// ------------ # Code for extracting traffic generated by a device within x seconds of a trigger # ------------
// Paths to input and output files (consider supplying these as arguments instead) and IP of the device for
// which traffic is to be extracted:
-// String path = "/scratch/July-2018"; // Rahmadi
- String path = "/Users/varmarken/temp/UCI IoT Project/experiments"; // Janus
+ String path = "/scratch/July-2018"; // Rahmadi
+// String path = "/Users/varmarken/temp/UCI IoT Project/experiments"; // Janus
boolean verbose = true;
final String onPairsPath = "/scratch/July-2018/on.txt";
final String offPairsPath = "/scratch/July-2018/off.txt";
// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .199 == dlink plug?
// 2) TP-Link July 25 experiment
- final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink.wlan1.local.pcap";
- final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink-processed.pcap";
- final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink-july-25-2018.timestamps";
- final String deviceIp = "";
+// final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink.wlan1.local.pcap";
+// final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink-processed.pcap";
+// final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-07/tplink/tplink-july-25-2018.timestamps";
+// final String deviceIp = "";
// 2b) TP-Link July 25 experiment TRUNCATED:
// Only contains "true local" events, i.e., before the behavior changes to remote-like behavior.
// final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/lifx-bulb/lifx-bulb.wlan1.local.pcap";
// final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/lifx-bulb/lifx-bulb-processed.pcap";
// final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-08/lifx-bulb/lifx-bulb-aug-8-2018.timestamps";
-// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .231 == Lifx
+// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .231 == Lifx
// 10) Amcrest Camera August 9 experiment
// final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/amcrest-camera/amcrest-camera.wlan1.local.pcap";
// final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa-aug-16-2018.timestamps";
// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .225 == Alexa
// August 17
-// final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa2.wlan1.local.pcap";
-// final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa2-processed.pcap";
-// final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa-aug-17-2018.timestamps";
-// final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .225 == Alexa
+ final String inputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa2.wlan1.local.pcap";
+ final String outputPcapFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa2-processed.pcap";
+ final String triggerTimesFile = path + "/2018-08/alexa/alexa-aug-17-2018.timestamps";
+ final String deviceIp = ""; // .246 == phone; .225 == Alexa
TriggerTimesFileReader ttfr = new TriggerTimesFileReader();
List<Instant> triggerTimes = ttfr.readTriggerTimes(triggerTimesFile, false);
// The length of the first packet
int firstLen = 0;
for (PcapPacket pcap : packetList) {
- System.out.println(pcap.length() + ", " + conv.getDirection(pcap));
boolean isPair = false;
if (count % 2 == 0) {
firstDir = conv.getDirection(pcap);
if(conv.getDirection(pcap) != firstDir) {
isPair = true;
pwOn.println(firstLen + ", " + pcap.length());
- //System.out.println(firstDir + ", " + conv.getDirection(pcap));
- //System.out.println(firstLen + ", " + pcap.length());
+ System.out.println(firstDir + ", " + conv.getDirection(pcap));
+ System.out.println(firstLen + ", " + pcap.length());
// The length of the first packet
int firstLen = 0;
for (PcapPacket pcap : packetList) {
- System.out.println(pcap.length() + ", " + conv.getDirection(pcap));
boolean isPair = false;
if (count % 2 == 0) {
firstDir = conv.getDirection(pcap);
- // ================================================================================================
- // <<< Some work-in-progress/explorative code that extracts a "representative" sequence >>>
- //
- // Currently need to know relevant hostname in advance :(
- String hostname = "events.tplinkra.com";
-// String hostname = "rfe-us-west-1.dch.dlink.com";
- // Conversations with 'hostname' for ON events.
- List<Conversation> onsForHostname = new ArrayList<>();
- // Conversations with 'hostname' for OFF events.
- List<Conversation> offsForHostname = new ArrayList<>();
- // "Unwrap" sequence groupings in ons/offs maps.
- ons.get(hostname).forEach((k,v) -> onsForHostname.addAll(v));
- offs.get(hostname).forEach((k,v) -> offsForHostname.addAll(v));
- Map<String, List<Conversation>> onsForHostnameGroupedByTlsAppDataSequence = TcpConversationUtils.groupConversationsByTlsApplicationDataPacketSequence(onsForHostname);
- // Extract representative sequence for ON and OFF by providing the list of conversations with
- // 'hostname' observed for each event type (the training data).
- SequenceExtraction seqExtraction = new SequenceExtraction();
-// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOn = seqExtraction.extract(onsForHostname);
-// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOff = seqExtraction.extract(offsForHostname);
- ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOn = seqExtraction.extractByTlsAppData(onsForHostname);
- ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOff = seqExtraction.extractByTlsAppData(offsForHostname);
- // Let's check how many ONs align with OFFs and vice versa (that is, how many times an event is incorrectly
- // labeled).
- int onsLabeledAsOff = 0;
- Integer[] representativeOnSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(extractedSequenceForOn.getRepresentativeSequence());
- Integer[] representativeOffSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(extractedSequenceForOff.getRepresentativeSequence());
- SequenceAlignment<Integer> seqAlg = seqExtraction.getAlignmentAlgorithm();
- for (Conversation c : onsForHostname) {
- Integer[] onSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(c);
- if (seqAlg.calculateAlignment(representativeOffSeq, onSeq) <= extractedSequenceForOff.getMaxAlignmentCost()) {
- onsLabeledAsOff++;
- }
- }
- int offsLabeledAsOn = 0;
- for (Conversation c : offsForHostname) {
- Integer[] offSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(c);
- if (seqAlg.calculateAlignment(representativeOnSeq, offSeq) <= extractedSequenceForOn.getMaxAlignmentCost()) {
- offsLabeledAsOn++;
- }
- }
- System.out.println("");
- // ================================================================================================
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// // ================================================================================================
+// // <<< Some work-in-progress/explorative code that extracts a "representative" sequence >>>
+// //
+// // Currently need to know relevant hostname in advance :(
+// String hostname = "events.tplinkra.com";
+//// String hostname = "rfe-us-west-1.dch.dlink.com";
+// // Conversations with 'hostname' for ON events.
+// List<Conversation> onsForHostname = new ArrayList<>();
+// // Conversations with 'hostname' for OFF events.
+// List<Conversation> offsForHostname = new ArrayList<>();
+// // "Unwrap" sequence groupings in ons/offs maps.
+// ons.get(hostname).forEach((k,v) -> onsForHostname.addAll(v));
+// offs.get(hostname).forEach((k,v) -> offsForHostname.addAll(v));
+// Map<String, List<Conversation>> onsForHostnameGroupedByTlsAppDataSequence = TcpConversationUtils.groupConversationsByTlsApplicationDataPacketSequence(onsForHostname);
+// // Extract representative sequence for ON and OFF by providing the list of conversations with
+// // 'hostname' observed for each event type (the training data).
+// SequenceExtraction seqExtraction = new SequenceExtraction();
+//// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOn = seqExtraction.extract(onsForHostname);
+//// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOff = seqExtraction.extract(offsForHostname);
+// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOn = seqExtraction.extractByTlsAppData(onsForHostname);
+// ExtractedSequence extractedSequenceForOff = seqExtraction.extractByTlsAppData(offsForHostname);
+// // Let's check how many ONs align with OFFs and vice versa (that is, how many times an event is incorrectly
+// // labeled).
+// int onsLabeledAsOff = 0;
+// Integer[] representativeOnSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(extractedSequenceForOn.getRepresentativeSequence());
+// Integer[] representativeOffSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(extractedSequenceForOff.getRepresentativeSequence());
+// SequenceAlignment<Integer> seqAlg = seqExtraction.getAlignmentAlgorithm();
+// for (Conversation c : onsForHostname) {
+// Integer[] onSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(c);
+// if (seqAlg.calculateAlignment(representativeOffSeq, onSeq) <= extractedSequenceForOff.getMaxAlignmentCost()) {
+// onsLabeledAsOff++;
+// }
+// }
+// int offsLabeledAsOn = 0;
+// for (Conversation c : offsForHostname) {
+// Integer[] offSeq = TcpConversationUtils.getPacketLengthSequence(c);
+// if (seqAlg.calculateAlignment(representativeOnSeq, offSeq) <= extractedSequenceForOn.getMaxAlignmentCost()) {
+// offsLabeledAsOn++;
+// }
+// }
+// System.out.println("");
+// // ================================================================================================
+// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+// // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------