futures/Promise-inl.h \
futures/Promise.h \
futures/QueuedImmediateExecutor.h \
+ futures/Retrying.h \
futures/ScheduledExecutor.h \
futures/SharedPromise.h \
futures/SharedPromise-inl.h \
#include <algorithm>
#include <cassert>
#include <chrono>
-#include <random>
#include <thread>
#include <folly/Baton.h>
#include <folly/Optional.h>
-#include <folly/Random.h>
#include <folly/futures/Timekeeper.h>
#include <folly/futures/detail/Core.h>
-namespace futures {
-namespace detail {
-struct retrying_policy_raw_tag {};
-struct retrying_policy_fut_tag {};
-template <class Policy>
-struct retrying_policy_traits {
- using result = std::result_of_t<Policy(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>;
- using is_raw = std::is_same<result, bool>;
- using is_fut = std::is_same<result, Future<bool>>;
- using tag = typename std::conditional<
- is_raw::value, retrying_policy_raw_tag, typename std::conditional<
- is_fut::value, retrying_policy_fut_tag, void>::type>::type;
-template <class Policy, class FF, class Prom>
-void retryingImpl(size_t k, Policy&& p, FF&& ff, Prom prom) {
- using F = typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type;
- using T = typename F::value_type;
- auto f = makeFutureWith([&] { return ff(k++); });
- f.then([
- k,
- prom = std::move(prom),
- pm = std::forward<Policy>(p),
- ffm = std::forward<FF>(ff)
- ](Try<T> && t) mutable {
- if (t.hasValue()) {
- prom.setValue(std::move(t).value());
- return;
- }
- auto& x = t.exception();
- auto q = pm(k, x);
- q.then([
- k,
- prom = std::move(prom),
- xm = std::move(x),
- pm = std::move(pm),
- ffm = std::move(ffm)
- ](bool shouldRetry) mutable {
- if (shouldRetry) {
- retryingImpl(k, std::move(pm), std::move(ffm), std::move(prom));
- } else {
- prom.setException(std::move(xm));
- };
- });
- });
-template <class Policy, class FF>
-typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
-retrying(size_t k, Policy&& p, FF&& ff) {
- using F = typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type;
- using T = typename F::value_type;
- auto prom = Promise<T>();
- auto f = prom.getFuture();
- retryingImpl(
- k, std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff), std::move(prom));
- return f;
-template <class Policy, class FF>
-typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
-retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff, retrying_policy_raw_tag) {
- auto q = [pm = std::forward<Policy>(p)](size_t k, exception_wrapper x) {
- return makeFuture<bool>(pm(k, x));
- };
- return retrying(0, std::move(q), std::forward<FF>(ff));
-template <class Policy, class FF>
-typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
-retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff, retrying_policy_fut_tag) {
- return retrying(0, std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff));
-// jittered exponential backoff, clamped to [backoff_min, backoff_max]
-template <class URNG>
-Duration retryingJitteredExponentialBackoffDur(
- size_t n,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG& rng) {
- using d = Duration;
- auto dist = std::normal_distribution<double>(0.0, jitter_param);
- auto jitter = std::exp(dist(rng));
- auto backoff = d(d::rep(jitter * backoff_min.count() * std::pow(2, n - 1)));
- return std::max(backoff_min, std::min(backoff_max, backoff));
-template <class Policy, class URNG>
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG&& rng,
- Policy&& p) {
- return [
- pm = std::forward<Policy>(p),
- max_tries,
- backoff_min,
- backoff_max,
- jitter_param,
- rngp = std::forward<URNG>(rng)
- ](size_t n, const exception_wrapper& ex) mutable {
- if (n == max_tries) {
- return makeFuture(false);
- }
- return pm(n, ex).then(
- [ n, backoff_min, backoff_max, jitter_param, rngp = std::move(rngp) ](
- bool v) mutable {
- if (!v) {
- return makeFuture(false);
- }
- auto backoff = detail::retryingJitteredExponentialBackoffDur(
- n, backoff_min, backoff_max, jitter_param, rngp);
- return futures::sleep(backoff).then([] { return true; });
- });
- };
-template <class Policy, class URNG>
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG&& rng,
- Policy&& p,
- retrying_policy_raw_tag) {
- auto q = [pm = std::forward<Policy>(p)](
- size_t n, const exception_wrapper& e) {
- return makeFuture(pm(n, e));
- };
- return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
- max_tries,
- backoff_min,
- backoff_max,
- jitter_param,
- std::forward<URNG>(rng),
- std::move(q));
-template <class Policy, class URNG>
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG&& rng,
- Policy&& p,
- retrying_policy_fut_tag) {
- return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
- max_tries,
- backoff_min,
- backoff_max,
- jitter_param,
- std::forward<URNG>(rng),
- std::forward<Policy>(p));
-template <class Policy, class FF>
-typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
-retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff) {
- using tag = typename detail::retrying_policy_traits<Policy>::tag;
- return detail::retrying(std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff), tag());
-std::function<bool(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries) {
- return [=](size_t n, const exception_wrapper&) { return n < max_tries; };
-template <class Policy, class URNG>
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG&& rng,
- Policy&& p) {
- using tag = typename detail::retrying_policy_traits<Policy>::tag;
- return detail::retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
- max_tries,
- backoff_min,
- backoff_max,
- jitter_param,
- std::forward<URNG>(rng),
- std::forward<Policy>(p),
- tag());
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param) {
- auto p = [](size_t, const exception_wrapper&) { return true; };
- return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
- max_tries,
- backoff_min,
- backoff_max,
- jitter_param,
- ThreadLocalPRNG(),
- std::move(p));
// Instantiate the most common Future types to save compile time
extern template class Future<Unit>;
extern template class Future<bool>;
--- /dev/null
+ * Copyright 2017 Facebook, Inc.
+ *
+ * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+ * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+ * You may obtain a copy of the License at
+ *
+ * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+ *
+ * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+ * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+ * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied.
+ * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+ * limitations under the License.
+ */
+#pragma once
+#include <folly/Random.h>
+#include <folly/futures/Future.h>
+namespace folly {
+namespace futures {
+ * retrying
+ *
+ * Given a policy and a future-factory, creates futures according to the
+ * policy.
+ *
+ * The policy must be moveable - retrying will move it a lot - and callable of
+ * either of the two forms:
+ * - Future<bool>(size_t, exception_wrapper)
+ * - bool(size_t, exception_wrapper)
+ * Internally, the latter is transformed into the former in the obvious way.
+ * The first parameter is the attempt number of the next prospective attempt;
+ * the second parameter is the most recent exception. The policy returns a
+ * Future<bool> which, when completed with true, indicates that a retry is
+ * desired.
+ *
+ * We provide a few generic policies:
+ * - Basic
+ * - CappedJitteredexponentialBackoff
+ *
+ * Custom policies may use the most recent try number and exception to decide
+ * whether to retry and optionally to do something interesting like delay
+ * before the retry. Users may pass inline lambda expressions as policies, or
+ * may define their own data types meeting the above requirements. Users are
+ * responsible for managing the lifetimes of anything pointed to or referred to
+ * from inside the policy.
+ *
+ * For example, one custom policy may try up to k times, but only if the most
+ * recent exception is one of a few types or has one of a few error codes
+ * indicating that the failure was transitory.
+ *
+ * Cancellation is not supported.
+ *
+ * If both FF and Policy inline executes, then it is possible to hit a stack
+ * overflow due to the recursive nature of the retry implementation
+ */
+template <class Policy, class FF>
+typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff);
+namespace detail {
+struct retrying_policy_raw_tag {};
+struct retrying_policy_fut_tag {};
+template <class Policy>
+struct retrying_policy_traits {
+ using result = std::result_of_t<Policy(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>;
+ using is_raw = std::is_same<result, bool>;
+ using is_fut = std::is_same<result, Future<bool>>;
+ using tag = typename std::conditional<
+ is_raw::value,
+ retrying_policy_raw_tag,
+ typename std::conditional<is_fut::value, retrying_policy_fut_tag, void>::
+ type>::type;
+template <class Policy, class FF, class Prom>
+void retryingImpl(size_t k, Policy&& p, FF&& ff, Prom prom) {
+ using F = typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type;
+ using T = typename F::value_type;
+ auto f = makeFutureWith([&] { return ff(k++); });
+ f.then([k,
+ prom = std::move(prom),
+ pm = std::forward<Policy>(p),
+ ffm = std::forward<FF>(ff)](Try<T>&& t) mutable {
+ if (t.hasValue()) {
+ prom.setValue(std::move(t).value());
+ return;
+ }
+ auto& x = t.exception();
+ auto q = pm(k, x);
+ q.then([k,
+ prom = std::move(prom),
+ xm = std::move(x),
+ pm = std::move(pm),
+ ffm = std::move(ffm)](bool shouldRetry) mutable {
+ if (shouldRetry) {
+ retryingImpl(k, std::move(pm), std::move(ffm), std::move(prom));
+ } else {
+ prom.setException(std::move(xm));
+ };
+ });
+ });
+template <class Policy, class FF>
+typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
+retrying(size_t k, Policy&& p, FF&& ff) {
+ using F = typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type;
+ using T = typename F::value_type;
+ auto prom = Promise<T>();
+ auto f = prom.getFuture();
+ retryingImpl(
+ k, std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff), std::move(prom));
+ return f;
+template <class Policy, class FF>
+typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
+retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff, retrying_policy_raw_tag) {
+ auto q = [pm = std::forward<Policy>(p)](size_t k, exception_wrapper x) {
+ return makeFuture<bool>(pm(k, x));
+ };
+ return retrying(0, std::move(q), std::forward<FF>(ff));
+template <class Policy, class FF>
+typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
+retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff, retrying_policy_fut_tag) {
+ return retrying(0, std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff));
+// jittered exponential backoff, clamped to [backoff_min, backoff_max]
+template <class URNG>
+Duration retryingJitteredExponentialBackoffDur(
+ size_t n,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param,
+ URNG& rng) {
+ using d = Duration;
+ auto dist = std::normal_distribution<double>(0.0, jitter_param);
+ auto jitter = std::exp(dist(rng));
+ auto backoff = d(d::rep(jitter * backoff_min.count() * std::pow(2, n - 1)));
+ return std::max(backoff_min, std::min(backoff_max, backoff));
+template <class Policy, class URNG>
+std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+ size_t max_tries,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param,
+ URNG&& rng,
+ Policy&& p) {
+ return [pm = std::forward<Policy>(p),
+ max_tries,
+ backoff_min,
+ backoff_max,
+ jitter_param,
+ rngp = std::forward<URNG>(rng)](
+ size_t n, const exception_wrapper& ex) mutable {
+ if (n == max_tries) {
+ return makeFuture(false);
+ }
+ return pm(n, ex).then(
+ [n, backoff_min, backoff_max, jitter_param, rngp = std::move(rngp)](
+ bool v) mutable {
+ if (!v) {
+ return makeFuture(false);
+ }
+ auto backoff = detail::retryingJitteredExponentialBackoffDur(
+ n, backoff_min, backoff_max, jitter_param, rngp);
+ return futures::sleep(backoff).then([] { return true; });
+ });
+ };
+template <class Policy, class URNG>
+std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+ size_t max_tries,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param,
+ URNG&& rng,
+ Policy&& p,
+ retrying_policy_raw_tag) {
+ auto q = [pm = std::forward<Policy>(p)](
+ size_t n, const exception_wrapper& e) {
+ return makeFuture(pm(n, e));
+ };
+ return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
+ max_tries,
+ backoff_min,
+ backoff_max,
+ jitter_param,
+ std::forward<URNG>(rng),
+ std::move(q));
+template <class Policy, class URNG>
+std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+ size_t max_tries,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param,
+ URNG&& rng,
+ Policy&& p,
+ retrying_policy_fut_tag) {
+ return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
+ max_tries,
+ backoff_min,
+ backoff_max,
+ jitter_param,
+ std::forward<URNG>(rng),
+ std::forward<Policy>(p));
+} // namespace detail
+template <class Policy, class FF>
+typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff) {
+ using tag = typename detail::retrying_policy_traits<Policy>::tag;
+ return detail::retrying(std::forward<Policy>(p), std::forward<FF>(ff), tag());
+inline std::function<bool(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+retryingPolicyBasic(size_t max_tries) {
+ return [=](size_t n, const exception_wrapper&) { return n < max_tries; };
+template <class Policy, class URNG>
+std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+ size_t max_tries,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param,
+ URNG&& rng,
+ Policy&& p) {
+ using tag = typename detail::retrying_policy_traits<Policy>::tag;
+ return detail::retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
+ max_tries,
+ backoff_min,
+ backoff_max,
+ jitter_param,
+ std::forward<URNG>(rng),
+ std::forward<Policy>(p),
+ tag());
+inline std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
+ size_t max_tries,
+ Duration backoff_min,
+ Duration backoff_max,
+ double jitter_param) {
+ auto p = [](size_t, const exception_wrapper&) { return true; };
+ return retryingPolicyCappedJitteredExponentialBackoff(
+ max_tries,
+ backoff_min,
+ backoff_max,
+ jitter_param,
+ ThreadLocalPRNG(),
+ std::move(p));
+} // namespace futures
+} // namespace folly
-namespace futures {
- * retrying
- *
- * Given a policy and a future-factory, creates futures according to the
- * policy.
- *
- * The policy must be moveable - retrying will move it a lot - and callable of
- * either of the two forms:
- * - Future<bool>(size_t, exception_wrapper)
- * - bool(size_t, exception_wrapper)
- * Internally, the latter is transformed into the former in the obvious way.
- * The first parameter is the attempt number of the next prospective attempt;
- * the second parameter is the most recent exception. The policy returns a
- * Future<bool> which, when completed with true, indicates that a retry is
- * desired.
- *
- * We provide a few generic policies:
- * - Basic
- * - CappedJitteredexponentialBackoff
- *
- * Custom policies may use the most recent try number and exception to decide
- * whether to retry and optionally to do something interesting like delay
- * before the retry. Users may pass inline lambda expressions as policies, or
- * may define their own data types meeting the above requirements. Users are
- * responsible for managing the lifetimes of anything pointed to or referred to
- * from inside the policy.
- *
- * For example, one custom policy may try up to k times, but only if the most
- * recent exception is one of a few types or has one of a few error codes
- * indicating that the failure was transitory.
- *
- * Cancellation is not supported.
- *
- * If both FF and Policy inline executes, then it is possible to hit a stack
- * overflow due to the recursive nature of the retry implementation
- */
-template <class Policy, class FF>
-typename std::result_of<FF(size_t)>::type
-retrying(Policy&& p, FF&& ff);
- * generic retrying policies
- */
-std::function<bool(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries);
-template <class Policy, class URNG>
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param,
- URNG&& rng,
- Policy&& p);
-std::function<Future<bool>(size_t, const exception_wrapper&)>
- size_t max_tries,
- Duration backoff_min,
- Duration backoff_max,
- double jitter_param);
-} // namespace
+} // namespace folly
#include <atomic>
#include <vector>
-#include <folly/futures/Future.h>
+#include <folly/futures/Retrying.h>
#include <folly/portability/GTest.h>
#include <folly/portability/SysResource.h>
#include "TestExecutor.h"