; ///< allocator type used for internal bucket table allocations
+ typedef typename base_class::allocator allocator; ///< allocator type used for internal bucket table allocations
/// Node allocator type
typedef typename std::conditional<
- std::is_same< typename options::node_allocator, opt::none >::value,
+ std::is_same< typename traits::node_allocator, opt::none >::value,
- typename options::node_allocator
+ typename traits::node_allocator
>::type node_allocator;
/// item counter type
- typedef typename options::item_counter item_counter;
+ typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter;
- static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = base_class::c_nDefaultProbesetSize ; ///< default probeset size
- static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = base_class::c_nDefaultInitialSize ; ///< default initial size
- static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = base_class::c_nRelocateLimit ; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
+ static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = base_class::c_nDefaultProbesetSize; ///< default probeset size
+ static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = base_class::c_nDefaultInitialSize; ///< default initial size
+ static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = base_class::c_nRelocateLimit; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
using intrusive::cuckoo::vector;
/// Type traits for CuckooSet and CuckooMap classes
- struct type_traits
+ struct traits
/// Hash functors tuple
The hash functors are defined as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>:
\@code cds::opt::hash< std::tuple< h1, h2 > > \@endcode
The number of hash functors specifies the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing.
- Up to 10 different hash functors are supported.
+ To specify hash tuple in traits you should use \p cds::opt::hash_tuple:
+ \code
+ struct my_traits: public cds::container::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef cds::opt::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ };
+ \endcode
typedef cds::opt::none hash;
Only atomic item counter type is allowed.
- typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::type_traits::item_counter item_counter;
+ typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits::item_counter item_counter;
/// Allocator type
/// Metafunction converting option list to CuckooSet/CuckooMap traits
- This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
- \p Options list see CuckooSet and CuckooMap
+ Template argument list \p Options... are:
+ - \p opt::hash - hash functor tuple, mandatory option. At least, two hash functors should be provided. All hash functor
+ should be orthogonal (different): for each <tt> i,j: i != j => h[i](x) != h[j](x) </tt>.
+ The hash functors are passed as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>. The number of hash functors specifies
+ the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing.
+ - \p opt::mutex_policy - concurrent access policy.
+ Available policies: \p cuckoo::striping, \p cuckoo::refinable.
+ Default is \p %cuckoo::striping.
+ - \p opt::equal_to - key equality functor like \p std::equal_to.
+ If this functor is defined then the probe-set will be unordered.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified too, then the probe-set will be ordered
+ and \p %opt::equal_to will be ignored.
+ - \p opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
+ If the option is not specified, the \p %opt::less is used.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
+ - \p opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
+ - \p opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \p opt::v::sequential_item_counter.
+ - \p opt::allocator - the allocator type using for allocating bucket tables.
+ - \p opt::node_allocator - the allocator type using for allocating set's items. If this option
+ is not specified then the type defined in \p %opt::allocator option is used.
+ - \p cuckoo::store_hash - this option reserves additional space in the node to store the hash value
+ of the object once it's introduced in the container. When this option is used,
+ the unordered container will store the calculated hash value in the node and rehashing operations won't need
+ to recalculate the hash of the value. This option will improve the performance of unordered containers
+ when rehashing is frequent or hashing the value is a slow operation. Default value is \p false.
+ - \ref intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type "cuckoo::probeset_type" - type of probe set, may be \p cuckoo::list or <tt>cuckoo::vector<Capacity></tt>,
+ Default is \p cuckoo::list.
+ - \p opt::stat - internal statistics. Possibly types: \p cuckoo::stat, \p cuckoo::empty_stat.
+ Default is \p %cuckoo::empty_stat
template <typename... Options>
struct make_traits {
typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
- typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< cuckoo::type_traits, Options... >::type
+ typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< cuckoo::traits, Options... >::type
>::type type ; ///< Result of metafunction
or \p cds::intrusive::cuckoo::vector<Capacity>.
- \p StoreHashCount - constant that defines whether to store node hash values.
See cuckoo::store_hash option for explanation
- - Tag - a tag used to distinguish between different implementation when two or more
- \p node is needed in single struct.
+ - \p Tag - a \ref cds_intrusive_hook_tag "tag"
template <typename ProbesetType = cuckoo::list, unsigned int StoreHashCount = 0, typename Tag = opt::none>
struct node
template < typename HookType, typename... Options>
struct hook
- typedef typename opt::make_options< default_hook, Options...>::type options;
+ typedef typename opt::make_options< default_hook, Options...>::type traits;
- typedef typename options::probeset_type probeset_type;
- typedef typename options::tag tag;
- static unsigned int const store_hash = options::store_hash;
+ typedef typename traits::probeset_type probeset_type;
+ typedef typename traits::tag tag;
+ static unsigned int const store_hash = traits::store_hash;
typedef node<probeset_type, store_hash, tag> node_type;
/// Base hook
\p Options are:
- - cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
- - cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
- - opt::tag - tag to distinguish different nodes in one struct. Default is opt::none
+ - \p cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
+ - \p cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
+ - \p opt::tag - a \ref cds_intrusive_hook_tag "tag"
template < typename... Options >
struct base_hook: public hook< opt::base_hook_tag, Options... >
Use \p offsetof macro to define \p MemberOffset
\p Options are:
- - cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
- - cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
- - opt::tag - tag to distinguish different nodes in one struct. Default is opt::none
+ - \p cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
+ - \p cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
+ - \p opt::tag - a \ref cds_intrusive_hook_tag "tag"
template < size_t MemberOffset, typename... Options >
struct member_hook: public hook< opt::member_hook_tag, Options... >
See \ref node_traits for \p NodeTraits interface description
\p Options are:
- - cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
- - cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
- - opt::tag - tag to distinguish different nodes in one struct. Default is opt::none
+ - \p cuckoo::probeset_type - probeset type. Defaul is \p cuckoo::list
+ - \p cuckoo::store_hash - store hash values in the node or not. Default is 0 (no storing)
+ - \p opt::tag - a \ref cds_intrusive_hook_tag "tag"
template <typename NodeTraits, typename... Options >
struct traits_hook: public hook< opt::traits_hook_tag, Options... >
/// Type traits for CuckooSet class
- struct type_traits
+ struct traits
/// Hook used
The hash functors are defined as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>:
\@code cds::opt::hash< std::tuple< h1, h2 > > \@endcode
The number of hash functors specifies the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing.
- Up to 10 different hash functors are supported.
+ To specify hash tuple in traits you should use \p cds::opt::hash_tuple:
+ \code
+ struct my_traits: public cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef cds::opt::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ };
+ \endcode
typedef cds::opt::none hash;
/// Concurrent access policy
Available opt::mutex_policy types:
- - cuckoo::striping - simple, but the lock array is not resizable
- - cuckoo::refinable - resizable lock array, but more complex access to set data.
+ - \p cuckoo::striping - simple, but the lock array is not resizable
+ - \p cuckoo::refinable - resizable lock array, but more complex access to set data.
- Default is cuckoo::striping.
+ Default is \p cuckoo::striping.
typedef cuckoo::striping<> mutex_policy;
typedef opt::none equal_to;
- /// Key comparison functor
+ /// Key comparing functor
No default functor is provided. If the option is not specified, the \p less is used.
/// Item counter
The type for item counting feature.
- Default is cds::atomicity::item_counter
+ Default is \p cds::atomicity::item_counter
Only atomic item counter type is allowed.
/// Disposer
- The disposer functor is used in CuckooSet::clear member function
+ The disposer functor is used in \p CuckooSet::clear() member function
to free set's node.
typedef intrusive::opt::v::empty_disposer disposer;
- /// Internal statistics. Available statistics: cuckoo::stat, cuckoo::empty_stat
+ /// Internal statistics. Available statistics: \p cuckoo::stat, \p cuckoo::empty_stat
typedef empty_stat stat;
- /// Metafunction converting option list to CuckooSet traits
+ /// Metafunction converting option list to \p CuckooSet traits
- This is a wrapper for <tt> cds::opt::make_options< type_traits, Options...> </tt>
- \p Options list see \ref CuckooSet.
+ Template argument list \p Options... are:
+ - \p intrusive::opt::hook - hook used. Possible values are: \p cuckoo::base_hook, \p cuckoo::member_hook,
+ \p cuckoo::traits_hook.
+ If the option is not specified, <tt>%cuckoo::base_hook<></tt> is used.
+ - \p opt::hash - hash functor tuple, mandatory option. At least, two hash functors should be provided. All hash functor
+ should be orthogonal (different): for each <tt> i,j: i != j => h[i](x) != h[j](x) </tt>.
+ The hash functors are passed as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>. The number of hash functors specifies
+ the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing.
+ - \p opt::mutex_policy - concurrent access policy.
+ Available policies: \p cuckoo::striping, \p cuckoo::refinable.
+ Default is \p %cuckoo::striping.
+ - \p opt::equal_to - key equality functor like \p std::equal_to.
+ If this functor is defined then the probe-set will be unordered.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified too, then the probe-set will be ordered
+ and \p %opt::equal_to will be ignored.
+ - \p opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
+ If the option is not specified, the \p %opt::less is used.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
+ - \p opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
+ If \p %opt::compare or \p %opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
+ - \p opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \p atomicity::item_counter
+ The item counter should be atomic.
+ - \p opt::allocator - the allocator type using for allocating bucket tables.
+ - \p intrusive::opt::disposer - the disposer type used in \p clear() member function for
+ freeing nodes. Default is \p intrusive::opt::v::empty_disposer
+ - \p opt::stat - internal statistics. Possibly types: \p cuckoo::stat, \p cuckoo::empty_stat.
+ Default is \p %cuckoo::empty_stat
+ The probe set traits \p cuckoo::probeset_type and \p cuckoo::store_hash are taken from \p node type
+ specified by \p opt::hook option.
template <typename... Options>
struct make_traits {
typedef typename cds::opt::make_options<
- typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< cuckoo::type_traits, Options... >::type
+ typename cds::opt::find_type_traits< cuckoo::traits, Options... >::type
>::type type ; ///< Result of metafunction
- \p T - the type stored in the set. The type must be based on cuckoo::node (for cuckoo::base_hook)
or it must have a member of type %cuckoo::node (for cuckoo::member_hook),
or it must be convertible to \p %cuckoo::node (for cuckoo::traits_hook)
- - \p Traits - type traits. See cuckoo::type_traits for explanation. It is possible to declare option-based
- set with cuckoo::make_traits metafunction result as \p Traits template argument.
- Template argument list \p Options... of cuckoo::make_traits metafunction are:
- - intrusive::opt::hook - hook used. Possible values are: cuckoo::base_hook, cuckoo::member_hook, cuckoo::traits_hook.
- If the option is not specified, <tt>%cuckoo::base_hook<></tt> is used.
- - opt::hash - hash functor tuple, mandatory option. At least, two hash functors should be provided. All hash functor
- should be orthogonal (different): for each <tt> i,j: i != j => h[i](x) != h[j](x) </tt>.
- The hash functors are passed as <tt> std::tuple< H1, H2, ... Hn > </tt>. The number of hash functors specifies
- the number \p k - the count of hash tables in cuckoo hashing. If the compiler supports variadic templates
- then k is unlimited, otherwise up to 10 different hash functors are supported.
- - opt::mutex_policy - concurrent access policy.
- Available policies: cuckoo::striping, cuckoo::refinable.
- Default is cuckoo::striping.
- - opt::equal_to - key equality functor like \p std::equal_to.
- If this functor is defined then the probe-set will be unordered.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified too, then the probe-set will be ordered
- and opt::equal_to will be ignored.
- - opt::compare - key comparison functor. No default functor is provided.
- If the option is not specified, the opt::less is used.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::less - specifies binary predicate used for key comparison. Default is \p std::less<T>.
- If opt::compare or opt::less option is specified, then the probe-set will be ordered.
- - opt::item_counter - the type of item counting feature. Default is \ref atomicity::item_counter
- The item counter should be atomic.
- - opt::allocator - the allocator type using for allocating bucket tables.
- - intrusive::opt::disposer - the disposer type used in \ref clear() member function for
- freeing nodes. Default is intrusive::opt::v::empty_disposer
- - opt::stat - internal statistics. Possibly types: cuckoo::stat, cuckoo::empty_stat.
- Default is cuckoo::empty_stat
- The probe set options cuckoo::probeset_type and cuckoo::store_hash are taken from \p node type
- specified by \p opt::hook option.
+ - \p Traits - type traits, default is cuckoo::traits. It is possible to declare option-based
+ set with \p cuckoo::make_traits metafunction result as \p Traits template argument.
<b>How to use</b>
- You should incorporate cuckoo::node into your struct \p T and provide
- appropriate cuckoo::type_traits::hook in your \p Traits template parameters. Usually, for \p Traits you
- define a struct based on cuckoo::type_traits.
+ You should incorporate \p cuckoo::node into your struct \p T and provide
+ appropriate \p cuckoo::traits::hook in your \p Traits template parameters.
+ Usually, for \p Traits you define a struct based on \p cuckoo::traits.
Example for base hook and list-based probe-set:
// Declare type traits
- struct my_traits: public cds::intrusive::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits
typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::base_hook<
cds::intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type< my_data::probeset_type >
,cds::intrusive::cuckoo::store_hash< my_data::hash_array_size >
> hook;
typedef my_data_equa_to equal_to;
- typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ typedef cds::opt::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
// Declare CuckooSet type
// Declare type traits
- struct my_traits: public cds::intrusive::cuckoo::type_traits
+ struct my_traits: public cds::intrusive::cuckoo::traits
typedef cds::intrusive::cuckoo::base_hook<
cds::intrusive::cuckoo::probeset_type< my_data::probeset_type >
,cds::intrusive::cuckoo::store_hash< my_data::hash_array_size >
> hook;
typedef my_data_compare compare;
- typedef std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ typedef cds::opt::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
// Declare CuckooSet type
- template <typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::type_traits>
+ template <typename T, typename Traits = cuckoo::traits>
class CuckooSet
- typedef T value_type ; ///< The value type stored in the set
- typedef Traits options ; ///< Set traits
+ typedef T value_type; ///< The value type stored in the set
+ typedef Traits traits; ///< Set traits
- typedef typename options::hook hook ; ///< hook type
- typedef typename hook::node_type node_type ; ///< node type
- typedef typename get_node_traits< value_type, node_type, hook>::type node_traits ; ///< node traits
+ typedef typename traits::hook hook; ///< hook type
+ typedef typename hook::node_type node_type; ///< node type
+ typedef typename get_node_traits< value_type, node_type, hook>::type node_traits; ///< node traits
- typedef typename options::hash hash ; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
- typedef typename hash::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type ; ///< Type of hash tuple
+ typedef typename traits::hash hash; ///< hash functor tuple wrapped for internal use
+ typedef typename hash::hash_tuple_type hash_tuple_type; ///< Type of hash tuple
- typedef typename options::stat stat ; ///< internal statistics type
+ typedef typename traits::stat stat; ///< internal statistics type
- typedef typename options::mutex_policy original_mutex_policy ; ///< Concurrent access policy, see cuckoo::type_traits::mutex_policy
+ typedef typename traits::mutex_policy original_mutex_policy; ///< Concurrent access policy, see \p cuckoo::traits::mutex_policy
/// Actual mutex policy
- Actual mutex policy is built from mutex policy type provided by \p Traits template argument (see cuckoo::type_traits::mutex_policy)
- but mutex policy internal statistics is conformed with cukoo::type_traits::stat type provided by \p Traits:
- - if \p %cuckoo::type_traits::stat is cuckoo::empty_stat then mutex policy statistics is already empty one
+ Actual mutex policy is built from mutex policy type provided by \p Traits template argument (see \p cuckoo::traits::mutex_policy)
+ but mutex policy internal statistics is conformed with \p cukoo::traits::stat type provided by \p Traits:
+ - if \p %cuckoo::traits::stat is \p cuckoo::empty_stat then mutex policy statistics is already empty
- otherwise real mutex policy statistics is used
typedef typename original_mutex_policy::template rebind_statistics<
>::other mutex_policy;
- static bool const c_isSorted = !( std::is_same< typename options::compare, opt::none >::value
- && std::is_same< typename options::less, opt::none >::value ) ; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
+ static bool const c_isSorted = !( std::is_same< typename traits::compare, opt::none >::value
+ && std::is_same< typename traits::less, opt::none >::value ) ; ///< whether the probe set should be ordered
static size_t const c_nArity = hash::size ; ///< the arity of cuckoo hashing: the number of hash functors provided; minimum 2.
/// Key equality functor; used only for unordered probe-set
- typedef typename opt::details::make_equal_to< value_type, options, !c_isSorted>::type key_equal_to;
+ typedef typename opt::details::make_equal_to< value_type, traits, !c_isSorted>::type key_equal_to;
/// key comparing functor based on opt::compare and opt::less option setter. Used only for ordered probe set
- typedef typename opt::details::make_comparator< value_type, options >::type key_comparator;
+ typedef typename opt::details::make_comparator< value_type, traits >::type key_comparator;
/// allocator type
- typedef typename options::allocator allocator;
+ typedef typename traits::allocator allocator;
/// item counter type
- typedef typename options::item_counter item_counter;
+ typedef typename traits::item_counter item_counter;
/// node disposer
- typedef typename options::disposer disposer;
+ typedef typename traits::disposer disposer;
- static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = 4 ; ///< default probeset size
- static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = 16 ; ///< default initial size
- static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = c_nArity * 2 - 1 ; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
+ static unsigned int const c_nDefaultProbesetSize = 4; ///< default probeset size
+ static size_t const c_nDefaultInitialSize = 16; ///< default initial size
+ static unsigned int const c_nRelocateLimit = c_nArity * 2 - 1; ///< Count of attempts to relocate before giving up
bucket_entry * m_BucketTable[ c_nArity ] ; ///< Bucket tables
- The \ref disposer specified in \p Traits options is not called.
+ The \ref disposer specified in \p Traits traits is not called.
template <typename Disposer>
void clear_and_dispose( Disposer oDisposer )
#define __CDS_OPT_HASH_H
#include <tuple>
+#include <functional>
#include <cds/opt/options.h>
namespace cds { namespace opt {
} // namespace details
+ /// Declare tuple for hash functors \p Functors
+ template <typename... Functors>
+ using hash_tuple = details::hash_list< std::tuple< Functors... >>;
// At least, two functors must be provided. Single functor is not supported
template <typename Functor> struct hash< std::tuple<Functor> >;
- typedef cc::CuckooMap< CuckooMapHdrTest::key_type, CuckooMapHdrTest::value_type,
- cc::cuckoo::make_traits<
- co::equal_to< std::equal_to<int> >
- ,co::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
- >::type
- > map_t;
+ struct map_traits : public cc::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef std::equal_to<int> equal_to;
+ typedef co::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ };
+ typedef cc::CuckooMap< CuckooMapHdrTest::key_type, CuckooMapHdrTest::value_type, map_traits > map_t;
void CuckooSetHdrTest::Cuckoo_Striped_list_unord()
- typedef cc::CuckooSet< item,
- cc::cuckoo::make_traits<
- co::equal_to< equal< item > >
- ,co::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
- >::type
- > set_t;
+ struct set_traits : public cc::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef equal<item> equal_to;
+ typedef co::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ };
+ typedef cc::CuckooSet< item, set_traits > set_t;
+ // cc::cuckoo::make_traits<
+ // co::equal_to< equal< item > >
+ // ,co::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
+ // >::type
+ //> set_t;
test_int<set_t, equal< item > >();
void IntrusiveCuckooSetHdrTest::Cuckoo_striped_list_basehook_equal()
typedef IntrusiveCuckooSetHdrTest::base_item< ci::cuckoo::node< ci::cuckoo::list, 0 > > item_type;
- typedef ci::CuckooSet< item_type
- ,ci::cuckoo::make_traits<
- co::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
- ,co::equal_to< equal_to<item_type> >
- >::type
- > set_type;
+ struct set_traits : public ci::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef co::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ typedef set::equal_to<item_type> equal_to;
+ };
+ typedef ci::CuckooSet< item_type, set_traits > set_type;
typedef IntrusiveCuckooSetHdrTest::base_item< ci::cuckoo::node< ci::cuckoo::vector<4>, 0 > > item_type;
- typedef ci::CuckooSet< item_type
- ,ci::cuckoo::make_traits<
- ci::opt::hook< ci::cuckoo::base_hook<
- ci::cuckoo::probeset_type< item_type::probeset_type >
- > >
- ,co::hash< std::tuple< hash1, hash2 > >
- ,co::equal_to< equal_to<item_type> >
- >::type
- > set_type;
+ struct set_traits : public ci::cuckoo::traits {
+ typedef ci::cuckoo::base_hook< ci::cuckoo::probeset_type< item_type::probeset_type >> hook;
+ typedef co::hash_tuple< hash1, hash2 > hash;
+ typedef set::equal_to<item_type> equal_to;
+ };
+ typedef ci::CuckooSet< item_type, set_traits > set_type;