public HashSet<AllocationSite> allocationSites;
public OwnershipGraph(int allocationDepth, TypeUtil typeUtil) {
this.allocationDepth = allocationDepth;
this.typeUtil = typeUtil;
// parameter labels, the index of the parameter they
// are for is important when resolving method calls
Integer newPrimaryID = hrnPrimary.getID();
- //assert !idPrimary2paramIndex.containsKey( newPrimaryID );
- //idPrimary2paramIndex.put( newPrimaryID, paramIndex );
+ assert !idPrimary2paramIndexSet.containsKey( newPrimaryID );
+ Set<Integer> s = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ s.add( paramIndex );
+ idPrimary2paramIndexSet.put( newPrimaryID, s );
+ paramIndex2idPrimary.put( paramIndex, newPrimaryID );
TokenTuple ttPrimary = new TokenTuple( newPrimaryID,
false, // multi-object
"param"+paramIndex+" reachable" );
newSecondaryID = hrnSecondary.getID();
- //assert !idSecondary2paramIndex.containsKey( newSecondaryID );
- //idSecondary2paramIndex.put( newSecondaryID, paramIndex );
+ assert !idSecondary2paramIndexSet.containsKey( newSecondaryID );
+ Set<Integer> s2 = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ s2.add( paramIndex );
+ idSecondary2paramIndexSet.put( newSecondaryID, s2 );
+ paramIndex2idSecondary.put( paramIndex, newSecondaryID );
ttSecondary = new TokenTuple( newSecondaryID,
true, // multi-object
// this is a non-program-accessible label that picks up beta
// info to be used for fixing a caller of this method
TempDescriptor tdParamQ = new TempDescriptor( tdParam+"specialQ" );
+ paramIndex2tdQ.put( paramIndex, tdParamQ );
LabelNode lnParamQ = getLabelNodeFromTemp( tdParamQ );
// the lnAliased should always only reference one node, and that
Integer idAliased = hrnAliasBlob.getID();
TokenTuple ttAliased = new TokenTuple( idAliased,
- false, // multi-object
+ true, // multi-object
TokenTuple.ARITY_ONE ).makeCanonical();
if( aliasedPiIsSuperOfPj ) {
// we point parameter labels directly at the alias blob
- // and just have to live with bad precision
- /*
- Set s = id2paramIndexSet.get( idAliased );
- if( s == null ) {
+ // and just have to live with bad precision
+ Set<Integer> s = idPrimary2paramIndexSet.get( idAliased );
+ if( s == null ) {
s = new HashSet<Integer>();
- }
- s.add( paramIndex );
- id2paramIndexSet.put(idAliased, s);
- paramIndex2id.put(paramIndex, idAliased);
- paramIndex2tdQ.put(paramIndex, tdParamQ);
- */
+ }
+ s.add( paramIndex );
+ idPrimary2paramIndexSet.put( idAliased, s );
+ paramIndex2idPrimary.put( paramIndex, idAliased );
ReachabilitySet beta = new ReachabilitySet( ttAliased ).makeCanonical();
ReferenceEdge edgeFromLabel =
"param"+paramIndex+" obj" );
Integer newPrimaryID = hrnPrimary.getID();
+ assert !idPrimary2paramIndexSet.containsKey( newPrimaryID );
+ Set<Integer> s1 = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ s1.add( paramIndex );
+ idPrimary2paramIndexSet.put( newPrimaryID, s1 );
+ paramIndex2idPrimary.put( paramIndex, newPrimaryID );
+ Set<Integer> s2 = idSecondary2paramIndexSet.get( idAliased );
+ if( s2 == null ) {
+ s2 = new HashSet<Integer>();
+ }
+ s2.add( paramIndex );
+ idSecondary2paramIndexSet.put( idAliased, s2 );
+ paramIndex2idSecondary.put( paramIndex, idAliased );
TokenTuple ttPrimary = new TokenTuple( newPrimaryID,
false, // multi-object
Hashtable<TokenTuple, Integer> paramTokenStar2paramIndex,
boolean makeChangeSet,
Hashtable<ReferenceEdge, ChangeTupleSet> edgePlannedChanges) {
- /*
assert(hrn == null && edge != null) ||
(hrn != null && edge == null);
} else {
hrn.setAlphaNew(hrn.getAlphaNew().union(callerReachabilityNew) );
- */
return possibleCallerHRNs;
- return null;
+ return new HashSet<HeapRegionNode>();
- mergeId2paramIndex(og);
+ mergeParamIndexMappings(og);
// you should only merge ownership graphs that have the
// same number of parameters, or if one or both parameter
// index tables are empty
- protected void mergeId2paramIndex(OwnershipGraph og) {
- /*
- if( id2paramIndexSet.size() == 0 ) {
- id2paramIndexSet = og.id2paramIndexSet;
- paramIndex2id = og.paramIndex2id;
+ protected void mergeParamIndexMappings(OwnershipGraph og) {
+ if( idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size() == 0 ) {
+ idPrimary2paramIndexSet = og.idPrimary2paramIndexSet;
+ paramIndex2idPrimary = og.paramIndex2idPrimary;
+ idSecondary2paramIndexSet = og.idSecondary2paramIndexSet;
+ paramIndex2idSecondary = og.paramIndex2idSecondary;
paramIndex2tdQ = og.paramIndex2tdQ;
- if( og.id2paramIndexSet.size() == 0 ) {
+ if( og.idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size() == 0 ) {
- assert id2paramIndexSet.size() == og.id2paramIndexSet.size();
- */
+ assert idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size() == og.idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size();
+ assert idSecondary2paramIndexSet.size() == og.idSecondary2paramIndexSet.size();
protected void mergeAllocationSites(OwnershipGraph og) {
return false;
- if( !areId2paramIndexEqual(og) ) {
+ if( !areParamIndexMappingsEqual(og) ) {
return false;
- protected boolean areId2paramIndexEqual(OwnershipGraph og) {
- //return id2paramIndexSet.size() == og.id2paramIndexSet.size();
+ protected boolean areParamIndexMappingsEqual(OwnershipGraph og) {
+ if( idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size() != og.idPrimary2paramIndexSet.size() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
+ if( idSecondary2paramIndexSet.size() != og.idSecondary2paramIndexSet.size() ) {
+ return false;
+ }
return true;